Tivoli Header

User's Guide


Stops or restarts Tivoli Monitoring on one or more endpoints, from a managed node/gateway or server.


wdmcmd -restart {-p profile_manager#region | -e endpoint}

wdmcmd -stop {-p profile_manager#region | -e endpoint}


The wdmcmd command stops or restarts the Tivoli Monitoring endpoint engine on all the endpoints that are subscribed to the profile manager if the -p option is used, or only on the endpoints listed if the -e option is used.


-e endpoint
Specifies one or more endpoints by endpoint label: if more than one endpoint label is to be targeted, they should be separated by spaces.

-p profile_manager#region
Specifies the profile manager whose subscribers are the target of the command. The profile manager name must always be fully qualified with the policy region name as shown in the syntax.

If you use this option in conjuction with the -restart option, all the profiles that were distributed to the target endpoints are restarted, including those belonging to other profile managers.

Restarts the endpoint engine on the endpoint or endpoints specified.

Stops the endpoint engine on the endpoint or endpoints specified.


Requires the super, senior or admin roles.


  1. The following example stops all the endpoints that belongs to the profile manager MyProfileManager.
    wdmcmd -stop -p MyProfileManager
  2. The following example restarts the endpoint engine on the endpoints myEP1 and myEP2.
    wdmcmd -restart -e myEP1 myEP2

See Also




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