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User's Guide

Managing Endpoint Lists

To maximize performance you should limit the number of endpoints that the Web Health Console monitors. Use Preferences view to specify only those endpoints in which you are interested.

The first time you log into the Web Health Console the Preferences view is displayed. You must populate the Selected Endpoint list before you can access any other Web Health Console views When you log on subsequently, the endpoint list is automatically loaded.

To populate the endpoint list:

  1. Type the name of an endpoint filter in the Filter field.

    For example, type abc* to display all endpoints in the Tivoli managed region with names that start with abc and that have resource models installed. The filtering capability support is limited to the (*) regular expression character.

  2. Click Go.
  3. Click on the endpoint to select it from the Available endpoints list.

    Use Control-click or Shift-click to select multiple endpoints.

  4. Click Add >>.

    Repeat these steps to add more endpoints to the list.

    You can apply a new filter at any time to update the Available endpoints list without affecting the Selected endpoints. You can move endpoints from the Selected endpoints list to the Available endpoints list by using the << Remove button.
  5. Click Save to save the Selected endpoint list or Cancel to cancel these changes.

After you populate your views, you can configure other preferences. See Managing General Preferences and Managing Chart Preferences.

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