Data and table objects

When you run a query, QMF displays the result in a report that you can export as either a data object or report object. When you export the report object, the object maintains the format of the data specified in its form object. When you export the report object as an HTML report, it is packaged with appropriate HTML 3.0 coding. You can put the report on a web server for display on the World Wide Web. QMF data and table objects are exported in the form of raw data. See Report objects for details on the report object.

The raw data for the tabular display is stored in the temporary storage area as a data object. Relational tables and views stored in the database are referred to as table objects. The exported formats of a table in temporary storage (DATA) and a table stored in the database (TABLE) are identical. An object exported as data can be imported as a table, and vice versa.

Data and table objects can be exported in QMF format or Integrated Exchange Format (IXF).

You can specify either DATAFORMAT=QMF or DATAFORMAT=IXF on your EXPORT command to tell QMF the export format you want. The QMF format is the default. The QMF format is described in QMF format for data.

IXF has two formats: binary and character, which are described in Binary versus character. The IXF format is described in Appendix C. Integrated Exchange Format (IXF).

You can create your own tables in a &file by specifying the QMF or IXF format and importing the file, data set, or CICS data queuethat contains the data you need. Include the required fields and add your own data as appropriate. Then import this file, data set, or CICS data queue into QMF as a table object. Here is an example of a command to import a file, data set, or CICS data queue into the database as a table object:


For more information about the EXPORT and IMPORT commands, see QMF Reference . CICS/VSE users should read Rules and considerations when using CICS queues.

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