Using QMF

Canceling a running query

You might want to cancel a query while it is running. For example, you might realize that your query will take too long to run. While a query is running, a database status panel like the one in Figure 52 shows you the relative "cost" for your query in terms of computer resources.

Figure 52. The Database Status panel

|                       DATABASE STATUS PANEL                                    |
|                                                                                |
|   Your request is currently being processed by the Database Manager.           |
|                                                                                |
|       The relative cost estimate for your request is: 1                        |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

Canceling a query using the QMF command interrupt

To cancel a query using the QMF Command Interrupt:

  1. While the Database Status panel displays, press the PA1 key.

    See your QMF administrator if you need help finding this key on your terminal.

    The following message displays:

    DSQ50465 QMF command interrupted!  Clear screen and press ENTER.
  2. Press the Clear function key.
  3. Press Enter.

    The QMF Command Interrupt panel displays, as shown in Figure 53.

    Figure 53. The QMF Command Interrupt panel

    |DSQ50547 QMF command interrupted!    Do one of the following:                   |
    |==> To continue QMF command,     type  CONT                                     |
    |==> To cancel QMF command,       type  CANCEL                                   |
    |==> To enter QMF debug,          type  DEBUG                                    |
  4. On the QMF command line, enter CANCEL.

QMF cancels the query.

Canceling a query by using the QMF governor prompt panel

Your installation might have a governor interrupt routine that automatically attempts to cancel a query that takes a long time to run or tries to retrieve too many rows. If a QMF Governor Prompt panel similar to the one in Figure 54 displays while you are trying to run a query, follow the instructions on the panel to cancel the query or continue.

If you continue, the QMF governor can still cancel your command.

Figure 54. The Governor Prompt panel

|DSQnnnnn QMF governor prompt:                                                   |
|         Command has executed for xxxxxxxxx minutes                             |
|         and fetched yyyyyyyy rows of data.                                     |
|                                                                                |
|==> To continue QMF command                                                     |
|          press the "ENTER" key.                                                |
|==> To cancel QMF command                                                       |
|          type "CANCEL" and then press the ENTER key.                           |
|==> To turn off prompting                                                       |
|          type "NONPROMPT" then press the ENTER key.                            |

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