DB2 REXX SQL for VM/ESA(R): Installation and Reference

Chapter 3. Installing a REXX SQL NLS Language

This chapter is intended for the system programmer responsible for installation and maintenance. It contains information concerning the material and procedures associated with the installation of DB2 REXX SQL NLS Languages.

You should read all of this chapter before enabling a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language.

This chapter will discuss:

Installation Requirements and Considerations

The following sections identify the system requirements for installing and activating DB2 REXX SQL NLS Languages. In most cases, you can install a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language on a running system (target system). However, some cases may warrant the use of two systems. If two systems are required the following terminology is used:

  1. The system used to install the language (driving system)
  2. The system on which the language is installed (target system)

Installation Defaults

Before installing a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language, you must have installed and verified DB2 Server for VM Version 7 Release 1 Modification 0. Therefore, you have created a DB2 Server for VM virtual machine, DB2 Server for VM Production and Service minidisks or SFS directories, and a user virtual machine.

It is also assumed that DB2 REXX SQL has been installed in the manner described in this manual (Chapter 2). Therefore, you have DB2 REXX SQL Production and Service minidisks or SFS directories. As part of the installation you will also have created the DB2 REXX SQL Help tables in your DB2 Server for VM application server. If DB2 Server for VM or DB2 REXX SQL was not installed using defaults, you may need to substitute machine names, virtual addresses, or SFS directory names in order to install a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language.

The DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language installation described in this chapter is not applicable when using non-DB2 for VM application servers or when using the DRDA protocol.

Driving System Requirements

This section describes the environment required of the driving system to install a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language.

Programming Requirements

Same requirements as the DB2 REXX SQL feature.

Additional DASD Requirements

The free space required on a work minidisk of the MAINT machine is described in the following table.

Figure 15. Storage Requirements - DASD for Driving System
Minidisks Block Size Virtual Address Access Mode 3375 Cyl 3380 Cyl 3390 Cyl 9345 Cyl FB-512 Blocks
MAINT machine: Work minidisk for installation 4096 194 or 191 A or C 2 1 1 1 800

Target System Requirements

This section describes the environment required of the target system to install and use a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language.

Programming Requirements

The same operating system environment as DB2 REXX SQL is required to run a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language. Also before installing a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language, you must have installed DB2 Server for VM Version 7 Release 1 Modification 0. You will also have installed DB2 REXX SQL prior to enabling a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language.

Additional DASD Requirements

Before installing a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language you must provide several minidisks for installation, service, and running. The following table lists the minidisks and the space requirements:

Figure 16. DASD Storage Requirements for Target Minidisks
Minidisk Description Default Address Storage in Cylinders   Storage in Blocks
DASD CYLS   Type Blocks
SQLMACH machine: NLS UCENG Minidisk






SQLMACH machine: NLS UCENG SFS Directory






  1. Select either minidisk or SFS directory values above, depending on where SQLMACH is located.
  2. Minidisk 298 is a default address for the Upper Case English NLS Language. Each language has a specified default address. UCENG is used as an example throughout this chapter.
  3. If you wish to install multiple languages, then you must create a new NLS minidisk or SFS directory for each language to be installed.

Installation Instructions

This section describes the installation method and the step-by-step procedures to install and to activate the functions of a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language.

Installing a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language

These instructions are intended to help you install a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language on VM. It is assumed that you are familiar with the base DB2 REXX SQL installation process, VM commands and execs. Changes to the VM Directory MUST be performed by a user ID such as MAINT, which has VM Directory maintenance privileges. The terminology used in this documentation is synonymous with that used previously in this manual.

The following tasks must be completed before proceeding with the REXX SQL NLS installation process:

DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language Installation Overview

The following activities are involved in installing a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language:

DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language Installation Steps

Step  1:
Log on to the MAINT user ID

To begin installing the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language, log on to the MAINT user ID.

Step  2:
Define the new NLS minidisk or create an SFS directory

For minidisks:

Redefine the VM directory for SQLMACH, or its equivalent, to include a minidisk for the NLS Language.

Follow these steps:

  1. Obtain a minidisk map and locate a free gap large enough for the new minidisk
  2. Assign a new virtual device address to the new minidisk
  3. Insert a new MDISK statement for the new minidisk
  4. Replace the directory entry
  5. Obtain a new minidisk map and check for overlaps
  6. Place the VM directory online when satisfied.

Figure 17 shows an example of the new MDISK statement based on 3380 DASD.

Figure 17. Example of new MDISK statement

|MDISK cuu 3380 cylr 001 volser RR readpw writepw                                |
|-------------------------------------------------------------------------       |
|NOTES:                                                                          |
|  1. 'cuu' is the virtual device address                                        |
|  2. 'cylr' is the starting cylinder number                                     |
|  3. The 'readpw' and 'writepw' cuu must be recorded for later                  |
|     use during installation.                                                   |

Refer to the VM/ESA: Planning and Administration manual, for a complete description of VM/ESA directory control statements.

The rest of the steps assume that the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language minidisk has an owner of SQLMACH and virtual device address of 298. The actual virtual device address will be different for each NLS language installed.

For SFS Directories

Follow the procedure listed to define the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language SFS directory.

  1. Give the SQLMACH SFS directory 120 more blocks in the file pool VMSYS, or equivalent, by typing:
  2. Enroll users in VMSYS file pool by typing:

    or, enroll specific users,


    To enroll more users, substitute the user ID in for SQLUSER, and repeat the above command.

  3. Create the SFS directory for a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language


    Note:If you are installing more than one REXX SQL NLS Feature, you may want to use a different directory name to reflect the language that you are installing. The installation exec and this document refer to the directory as REXX SQL.NLSPROD.
  4. Grant read access to the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language SFS directory



    or, depending on the command you used to enroll users,


    Repeat the above command with the user ID substituted in for SQLUSER to grant authority to more users.

Refer to the VM/ESA: CMS File Pool Planning, Administration, and Operation manual, for a complete description of VM/ESA directory control statements.

For minidisks:

Step  3:
Format the new NLS minidisk

Access the new DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language minidisk and format it by entering the following commands:

LINK SQLMACH 298 ncuu WR writepw
FORMAT ncuu fmode (BLKSIZE 4096

The first statement links you to the new NLS minidisk in write mode. ncuu is any available virtual device address and writepw is the disk write password.

The second statement accesses and formats the new NLS minidisk. fmode is any available file mode. Any other disk accessed as fmode will be released.

For minidisks and SFS directories:

Step  4:
Mount the REXX SQL Distribution tape

Using your current operating procedures, attach a free tape drive to the installer user ID as virtual address 181 and mount the REXX SQL Distribution tape.

The REXX SQL distribution tape contains 12 files separated by tape marks.

Step  5:
Load the installation exec and print the Memo to Users

To load file 1 and file 2 of the REXX SQL distribution tape to your A-disk, enter the following commands:


The first statement rewinds the distribution tape.

The second statement loads file 1 and file 2 of the distribution tape to the installer's work disk (assumed here to be the A-disk). Any files on the work disk with the same names as those being loaded from the distribution tape will be overwritten.

File 1 contains the ELOINLS EXEC that will load the desired DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language from the distribution tape to minidisks or SFS directories

File 2 contains the Memo to Users. To print this file, enter the command: |PRINT I5697ELO MEMO A (CC

Step  6:
Load Files to the new NLS minidisk or SFS directory and the DB2 REXX SQL Service minidisk or SFS directory

For minidisks:

If you are installing the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language on minidisks, then you need to know the owners, virtual addresses, and write passwords of the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language minidisk and the DB2 REXX SQL Service minidisk.

If you defined the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language minidisk with the default options, the owner is SQLMACH, and the virtual address is 298 (for UCENG). The default password in the ELOINLS EXEC is WSQL; however, this is probably different from the password you assigned when you defined the disk.

If DB2 REXX SQL was installed with the default options, the DB2 REXX SQL Service minidisk owner is SQLMACH, the virtual address is 199, and the write password is WSQL.

For SFS Directories:

If you are installing a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language on SFS directories, then you need to know the file pool ID, the directory owner, and the directory name for both the REXX SQL NLS directory and the DB2 RXSQL Service directory.

The ELOINLS EXEC default for the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language directory is VMSYS:SQLMACH.RXSQL.NLSPROD, and the default for the DB2 REXX SQL Service directory is VMSYS:SQLMACH.RXSQL.SERVICE.

You may want to use the Language id for the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language directory name, especially if you are planning on installing more than one language. As an example the Language ID for Upper Case English is ECENG.

For both minidisks and SFS directories:

You must change the current language by typing:


NOTE: langid can be UCENG for Upper Case English, FRANC for French, HANZI for Simplified Chinese, or KANJI for Japanese.

To invoke the ELOINLS EXEC, type:


You can expect the ELOINLS EXEC to take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Processing time will vary depending on current system load and time spent responding to prompts.

The first prompt asks you if you want to install DB2 REXX SQL NLS Help files for Version 7 Release 1 Modification 0.

The default is No. Press enter to execute the default.

To continue, type the following and press ENTER:


The next prompt asks you which DB2 REXX SQL NLS Help Language you wish to install.

There is no default available for this prompt.

To continue, type the following and press ENTER:

         1         to install Upper Case English
         2         to install French
         3         to install Simplified Chinese
         4         to install Japanese
         QUIT      to exit at this point in the installation.

If you are on a VM/ESA installation the exec issues a prompt asking if DB2 REXX SQL is installed on minidisks or in SFS directories.

To continue, type one of the following, and press ENTER:

         M        for minidisk
         S        for SFS directory
         111      to stop the installation process.

The exec then displays the defaults for the REXX SQL NLS minidisk, or SFS directory.

You are asked if you want the defaults. Type one of the following responses and press ENTER:

         1        to accept the defaults and proceed
         0        to specify different values
         111      to stop the installation process.

If you typed 0 and pressed ENTER, you will be asked to specify, in order, a new:
  1. Owner (minidisk) or file pool ID (SFS directory)
  2. Virtual address (minidisk) or directory owner (SFS directory)
  3. Write password (minidisk) or directory name (SFS directory)

The new values are listed for your verification. Type one of the following responses, and press ENTER.

         1        to accept the new values and proceed
         0        to specify different values
         111      to stop the installation process.

The ELOINLS EXEC then displays the defaults for the DB2 REXX SQL Service minidisk or SFS directory.

You are asked if you want the defaults. Type one of the following responses, and press ENTER.

         1        to accept the defaults and proceed
         0        to specify different values
         111      to stop the installation process.

If you typed 0 and pressed ENTER, you will be asked to specify , in order, a new:
  1. Owner (minidisk) or file pool ID (SFS directory)
  2. Virtual address (minidisk) or directory owner (SFS directory)
  3. Write password (minidisk) or directory name (SFS directory)

The new values are listed for your verification. Type one of the following responses, and press ENTER.

         1        to accept the new values and proceed
         0        to specify different values
         111      to stop the installation process.

A message with a return code of 888 displays when processing has finished. The REXX SQL NLS tape is positioned at the tape mark following the end of the last file on the tape (file 12).

For SFS directories

Step  7:
Grant read access to the REXX SQL NLS Language files



or, depending on the command you used to enroll users,


Repeat the above command with the user ID substituted in for SQLUSER to grant authority to more users.

For both minidisks and SFS directories:

Step  8:
Log off the MAINT user ID

Log off the MAINT user ID if installation will be continued from another machine.

Step  9:
Log on to the installer user ID

To continue with the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language installation process, you should log on to the user ID that will be performing the installation into the database.

Step 10:
Install or refresh the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language Help Text for each database

Note:If a previous release of the REXX SQL NLS Language is currently installed, then you refresh the Language Help text by applying service to it instead of installing it. There are different steps to follow depending on whether you are installing or refreshing. If you are installing, follow the instructions in Step 10a. If you are refreshing, follow the instructions in Step 10b.

To complete this step you must:

For minidisks:

Type the following statements, and press enter after each line.


This links and accesses you to the DB2 Server for VM Production minidisk, the DB2 REXX SQL Service minidisk and the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language minidisk. These statements may vary slightly if DB2 Server for VM, DB2 REXX SQL, or the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language were not installed using the defaults.

For SFS directories

Type the following statements, and press enter after each line.


This gives you access to the DB2 for VM Production SFS directory, the DB2 REXX SQL Service SFS directory and the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language SFS directory. These statements may vary slightly if DB2 for VM, DB2 REXX SQL, or the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language were not installed using the defaults.

For both minidisks and SFS directories:

Enter the following statements for each database in which you intend to install or refresh the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language Help text:


This statement initializes the user to the DB2 for VM database in which the NLS Language Help Text will be installed or refreshed. Replace dbname with the name of your database.

After you run the SQLINIT EXEC, you must either install the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language or apply service to the existing installed NLS Language Help text.

Step 10a:
Install the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language

Invoke the ELOHNLS EXEC that performs this task for you by:

To invoke the ELOHNLS EXEC type:

ELOHNLS <LANGkey (langkey)> <CONnect(SQLDBA/password)>

Text that is in the < > symbols is optional. You will be prompted for both the langkey and the connect SQLDBA/password if you invoke ELOHNLS without these options.

A message "NLS Help text installed successfully in help tables". displays when the NLS Help Text is successfully loaded in the Help tables.

If the ELOHNLS EXEC Fails:

An error message will identify the problem. If the error occurred during DBSU processing, check the console listing for more details. Correct the error, and rerun the ELOHNLS EXEC.

When this EXEC runs successfully the Language Help text is installed. Verify the Language Help text by following the instructions in Step 11.

Step 10b:
Apply service to the existing NLS Language Help Text

Invoke the ELOSHLP EXEC which applies service for you.

To invoke the ELOSHLP EXEC issue the following command:

EXEC ELOSHLP <LANGkey(langkey)> <CONnect(SQLDBA/password)>

A complete description of this exec is in Chapter 4 of this manual.

When this exec has successfully serviced the Language Help text, verify the Language Help text by following the instructions in Step 11.

See "Changing the Default Help Text Language" later in this chapter if you want to make the language you just installed or refreshed the default Help Text language.

Step 11:
Verify the installation

To complete the verification you must have a private dbspace available.

For minidisks

To verify that the installation of the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language was successful, enter the following commands:

LINK SQLMACH 198 198 RR rsql

These statements link and access the DB2 REXX SQL Production minidisk SQLMACH 198 in read mode. rsql is the read password. The DB2 REXX SQL Production minidisk is accessed in file mode P. The DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language minidisk is still accessed with the file mode of N. The DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language minidisk must be accessed before the DB2 REXX SQL Production minidisk and before any other DB2 REXX SQL NLS minidisks.

For SFS directories:

To verify that the installation of the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language was successful, enter the following commands:


This statement accesses the DB2 REXX SQL Production SFS directory in file mode P. The DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language SFS directory is still accessed with a file mode of N. The DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language SFS directory must be accessed before the DB2 REXX SQL Production SFS directory and before any other DB2 REXX SQL NLS SFS directory.

For both minidisks and SFS directories:

To continue with the verification, issue the following CMS command:


The SET LANGUAGE command changes the current language of your CMS session and forces CMS to pick up the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language Message repository for REXX SQL. Remember, as an example, the langid for Upper Case English is UCENG.

To complete your verification type:


This exec creates the RXEMP table and view, and loads data into the table. If you get an error when you run this exec, make sure that the RXEMP does not already exist in your database space, and make sure that you have the resource authority needed to create a table. If you are still encountering problems, refer to Installation Verification for more information.

Now type:


Is the message text for number ELO2121I translated?

To continue the verification, exit from editing the file, and type:


Is the Help Panel displayed in the Language you just enabled?

Now, exit from HELP, and type:


This will ensure that the HELP information displayed by DB2 REXX SQL will be in the Language you just enables. Refer to RXSQLANG EXEC for more information about the REXX SQLANG EXEC.

To finish your verification type:


Is the first section of the file displayed in the Language you just enabled?

Exit from the file you are editing.

If you answered Yes to all of the above questions, then you have successfully installed the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language.

If you did not answer Yes to all of the above questions, verify that the NLS Language minidisk or SFS directory is accessed before the DB2 REXX SQL Production minidisk. If it is not, then reaccess it so that it is. Next, make sure that the CMS command "SET LANGUAGE langid (ADD ELO USER" was issued successfully. If you still encounter untranslated text that is supposed to appear in the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language, then run the ELODNLS EXEC to delete the Language CMS HELP and any help text that may have been installed in the database, return to Step 6, and repeat the installation from that point.

For more information about running the ELODNLS EXEC refer to Appendix C in this manual.

Step 12:
Log Off the Installer User ID

You are finished installing the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language.

Changing the Default Help Text Language

If you wish to make the language you just installed the default Help Text language for all users connecting to the database, then issue the following commands:


Replace dbname with the name of your database.


password is the password assigned to SQLDBA.

Activating DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language

The steps for activating the functions of the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language are summarized below:

Once the installation of the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language is complete, each user must do the following:


  1. The DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language minidisk or SFS directory must be accessed before the DB2 REXX SQL Production minidisk or SFS directory, and before any other DB2 REXX SQL NLS minidisk or SFS directory. This must be done to view the DB2 REXX SQL error messages and CMS Help text in the desired Language.

  2. To switch between the current NLS Language and any other NLS language, you must change the order in which the NLS minidisks or SFS directories are accessed and issue the "SET LANGUAGE" command for the other NLS language. To return to the default language (American English), access the DB2 REXX SQL Production minidisk or SFS directory before any of the other NLS minidisks or SFS directories, and issue the "SET LANGUAGE AMENG" command.

  3. You may want to execute the RXSQLANG EXEC to see Help information in the desired NLS Language. RXSQLANG EXEC contains a complete description of this exec.

Preventive Service Planning and Service Instructions

There will be no preventive service for a DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language; however corrective service will be available.

If the file ELO2S002, ELO2S003, ELO2D001, and/or ELOSD003 MACRO is serviced, then you must invoke the Help Text service exec, ELOSHLP, for each database in which the DB2 REXX SQL NLS Language Help Text is installed.

To invoke the ELOSHLP EXEC issue the following command:

EXEC ELOSHLP <LANGkey(langkey)> <CONnect(SQLDBA/password)>

A complete description of this exec can be found in Chapter 4 of this manual.

Further details regarding Service can be found in Chapter 4 of this manual.

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