Creating charts in QMF

Certain entry areas on the form panels determine what appears on a chart, such as chart headings, legends, axis labels, and data plotted on the X- and Y-axes. However, not all entry areas on all panels affect charts. The descriptions of the form panels (beginning with FORM.MAIN) point out both those panels and panel entry areas that affect charts and how these panels can be modified.

Table 6 lists some common additions or changes that alter your chart within QMF, and lists the appropriate form panel (or panels) you should normally use.

Table 6. Chart Alieration panel quick reference
To Add or Change: Use the Form Panel:
Legend labels (Y data column headings) MAIN, COLUMNS
X-axis data labels (BREAK or GROUP columns) MAIN, COLUMNS
Y-axis data (numeric data columns) MAIN, COLUMNS
Chart heading (page heading) MAIN, PAGE
Vertical position of chart heading PAGE
Function name in legend label OPTIONS
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