This chapter describes how to install DB2 RXSQL on minidisks or in SFS directories, and provides instructions for verifying the DB2 RXSQL installation.
For a description of the installation messages, refer to Appendix D, "Installation Messages".
For a description of the CP commands used during installation of DB2 RXSQL, refer to the VM/ESA: CP Command and Utility Reference manual for your VM operating system. For a description of the CMS commands used during installation of DB2 RXSQL, refer to the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for your VM operating system.
This section provides instructions for installing DB2 RXSQL on minidisks.
The installation process consists of four phases: preinstallation setup, installing DB2 RXSQL in VM, installing the DB2 RXSQL package and HELP tables into DB2 Server for VM application servers, and installing the DB2 RXSQL package into non-DB2 Server for VM application servers. Each phase contains several steps. For a summary of the installation steps, refer to the "DB2 RXSQL Installation Checklist for Minidisks".
If you are installing DB2 RXSQL in SFS directories, refer to "Installing RXSQL in SFS Directories" to begin your installation.
The following checklist summarizes the steps required to install DB2 RXSQL on minidisks.
Phase 1: Preinstallation Setup
Skip this phase if installing DB2 RXSQL on DB2 Server for VM production and service minidisks.
Phase 2: Installing DB2 RXSQL in VM
Phase 3: Installing the DB2 RXSQL Package and HELP Tables into DB2 Server for VM Application Servers
Phase 4: Installing the DB2 RXSQL Package into Non-DB2 Server for VM Application Servers
This phase of the installation sets up the environment needed to install RXSQL on minidisks. If you are installing DB2 RXSQL on DB2 Server for VM production and service minidisks, skip this phase and continue with "Phase 2: Installing DB2 RXSQL in VM". Figure 6 illustrates phase 1 of the installation process.
Figure 6. DB2 RXSQL Virtual Machine Minidisks for Installation
![]() |
Use the MAINT machine to add control statements to the VM directory entries for SQLMACH, SQLUSER, and all other DB2 RXSQL users.
Log on to the MAINT machine and add two control statements defining the new minidisks for DB2 RXSQL to the VM directory entry for SQLMACH. Figure 7 shows a sample directory entry for SQLMACH with the two control statements that define the new minidisks. Use the device types applicable to your VM environment.
Figure 7. Example of VM Directory Control Statements for the SQLMACH Machine
The following statements are specific to the installation of DB2 RXSQL:
(1) MDISK 198 3380 cylr 002 volser RR readpw writepw
This control statement defines the DB2 RXSQL production minidisk with virtual device address 198 and the link access mode of read specified. Read(readpw) and write(writepw) passwords must be specified.
(2) MDISK 199 3380 cylr 005 volser RR readpw writepw
This control statement defines the DB2 RXSQL service minidisk with virtual device address 199 and the link access mode of read specified. Read(readpw) and write(writepw) passwords must be specified.
DB2 RXSQL production and service minidisks must be available to SQLUSER to perform the installation steps described in "Phase 3: Installing the DB2 RXSQL Package and HELP Tables into DB2 Server for VM Application Servers". You can set up the SQLUSER environment to make these disks available in one of the following ways:
Type the following DIRM command to save the VM directory control statement change for SQLMACH:
Disconnect or log off the MAINT machine.
Phase 1 prepared the environment for installing DB2 RXSQL files on minidisks. Phase 2 installs DB2 RXSQL in a VM environment.
The INSTFPP EXEC can be used instead of this phase. Refer to the appropriate VM installation guide for information on the INSTFPP EXEC. If you use the INSTFPP EXEC, ensure that you access the MAINT machine's work minidisk as file mode C, and that you access a read/write minidisk as file mode A.
Refer to Figure 8 for an overview of the installation process.
Figure 8. Summary of DB2 RXSQL Installation in VM
![]() |
Log on to the SQLMACH database machine, and type the SQLEND command to shut down the DB2 database:
This command finishes processing after all active logical units of work are completed. Log off the SQLMACH database machine:
Log on to the MAINT machine to load the DB2 RXSQL files onto the production and service minidisks.
Access the MAINT machine's work minidisk as file mode A. Type the following statements to load the first two tape files to this minidisk:
The cuu is usually specified as 194 or 191.
The distribution tape must be mounted on the device defined as virtual address 181.
|The I5697ELO EXEC loads the DB2 RXSQL files onto the production and |service minidisks. This step also links text files into a load library |and creates a load module on the DB2 RXSQL production minidisk.
Before you run this EXEC, verify that:
Figure 9. VM and DB2 Server for VM Text Files
File Name | Location | DB2 Server for VM Components |
DMSCSL | VM/ESA system minidisk. | Bootstrap for the callable services library. |
ARIRVSTC | SQLMACH 195 minidisk or VMSYS:SQLMACH.SQL.PRODUCTION. | Bootstrap for the DB2 Server for VM system |
ARIUXDT | SQLMACH 193 minidisk or VMSYS:SQLMACH.SQL.SERVICE SFS directory. | Date routine |
ARIUXTM | SQLMACH 193 minidisk or VMSYS:SQLMACH.SQL.SERVICE SFS directory. | Time routine |
|To run the I5697ELO EXEC, type:
| I5697ELO
The |I5697ELO EXEC usually takes approximately 5 minutes to run, depending on system capabilities and current load.
Refer to "The I5697ELO EXEC" for instructions on running this EXEC.
Check the final message returned by the installation EXEC. If it is a return code of 888, the installation is successfully completed. However, further instructions are needed to complete this installation. You must continue with "Step 2.4 Start the DB2 System in Multiple User Mode".
If the DB2 RXSQL production and service minidisks were successfully loaded, but the DB2 RXSQL system link-edit was not completed successfully, run the ELOLKED EXEC to complete the system link-edit before performing the next step of the DB2 RXSQL installation procedure. Refer to "The ELOLKED EXEC" for information on running the ELOLKED EXEC.
After the installation EXEC is finished, type the CP DETACH command to detach the tape device and rewind the tape:
Disconnect or log off the MAINT machine as follows:
Log on to the SQLMACH database machine, and type the SQLSTART command to start the DB2 database:
If you usually specify additional parameters for SQLSTART, you should specify them in addition to the DBNAME parameter shown above.
Type the CP DISCONNECT command to disconnect from the SQLMACH machine:
In this optional step, you can customize the date or time formats by creating a new exit. If exits already exist, they were linked in when the |I5697ELO EXEC was run. To create a new date or time exit:
You must ensure that your date and time exits match the date and time exits of any application server to which you are connecting.
In this phase, you load the DB2 RXSQL package into each application server into which DB2 RXSQL is to be installed. You also create and install the DB2 RXSQL secondary-level HELP tables with the HELP text in each application server in which DB2 RXSQL is to be installed, and give the public select authority on these tables.
Repeat this phase for each application server in which DB2 RXSQL is to be available. You will be using the SQLUSER machine to install the DB2 RXSQL package into each application server.
An authorization ID called SQLDBA that has DBA authority must exist on the DB2 application server into which you are installing RXSQL.
Log on to the SQLUSER machine. To install DB2 RXSQL in an application server, you must have read access to the DB2 RXSQL production and service disks and the DB2 production disk. The disks you must access depends on whether or not DB2 RXSQL and the DB2 product were installed on the same disks, as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Accessing DB2 RXSQL and DB2 Disks When DB2 RXSQL Is on Minidisks
Disks to Access | DB2 RXSQL Installed on DB2 Minidisks | DB2 RXSQL Installed on Separate Minidisks | |
DB2 Product is on Minidisk | DB2 Product is in SFS Directories | ||
DB2 production minidisk | X | X | |
DB2 service minidisk | X | | |
DB2 RXSQL production minidisk | | X | X |
DB2 RXSQL service minidisk | | X | X |
Note: | You do not have to specify the CP LINK commands listed below if they are included in the SQLUSER VM directory entry or in the SQLUSER PROFILE EXEC. |
If DB2 RXSQL was installed on DB2 minidisks, specify the following commands to link and access the DB2 production and service minidisks:
If DB2 RXSQL was not installed on DB2 minidisks, specify the following commands to link and access the DB2 RXSQL production and service minidisks and the DB2 production disk:
To complete this step, you must:
Note: | The dbspace RXSQHELP will be dropped and recreated with the new RXSQL help tables if you are upgrading. The installation exec will acquire the necessary dbspace for the help tables if you are installing this feature for the first time. |
To install DB2 RXSQL into a DB2 application server, type the following commands:
If you usually specify additional parameters for the SQLINIT EXEC, you should specify them in addition to the DBNAME parameter shown above.
Refer to "The ELOAMOD EXEC" for instructions on running this EXEC.
The ELOHLPLD EXEC installs DB2 RXSQL secondary-level HELP tables in an DB2 application server. Refer to "The ELOHLPLD EXEC" for instructions on running this EXEC.
The ELOSHLP EXEC replaces the AMENG HELP text for releases of DB2 RXSQL Version 3 with the AMENG HELP text for DB2 RXSQL Version 7 Release 1. Refer to The ELOSHLP EXEC for instructions on running this EXEC.
To verify the DB2 RXSQL installation, refer to "Installation Verification". Log off the SQLUSER machine. Installation of DB2 RXSQL is now completed.
Although this step is optional, you should perform it for security purposes.
Use the MAINT machine to change the passwords in the VM directory.
If you used the default passwords supplied by RXSQL, change them when you have finished your installation to prevent unauthorized access of the RXSQL files.
In this phase, you load the DB2 RXSQL package into each non-DB2 Server for VM application server in which DB2 RXSQL is to be installed. This phase must be repeated for each application server in which DB2 RXSQL is to be available.
To do this step, your DB2 Server for VM installation must have the ability to use the DRDA protocol, and you must have DBA authority.
Before you can load the DB2 RXSQL package into a non-DB2 Server for VM application server, you must ensure that the DBS Utility package has been installed on the application server, and that you can run DBS Utility jobs from the SQLUSER machine using the DRDA protocol.
Log on to the SQLUSER machine and link and access the appropriate disks as described in "Step 3.1 Link and Access the DB2 RXSQL and DB2 Disks".
To install DB2 RXSQL in a non-DB2 Server for VM application server, type the following commands:
Refer to "The ELOAMOD EXEC" for instructions on running the ELOAMOD EXEC.
Note: | HELP table installation is not supported in non-DB2 Server for VM application servers. |
For information about verifying the DB2 RXSQL installation, refer to "Installation Verification". Log off the SQLUSER machine.
This section provides instructions for installing DB2 RXSQL in SFS directories.
The installation process consists of four phases: preinstallation setup, installing RXSQL in VM, installing the RXSQL package and HELP tables into DB2 Server for VM application servers, and installing the DB2 RXSQL package into non-DB2 Server for VM application servers. Each phase contains several steps. For a summary of the installation steps, refer to the "RXSQL Installation Checklist for SFS Directories".
If you are installing DB2 RXSQL on minidisks, turn to "Installing DB2 RXSQL on Minidisks" to begin your installation.
The following checklist summarizes the steps required for installation of DB2 RXSQL in SFS directories.
Phase 1: Preinstallation Setup
Skip this phase if installing DB2 RXSQL in DB2 Server for VM production and service SFS directories.
Phase 2: Installing DB2 RXSQL in VM
Phase 3: Installing DB2 RXSQL into DB2 Server for VM Application Servers
Phase 4: Installing the DB2 RXSQL Package into Non-DB2 Server for VM Application Servers
This phase of the installation sets up the environment required for installing DB2 RXSQL in SFS directories. If you are installing DB2 RXSQL in DB2 Server for VM production and service SFS directories, skip this phase and continue with "Phase 2: Installing RXSQL in VM". Figure 11 illustrates phase 1 of the installation process.
Figure 11. DB2 RXSQL Virtual Machine SFS Directories for Installation
![]() |
Before continuing, determine the storage group in the VMSYS file pool to which DB2 RXSQL files will be assigned.
Use the MAINT machine to set up the SFS environment and give the appropriate authorization to SQLUSER and all other DB2 RXSQL users.
Log on to the MAINT machine and type the MODIFYUSER command to increase the size of the SQLMACH directory for DB2 RXSQL requirements:
Use the file pool administration machine to enroll users in the VMSYS file pool.
The default file pool administration machine is the MAINT virtual machine. See the VM/ESA: CMS File Pool Planning, Administration, and Operation manual, for more information on the file pool administration machine.
Type the ENROLL command to grant connect authority to file pool VMSYS for all users:
To grant authority to file pool VMSYS for SQLUSER and other RXSQL users, type the following statements:
SQLUSER and other RXSQL users must have authorization to access the file pool VMSYS.
Make sure you have created the VMSYS:SQLMACH SFS directory.
Type the CREATE command to create SFS directories for DB2 RXSQL production and service files:
Type the GRANT command to grant read access to the DB2 RXSQL production SFS directory to all users:
To grant read access to the production directory to only SQLUSER and individual users, type the following statements:
SQLUSER must have read authorization to the DB2 RXSQL production SFS directory, VMSYS:SQLMACH.RXSQL.PRODUCTION. Read-only authorization is granted because it is assumed the MAINT user ID has the authority to write to the production SFS directory. If the MAINT user ID does not have the authority, the file pool administrator must grant MAINT write authority.
Type the GRANT command to grant read access to the DB2 RXSQL service SFS directory to SQLUSER:
Access to the DB2 RXSQL service SFS directory is required for installation and servicing only. It is assumed that the MAINT user ID will be performing all servicing.
If continuing with the next phase, you do not have to disconnect or log off the MAINT machine. Otherwise, disconnect or log off as follows:
Phase 1 prepared the environment for installing DB2 RXSQL in SFS directories. Phase 2 installs DB2 RXSQL in a VM environment. It is not necessary to shut down the DB2 database during this phase.
The INSTFPP EXEC can be used instead of this phase. Refer to the appropriate VM installation guide for information on the INSTFPP EXEC. If you use the INSTFPP EXEC, ensure that you access the MAINT machine's work minidisk as file mode C, and that you access a read/write minidisk as file mode A.
Refer to Figure 12 for an overview of the installation process.
Figure 12. Summary of DB2 RXSQL Installation in VM
![]() |
Use the MAINT machine to load the DB2 RXSQL production and service SFS directories. If continuing from the previous phase, you are already logged on to the MAINT machine.
Access the MAINT machine's work minidisk as file mode A. Type the following statements to load the first two tape files to this minidisk:
The cuu is usually specified as 194 or 191.
The distribution tape must be mounted on the device defined as virtual address 181.
The |I5697ELO EXEC loads the DB2 RXSQL production and service SFS directories. This step also links text files into a load library and a load module on the DB2 RXSQL production SFS directory.
Before you run this EXEC, verify that:
Figure 13. VM and DB2 Server for VM Text Files
File Name | Location | DB2 Server for VM Components |
DMSCSL | VM/ESA system minidisk. | Bootstrap for the callable services library. |
ARIRVSTC | SQLMACH 195 minidisk or VMSYS:SQLMACH.SQL.PRODUCTION. | Bootstrap for the DB2 Server for VM system |
ARIUXDT | SQLMACH 193 minidisk or VMSYS:SQLMACH.SQL.SERVICE SFS directory. | Date routine |
ARIUXTM | SQLMACH 193 minidisk or VMSYS:SQLMACH.SQL.SERVICE SFS directory. | Time routine |
|To run the I5697ELO EXEC, type:
| I5697ELO
The |I5697ELO EXEC usually takes approximately 5 minutes to run, depending on system capabilities and current load.
Refer to "The I5697ELO EXEC" for instructions on running this EXEC.
Check the final message returned by the installation EXEC. If it is a return code of 888, the installation is successfully completed. However, to complete this installation, you must continue with "Step 2.3 Grant Read Access to RXSQL Service Files".
If the DB2 RXSQL production and service SFS directories were successfully loaded, but the DB2 RXSQL system link-edit was not completed successfully, run the ELOLKED EXEC to complete the system link-edit before performing the next step of the DB2 RXSQL installation procedure. Refer to "The ELOLKED EXEC" for information on running the ELOLKED EXEC.
After the installation EXEC is finished, type the CP DETACH command to detach the tape device and rewind the tape:
Type the GRANT command to grant read access to the DB2 RXSQL service files to SQLUSER:
Type the GRANT command to grant read access to the DB2 RXSQL production files to SQLUSER:
Type the GRANT command to grant read access to the DB2 RXSQL production files to all users:
Type the GRANT command to grant read access to the DB2 RXSQL production files to individual users:
Log off or disconnect the MAINT machine as follows:
If the database is shut down, log on to the SQLMACH database machine and type the SQLSTART command to start the DB2 Server for VM database:
If you usually specify additional parameters for SQLSTART, you should specify them in addition to the DBNAME parameter shown above.
Type the CP DISCONNECT command to disconnect from the SQLMACH machine:
In this optional step, you can customize the date or time formats by creating a new exit. If exits already exist, they were linked in when the |I5697ELO EXEC was run. To create a new date or time exit:
You must ensure that your date and time exits match the date and time exits of any application server to which you are connecting.
In this phase, you load the DB2 RXSQL package into each application server in which DB2 RXSQL is to be installed. You also create and install the DB2 RXSQL secondary-level HELP tables with the HELP text in each application server in which DB2 RXSQL is to be installed, and give the public select authority on these tables.
Repeat this phase for each application server in which DB2 RXSQL is to be available. You will be using the SQLUSER machine to install DB2 RXSQL into each application server.
An authorization ID called SQLDBA that has DBA authority must exist on the DB2 application server into which you are installing RXSQL.
Log on to the SQLUSER machine. To install DB2 RXSQL into an application server, you must have read access to the DB2 RXSQL production and service disks and the DB2 production files. The disks that you must access depends on where DB2 RXSQL and the DB2 product are installed, as shown in Figure 14:
Figure 14. Accessing DB2 RXSQL and DB2 Disks When DB2 RXSQL Is in SFS Directories
Disks to Access | DB2 RXSQL Installed in DB2 SFS Directories | DB2 RXSQL Installed in Separate SFS Directories | |
DB2 Product is on Minidisk | DB2 Product is in SFS Directories | ||
DB2 production SFS directory | X | | X |
DB2 service SFS directory | X | | |
DB2 RXSQL production SFS directory | | X | X |
DB2 RXSQL service SFS directory | | X | X |
DB2 production minidisk | | X | |
If DB2 RXSQL was installed in DB2 SFS directories, specify the following commands to access the DB2 production and service SFS directories:
If DB2 RXSQL was installed in separate SFS directories, specify the following commands to access the DB2 RXSQL production and service SFS directories and the DB2 production files:
Note: | You do not have to specify the CP LINK command if the DB2 production disk is already linked. |
To complete this step, you must:
Note: | The dbspace RXSQHELP will be dropped and recreated with the new RXSQL help tables if you are upgrading. The installation exec will acquire the necessary dbspace for the help tables if you are installing this feature for the first time. |
To install DB2 RXSQL into a DB2 application server, type the following commands:
Refer to The ELOAMOD EXEC for instructions on running this EXEC.
The ELOHLPLD EXEC installs DB2 RXSQL secondary-level HELP tables into a DB2 application server. Refer to "The ELOHLPLD EXEC" for instructions on running this EXEC.
The ELOSHLP EXEC replaces the AMENG HELP text for releases of DB2 RXSQL Version 3 with the AMENG HELP text for DB2 RXSQL Version 7 Release 1. Refer to "The ELOSHLP EXEC" for instructions on running this EXEC.
For information about verifying the DB2 RXSQL installation, refer to "Installation Verification". Log off the SQLUSER machine. Installation of DB2 RXSQL is now completed.
In this phase, you load the DB2 RXSQL package into each non-DB2 Server for VM application server in which DB2 RXSQL is to be installed. This phase must be repeated for each application server in which DB2 RXSQL is to be available.
For this phase, your DB2 installation must have the ability to use the DRDA protocol and you must have DBA authority.
Before you can load the DB2 RXSQL package into a non-DB2 Server for VM application server, ensure that the DBS Utility package has been installed on the application server, and that you can run DBS Utility jobs from the SQLUSER machine using the DRDA protocol.
Log on to the SQLUSER machine and access the appropriate DB2 RXSQL and DB2 disks as described in Step 3.1 Access the DB2 RXSQL and DB2 Disks.
To install DB2 RXSQL in the non-DB2 Server for VM application server, type the following commands:
Refer to "The ELOAMOD EXEC" for instructions on running this EXEC.
Note: | HELP table installation is not supported in non-DB2 Server for VM application servers. |
For information about verifying the DB2 RXSQL installation, refer to "Installation Verification". Log off the SQLUSER machine.
This procedure verifies the installation of RXSQL by testing some of its functions. With it, you can check the sample programs and EXECs supplied by RXSQL.
The installation verification procedure is designed to test whether or not RXSQL was installed correctly into a DB2 application server. If you are verifying RXSQL installation into a non-DB2 Server for VM application server, you may have to modify the sample EXECs provided, or execute equivalent statements. You should verify that:
To perform this procedure, type the commands shown in lowercase as instructed. Compare the output from your command with the output shown in the figures immediately following the command. If the output is not similar, a problem may exist.
The installation verification procedure is as follows:
set language (add elo user
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Ready; | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ||ELO2102I *** DB2 RXSQL Version 7 Release 1 Modification 0 *** | ||Ready; | |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
The EMPCRE program requires that your userid (SQLUSER) can create the table and load data into it. If you are verifying installation into an DB2 Server for VM application server, you must have a private dbspace.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Ready; | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxselect * from rxemp
The following output is displayed in the temporary file S$Q$L S$T$M$T.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SELECT * FROM RXEMP | |EMPNO FIRSTNME MIDINIT LASTNAME WORKDEPT PHONENO HIREDATE JOB EDLEVEL SE| |------ -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ---------- -------- ------- --| |002130 GARY M SAMS B12 5643 1969-10-01 MANAGER 17 M | |002300 JANET L HEDGLEY B09 2345 1972-12-15 ANALYST 16 F | |001010 RON A LOWRY D14 2313 1978-01-15 ANALYST 20 M | |000990 RANDY M SCHENKER A07 1430 1983-03-22 OPERATOR 15 M | |002020 TERRY A RAINEY D11 3243 1989-09-05 DESIGNER 20 M | |001840 PAUL P CORDON B09 7070 1985-07-21 FILEREP 18 M | |002330 LES H FABER A10 2119 1977-03-18 CLERK 14 M | |009236 HEATHER B DOBSON D08 3467 1979-04-03 WRITER 16 F | |002574 JAY Q MERCIER A11 2946 1991-05-06 WRITER 15 M | |003567 DICK E SCHMIDT C04 3847 1972-11-17 CLERK 14 M | |002419 HARRY P ATWALA A07 9127 1980-10-28 OPERATOR 16 M | |003326 MARY K GOODBAR B09 3943 1974-07-13 MANAGER 18 F | |003589 STEVE S GOULD D07 3565 1976-06-12 WRITER 17 M | |ELO2121I ******** End-of-Data ********** | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
In XEDIT, scroll to the right to view the remainder of the table.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BIRTHDATE SALARY BONUS COMM | | ---------- -------- ------ ------- | | 1956-11-21 41700.00 900.00 4130.00 | | 1963-06-01 37900.00 800.00 3178.00 | | 1959-09-17 38240.00 600.00 3000.00 | | 1960-12-17 30190.00 700.00 2660.00 | | 1967-09-13 32560.00 500.00 2408.00 | | 1965-03-05 28090.00 600.00 3090.00 | | 1952-02-25 27800.00 400.00 1777.00 | | 1964-05-31 37600.00 800.00 2900.00 | | 1971-09-22 33400.00 600.00 2650.00 | | 1960-12-03 25790.00 500.00 2540.00 | | 1962-10-30 37940.00 800.00 3105.00 | | 1959-02-25 40360.00 900.00 3980.00 | | 1956-04-25 39250.00 350.00 3050.00 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
rxselect * from empview
The following output is displayed in the temporary file S$Q$L S$T$M$T.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SELECT * FROM EMPVIEW | |EMPNO FIRSTNME MIDINIT LASTNAME JOB EDLEVEL SALARY | |------ -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- -------- | |002130 GARY M SAMS MANAGER 17 41700.00 | |002300 JANET L HEDGLEY ANALYST 16 37900.00 | |001010 RON A LOWRY ANALYST 20 38240.00 | |000990 RANDY M SCHENKER OPERATOR 15 30190.00 | |002020 TERRY A RAINEY DESIGNER 20 32560.00 | |001840 PAUL P CORDON FILEREP 18 28090.00 | |002330 LES H FABER CLERK 14 27800.00 | |009236 HEATHER B DOBSON WRITER 16 37600.00 | |002574 JAY Q MERCIER WRITER 15 33400.00 | |003567 DICK E SCHMIDT CLERK 14 25790.00 | |002419 HARRY P ATWALA OPERATOR 16 37940.00 | |003326 MARY K GOODBAR MANAGER 18 40360.00 | |003589 STEVE S GOULD WRITER 17 39250.00 | |ELO2121I ******** End-of-Data ********** | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Employee: 002300 JANET L HEDGLEY | |Job:ANALYST Education:16 Salary:37900.00 | | | |Ready; T=0.25/0.44 10:00:47 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Ready; | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxcase upper
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Ready; | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxselect * from system.sysprogauth where progname = 'empprog'
Output similar to the following is displayed in the temporary file S$Q$L S$T$M$T.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SELECT * FROM SYSTEM.SYSPROGAUTH WHERE PROGNAME = 'EMPPROG' | |GRANTOR GRANTEE CREATOR PROGNAME TIMESTAMP RUNAUTH | |-------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------- | |SQLUSRV3 PUBLIC SQLUSRV3 EMPPROG B1AXKZO9IGO8 Y | |SQLUSRV3 SQLUSRV3 SQLUSRV3 EMPPROG B1AXKZN9HGLY G | |ELO2121I ******** End-of-Data ********** | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
If you are verifying RXSQL installation into a non-DB2 Server for VM application server, type an equivalent select statement to find the package listed in one of the catalog tables.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Employee: 002300 JANET L HEDGLEY | |Job:ANALYST Education:16 Salary:37900.00 | | | |Ready; T=0.24/0.42 10:04:47 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
empselx analyst 55000
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Employee: 002300 JANET L HEDGLEY | |Job:ANALYST Education:16 Salary:37900.00 | | | |Employee: 001010 RON A LOWRY | |Job:ANALYST Education:20 Salary:38240.00 | | | |Ready; T=0.27/0.46 10:05:02 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Ready; | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxselect * from system.sysprogauth where progname = 'empupd'
Output similar to the following is displayed in the temporary file S$Q$L S$T$M$T.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SELECT * FROM SYSTEM.SYSPROGAUTH WHERE PROGNAME = 'EMPUPD' | |GRANTOR GRANTEE CREATOR PROGNAME TIMESTAMP RUNAUTH | |-------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------- | |SQLUSRV3 MANAGER SQLUSRV3 EMPUPD B1AXLXHR6LQO Y | |SQLUSRV3 SQLUSRV3 SQLUSRV3 EMPUPD B1AXLXGSJ78S G | |ELO2121I ******** End-of-Data ********** | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
If you are verifying RXSQL installation into a non-DB2 Server for VM application server, type an equivalent select statement to find the package listed in one of the catalog tables.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Enter command: Insert Set Update COMMit ROLLback or Quit | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Enter Employee number, First name, Middle initial, Last name, Job, | |Education level and Salary | | (Empty line to quit) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
888 joe e user manager 2 36737
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Inserted. | |Enter Employee number, First name, Middle initial, Last name, Job, | |Education level and Salary | | (Empty line to quit) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Enter command: Insert Set Update COMMit ROLLback or Quit | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Enter Emp#, Last name, SALARY. (Empty line to quit) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
888 user 45000
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |1 row(s) updated. | |Enter Emp#, Last name, SALARY. (Empty line to quit) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Enter command: Insert Set Update COMMit ROLLback or Quit | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Enter percent salary change. (Empty line to quit) | | 5 means add 5 percent to all current salaries, | | -4 means subtract 4 percent from all current salaries. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |14 row(s) updated. | |Enter command: Insert Set Update COMMit ROLLback or Quit | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Enter command: Insert Set Update COMMit ROLLback or Quit | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Ready; | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxselect * from rxemp
The following output is displayed in the temporary file S$Q$L S$T$M$T.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SELECT * FROM RXEMP | |EMPNO FIRSTNME MIDINIT LASTNAME WORKDEPT PHONENO HIREDATE JOB EDLEVEL SE| |------ -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ---------- -------- ------- --| |002130 GARY M SAMS B12 5643 1969-10-01 MANAGER 17 M | |002300 JANET L HEDGLEY B09 2345 1972-12-15 ANALYST 16 F | |001010 RON A LOWRY D14 2313 1978-01-15 ANALYST 20 M | |000990 RANDY M SCHENKER A07 1430 1983-03-22 OPERATOR 15 M | |002020 TERRY A RAINEY D11 3243 1989-09-05 DESIGNER 20 M | |001840 PAUL P CORDON B09 7070 1985-07-21 FILEREP 18 M | |002330 LES H FABER A10 2119 1977-03-18 CLERK 14 M | |009236 HEATHER B DOBSON D08 3467 1979-04-03 WRITER 16 F | |002574 JAY Q MERCIER A11 2946 1991-05-06 WRITER 15 M | |003567 DICK E SCHMIDT C04 3847 1972-11-17 CLERK 14 M | |002419 HARRY P ATWALA A07 9127 1980-10-28 OPERATOR 16 M | |003326 MARY K GOODBAR B09 3943 1974-07-13 MANAGER 18 F | |003589 STEVE S GOULD D07 3565 1976-06-12 WRITER 17 M | |888 JOE E USER ? ? ? MANAGER 2 ? | |ELO2121I ******** End-of-Data ********** | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
In XEDIT, scroll to the right to view the remainder of the table.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | BIRTHDATE SALARY BONUS COMM | | ---------- -------- ------ ------- | | 1956-11-21 42951.00 900.00 4130.00 | | 1963-06-01 39037.00 800.00 3178.00 | | 1959-09-17 39387.20 600.00 3000.00 | | 1960-12-17 31095.70 700.00 2660.00 | | 1967-09-13 33536.80 500.00 2408.00 | | 1965-03-05 28932.70 600.00 3090.00 | | 1952-02-25 28634.00 400.00 1777.00 | | 1964-05-31 38728.00 800.00 2900.00 | | 1971-09-22 34402.00 600.00 2650.00 | | 1960-12-03 26563.70 500.00 2540.00 | | 1962-10-30 39078.20 800.00 3105.00 | | 1959-02-25 41570.80 900.00 3980.00 | | 1956-04-25 40427.50 350.00 3050.00 | | ? 46350.00 ? ? | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxsqlop show system
The following output is displayed in the temporary file S$Q$L O$P.
Note: | Because operator commands are not supported in the DRDA protocol, omit this step if you are verifying DB2 RXSQL installation into a non-DB2 Server for VM application server. |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |=========================================================== | |SQLOP SHOW SYSTEM | |=========================================================== | |System state at DATE='03-11-92' TIME='10:26:17' | | | |POOL TOTAL NO. OF NO. OF NO. OF % NO. OF | |NO. PAGES PAGES USED FREE PAGES RESV PAGES USED EXTENTS SOS | | 1 1710 303 1407 20 17 2 | |FREE 252242 | |Log Status: | | . | | . | | . | | | |Status of DB2 Server for VM agents: | | . | | . | | . | | | |ARI0065I DB2 Server for VM operator command processing is complete. | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxsqlex drop table rxemp
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |RXSQL EXEC DROP TABLE RXEMP | |RXSQL COMMIT | |Ready; | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxselect * from rxemp
The following is shown in XEDIT:
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |SELECT * FROM RXEMP | |RXSQL PREP SELSTMT SELECT * FROM RXEMP | | Sqlcode: -204 | | Sqlstate: 52004 | | Sqlerrd.1: -100 | | Sqlerrd.4: -7.23700514597311554e75 | | Sqlerrp: ARIXOCA | | Sqlerrm: SQLUSRV3.RXEMP | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxsqlhlp -204
Note: | If you are verifying DB2 RXSQL installation into a non-DB2 Server for VM application server, HELP information is not available. The installation verification procedure is therefore completed. |
The following output is displayed in the temporary file S$Q$L H$E$L$P.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |=========================================================== | |DB2 RXSQL HELP '-204' | |=========================================================== | |TOPIC NAME: ELO0204E / RETURN CODE 204 OR -204 | | | |ELO0204E <main_variable> is undefined and the value of | |<indicator_variable> was non-negative. | | | |Explanation: The main variable was undefined, yet the | |indicator variable indicated that the main variable would | |be set with a value. | | | |System Action: The DB2 RXSQL request was not executed | |successfully. Control is returned to the user's REXX | |program. | | | |User Response: Check that the main variable or the | |indicator variable was set correctly or that the main | |variable was not inadvertently dropped. Change your | |program and rerun your program. | | | |=========================================================== | |DB2 Server for VM HELP '-204' | |=========================================================== | |TOPIC NAME: -204 | |-204 owner.object-name was not found in the system | |catalog. | | | |EXPLANATION: . | | . | | . | | . | | . | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
rxsqlhlp 116
The following output is displayed in the temporary file S$Q$L H$E$L$P.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |=========================================================== | |DB2 RXSQL HELP '+116' | |=========================================================== | |TOPIC NAME: ELO0116E / RETURN CODE 116 OR -116 | | | |ELO0116E <name> does not represent a SELECT statement. | |<request> request cannot be executed. | | | |Explanation: The statement name or prepare name specified | |in the <request> request does not refer to a prepared or | |declared SELECT statement. | | | |System Action: The DB2 RXSQL request was not executed | |successfully. Control is returned to the user's REXX | |program. | | | |User Response: Check your spelling of the statement name | |and rerun the program. | | | |=========================================================== | |DB2 Server for VM HELP '+116' | |=========================================================== | |ELO2112I DB2 Server for VM HELP text is not available for topic '+116' | |for language S001. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
The installation verification procedure is now completed.