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User's Guide

Managing General Preferences

Perform the following steps to manage the General Preferences view:

  1. Log on to display the Preferences view.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. Select and define the following:

    Refresh Interval
    The number of minutes between automatic updates of the data views. The default interval is 5 minutes. The interval you specify here does not control the rate at which the chart views refresh. Refer to "Managing Chart Preferences" for more information.

    Default view
    The view you want displayed whenever you log in to the Web Health Console. The default is the Endpoint View.

    Optimize cache settings to provide:
    This setting should be changed only by advanced users.

    The optimization setting that provides the best service to you or no optimization. The default setting is Freshest Data.

  4. Click Save to implement changes you make to the Preferences, General view.

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