Nonentry Areas

Total Width of Report Columns
Reports: This area shows the character width of the columns of the report.

You cannot change this area directly. But when you change INDENT, WIDTH, or edit codes for a column, or use a usage code of OMIT or ACROSS, the new total width of the report columns (in characters) appears after the colon.

If you use an edit code of G with DBCS data, each double-byte character counts as two positions. For more information about calculating the width of a column containing DBCS data, see Using QMF .

If you use the usage code ACROSS, the width appears as an algebraic expression of the form: a + (N × b).

A constant value
An unknown that stands for the number of sets of columns that are duplicated across the page, one set for each distinct value in the ACROSS column.
The width of each group of columns
Reports: This area shows the number of each column in the order in which it was selected by the query that was run. You cannot change this area, but you can change the order of your columns by using the SEQ entry area.

You can tell QMF which column you want to use as a substitution variable by using the column number. For example, &6 refers to the sixth column selected by the query, even though it might not appear in the sixth position of the report.

Usually, columns appear on the report from left to right in order by their sequence numbers. However, when you use BREAK, GROUP, or an aggregation function on FORM.MAIN or FORM.COLUMNS and specify YES for Automatic reordering of report columns? on FORM.OPTIONS, QMF automatically reorders the columns in a report.

With automatic column reordering, if you use one or more of the BREAK codes as a usage, the control columns are moved to the left of the report. They appear there in order by their BREAK code numbers.

Also, columns whose usage is one of the aggregating usages (AVERAGE, COUNT, FIRST, LAST, CALCid, MAXIMUM, MINIMUM, STDEV, SUM, CPCT, CSUM, PCT, TPCT, or TCPCT) are moved to the right of the report and appear there in order by their column numbers.

For more information about width and order of columns, see  C Report text line width (page***) and  J Automatic reordering of report columns (page***).

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