Step 7--Post-installation cleanup

The QMF installation control file, QMFV720n INSTALL, resides on the QMF NLF production disk and contains the DB2 for VM CONNECT password for Q. This file was created in Step 1--Create the QMF NLF installation control file: DSQ2nCTL. Because this file is a potential security exposure, you should edit the installation control file and blank out the password. You may wish to change the DB2 for VM CONNECT password for Q and/or REVOKE DBA authority from Q, especially if you have chosen a non-trivial password for Q during QMF installation.

QMF uses the PROTOCOL (AUTO) option to run SQLINIT exec during Step 5. If the PROTOCOL (AUTO) option is not used at your machine, run SQLINIT to change the default PROTOCOL.

On the CMS command line, enter:


where protocol is SQLDS, AUTO, or DRDA.

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