Part 1 of this manual describes how to install the DB2 REXX SQL for VM/ESA (DB2 RXSQL) program on a Virtual Machine (VM) system. The DB2 RXSQL software is a feature of the DB2 Server for VM relational database manager
Part 2 of this manual describes how the DB2 REXX SQL for VM/ESA (DB2 RXSQL) allows REXX programs to access the IBM DATABASE 2(R) Server for VM in a VM environment.
Part 1 of this manual is for the person who installs DB2 RXSQL. It assumes you are familiar with CMS commands and EXECs, and the Virtual Machine/Enterprise Systems Architecture (VM/ESA) system.
Part 2 of this manual assumes that readers are familiar with the concepts of relational databases, the facilities of the DB2 Server for VM relational database manager, and the elements of the REXX programming language.
Part 1 of this manual focuses on the installation of DB2 RXSQL and contains the chapters described here.
Part 2 of this manual focuses on how the DB2 REXX SQL for VM/ESA (DB2 RXSQL) allows REXX programs to access the IBM DATABASE 2(R) Server for VM in a VM environment; it contains the chapters described here.
The Appendixes of this manual contain the following reference information associated with both the installation and usage of DB2 RXSQL.
In the past, the term database was used in a general sense to refer to the database management system as well as stored objects and storage devices. However, using database in this context has proven to be misleading. Accordingly, the following terminology has been adopted and is used consistently in the text:
For information on the REXX programming language, refer to:
The following manual is to be used in conjunction with the DB2 REXX SQL for VM/ESA Installation and Reference manual.
See Bibliography for related VM and DB2 Server for VM publications.
Various IBM publications are mentioned throughout this document. Refer to them if you require additional information on related IBM products.
Only the short titles of the manuals are given in the text. For the long titles and their corresponding document numbers, see the Bibliography.
This manual observes the following text highlighting conventions.
Convention | Meaning |
Italics | Italic type is used to denote the first occurrence of a term listed in the Glossary, titles of stand-alone documents, command variables, parameter values and their symbolic equivalents, and strings ofcharacters referred to as such. |
Boldface | Bold type is used for emphasis or for an important term that is being defined. |
Monospace Type | Monospace type is used to indicate material that is entered at a display station, displayed on a screen, coded, or printed on a computer printing device. |
ALL CAPS | Capital letters are used to indicate:
"Quotation Marks" | Quotation marks (double) are used to enclose the headings of parts, chapters, and lesser sections of stand-alone documents when they are referenced. |
|Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and |high-quality information. If you have any comments about this book or |any other DB2 Server for VSE & VM documentation: |
Format | Address | |
Internet | | |
Facsimile | (416) 448-6161 (Attention RCF Coordinator) |
|Be sure to include the name of the book, the form number (including the |suffix), and the page, section title, or topic you are commenting on.
|If you choose to respond through the Internet, please include either your |entire Internet network address, or a postal address.
Throughout this manual, syntax is described using the structure defined below.
The >>--- symbol indicates the beginning of a statement or command.
The ---> symbol indicates that the statement syntax is continued on the next line.
The >--- symbol indicates that a statement is continued from the previous line.
The --->< symbol indicates the end of a statement.
Diagrams of syntactical units that are not complete statements start with the >--- symbol and end with the ---> symbol.
>>-SAVE-------------------------------------------------------->< |
Others must be followed by one or more keywords or variables. For example:
>>-SET AUTOCOMMIT OFF------------------------------------------>< |
>>-DROP SYNONYM--synonym--------------------------------------->< |
>>-SHOW DBSPACE--integer--------------------------------------->< |
This command might appear as:
>>-CREATE----+---------+--INDEX-------------------------------->< '-UNIQUE--' |
This statement could appear as either:
If you must choose one of the items, one item appears on the main path. For example:
>>-SHOW LOCK DBSPACE----+-ALL-----+---------------------------->< '-integer-' |
Here, the command could be either:
If choosing one of the items is optional, the entire stack appears below the main path. For example:
>>-BACKWARD----+---------+------------------------------------->< +-integer-+ '-MAX-----' |
Here, the command could be:
.---------. V | >>-ERASE-------name---+---------------------------------------->< |
This statement could appear as:
A repeat symbol above a stack indicates that you can make more than one choice from the stacked items, or repeat a choice. For example:
.-,-----------------------. V | >>-VALUES--(------+-constant-----------+--+--)----------------->< +-host_variable_list-+ +-NULL---------------+ '-special_register---' |
.-ASC--. >>-+------+---------------------------------------------------->< '-DESC-' |
In the following example, if you enter the optional keyword PCTFREE =, you also have to specify one of its associated optional parameters. If you do not enter PCTFREE =, the database manager will set it to the default value of 10.
.-PCTFREE = 10------. >>-+-------------------+--------------------------------------->< '-PCTFREE = integer-' |
.-PRIVILEGES--. >>-REVOKE ALL----+-------------+------------------------------->< |
>>-+----------------------------+---| fieldproc_block |-------->< '-NOT NULL--+-------------+--' +-UNIQUE------+ '-PRIMARY KEY-' |
fieldproc_block |--FIELDPROC--program_name----+-------------------------+-------| | .-,-----------. | | V | | '-(-----constant---+---)--' |
When running the EXECs included with DB2 RXSQL, you might receive a message such as the following:
Do you want to use these values? Enter 0 (NO) or 1 (YES) OR 111 (QUIT)
To answer no, type one of the following:
To answer yes, type one of the following:
To stop the EXEC and exit processing, type one of the following: