IBM VisualAge TeamConnection 3.0.7 FixPak
File: relnotes.txt (10-Apr-2001)

Documents ---------

backup_db.txt, fix302.ddl, fixdb.ddl, readme.txt, relnotes.txt, restore_db.txt, systeminfo.txt, trace.txt, upgrading_to_v303HF1.txt

Main Index ----------

This document is divided into the following sections: - Where to get the most recent version of this file - Objective - What's Fixed in FixPak 3.0.7 - What's Fixed in FixPak 3.0.6 - What's Fixed in FixPak 3.0.5 - Important behavior introduced by the fix for build deadlocks - Important Notes on VA TC Usage - Collecting traces of problems on the family server - Lotus Notes Issues - MVS Issues - Microsoft Source Code Control Information - Additional Information - Sample Parser Files - Getting Help - Services - Technical Support - Self Help - Trademarks - Your Satisfaction **************************************************************** Back to Main Index

Where to get the most recent version of this file -------------------------------------------------

The most recent version of this file can be found at: Back to Main Index

Objective: ---------

This file contains the Release Notes for TeamConnection FixPak v3.0.7. Among other things it also contains information on correct Visual Age TeamConnection (VA TC) usage, pertinent information about behavior and documentation changes, and how to contact customer support. For your ease, we suggest you view the HTML version of this document in a web browser. Back to Main Index

What's Fixed in FixPak 3.0.7 ----------------------------

APAR: IY14007 Defect: 35232 Abstract: 6025-075E deadlock occurs for builds Documentation Changes: Yes. See details below. Defect: 35233 Abstract: update version strings for v307 Defect: 35234 Abstract: renew Verisign Certificates to allow a good build of VA TC Java GUI Defect: 35237 Abstract: Fix NT Build Problem - ewsrcdf.cpp Defect: 35239 Abstract: Add samples to the family and into the packaging and installation samples/ksh/fileLkAfterRelLk samples/ksh/FixDanglingRels samples/ksh/tcDBcfg.ksh samples/fix302.ddl samples/fixdb.ddl (incorporates several new fixes) samples/rexx/tcDBcfg.rex (Only for Windows) samples/tee.exe (Only for windows) Defect: 35241 Abstract: Update readme.txt and relnotes files for v307 Defect: 35245 Abstract: Include the MVS build server for v307 Defect: 35246 Abstract: Update internal packaging tools Defect: 35254 Abstract: add driver_only to relproc.ld, update db2Script and Defect: 35257 Abstract: Fix the $R/\$V/\$N/\$P shadow problem Back to Main Index

What's Fixed in FixPak 3.0.6 ----------------------------

APAR: IY07170 - Cannot rename a feature Defect: 35190 APAR: IY08689 - Upgrade to 304 failed - FHCFresh Defect: 35208 APAR: IY08690 - Lock leak problem Defect 35207 APAR: IY09434 - Parts aren't deleted with shadows using $C macro Defect: 35220 Defect: 35212 - Update scripts for build install image for v306, part 1. Defect: 35213 - Condense null target query output in fix302.ddl Defect: 35214 - Updates to fix302.ddl Defect: 35216 - Update version strings for fixpak 3.0.6 Defect: 35223 - Put selects at the end of fix302.ddl and fixdb.ddl Defect: 35225 - Update readme.txt and relnotes.txt for fixpak 3.0.6 Defect: 35229 - Update scripts for build install image for v306, part 2. Back to Main Index

What's Fixed in FixPak 3.0.5 ----------------------------

APAR: IY04460 - fix for a v302 client to work with a v304 family server. APAR: IY05355 - workarea -undo failure on foreign key. Symptom: 0012-002 The following SQL error was detected: File Name: _tcbase.sqc Line: 23858 SQLCODE: -532 SQLSTATE: 23504 SQLMessage: SQL0532N A parent row cannot be deleted because the relationship "TPF.FHVBULK.FKFHVBLKFHVPRDCSSR" restricts the deletion. APAR: IY05412 - Each time a target name for a part (with a specific external version), is created, all the previous target name related to the same part are also modified with the new external version value. APAR: IY05920 - dated entries in history section in Defect -view -long are out of order. APAR: IY06695 - VB crashes when trying to display a TC error message. APAR: IY07660 - TC Merge will not open with large files. APAR: IY08306: - Fixup scripts to handle failed driver operations. - Release extract causes the client to crash at the end of extracting 10,000+ parts. Defect: 35187 - Update the copyright year to 2000. Defect: 35188 - Create database fixup scripts: fix302.ddl and fixdb.ddl. Defect: 35192 - Remove SmartGuides from OS/2 and Windows. Defect: 35193 - modify fixup routine for invalid bulkdata pointer. Foreign Key: FKFHBDPLCTT SQL: ALTER TABLE FHCBUILDER ADD CONSTRAINT FKFHBDPLCTT FOREIGN KEY ( PBULKCONTENTS) REFERENCES FHVBULK ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION. SQLRC: -1 Can't create ForeignKey 'FKFHBDPLCTT' Error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000] SQL0667N The FOREIGN KEY "FKFHBDPLCTT" cannot be created because the table contains rows with foreign key values that cannot be found in the parent key of the parent table. SQLSTATE=23520 Back to Main Index

Important behavior introduced by the fix for build deadlocks ------------------------------------------------------------

APAR: IY14007 Defect: 35232 Abstract: 6025-075E deadlock occurs for builds There are two deadlock problems that are fixed by this patch: Deadlock Problem 1: occurs when performing builds. Message 6025-075E appears in the build server logs. The build messages on the client may report that portions of the build have failed. Deadlock Problem 2: occurs when performing builds. A trace of the TeamC family server when the deadlock occurs reveals a deadlock in the ManyPtrTable through all attempts by the retry logic. When the retry logic fails message 6025-075E appears in the trace. The build will fail and the family server will need to be restarted. IMPORTANT! The fix for Deadlock Problem 2 requires the family administrator to set the environment variable TC_SERIALIZE_JOBQ to a positive value. To do this, log in as the family administrator and stop the family server with "tcstop", then set the variable, UNIX: export TC_SERIALIZE_JOBQ=1 INTEL: set TC_SERIALIZE_JOBQ=1 Next, restart the family with "teamcd". Development decided to use TC_SERIALIZE_JOBQ in order to allow the customer to turn off the fix for problem 2 if there was an impact on performance. When TC_SERIALIZE_JOBQ is set you may see this warning in the build server output. An error occurred: MsgNum : 686 Loc : Exception Message: Automatically retrying. No action is necessary. That means the patch is working properly. Back to Main Index

Important Notes on VA TC Usage: -------------------------------

* FAMILY DATABASE: When creating a family keep in mind it is preferred to use the SAME name for: - The system login (on Windows NT is %USERNAME% and in UNIX is $LOGNAME), - The family name (on Windows NT is %TC_FAMILY% and in UNIX is $TC_FAMILY), - The home directory (on Windows NT is %TC_DBPATH% and in UNIX is $TC_DBPATH), - The first superuser. We have seen cases in which customers used different names for these items and this results in several complications. * PERFORMANCE: Any time you make a significant change to the family database you should run the scripts tcRStats and tcRebind. The tcRStats utility updates the statistics for every table in a TeamConnection family's database, and should be run before the tcRebind utility which rebinds all TeamConnection packages. We recommend that these scripts be run periodically (monthly or even weekly), and any time there has been a population of many new objects. Both utilities are shipped in the samples directory of the TeamConnection v3.0.3+ release, but are compatible with databases created by TC v3.0.2 * WORKAREAS: NEVER keep TeamConnection workareas in the fix state for long periods of time. Workareas should be integrated so they move to the complete state. Keeping workareas open indefinitely can lead to performance and other problems. * DRIVERS: NEVER keep TeamConnection drivers in the active state for long periods of time. Drivers should be committed quickly (daily or weekly). Adding or removing driver members is very computationally intensive and keeping drivers open indefinitely can lead to performance and other problems. * Java GUI: There is a new Java-Based GUI included with TeamConnection which runs in a web browser. However, it does not currently have all the functionality included with the "classic" Motif or Windows GUIs. See "Chapter 6: Setting up the Client Interface" in the Administrator's Guide for more details. (The Java GUI is different than the existing HTTP web client which is started by entering family_machine_name:family_port# in the location field of a browser. Back to Main Index

Collecting traces of problems on the family server --------------------------------------------------

If you have encountered what you believe to be a problem with the TeamConnection family server, you should collect a trace by following the instructions in the document trace.txt. Back to Main Index

Lotus Notes Issues ------------------

* Lotus Notes Integrated Database Issues: - An updated white paper is available from the product web site at: The performance of TeamConnection transactions performed from a web enabled TeamConnection Notes/Domino database has been signficantly improved since the 3.0.3 version. - The installation and setup documentation is contained in the TeamConnection User's Guide in the section called: Creating and Maintaining Integrated Notes Databases. - If you are using Lotus Notes 4.6.2 or higher, the primary Notes template file that you need to get is called TEAMCWEB.NTF. This file is installed in the following directory: %TC_HOME%\nls\cfg\ENU. It must be copied to your Lotus Notes Data directory according to the installation and setup instructions. Note that Lotus Notes 4.6.2 does not run under OS/2. OS/2 users who want to access a TeamConnection Notes database running on a Domino server at release level 4.6.2 or higher can access the database using the OS/2 version of the Netscape browser. - If you are using Lotus Notes 4.5.3a - 4.6.1, the primary Notes database files you need to get are: teamc.nsf and its template fhcnotes.ntf. These files are also installed in %TC_HOME%\nls\cfg\ENU. They must also be copied to your Lotus Notes Data directory according to the installation and setup instructions. - Customers using Lotus Notes release 4.6.2 or higher are encouraged to use the Notes support supplied in this FixPak. Changes in Notes 4.6.1 can cause unusual behavior during setup of TeamConnection Notes databases shipped in the earlier releases and FixPaks. The following database views do NOT return correct results when the database is accessed on a server (by either the Notes client or a web browser). - My Design (available in a Development database) - My Execution Records (Available in a Testing database) *Unix Issues: - Notes/Domino Release 4.6.5 is recommended when running on AIX. - In UNIX, if you receive the message, "Error in loading DLL", perform the following steps: 1. Edit your .profile in your home directory. 2. Find the line containing the LIBPATH. 3. Add :/usr/lib to the LIBPATH. 4. Run your .profile. *Access Control Issues: - The TeamConnection Notes support utilizes the hierarchical naming structure for Notes user IDs (for example, John Smith/Raleigh/IBM). This means that individual users and users in groups should be specified in the Access Control List (ACL) for your database with the hierarchical name. Use of flat names is not recommended. The documents are stored with the author's hierarchical name imbedded in the document. - Users with special roles like Administrator and Project leader should be defined as individuals and not as members of a group in the ACL. An ACL group can be defined for all the general users who will create documents. The group should be assigned the role of Author to permit creation of numbered documents. *Other Lotus Notes Issues: The 3.0.4 or later database is now supported under Lotus Notes 5.0. The default access as defined in the TeamConnection Notes database ACL Manager. This allows administrators setting up databases for the first time to be able to add themselves and others. In the database an administrator makes available to a user community, access should be changed to an appropriate level. Author access may be appropriate, though you might choose to be more restrictive. The user who performs database setup should be defined in the access control list of "Designer" or "Manager". * Testing your database from a web browser: If you have the Notes "Designer" client installed, you can test your database from a web browser. To do this, perform the following steps: 1. Add an access control list entry of Anonymous with a minimum access level of Author and a role of Author. 2. Open the database using the Notes (Designer) client. 3. Open a view. 4. Select Preview in Web Browser from the Actions menu. The database view should be visible in your browser. 5. Test the database from your browser. * Lotus Notes Changes and Upgrade Information for FixPak 3.0.5 or later: Issues regarding copies of documents that have been reviewed or are under review using the document Review Cycle function: When a document is submitted for review, a copy is made of the original document, which becomes a response document. It is visible from the "review status" view. All private documents should be marked public before the Notes database is migrated from 3.0.2 (or earlier) to release 3.0.4 (or later), otherwise they may not be accessible after the upgrade. Upgrading TeamConnection Notes databases from earlier versions to FixPak 3.0.4 or later: To upgrade existing Notes databases to the latest version you must apply the 3.0.4 (or later) template teamcweb.ntf using the Notes function "Design Replace". See the User's Guide for specific instructions. If you have been using the "Review Cycle" function in your Version 3.0.x databases, it is recommended that you migrate those review documents using a migration agent supplied in Version 3.0.3. For instructions on how to migrate documents, see the User's Guide. Back to Main Index

MVS Issues ----------

* MVS Build Server Build server installation instructions are located in the VisualAge TeamConnection User's Guide in the chapter called "Installing, starting and stopping build servers". Additional Information for MVS Build Server ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. The MVS build server is built on OS/390 LE v2r6 and has been tested on OS/390 v2r4, v2r5 and v2r6. To use it at your location, the level of OS/390 must be at least v2r4, and LE must be enabled for C++. Note that the JCL to link the build server modules, FHBLINK, has been modified in 3.0.5. Specifically, the SYSLIB for linking FHCCMNC should NOT include any library from the TCP/IP product. The MVS builder in FixPak 3.0.5 or later is not supported on OS/390 versions earlier than v2r4. 2. The following environment variables are available: - TC_BUILDER_RECYCLE_COUNT=n If this variable is set, then after n builds, the build server will terminate. - TC_BUILDER_RESTART_CMD=command If this variable is set, then the specified command will be submitted. The intent is to restart the build server. For example: TC_BUILDER_RESTART_CMD=submit 'USERID.TEAMC.JCL(RUNPGMT)' This is supported only if the build server is started under IKJEFT01 as in RUNPGMT. TC_MAXTEXTOUTPUTSIZE=n The maximum size of build messages and text output files for a single build event is limited to 750K characters. This can be increased (or decreased) by setting the environment variable TC_MAXTEXTOUTPUTSIZE. For example, TC_MAXTEXTOUTPUTSIZE=10000000. Messages larger than this size will be truncated, and a warning will appear at the beginning of the message. 3. @ symbol for non-English MVS environments The @ symbols in TC_FAMILY (for example: testfam@myhost@9090) need to be in US English, that is, x'7C'. In some non-English environments @ is at a different codepoint. In such cases, edit the file containing TC_FAMILY, and use x'7C' where @ is expected. 4. The environment variable dataset (ddname EDCENV) may be included inline, that is: //EDCENV DD * TC_FAMILY=.. TC_BUILDPOOL=.. ... /* Back to Main Index

Microsoft Source Code Control Feature -------------------------------------

Due to certain architectural features of the Microsoft Source Code Control API, the TeamConnection integration with PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, VisualAge Java, and Visual C++ may exhibit differences in interface behavior. The latest information on Source Code Control Integration can be found in the Library at the following web address: Back to Main Index

Additional Information ----------------------

* Sample ISPF edit macros Two sample macros, binchg.rex and binfind.rex, are included in the SAMPLES directory for build. (The UNIX versions are in /SAMPLES/REXX) These macros can be installed in the IPSF edit environment and used to process COBOL source files that contain embedded binary characters. COBOL source files that contain embedded binary characters can get corrupted after they are downloaded to an ASCII environment and then checked into a VisualAge TeamConnection family. To avoid this problem, you can use these macros under ISPF to convert the source files to contain hex literals. binfind.rex : This macro locates the binary strings, allowing you to take corrective action. binchg.rex : This macro locates the binary strings and converts them to hex literals. The resulting file can be downloaded and checked into a TeamConnection family without being corrupted. * Conventions for family names in UNIX When you create a family name in UNIX (TC_FAMILY), use the same name as the user ID for that family. You should also use the family name in the database directory path (TC_DBPATH). For example, if you have a family named "testfam", then you should have a user ID named "testfam" for that family, as well as a directory with that name, such as "/home/testfam". Some of the tools shipped with TeamConnection, such as tcstop, are designed to work according to these recommendations. * Usage notes about TCADMIN - VisualAge TeamConnection ships with a tool called TCADMIN that you can use to create a family or to modify family properties. For example, you can use TCADMIN to modify authorization groups, to add configurable fields, or to add user exits. You can also use TCADMIN to manually start and stop the family and notification daemons. However, you cannot use TCADMIN to perform unattended activities (such as stopping a family and backing up the database). To perform unattended activities, you must use TeamConnection line commands. For example, you can start a family by using the teamcd command as explained in the Administrator's Guide. - TCADMIN now knows about families started outside of TCAdmin If a family is started outside of TCAdmin (or by another copy of TCAdmin), TCAdmin will not allow the family to be modified or deleted. If this occurs, there will be a message in the Family Servers window stating: "The family is already running outside of tcadmin." There may also be a message in the Notification Server window stating: "If the Notification Server was started outside of tcadmin, the output is not available." * part -delete Name command now renames files When you delete a part, the part is renamed by adding a tilde (~) to the beginning of its original name. For example, if you delete FOO.DOC, it is renamed to: ~FOO.DOC. (If ~FOO.DOC already exists, it is renamed to ~~FOO.DOC, and so on.) If you want to re-create a part that was deleted, you must re-create it using the new name. * LIBPATH environment variable for AIX CDE users In order to exploit the LIBPATH environment variable, you must set it in your .kshrc file. If you do not export the variable in the .kshrc file, you will receive the following error messages: >> Could not load program teamc >> Could not load library libfhccmnc.a To use the .kshrc, please ensure that the following is in your .profile: export ENV=${HOME}/.kshrc An alternative is to re-source your .profile as in the following: . ${HOME}/.profile * DB2 Configuration Parameters FHCIRT sets the following Database Configuration parameters to non- default values to improve database performance and functionality: All platforms: logfilsiz = 4095 applheapsz = 1280 logprimary = 2 logsecond = 30 buffpage= 12000 dlchktime = 1000 db2_correlated_predicates=on Solaris: dbheap = 2400 Intel: dbheap = 600 catalogcache_sz = 32 maxappls= 40 locklist= 100 app_ctl_heap_sz = 128 * Samples There are several pieces of sample code in the samples directory. The samples are not intended to be used as live code, but can be adapted to your site's purposes. In particular, see files with the fhbh* naming convention. For example, the current release includes sample COBOL parser code written in C. This code is provided so that users can modify the source code for the platform of their choice. The samples directory includes the following COBOL parser source files: fhbcpp.c fhbcpp.h func.c Back to Main Index

Sample Parser Files -------------------

The following sample parser files are shipped with TeamConnection and are installed on the server in the SAMPLES directory mvsasmp.c mvsasmp.h mvsasmp.exe (Intel only) mvsasmp (Unix only) func.c fhbcpp.h fhbcpp.c fhbcpp.exe (Intel only) (Note: The above file is located in the BIN directory) fhbcpp (Unix only) fhbwpars.c (Windows only) fhbwpars.exe (Windows only) (Note: This above file is located in the BIN directory) fhbhpars (Unix only) fhbcpp1.dll (OS/2 only) fhbcpp2.dll (OS/2 only) fhbcpp3.dll (OS/2 only) fhbcbp.exe (OS/2 only) fhbcbprs.cmd (OS/2 only) fhbplprs.cmd (Intel only) binfind.rex (ISPF) binchg.rex (ISPF) (Please see MVS Issues for more information) (Note: The UNIX versions of these files are located in the /SAMPLES/REXX directory) Back to Main Index

Getting Help ------------

Services * VisualAge TeamConnection Services VisualAge TeamConnection services offerings provide customers with the tools to quickly establish a more productive and efficient development environment. These services offerings focus on the LAN library component of VisualAge TeamConnection and on the repository function of TeamConnection. Services are available for installs, migration, and much more. If you are interested in VisualAge TeamConnection Services, please visit our web site at: or send us email at the following address: Back to Main Index Technical Support * VisualAge TeamConnection Support If you have a question or a problem, please take a moment to review the Customer Support section from any of the manuals for the VisualAge TeamConnection product. Your options for VisualAge TeamConnection support, as described in your License Information, include the following (subject to availability): IBM Lotus Passport Advantage Program ------------------------------------ For more information on the IBM Lotus Passport Advantage volume licensing program which provides customers with a series of contract offerings under which they can acquire licenses, software subscriptions, and support, go to: VA TC Support Line ------------------ FOR NORTH AMERICAN CUSTOMERS Direct customer support is provided by the Personal Systems Support Line and by the AIX Support Line. These fee services enhance the productivity of customers by providing voice and electronic access to the IBM support organization. They will help answer questions pertaining to usage, "how to," and suspected software defects for eligible products. The following are phone numbers for software support in the US: United States: Personal Systems Support Line: 1-800-237-5511 AIX Support Line: 1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249) Canada 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378) Note: In the US, 1-800-237-5511 is the Software Support phone number for all IBM software (390, OS/400, AIX, Personal Systems, etc.). Obtaining product information packages: United States 1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) Canada1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) Ordering Publications: 1-800-879-2755 Ordering TeamConnection products: United States 1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) Canada1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) TeamConnection education: United States 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322) Canada 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322) SUPPORT FOR CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA For information on how to contact IBM outside of the United States, see Appendix A of the IBM Software Support Handbook, which can be located by searching for "software support handbook" in the "Search by Keyword" field at: Note: In some countries, IBM-authorized dealers should contact their dealer support structure instead of the IBM Support Center. * Bundled Product Support The license for VisualAge TeamConnection only applies to the following IBM bundled products with VisualAge TeamConnection. If you have a problem using these IBM products with TeamConnection, report the problem to TeamConnection Support. IBM DB2 Universal Database IBM DB2 Extenders (text extender) IBM WebSphere Application Server Standard Edition IBM HTTP Server IBM Java Development Kit (for OS/2 and AIX only) If you have purchased separate licenses to use these products and are having problems outside of the VisualAge TeamConnection product, you can contact the appropriate product support team directly at the following web addresses: General information: DB2 information: You may also find the Troubleshooting Guide useful. Go to and search for "troubleshooting guide universal database" in the "Search by Keyword" field. WebSphere information: HTTP Server information: Java information: * Third Party Software For third-party software bundled with VisualAge TeamConnection, please contact the provider directly per their license agreement, but please bear in mind that these products are generally provided on an as-is basis without support: Netscape Communicator information: Adobe Acrobat Reader information: Apache Webserver information: HP Java Development Kit information: Back to Main Index Self Help Available Documentation ----------------------- The following is a list of the TeamConnection publications. These publications are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format as well as in HTML format. To access these files, install the softcopy publications component during installation. User's Guide: usrgde.pdf or usrgtfrm.htm Administrator's Guide: admgde.pdf or admgtfrm.htm Commands Reference: cmdref.pdf or cmdrtfrm.htm Verifying the Installation of TeamConnection: ivpgde.pdf or ivpgtfrm.htm (You can get the latest version of Verifying the Installation of TeamConnection at the following web address: ) Note: In Intel, the HTML versions of the above documents must be installed manually. To install these files, copy the file online.exe to the directory in which you want to install the files, and then enter the following command: ONLINE. (online.exe is located on the CD-ROM in the :\doc directory). * Technical Reports and White Papers: See the IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Library home page for the most up-to-date list of technical reports. * Software dependencies: Please refer to the "Software Requirements" item at: for pointers to the appropriate levels of Java, Adobe Acrobat, Netscape and operating system fixes required for VisualAge TeamConnection FixPak 3.0.4 or later. * VisualAge TeamConnection Newsgroup You can access VisualAge TeamConnection technical information, exchange messages with other VisualAge TeamConnection users, and receive information regarding the availability of FixPaks by accessing the TeamConnection newsgroup at news:// * On-line help For FAQs, Hints and Tips, and Problem Reports (APARS), go to and click "Product Support Pages" and select "Software." Under the heading "Technical Library", choose Hints/Tips, FAQs or Closed APARs, then choose Application Development->VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server. You may also go directly to and choose the "TeamConnection Support FAQ". Back to Main Index

Trademarks ----------

The following terms are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: AIX DB2 DB2 Universal Database IBM Lotus Domino Lotus Notes OS/2 TeamConnection Tivoli VisualAge The following terms are trademarks of other companies: Adobe - Adobe Systems Incorporated Acrobat - Adobe Systems Incorporated HP-UX - Hewlett-Packard Company HotJava - Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java - Sun Microsystems, Inc. Netscape - Navigator Netscape Communications Corp. PowerBuilder - Powersoft Corp. Microsoft Internet Explorer - Microsoft Corporation Solaris - Sun Microsystems, Inc. VisualBasic - Microsoft Corporation Visual C++ - Microsoft Corporation Windows NT - Microsoft Corporation Windows 95 - Microsoft Corporation Windows 98 - Microsoft Corporation Back to Main Index

Your Satisfaction -----------------

Your satisfaction with IBM is important to us. If you are not totally satisfied with this product, please contact us through one of the Service and Technical support channels listed above. Tell us what is not meeting your expectations and why you are dissatisfied. Provide your name, your organization's name, and your telephone number so that we can contact you. We will work with you to resolve your concerns. ** End of File ** ====================================================