Step 5--Running IVP for QMF interactive mode : DSQ2EIVP

Note: Be sure that you have installed QMF Version 7.2 in the database you are going to use, and that you are connected to that database.

The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) session tests the following:

  1. Initialization for a QMF session
  2. The existence of QMF help panels
  3. Importing of the initial IVP procedure
  4. The existence of QMF control tables
  5. The operation of the QMF database modules
  6. The created table through the SAVE DATA command
  7. The operation of QMF PRINT, EXPORT, IMPORT, and CMS commands
  8. The trace facility
  9. The QMF command interface

The IVP procedures are in the sample files on the production minidisk.

As a result of the IVP:

Step 5A--Test QMF initialization

To run the IVP, first get to the QMF Home Panel using the DSQ2EINV sample invocation exec or your own QMF invocation exec.

During the IVP, you might get QMF error messages; if you do, press the Help key to get additional information.

Step 5B--Test the Help panel

When you have successfully initialized QMF, test for the Help panel. To do this, press the Help key from the home panel. After you are on the Help panel, press the Exit key to take you back to the home panel.

Step 5C--Test the QMF command interface (ISPF only)

To test the QMF command interface, issue the following command:


If this exec runs successfully, your QMF profile is displayed and you receive a confirming message.

Check your profile for the correct values. For example, verify that the DBSPACE value matches what you specified during Step 1--Create QMF installation control file: DSQ2ECTL. If the DBSPACE value is not correct, update your profile to contain the correct value before you continue.

Step 5D--Testing the QMF IVP procedure

If you are running the IVP against QMF installed on a DB2 for VM server, issue the command:


where "xxx" is the value given to the Q CONNECT password when the QMF installation control file is built.

If you are running the IVP to any database other than DB2 for VM, the connect ID at that server must have DBA or SYSADM authority.

Next, issue the command:


Now press the Run key or issue the RUN PROC command to run the procedure. Answer YES to all prompts. If the procedure runs successfully, you get a message indicating this. If the procedure does not run successfully, determine the problem by using the QMF messages and by pressing the Help key to see the message help panels.

Restarting the IVP

The IVP can be restarted from the beginning at any time by importing and running the starting QMF procedure. Follow the procedures from the beginning of this step.

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