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User's Guide


Runs a bulk or delta discovery on selected endpoints at selected managed nodes/gateways. The command should only be used if the Tivoli Business Systems Manager Adapter component is installed.


wdmdiscovery [-m {managed_node | @managed_nodes_file | all}] -b

[{-e {endpoint | @endpoints_file} | -a}]

wdmdiscovery [-m {managed_node | @managed_nodes_file | all}] -d

[{-e {endpoint | @endpoints_file} | -a}]


The wdmdiscovery command operates on a selected managed node/gateway, a list of managed nodes/gateways contained in a file or all managed nodes/gateways, and sends a bulk or a delta discovery of an endpoint, a list of endpoints contained in a file or all endpoints, to the Tivoli Business Systems Manager CommonListener.


The discovery is to be bulk, in which all information on all endpoints identified by the -e parameter is returned

The discovery is to be delta, in which information is only returned on endpoints where a change of status has taken place since the previous discovery. The status in this case is the presence or absence of the endpoint in the network. Thus, the delta discovery reports only endpoints that have come alive or have been switched off or are for some other reason unavailable in the network.

{-e {endpoint | @endpoints_file} | -a}
Specifies the endpoints for which information is required. If this option is not used the discovery will be carried out on all endpoints attached to the managed node/gateway from which the command is being run.

The options are as follows:

-e endpoint
An endpoint label.

-e @endpoints_file
A file containing endpoint labels separated by the CR/LF character; the @ symbol is an indicator that a file name follows but the symbol should not form part of the filename.

All endpoints attached to the defined managed nodes/gateways that gave an alive status at the most recent heartbeat monitoring.

-m {managed_node | @managed_nodes_file | all}
Specifies the managed nodes/gateways on which the discovery will be carried out. If this option is not used the discovery is carried out on the managed node/gateway from which the command is being run.

The options are as follows:

The name of the managed node/gateway on which the command is to be performed.

A file containing managed node/gateway names separated by the CR/LF character; the @ symbol is an indicator that a file name follows but the symbol should not form part of the filename.

All managed nodes/gateways in the Tivoli region


Requires the super, senior or admin roles.


  1. The following example carries out a bulk discovery on all alive endpoints of the managed node/gateway MyManagedNode:
    wdmdiscovery -m MyManagedNode -b -a
  2. The following example carries out a bulk discovery on endpoint MyEndpoint of the managed node/gateway MyManagedNode:
    wdmdiscovery -m MyManagedNode -b -e MyEndpoint
  3. The following example carries out a delta discovery on all endpoints of the managed node/gateway MyManagedNode:
    wdmdiscovery -m MyManagedNode -d

See Also




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