Rules and considerations when using CICS queues

  1. In CICS, both IMPORT and EXPORT require that you specify the QUEUETYPE option. There is no default.
  2. When importing an object from a transient data (TD) queue in CICS, you must specify the correct object type; the queue is emptied once QMF retrieves its contents. For example, if you specify "Form" when the object type in the transient data queue is a procedure, QMF issues an error message. However, you cannot successfully issue the IMPORT command again (even with the corrected object type) using the same queue, because that queue is now empty.
  3. In CICS, the transient data or temporary storage (TS) queue must contain a single, completed QMF object before you issue the IMPORT command.
  4. If you export to a transient data queue, the queue must be open, enabled and empty before you issue the EXPORT command. For information about CICS transient data queues, see CICS for VSE/ESA Application Programming Guide


QMF handles CICS transient data queues differently than temporary storage queues.

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