Step 1--Create the QMF NLF installation control file: DSQ2nCTL

The QMF exec, DSQ2nCTL, prompts you for information required during the NLF installation.

To create the QMF NLF installation control file, perform the following steps:

  1. Access the QMF NLF distribution disk in WRITE mode
  2. Fill in the worksheet shown in Table 31, if you have not already done so.
  3. Run the exec: DSQ2nCTL.


You receive a series of prompts that ask you to supply the information you developed using the worksheet. The prompts vary, depending on the previous level of QMF, if any, installed on your system. (See Step 1--Create QMF installation control file: DSQ2ECTL.)

Anytime during this process, you can enter:

A file named QMFV720n INSTALL is created on your QMF NLF distribution minidisk. This file contains the information you supplied to the previous prompts.

If an installation file already exists from a previous installation, the information you enter is appended to this file and the previous information is deactivated.

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