Step 6--Installing QMF sample objects and application objects: DSQ2ESQD and DSQ2ESQI

After QMF is installed and tested, you can use it to import the sample queries (all saved with SHARE='YES' option), batch IVP procedures, and sample applications. The QMF procedure and queries used to import the sample queries are on the QMF distribution minidisk (documented in the Program Directory ).

If you have a previous version of QMF installed, you must delete those sample queries and procedures before installing QMF Version 7.2 queries and procedures.

Perform the following steps to install the sample queries and procedures:

  1. Start QMF if not already logged on from Step 5--Running IVP for QMF interactive mode : DSQ2EIVP.
  2. If not done in Step 5--Running IVP for QMF interactive mode : DSQ2EIVP, and you are installing on a DB2 for VM server, issue the command:

    where xxx is the password of Q.

    If you are running these jobs to any database other than DB2 for VM, the connect ID at that server must have DBA or SYSADM authority.

  3. If you have a previous version of QMF installed, delete previous sample queries and procedures by importing and running procedure DSQ2ESQD, as follows:

    Press the Run key or issue the RUN PROC command.

  4. Install sample queries and procedures by importing and running procedure DSQ2ESQI, as follows:

    Press the Run key or issue the RUN PROC command.

Restarting the procedure

If a failure occurs during this procedure, correct the error, then run procedure DSQ2ESQD to delete any previously created sample queries. Rerun procedure DSQ2ESQI to install sample queries and procedures.

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