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User's Guide


Updates the configuration file of a managed node/gateway.


wdmconfig [-m {managed_node | @managed_nodes_file | all}]

-D key=value [-D key=value] ...


The wdmconfig command operates on one or more selected managed nodes/gateways, and allows you to change the value of any of the configuration keys to the value you require.


-D key=value [key=value]...
Identifies one or more configuration keys to be updated and the new value that each key is to take. At least one key/value pair must be supplied. The keys that can be modified are as follows:

IP address or hostname of the CommonListener component of Tivoli Business Systems Manager, which listens out for messages from the systems being managed. For example: transport.server.ip.address=

Port number of the CommonListener component. For example: transport.server.mqe.port=8082

Working directory that will be used by the adapter. The default, which you are recommended to use, is the Tivoli Monitoring middle layer directory ($DBDIR/dmml)

Filename to which the trace messages from the adapter will be written. The default is dm.trc

Set this to true if you want to store all trace messages regarding the operations of the adapter. The messages are stored in the file identified in trace.filename. The default is false

Set this to true if you want to store all messages regarding the transport of adapter-acquired data to the CommonListener. The messages are stored in the file identified in trace.filename. The default is false

If you have enabled adapter trace messages, set this to low, medium or high, according to the level of details you require. The default is low

If you have enabled adapter trace messages, set this to low, medium or high, according to the level of details you require. The default is low

Set this to true if the managed node/gateway on which the adapter is installed is running Windows NT, 4.0, Service Pack 5; otherwise leave as the default value of false

Specifies the size of the profile distribution trace in bytes; default is 500000 bytes.

Specifies the level of the profile distribution trace from 0 (minimal) to 4 (verbose); the default is 1.

Set this to true if you want to send heartbeat events to the Tivoli Business Systems Manager; otherwise leave as the default value of false.

Set this to true if you want to send heartbeat events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server; otherwise leave as the default value of false.

Set this to true if you want to send heartbeat events to the Tivoli Monitoring notice group; otherwise leave as the default value of false.

Set this to true if you want heartbeat to restart the engine that was stopped abnormally. A heartbeat event is sent, if you configured sending events.

If you have set heartbeat.send_events_to_tec to true, enter here the name of the Tivoli Enterprise Console server.

Specifies the number of threads that the Request Manager uses to handle internal requests. It is aproximately the number of endpoints that can be managed simultaneosly. The value can be tuned depending on the workload of the managed node on which the Request Manager runs. The default value is 10.

Specifies the time interval (in seconds) after which the Request Manager checks if the applications are using the requests that they have submitted. When an application is not using the requests, the Request Manager cancels the requests submitted by the application. The defalut value is 600 seconds.

Specifies the number ("x") of periods allowed for an application to retrieve data. If an application does not receive data during "x" periods, then the Request Manager cancels the request for that application. The default value is 3 periods. This means that, for an application which submitted a request with a refresh time of 10 minutes, if the application is not getting any data for 10*3=30 minutes, then the request gets canceled.

This parameter is set during the installation of the Tivoli Business Systems Manager Adapter (see Installing Tivoli Business Systems Manager Adapter, and you do not normally need to change it manually. However, if, for example, you want to install the adapter on a group of gateways using one instance of the install action/command, you will then need to change this parameter on any gateways in the group that have JRE installed at a location different to that supplied on the Install Options dialog.

Set this parameter to the complete path of the root directory of Java Runtime Environment, 1.3.0 (excluding the directory /bin).

In a Windows NT Workstation, if the install target path contains a directory with spaces in the name, the directory name must be specified between single quotes, as in this example:
D:\'Program Files'\jre

No validation is performed on the values entered against a given key, so you must ensure yourself that they are valid.

-m {managed_node | @managed_nodes_file | all}
Specifies the managed nodes/gateways on which the product configuration will be updated. If this option is not used the product configuration is updated on the managed node/gateway from which the command is being run.

The options are as follows:

The name of the managed node/gateway on which the command is to be performed.

A file containing managed node/gateway names separated by the CR/LF character; the @ symbol is an indicator that a file name follows but the symbol should not form part of the filename.

All managed nodes/gateways in the Tivoli region


Requires the super or senior roles.


The following example updates the configuration at all managed nodes/gateways identified in the file my_nodes1.txt with the ip address and port of the server where the Tivoli Business Systems Manager's CommonListener is to be found

wdmconfig -m @my_nodes1.txt -D transport.server.ip.address= 
-D transport.server.mqe.port=4068

See Also




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