Use FORM.OPTIONS to adjust the appearance of your report.

Area  J  on FORM.MAIN (OUTLINE and DEFAULT BREAK TEXT-- pageFORM.MAIN) specifies two options that affect the overall appearance of a report. What you specify in that area of FORM.MAIN is reflected on FORM.OPTIONS. Similarly, some of what you specify on FORM.OPTIONS is reflected on FORM.MAIN.

    What do you want for
 A Detail spacing?                                ===> 1
 B Line wrapping width?                           ===> NONE
 C Report text line width?                        ===> DEFAULT
 D Number of fixed columns in report?             ===> NONE
    Do you want
 E Outlining for break columns?                   ===> YES
 F Default break text (*)?                        ===> YES
 G Function name in column heading when grouping? ===> YES
 H Column wrapped lines kept on a page?           ===> YES
 I Across summary column?                         ===> YES
 J Automatic reordering of report columns?        ===> NO
 K Page renumbering at the highest break level?   ===> NO
    Do you want separators for
 L Column heading? ===> YES      M Break summary? ===> YES
 N Across heading? ===> YES      O Final summary? ===> YES
 1=Help        2=Check     3=End     4=Show        5=Chart       6=Query
 7=            8=          9=       10=           11=           12=Report
 OK, FORM.OPTIONS is displayed.
 COMMAND ===>                                            SCROLL ===> PAGE
 A  Detail spacing?
Reports: Select spacing between tabular data lines or detail blocks. The spacing within detail block text is not affected. The value can be any number from 1 through 999. The default is single spacing with no blank line between each block of text.

The Blank Lines after Block option on the FORM.DETAIL panel (pageFORM.DETAIL) also affects the spacing between detail blocks.

 B  Line wrapping width?
Reports: Specify whether the columns in a report are to be wrapped, and if so, at what width. The value for this entry can be any number from 1 through 999 or the word NONE. The default is NONE, indicating that the lines in a report are not to be wrapped.

Lines cannot be wrapped in ACROSS reports or reports with column wrapping. Detail heading text and detail block text are not wrapped. They are truncated at the report text line width. However, if the value for report text width is DEFAULT, and the line wrapping width is not NONE, the detail heading text and detail block text are truncated at the line wrapping width.

If the value in this entry area is greater than the print width, the data in the columns of a report is truncated on the right.

If you want line wrapping (that is, the detail lines in a report begin on one line and continue on one or more subsequent lines), type a number in this entry area to indicate the maximum width of the lines of data you want in the report. As many whole columns as possible are positioned across the report. Any remaining columns are placed on one or more subsequent lines of the report. All wrapped lines begin with the column indent, then include the tabular data.

If a column and its indent are too wide to fit within the line wrapping width specified, a new line does not begin for the column and the column is cut off on the right.

Only column headings, tabular data, and column summaries are wrapped when you specify a width. All other data in the report is formatted as usual.

Following is part of a report with line wrapping (at a width of 35) and tabular data line spacing of 2.

                ID  NAME         DEPT  JOB
            ------  ---------  ------  -----
             YEARS      SALARY        COMM
            ------  ----------  ----------
               160  MOLINARE       10  MGR
                 7    22959.20           -
               210  LU             10  MGR
                10    20010.00           -
               240  DANIELS        10  MGR
                 5    19260.25           -
 C  Report text line width?
Reports: Specify the width of the final text, detail heading text, detail block text, and break text in a report. The values in this entry area can be DEFAULT, COLUMNS, or any number from 1 through 999999.
Break footing text and final footing text use the full width of all columns up to the first summary column as indicated in FORM.COLUMNS and FORM.MAIN.
All text areas use the full width of all columns as indicated in FORM.COLUMNS and FORM.MAIN. (This option is the same as DEFAULT for detail heading text and detail block text.)
A number from 0 through 999999
The width in characters for all text types. 0 indicates that no text is formatted.
 D  Number of fixed columns in report?
Reports: Specify the number of columns that remain in place when you scroll reports horizontally on the screen. When fixed columns are specified, the report is divided into a fixed area and a scrollable area. For printed reports of more than one page, fixed columns are repeated on the left side of each page. The scrollable area of a printed report refers to the area that changes during page splitting.

The value can be any number from 1 through 999 or the default NONE.

If the number specified is greater than the number of columns in the report, all columns are fixed. Columns with OMIT usages are not counted as fixed columns.

Fixed columns can be used with column reordering (SEQ). If the columns were reordered and you select a number of columns, n, as fixed columns, the first n columns of the new order are the fixed columns. This applies to automatic reordering and user reordering.

The fixed column area of a report can affect the text of the report. The portions of break, detail, and final text that are within the fixed area are repeated on the left side of any printed pages of the report. The portion of break, detail, and final text that are within the scrollable area appear on the first page of a printed report, but do not appear on subsequent pages when page splitting occurs.

Page heading and footing text are not affected by fixed column settings in either displayed or printed reports.

Fixed columns can conflict with other report options. You cannot use line wrapping with fixed columns (see  B Line wrapping width? on page***). Also, if the total width of all fixed columns in a report is greater than the displayable screen width, both the displayed and printed versions of the report are affected. For displayed reports, you can scroll the report up and down, but you cannot scroll it to the left or right. For printed reports, this message is displayed:

The report cannot be printed; the fixed area is
too wide.
 E  Outlining for break columns?
Reports: If you assigned a usage code of BREAK to one of your columns, use this entry area to determine whether the value in the BREAK column is to be displayed only when the value changes or on every line in a report.
Displays the value in the BREAK column only when the value changes.
Displays the value in the BREAK column on every tabular data line in the report.

Outlining begins at the top of a page. The value is printed at the top of a page even if it has not changed from the bottom line of the previous page.

 F  Default break text (*)?
Reports: If a report contains breaks for which you did not indicate break footing text, use this entry area to specify whether to generate break footing text to mark the BREAK aggregation line.

The default break text consists of one asterisk for the highest numbered break level text, two asterisks for the next-highest numbered break level text, and so on.

 G  Function name in column heading when grouping?
Reports: If a report has combined data (for example, as a result of summing a column) and you use the usage code GROUP to suppress the tabular data lines, this entry area determines the heading of the aggregated column.
Displays a word indicating the type of aggregation as part of the column heading.
Suppresses the aggregation name in the column heading.

Charts: If you use YES for charts, the function name appears in the legend on a chart. NO is recommended.

 H  Column wrapped lines kept on a page?
Reports: If you specified column wrapping for one or more columns in a report, this entry area determines whether the wrapped columns can be split between two pages.
Unless the wrapped column is longer than the page depth.
Allows wrapped columns to be split between pages if necessary.
 I  Across summary column?
Reports: Specify whether to display the automatically generated across summary column. Across summary column produces additional columns that summarize (total) across the specified columns.

In the following ACROSS report, you can read the lines for departments 10 through 84 across to see the average salary for each job and the department average in the last column. The job salary averages are under the final summary separators at the bottom of each column.

              <---------------- JOB ----------------->
              <- CLERK -->  <-- MGR --->  <- SALES -->  <- TOTAL -->
                AVERAGE       AVERAGE       AVERAGE       AVERAGE
     DEPT       SALARY        SALARY        SALARY        SALARY
   ------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
       10                    20865.86                    20865.86
       15      12383.35      20659.80      16502.83      15482.33
       20      13878.68      18357.50      18171.25      16071.53
       38      12482.25      17506.75      17407.15      15457.11
       42      11007.25      18352.80      18001.75      14592.26
       51      13914.90      21150.00      18555.50      17218.16
       66      10988.00      18555.50      18844.23      17215.24
       84      13030.50      19818.00      16649.25      16536.75
             ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========
               12612.61      19805.80      17869.36      16675.64

The across summary column is displayed to the right of the columns in a report.

It is possible to get two data lines per summary in any across report for which at least one column has a usage of PCT, CPCT, or CSUM. However, this only happens if the across summary column and final summary are both present or both absent in the report.

When two data lines per summary are returned, the second summary data line contains values only in those columns for which PCT, CPCT, or CSUM is specified. In such columns, the value in the first line is the summary value for that subcategory relative to the ACROSS-across (group) total. The value in the second line is the summary value for that subcategory relative to the ACROSS-down (subcategory) total.

When the across summary column is omitted (on FORM.OPTIONS), the ACROSS-across values are also omitted and only one line is formatted per group (with the one line containing the ACROSS-down values).

When the final summary is omitted (on FORM.FINAL), the ACROSS-down values are omitted and only one line is formatted per group (with the one line containing the ACROSS-across values).

Charts: Only one of the two possible across summary lines of data can be transferred to the ICU. Charts cannot display both lines of data. If two values exist for a column in each group, the value on the second line (ACROSS-down) is the value that is passed to the ICU and shows on the chart.

You can force the ACROSS-across values to be charted if the final summary is omitted. This causes the ACROSS-down values to be omitted.

 J  Automatic reordering of report columns?
Reports: Specify whether the columns in a report are automatically reordered when you specify a usage of BREAKn, GROUP, or one of the aggregating functions (such as AVERAGE, COUNT, FIRST, LAST, MAXIMUM, MINIMUM, STDEV, SUM, CPCT, CSUM, PCT, TPCT, or TCPCT).

The default is NO. The columns are not automatically reordered. They appear in a report in the order in which they are shown on FORM.MAIN or FORM.COLUMNS--even if you use a usage code of BREAKn, GROUP, or one of the aggregating functions. If you specify YES, the columns are reordered according to the following rules:

If you use ACROSS as a usage, the value in this entry area is ignored because the purpose of an ACROSS report is defeated if the columns cannot be reordered.

Charts: If automatic reordering of report columns is set to YES, it can have an effect on which Y data column is selected for the X-axis in a chart. The following conditions must be met for automatic column reordering to have an effect:

If these conditions are met, the aggregated columns are moved from the left side of the report to the far right. For example, suppose that YEARS originally appeared on the left side of your report; therefore, the YEARS column was plotted on the X-axis when you displayed your chart. (You did not specify GROUP or BREAK to select data columns for the X-axis.)

Additionally, suppose you decide to use the aggregation function of AVERAGE with YEARS; the YEARS column now moves to the far right of the report. Because it is no longer the leftmost column, it is not plotted on the X-axis of your chart. The column that now appears at the left of your report is plotted on the X-axis.

 K  Page renumbering at the highest break level?
Reports: Specify whether a printed report begins a new page beginning with the number 1 whenever the value in the control column with the highest break level changes. The highest break level is the one with the lowest number. This option affects only printed reports, because QMF treats online reports as one long page.

Use the default for this option, NO, to indicate that you do not want to restart the numbering of a report whenever the value in the highest level break column changes; enter YES in this entry area to start page renumbering. If you indicate YES, that value is ignored unless you use at least one BREAK usage on the form and enter YES in the New Page for Break entry area on the corresponding FORM.BREAKn panel.

 L  Column heading?
Reports: Specify whether the dashed lines that separate the column headings from the tabular data lines in the report are to be displayed.
 M  Break summary?
Reports: Specify whether the equal signs that separate the break summary from the break member lines are to be displayed.
 N  Across heading?
Reports: Specify whether the dashed lines and arrows that mark columns in across reports are to be displayed.
 O  Final summary?
Reports: Specify whether the equal signs that separate the final summary from the body of the report are to be displayed.
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