Specifications for externalized QMF objects

Table 14 contains specifications for TSO and CMS IMPORT and EXPORT files.

For CICS, record sizes are the same as those indicated in Table 14; however, they are not enforced. For example, you could import an SQL query from a temporary storage queue with a record size of 32k and QMF would truncate it to 79 bytes.

Record format is not a factor for CICS temporary storage or transient data queues. A temporary storage queues holds records without regard to their format. A transient data queue is defined to a destination control table (DCT) and ignores the record format.

Queue names are user generated and have no default prefix or suffix. CICS TS queue names are 8 bytes. TD queue names are 4 bytes.

Table 14. File and data set attributes
Object Reord Size Record format (CMS/TSO)
Data or table (QMF format) Maximum size: 7,000 bytes Records must be fixed length
Data or table (IXF format) Maximum size: 32,756 (see note 2) The minimum LRECL that QMF accepts for an IXF file, data set, or CICS data queue during import is 49 bytes. Records must be variable length
Prompted query Maximum: 7,290 bytes

Minimum: 266 bytes on EXPORT; 41 bytes on IMPORT.

Records must be variable length on EXPORT; can be either fixed or variable on IMPORT.
SQL query Must be 79 bytes on EXPORT; must be less than 256 bytes on IMPORT, but is truncated to 79 bytes. Records must be fixed length on EXPORT; can be either fixed or variable on IMPORT.
QBE query Must be 1,024 bytes (see note 3). Records must be variable length.
Form Maximum: 7,290 bytes

Minimum: 161 bytes on EXPORT; 23 bytes on IMPORT.

Records must be variable length on EXPORT; can be either fixed or variable on IMPORT.
Proc Must be 79 bytes on EXPORT; can be any size on IMPORT, but is truncated to 79 bytes. Records must be fixed length on EXPORT; can be either fixed or variable on IMPORT.
Report Maximum: 7,290 bytes

Minimum: 65 bytes

Records must be variable length.
HTML Report Maximum: 32,000 bytes Records must be variable length.
  1. You must specify a name for your file, data set, or CICS data queuein the EXPORT or IMPORT command. For more information about names, see QMF Reference.
  2. The minimum LRECL for an exported form that includes defined columns is 161 bytes. This minimum accommodates Version 3.2 enhancements to QMF forms, including column heading alignment, column data alignment, column definition expression, and information about passing nulls. If the form does not contain column definition information, the minimum LRECL for CMS is 113 bytes.
  3. An empty QBE query is 828 bytes.
  4. Record size is normally the length of a row of data in the table being exported (including space for null indicators and DBCS delimiters), plus the length of the IXF D-type record count field (5 bytes). If the record size derived from the row length is less than the length of the longest IXF header record (81 bytes), then the record size is set to 81 bytes.
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