Starting the installation panels

  1. Enter the following:
    TSO EXEC 'prefix.SDSQCLTE(DSQ1EINS)' 'QMFPRE(prefix)'
    where prefix is the QMF target library prefix from your worksheets.

    This process generates one of the following:

    Figure 6. Install main menu
    DXYEIN00                  INSTALL QMF -- MAIN MENU
    ISPF Command ===>
       Currently working on installation into DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem DSN
       You can now re-specify the install parameters, tailor the installation
       files, install QMF with the tailored files in foreground, quit and run
       the tailored install files in batch, or quit and return here later.
       ENTER CHOICE HERE        ===>                ("P" - INPUT PARAMETERS,
                                                     "T" - TAILOR INSTALL FILES,
                                                     "I" - INSTALL IN FOREGROUND,
                                                     "X" - EXIT INSTALL DIALOGS)
       PRESS:  ENTER to continue    PF01 for help    PF03  to end
    You will return to the main install menu, in a looping manner after successfully completing the input parameter. The main menu offers you four options:
    Installation parameters
    Tailor install files

    Tailors all the required install data sets for QMF. This option lets you edit jobs to:

    • Format the QMF GDDM maps and panel file
    • Bind the QMF application plan to DB2 UDB for OS/390
    • Create a SAVE DATA table space (optional)
    • Delete the sample tables (migration installation only)
    • Install the QMF sample tables
    • Tailor the QMF plan ID and DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem name for the QMF callable interface (REXX EXEC DSQSCMDE)
    • Set up the Installation Verification Procedures (IVP)

    If you previously tailored files in SDSQSAPE and SDSQEXCE and want to keep them, back them up before you select the T option, because the input parameter procedures write over that information. This step is described further in Step 2--Tailor the jobs.

    Install in foreground (optional)

    This option lets you submit your jobs in an online environment. You may also choose to submit your jobs manually, as discussed in Submitting QMF Batch Install Jobs.

    Exit install dialogs- to end the series of panels

    Also on this panel, you see the last-used DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem name. You can ignore that DB2 UDB for OS/390 name if you choose the P option, because the DB2 UDB for OS/390 name and other QMF install parameters might be overridden in the subsequent panels. Likewise, you can customize QMF install parameters for an additional DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem by ignoring the DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem name on the panel and proceeding to the next panel by entering P.

  2. Choose the P option to obtain the first parameter input panel.

As you enter the information on each panel, QMF saves your input in the QMF720.SDSQCLTE library under your chosen database name.

If you leave this step before completing the last input parameter panel, your input is not saved. The last panel asks you for job card information used to tailor the installation. If you plan to install in the foreground, rather than through batch, you do not need to provide job card information; just enter x in the indicated spot on the panel.

After you supply the last installation parameter, you return to the main menu. If you want to review or modify the parameters, enter P and proceed through the input panels again. When you are satisfied with your installation parameters, continue with the next step. (If you prefer, you can leave the installation process at this point and return later; your installation parameters are saved.)

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