Format of column data by data type

Table 30 shows the length and format of column data in D records for each data type for both character and binary formats. In the table, IXFCLENG refers to the contents of bytes 39-43 of a C record (length of column data).

Table 30. Format of IXF column data by data type
Data Type Code Data Type Data Length Information Character Format Data Length Information Binary Format
384 DATE The value in IXFCLENG is not significant. The length (10 bytes) is inherent in the data type.

The format is:


where yyyy represents the year, mm the month, and dd the day. yyyy, mm, and dd must be numeric characters. Leading zeroes cannot be omitted. The allowable range for yyyy is 0001-9999; for mm, 01-12. The dd range depends on the month. Examples:

Same as character format
388 TIME The value in IXFCLENG is not significant. The length (8 bytes) is inherent in the data type.

The format is:

where hh represents the hour in 24-hour format, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. hh, mm, and ss must all be numeric characters. Leading zeroes can not be omitted. Allowable ranges are:

  • 00 - 23 for hh
  • 00 - 59 for mm
  • 00 - 59 for ss

The special value 24.00.00 for midnight is valid. Examples:

10.37.42 is 10:37:42 AM
08.00.00 is 8 AM exactly
23.30.00 is 11:30 PM
Same as character format
392 TIMESTAMP The value in IXFCLENG is not significant. The length (26 bytes) is inherent in the data type.

The format is:


where yyyy is the year, the first mm is the month, dd is the day, hh is hour in 24 hour format, the second mm is minutes, ss is seconds, and nnnnnn is microseconds. Valid ranges for year, month, day, hour, minutes, and seconds are the same as the DATE and TIME data types. nnnnnn can be 000000-999999. Examples:

  (the last microsecond
  in 1997)
  (the first microsecond
  in 1998) is valid for the time portion of a time stamp.

Same as character format
448 VARCHAR IXFCLENG is the maximum length of character string. Data length consists of N bytes indicated by IXFCLENG preceded by a 5-byte character count field. (The allowable range for N is 0-254 and for the count field it is 0-N). The number of characters indicated by the count field are valid; the rest are meaningless. Example:
Data format is:
where each x is a blank character (X'40').
IXFCLENG is the maximum length of character string. Data length consists of N bytes indicated by IXFCLENG preceded by a 2-byte binary count field. (The allowable range for N is 1-254 and for the count field 0-N). The number of characters indicated by the count field are valid; the rest are meaningless. Example:
Data format is:
where nn=X'0005' and each x is a blank character (X'40').
452 CHAR IXFCLENG is length of character string. Data length is indicated by N bytes of IXFCLENG. (Allowable range for N is 1-254). Example:
Data format is: JONES
where JONES is the 5-byte character string pointed to by bytes 44-49 of the C record.
Same as character format
456 LONG VARCHAR Same as VARCHAR, except that allowable range for N is 0-32767 Same as character format
464 VARGRAPHIC IXFCLENG is the maximum number of double-byte characters (2×N bytes). Data length consists of a 5-byte character count field, plus twice the number of bytes indicated by IXFCLENG, plus 2 (for shift characters). The number of 2-byte characters in the count field are valid plus a shift-out (X'0E') immediately preceding the data, and a shift-in (X'0F') immediately following the data. The rest can be meaningless. (Allowable range for N is 1-127 and for the count field 0-N.) Example:

If IXFCLENG = 00006 data format is:


where o is shift-out, i is shift-in, and each x is a blank character (X'40').

Data length consists of a 2-byte binary count field followed by twice the number of bytes indicated by IXFCLENG. The allowable range for IXFCLENG is 1-127, and for the count field 0-IXFCLENG. The number of 2-byte characters in the count field are valid. There are no surrounding shift-out and shift-in characters. The rest can be meaningless. Example:

If IXFCLENG = 00008 data format is:


where nn=X'0004' and each x is a blank character (X'40').

468 GRAPHIC IXFCLENG is the number of double byte characters (2*N bytes). Data length is 2*N bytes plus a shift out (X'0E') immediately preceding the data, and a shift-in (X'0F') immediately following the data. Example:
Data format is:
where o is shift-out and i is shift-in.
Same as character format except that there are no surrounding shift-in and shift-out characters in the data string. Example:
Data format is:
472 LONG VARGRAPHIC Same as VARGRAPHIC, except that the allowable range for N is 0-16383. Same as character format.
480 FLOAT The value in IXFCLENG is 8. The length and format of data is inherent in the data type:

Data consists of a 23-byte character value arranged as follows:

  • 1 character for sign
  • 18 characters for mantissa (17 digits and a decimal point)
  • The character E
  • 3-character signed exponent


The value in IXFCLENG is 8. The length and format of data is inherent in the data type:

Data consists of an 8-byte floating point value in standard IBM S/370 format for long floating point.

484 DECIMAL Bytes 39-43 of the C record represent the precision P (first 3 bytes) and scale S (next 2 bytes) of the number. Allowable range for P is 0- 15. S can be any value less than or equal to P.

Data is formatted as a P+2 byte character value (or P+1 bytes if S=0), right-justified, with the first byte reserved for a sign, and a decimal point (position implied by S) present only if S is not equal to zero. Examples:

If P=005, S=00;
Data format is: 12345
If P=006, S=02;
Data format is: +2345.10
If P=004, S=03;
Data format is: -8.515
Bytes 39-43 of the C record represent the precision P (first 3 bytes) and scale S (next 2 bytes) of the number. Allowable range for P is 0-15. S can be any value less than or equal to P.

Data consists of a (P+2)/2 byte packed decimal value in standard IBM S/370 packed decimal format, with S of the P digits interpreted as following the implied decimal point. Examples:

If P=005, S=00;
Data format is:
If P=006, S=02;
Data format is:
496 INTEGER The value in IXFCLENG is not significant. The length and format of data is inherent in the data type.

Data consists of an 11-byte character value, right-justified, with the first character reserved for a sign. Examples:

The value in IXFCLENG is not significant. The length and format of data is inherent in the data type.

Data consists of a 4-byte binary value.

500 SMALLINT The value in IXFCLENG is not significant. The length and format of data is inherent in the data type.

Data consists of a 6-byte character value, right-justified, with the first character reserved for a sign. Examples:

The value in IXFCLENG is not significant. The length and format of data is inherent in the data type.

Data consists of a 2-byte binary value.

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