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User's Guide

Common Web Health Console Features

The top portion of every view of the Web Health Console, except the Login view, contains a common menu banner.

This menu banner contains the following information:

Table 12. Navigation Icons

The user name with which you logged onto this session of the Web Health Console

The refresh icon button to manually refresh the current view

The home icon button to return to the view that is set on the General tab of the Preferences view. The options are the Endpoint List View or the Resource Model List View

The endpoint list icon button to open the Endpoint List View

The resource model icon button to open the Resource Model List View

The view/edit preferences icon button to open the Preferences view

The sign off button to return to the Login view

The common navigation bar has fly-over help associated with each button.

As you drill down through the views, the Web Health Console displays a dynamic path in the title portion of the window. This path shows the views you went through to arrive at the currently displayed view. It also provides links to any of previous views. You can return to a previous view by clicking on the title of that view.

Health is displayed in the views as an exact health percentage and as an iconic representation of possible states of alert. See Table 13 for a description of the health alert icons:

Table 13. Health alert icons

The health of all of the resource models installed on the endpoint is at 100%.

The health of at least one of the resource models installed on the endpoint is less than 100% but greater than 0.

The health of at least one of the resource models installed on the endpoint is at 0.

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