Assume the same table shown in the example on page *** (which was exported using the QMF format) is now exported using the IXF format (with OUTPUTMODE=CHARACTER):
ID NAME COMM ___ ________ ______ 10 SANDERS - 20 PERNAL 612.45
The exported file, data set, or CICS data queue consists of a total of seven records; an H record, a T record, three C records, and two D records as shown:
HIXF0000QMF V7R1M01998120409560000005N T18 database CCI00003 C02ID NYNR50000000 000002 00 C04NAME YYNR44800000 00009000008 00 C04COMM YYNR48400000 00702000023 00 D 00010 00007SANDERSxx- D 00020 00006PERNALxxx 00612.45
Unprintable binary characters are shown as x's. Figure 71 gives more detailed information about these records.
Now suppose the same table is exported using the IXF format but with OUTPUTMODE=BINARY. As in the previous example, the exported file, data set, or CICS data queue consists of seven records which are shown here:
HIXF0000QMF V7R1M01998120409565000005N T18 database CMI00003 C02ID NYNR50000000 000003 00 C04NAME YYNR44800000 00009000005 00 C04COMM YYNR48400000 00702000018 00 D xxxxxxxxSANDERSxxxxxxxx D xxxxxxxxPERNALxxxxxxxxx
With the exception of bytes 44 through 49 (starting position of column data), the information in the H, T, and C records is essentially the same. The data in the D records, however, differs significantly. Figure 72 contains more information about the records of the exported file, data set, or CICS data queue.