Specifying the job card

The panel displayed in Figure 15 is the last panel for the P option, installation parameters.

Figure 15. Job card
 DXYEIN19                    INSTALL QMF -- JOBCARD
 ISPF Command ===>
    Modify the Job cards below to represent your installation requirements.
    The "USER" and "PASSWORD" parameters must be specified in systems using
    RACF.  Since part of this install involves creating objects in DB2, you
    will need DB2 SYSADM authority.  Please see the "QMF Installation Guide
    for OS/390" for more detail.
    If you will be performing the installation in foreground rather than
    batch, and you DO NOT want the batch (JCL) files tailored, enter an
    'X' here:  ===>
    JOB CARD INFORMATION (used for batch (JCL) tailoring)
    ===> //          CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),
    ===> //          USER=Q,PASSWORD=Q
    ===> //*
    PRESS:  ENTER to continue    PF01 for help    PF03  to end

QMF uses this job card information to submit all of the remaining install jobs for your installation. When you complete this panel, you return to the Install QMF -- Main menu. You can review your selections by choosing P, or continue on to tailoring the job.

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