Translate, assemble, and link-edit the QMF-supplied governor

DSQ1EGLK performs the translate, assemble, and link-edit for the QMF-supplied governor.

  2. Verify that the installation parameters in the instream procedure of the job, and the job steps, match your tailoring specifications.
    //DSQ1EGLK PROC SUFFIX=1$,        CICS ASM Translator suffix
    //      QMFTPRE='QMF720 ',         DSN Prefix for QMF product
    //      CMACS='CICS.MACLIB',      Name of CICS MACLIB
    //      CLOAD='CICS.LOADLIB',     Name of CICS LOADLIB
    //      A=,                        A=A for CICS Aligned MAP
    //      ASMBLR=IEV90,             Assembler Program Name
    //      REG=4096K,                Job step region
    //      OUTC='*',                 Print SYSOUT class
    //      WORK='SYSDA'              Work unit
  3. Submit QMF720.QMFSAMPE(DSQ1EGLK).
  4. Check for a return code of 0 on all jobs except LINKPROG, which can have a return code of 4. If the return code is not 0 or 4, correct the problem and rerun the job.
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