The following data base requirements exist for each database that QMF is installed in. The sections that follow describe the items in this list.
There are ten DBSPACEs required for QMF. They are established during installation.
QMF must have a DBSPACE to store user tables created as a result of using the QMF SAVE DATA command. You can use an existing DBSPACE or you can create a new one during the installation of QMF.
There are eight QMF control tables. Each table is created in its own DBSPACE.
There are three QMF catalog views required for the QMF LIST command, enabling users to list database objects that they are authorized to use.
There are nine sample tables that are created in one DBSPACE.
QMF contains several SQL packages that must be loaded into each database into which you install QMF. The packages are loaded after the QMF control tables are created during installation.
DB2 for VM stores tables and indexes in tables within DBSPACEs. A DBSPACE is a logical allocation of space in the database. A DBSPACE holds data in 4,096-byte blocks called pages. QMF requires the use of public DBSPACEs, which allow multiple user access at the same time; any one user can be doing update, insert, or delete functions.
Because you cannot extend DBSPACEs after they are defined, you should overestimate the required number of pages. The penalty for overestimating DBSPACE pages is nominal because the unused DBSPACE pages are not stored. On the other hand, the penalty for underestimating DBSPACE pages can be quite expensive in terms of reorganization activities required to reestablish the data in a larger DBSPACE later.
DBSPACEs must first be created and then acquired for use through the DB2 ACQUIRE DBSPACE command. Because QMF issues the ACQUIRE DBSPACE command, you must be sure you have already created the appropriate DBSPACEs.
The DBSPACEs required by QMF, as well as their contents and default sizes, are shown in Table 27.
DBSPACE Name | Contents | Default Size |
DSQTSCT3 | Q.OBJECT_DATA table | 5120 |
DSQTSPRO | Q.PROFILES table | 128 |
DSQTSLOG | Q.ERROR_LOG table | 128 |
DSQ2STBT | QMF sample tables | 128 |
Example: If you specify PAGES=53, DB2 acquires a block of 128 pages; if you specify PAGES=130, DB2 acquires 256 pages.
To determine how many of the ten DBSPACEs you need to create for your installation, perform these steps:
Note: If you plan to create DBSPACEs while installing QMF, see the discussion in Step 2--Creating DB2 for VM DBSPACEs: DSQ2DBSC. If you need to create additional DBSPACEs after QMF is installed, use the procedures described in DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration
There are eight QMF control tables, each created in its own DB2 for VM DBSPACE. (Separate DBSPACEs improves performance.) The contents of each control table are:
Table | DB space | Contents |
Q.OBJECT_DIRECTORY | DSQTSCT1 | General information on all queries, forms, and procedures in the database |
Q.OBJECT_REMARKS | DSQTSCT2 | Comments that were saved with the queries, forms, and procedures in the database |
Q.OBJECT_DATA | DSQTSCT3 | Text defining the queries, forms, and procedures in the database |
Q.PROFILES | DSQTSPRO | User session profiles |
Q.ERROR_LOG | DSQTSLOG | Information on system, resource, and "unexpected condition" errors |
Q.COMMAND_SYNONYMS | DSQTSSYN | Command synonyms |
Q.RESOURCE_TABLE | DSQTSGOV | Resource and limit values for the QMF governor |
Q.DSQ_RESERVED | DSQTSRDO | The information needed during QMF initialization |
QMF requires the following three catalog views for the QMF LIST command and Prompted Query functions:
The sample tables are placed in DBSPACE DSQ2STBT. The table contents are described in the following list. (Each table provided by QMF contains information on the fictional J & H Supply Company.)
QMF contains SQL packages which must be loaded into each database in which QMF is installed. QMF Version 7.2 access modules contain the DSQD prefix in the SYSTEM.SYSACCESS table. For more information on access modules see DB2 Server for VM System Administration.
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