Form application migration aid

If your applications written for earlier versions of QMF refer to break field IDs, you might need to use the form application migration aid to use those applications with QMF Version 7.2.

With the form application migration aid, applications that contain Version 2.4 break numbers can be used with QMF Version 7.2. The form application migration aid does not allow you to export QMF Version 3 FORMs and use them in QMF Version 2.4 or earlier releases.

This aid, shipped with QMF Version 7.2, changes the break numbers in a version 7 form back to those used in early versions. Because the changes to the break field IDs are enough to keep applications from working properly, the object level field in the header record has been changed from 3 to 4. For more information about header records, see the Developing QMF Applications manual.

The form application migration aid runs when a user or application issues the EXPORT FORM command, which automatically triggers a command synonym for the aid. Because it requires REXX execs, the REXX interpreter must be available and QMF must be operating as an ISPF dialog.

Encourage application developers to:

  1. Change applications that reference the break fields of the old numbering scheme to the new field numbers used in QMF Version 3.
  2. Remove the command synonym for the migration aid from command synonym tables when all their applications are changed.

To set up the migration aid, run the following SQL INSERT query on the QMF command synonyms table, Q.COMMAND__SYNONYMS, and any other synonym tables that use the applications requiring the migration aid.

  VALUES ('EXPORT', 'FORM', 'TSO DSQAEF0A', 'Version 7.2 Form Migration Aid')

Delete this entry from your command synonyms tables as soon as you have adjusted your applications to conform to the new externalized form.

Delete this entry with a query such as the following:


In the previous INSERT and DELETE queries, the keywords EXPORT, FORM, and DSQAEF0A are subject to NLS translation, so this query must be translated accordingly.

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