With QMF Version 7.2, review how you allocate resources for a QMF session, and how you start it. You can run QMF Version 7.2 and a previous version of QMF from the same ISPF session with ISPF LIBDEF. You cannot however, run more than one QMF session at a time or have more than one set of QMF libraries allocated at a time.
You can also use different versions of the database without ending your ISPF session by allocating the your DB2 libraries to DSQLLIB. Then use ISPF LIBDEF to make the libraries that you allocated to DSQLLIB available to ISPF.
With this version of QMF running under ISPF, QMF first looks for a program from DSQLLIB. If the program is not found in DSQLLIB or DSQLLIB is not allocated, QMF looks for a program as it has in past releases.
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