Tivoli Header

User's Guide


Distributes a profile to subscribers.


wdmdistrib -p profile_name [-D MDist2_property=value]... [-e] [-w] [-i] [-J JRE_location_dir] [-d] [-R] [-l][-s subscribers_file] [subscriber...]


This command distributes a profile to subscribers. Four types of subscribers can be specified (see option -s).

Tivoli Monitoring uses Multiplexed Distribution (MDist2) to perform asynchronous profile data transfers. For details on MDist2, see Profile Distribution using MDist2.


-p profile_name
Specifies the name of the profile that is to be distributed.

Specifies that the profile is distributed recursively to all level of subscribers. The default value is false, meaning that the profile is delivered only to the next level of subscribers.

If not specified, the default allows distributions only to the current subscribers of the profile manager to which the profile belongs.

If specified, then the data is disposable, meaning that it can be removed from the repeater depot closer to the endpoint after distribution.

If specified, then error messages should be written to the log file.

If specified, then warning messages should be written to the log file.

If specified, then informational messages should be written to the log file.

-D MDist2_property=value
Sets one or more properties to configure MDist2 for the current distribution; a separate -D must be specified for each property to be configured. Only the following MDist2 properties are supported:

Specifies a description string for the distribution. The default value is the string profile_name(operation), where operation is install.

Specifies the priority level, which is the order in which distributions are handled by repeaters: h (highest priority), m (medium priority), or l (low priority). The default value is m (medium priority).

Specifies the length of time in seconds a repeater will wait for a target system to receive a block of data. This timeout is used to detect network or endpoint failures. This attribute is initially set using the wmdist -s command (the default is 300 seconds). You can override the wmdist -s setting by specifying a different value here.

Specifies the length of time in seconds a repeater will wait for the distribution method at the endpoint to return the distribution results.

The date on which a distribution expires, that is, when it fails for unavailable target systems. It is specified in the format "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm"

-J "JRE_location_dir"
The complete path of the directory where Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is located on the CD-ROM (excluding the platform directory). The path can be included within double quotes.

-s subscribers_file
A file containing the profile's subscriber names, separated by the CR/LF character. Four types of subscriber can be specified, in the following format:

where label is the name of the endpoint, profile manager, application proxy, or application service. Endpoint is the default if no subscriber type is specified.

The name of any subscriber to which the profile is to be distributed. If more than one subscriber is specified, separate the names by blanks. If no subscribers are specified then the profile is distributed to all current subscribers of the profile manager to which the profile belongs. This option must be specified as the last one in the command syntax.


Requires the admin, super, or senior role.


  1. The following example distributes the profile myProfile to the application proxy myProxy and to the endpoint myEndpoint:
    wdmdistrib -p myProfile AppProxy::myProxy myEndpoint
  2. The following example distributes the profile myProfile to the endpoint myEndpoint. The JRE from the CD-ROM drive X in the directory \Tools\Jre will be installed at the endpoint if not present:
    wdmdistrib -p myProfile -J "X:\Tools\Jre" myEndpoint
  3. The following example distributes the profile myProfile, recursively, to the subscribers listed in the subscribersFilename file in the directory myDir on drive D and also to the profile manager myProfileManager:
    wdmdistrib -p myProfile -R -l -s "D:\myDir\subscribersFilename"

See Also


wmdist (see the Tivoli Management Framework Reference manual)

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