IBM VisualAge TeamConnection 3.0.7 FixPak - 
backup_db.txt (13-MAR-2001)

Documents ---------

backup_db.txt, fix302.ddl, fixdb.ddl, readme.txt, relnotes.txt, restore_db.txt, systeminfo.txt, trace.txt, upgrading_to_v303HF1.txt

Main Index ----------

- Where to get the most recent version of this file - Objective - What the customer should do - Step 1: Download the Info-Zip utilities - Step 2: Login - Step 3: Stop the server - Step 4: Determine if there is space under the family directory - Step 5: open a command window - Step 6A: Backup the DB2 database and zip the files - Step 6B: Backup the DB2 database and zip the files - Step 7: You can use FTP to provide the files to us - Step 8: If you cannot ftp the database Back to Main Index

Where to get the most recent version of this file -------------------------------------------------

The most recent version of this file can be found at: Back to Main Index Objective: --------- The main purpose of this note is to provide specific instructions on how customers can prepare a backup of their VA TC family and database in order to send it to TeamConnection Customer support for investigation. For more details on backing up DB2 databases, see the DB2 Universal Database Administration Guide and the TeamConnection Administrator's Guide for information on using the "DB2 backup" command. For your ease, we suggest you view the HTML version of this document in a web browser. Back to Main Index What the customer should do --------------------------- * Keep in mind the following assumptions: It is assumed in these notes that the family name is "testfam". The UNIX home for the family ($TC_DBPATH) is "/home/testfam". The Intel home for the family (%TC_DBPATH%) is "d:\testfam". You need to replace these values for the ones that are appropriate for your configuration. Back to Main Index Step 1: Download the Info-Zip utilities ---------------------------------------- We strongly recommend the use of Info-Zip's utilities to zip and unzip files. These tools are free, robust, compatible and portable across all the supported platforms. For example, you can zip files on AIX and unzip them on NT. You can download these tools from the following ftp site: Back to Main Index Step 2: Login -------------- Login to the VA TC family user id. Ensure that you are at the top directory of the family. - UNIX: cd $TC_DBPATH - Intel: change to the disk where the family resides, then cd %TC_DBPATH% Back to Main Index Step 3: Stop the server ------------------------ Stop the VA TC family server (teamcd) and related applications (notifyd, build servers, etc.). - You can use the Stop buttons from the tcadmin tool. - You can use the command: tcstop testfam Back to Main Index Step 4: Determine if there is space under the family directory ---------------------------------------------------------------- If there is space in the file system where TC_DBPATH is located, then create a subdirectory to store the DB2 backup. A recommended name for this subdirectory is "db2backup". Placing the DB2 backup file inside the family directory structure will allow the you to create a single zip file that will contain both the family directory and the DB2 backup. This is very important for TeamConnection Customer Support to be able to restore the family. mkdir db2backup chmod 777 db2backup Note: If there is not enough space, then create the db2backup directory somewhere else. The drawback is that you need to provide 2 zip files to Customer Support, one for the family directory and another for the DB2 backup. Hint: The backup of the database will take roughly the same space as the database itself; the backup is not compressed. Back to Main Index Step 5: open a command window ------------------------------- On NT, execute "db2cmd" from an MS-DOS Command window; this will result in a special DB2 Command window. On Unix there is no need to bring up a special window to issue the DB2 commands. Back to Main Index Step 6A: Backup the DB2 database and zip the files --------------------------------------------------- (case 1: enough disk space under TC_DBPATH) This section assumes that there is enough disk space under TC_DBPATH (the family directory) to include a backup file of the DB2 database. The nice thing about this situation is that a single zip file is needed that contains both the family files and the database. Skip this section and go to Step 6B if your database cannot fit in TC_DBPATH. a) UNIX: db2 backup database testfam to /home/testfam/db2backup Now recursively zip the whole directory structure, which will include all the family files AND the DB2 backup: cd /home/testfam zip -r *.ld bin/* config/* cfgField/* audit.log The result for the db2 backup action is a single file with a long file name in the backup subdirectory, such as: /backup/TEST.0.inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.19980421154801.001 *** Sequence ************** Date Time stamp ******** Catalog number ******** Node number ***** Instance * Type: 0 is full database **** Database alias ******* $TC_DBPATH Proceed to Step 7. b) Intel: db2 backup database testfam to d:\teamc\testfam\db2backup Now recursively zip the whole directory structure, which will include all the family files AND the DB2 backup: cd d:\teamc\testfam zip -r *.ld bin\* config\* cfgField\* audit.log The result of the db2 backup action is a directory structure that has names that comply with the 8.3 file name limitation for FAT systems. The WHOLE directory structure is important!! Note: In the past, some customers sent TeamConnection Customer Support only one file deep inside the hierarchy, such as 154801.001 in this example. This is not sufficient for customer support to work on a problem. An example of the DB2 backup directory structure is shown below: d:\backup\TEST.0\DB2\NODE0000\CATN0000\19980421\154801.001 *** Sequence ****** Time stamp ******** Date stamp ******** Catalog number ******** Node number *** Instance * Type: 0 is full database **** Database alias ********** %TC_DBPATH% Proceed to Step 7. Back to Main Index Step 6B: Backup the DB2 database and zip the files --------------------------------------------------- (case 2: NOT enough disk space under TC_DBPATH) Skip this section if you were able to follow the instructions in case 1, where there was enough disk space to store the DB2 backup under TC_DBPATH. This section assumes that there is NOT enough disk space under TC_DBPATH (the family directory) to include a backup file of the DB2 database. Thus, you need to store the DB2 backup somewhere else. In this example for Unix, the directory /extra/db2backup is used, and in intel E:\db2backup is used. The drawback about this situation is that 2 zip files are needed --- one that contains only the family files and another that contains the database. a) UNIX: db2 backup database testfam to /extra/db2backup Now recursively zip the whole directory structure: a.1) The family files: cd /home/testfam zip -r *.ld bin/* config/* cfgField/* audit.log a.2) The DB2 backup file: cd /extra/db2backup zip -r * See the example in case 1 for details on the backup file name. Proceed to Step 7. b) Intel: db2 backup database testfam to E:\db2backup Now recursively zip the whole directory structure: b.1) The family files: cd d:\teamc\testfam zip -r *.ld bin\* config\* cfgField\* audit.log b.2) The DB2 backup file: cd e:\db2backup zip -r * See the example in case 1 for details on the backup file name. Proceed to Step 7. Back to Main Index Step 7: You can use FTP to provide the files to us --------------------------------------------------- The following FTP site resides in the external Internet. That is, if you are inside an intranet then you may need to go thru gateways or proxy servers. ftp (comment: the IP address is user: anonymous password: (provide your email address) DIRECTORY: ps/toibm/teamconnection "cd" into the ps/toibm/teamconnection directory. Now make a directory for yourself based on the pmr number you received when you contacted cusotmer support (eg. mkdir pmrXXXXX) and put your files in that directory. Keep in mind that this is an AIX system and thus, if you are transfering text files, ensure that you enter first the ftp command "ascii"; also to ensure that binary files are transfered correctly, ensure that you enter first the ftp command "binary". Make certain you have typed "binary" before you transfer the zipfile you made of the database and family directory. Once the file (or files) are transferred, please let Customer Support know as soon as possible. The reason is that this ftp site is cleared periodically and Support needs to act fast to download the files into test machines. Back to Main Index Step 8: If you cannot ftp the database ---------------------------------------- * If you can create a CD-ROM, please include the zip file(s) and send it to Customer Support at the address specified by the IBM customer support representative. * If you can create a 4 mm tape, please include both zip files as follows: tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 *.zip Please let Support know the characteristics of the tape drive, such as: DDS-1 or DDS-2 or DDS-3, and block size. Support cannot handle 8 mm tapes or other formats. We can handle only 4 mm tapes.