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User's Guide

Managing Chart Preferences

Use the Chart page of the Preferences view to select the type of chart that is displayed when you click Graph on the Endpoint view, the refresh interval for that chart, and the colors in which that chart displays.

Perform the following steps to manage the Preferences, Chart view:

  1. Log on to display the Preferences view.
  2. Click the Chart tab.
  3. Select a chart from the View Type drop-down list.
  4. Select the refresh interval from the Online chart refresh interval drop-down list.
  5. The color series represents the order in which colors appear in all of the charts. To change a color:
    1. Click the color you want to change to display a color palette containing all of the possible choices.
    2. Specify the color with which you want to replace the selected color.
    3. Click Save.
  6. Click Save to implement the changes.

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