Examples of IXF

Assume the same table shown in the example on page *** (which was exported using the QMF format) is now exported using the IXF format (with OUTPUTMODE=CHARACTER):

___ ________ ______
10  SANDERS    -
20  PERNAL   612.45

The exported file, data set, or CICS data queue consists of a total of seven records; an H record, a T record, three C records, and two D records as shown:

HIXF0000QMF   V7R1M01998120409560000005N
T18                          database         CCI00003
C02ID                NYNR50000000          000002                      00
C04NAME              YYNR44800000     00009000008                      00
C04COMM              YYNR48400000     00702000023                      00
D      00010 00007SANDERSxx-
D      00020 00006PERNALxxx  00612.45

Unprintable binary characters are shown as x's. Figure 71 gives more detailed information about these records.

Figure 71. Format of sample IXF records (OUTPUTMODE=CHARACTER)
A chart showing the format of sample IXF records where
 the output mode= character. Included are header, table, and column records.

Now suppose the same table is exported using the IXF format but with OUTPUTMODE=BINARY. As in the previous example, the exported file, data set, or CICS data queue consists of seven records which are shown here:

HIXF0000QMF   V7R1M01998120409565000005N
T18                           database        CMI00003
C02ID                NYNR50000000          000003                      00
C04NAME              YYNR44800000     00009000005                      00
C04COMM              YYNR48400000     00702000018                      00
D    xxxxxxxxSANDERSxxxxxxxx
D    xxxxxxxxPERNALxxxxxxxxx

With the exception of bytes 44 through 49 (starting position of column data), the information in the H, T, and C records is essentially the same. The data in the D records, however, differs significantly. Figure 72 contains more information about the records of the exported file, data set, or CICS data queue.

Figure 72. Format of sample IXF records (OUTPUTMODE=BINARY)
Chart of format of sample IXF records where outputmode
=  binary. Included are two data records in hexidecimal notation
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