SQL8000N | DB2START processing failed; a valid product license was not found. |
Explanation: A valid license key could not be found and the evaluation period has expired.
User Response: Install a license key for the fully entitled version of the product. You can obtain a license key for the product by contacting your IBM representative or authorized dealer.
SQL8001N | DB2 connect processing failed; a valid product license was not found. |
Explanation: A valid license key could not be found and the evaluation period has expired.
User Response: Install a license key for the fully entitled version of the product. You can obtain a license key for the product by contacting your IBM representative or authorized dealer.
sqlcode: -8001
sqlstate: 42968
SQL8002N | DRDA connect processing failed; a valid product license was not found. |
Explanation: A valid license key could not be found and the evaluation period has expired.
User Response: Install a license key for the fully entitled version of the product. You can obtain a license key for the product by contacting your IBM representative or authorized dealer.
sqlcode: -8002
sqlstate: 42968
SQL8006W | The product "<product-name>" does not have a valid license key installed. If you have licensed this product, please ensure the license key is properly installed. If a license key is not installed, this product will be enabled for a "<number>" day evaluation period. USE OF THE PRODUCT FOR THE EVALUATION PERIOD CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE IBM EVALUATION AGREEMENT IN THE EVALUATE.AGR FILE, LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORY: "<directory-name>". |
Explanation: A valid license key has not been installed for this product. The product will be enabled to operate for a limited period of time for evaluation purposes. THE EVALUATION PERIOD IS CONTROLLED BY A TIME DISABLING DEVICE.
User Response: If you have purchased a fully entitled version of this product, please install your license key as described in the product installation documentation. If you have already installed the license key, please verify your license file for accuracy.
If you do not accept the terms, you are not authorized to use the product and you must de-install it. You can obtain a license key for the fully authorized program with the product by contacting your IBM representative or authorized dealer.
SQL8007W | There are "<number>" day(s) left in the evaluation period for the product "<text>". For evaluation license terms and conditions, refer to the IBM Evaluation Agreement in the EVALUATE.AGR file, located in the following directory: "<text>". |
Explanation: A valid license key has not been installed for this product. The evaluation period will expire after the specified number of days.
User Response: The product is operating in evaluation mode, and is enabled for a limited period of time. When the evaluation period has expired it will not execute until a license key for the fully entitled version of the product is installed.
You can obtain a license key for the product by contacting your IBM representative or authorized dealer.
SQL8008N | The product "<text>" does not have a valid license key installed and the evaluation period has expired. Functions specific to this product are not enabled. |
Explanation: A valid license key could not be found and the evaluation period has expired.
User Response: Install a license key for the fully entitled version of the product. You can obtain a license key for the product by contacting your IBM representative or authorized dealer.
SQL8009W | The number of concurrent users of the DB2 Workgroup product has exceeded the defined entitlement of "<number>". Concurrent user count is "<number>". |
Explanation: The number of concurrent users has exceeded the number of defined DB2 concurrent user entitlements.
User Response: Contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer to obtain additional DB2 user entitlements and update the DB2 license information in the License Center.
sqlcode: +8009
sqlstate: 01632
SQL8010W | The number of concurrent users of the DB2 Connect product has exceeded the defined entitlement of "<number>". Concurrent user count is "<number>". |
Explanation: The number of concurrent users has exceeded the number of defined DB2 concurrent user entitlements.
User Response: Contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer to obtain additional DB2 user entitlements and update the DB2 license information in the License Center.
sqlcode: +8010
sqlstate: 01632
SQL8011W | One or more database partitions does not have a valid DB2 license key installed for the "<product-name>" product. Refer to db2diag.log for more information. |
Explanation: A valid license key has not been installed for this product on all database partitions. The product will be enabled to operate for a limited period of time for evaluation purposes. THE EVALUATION PERIOD IS CONTROLLED BY A TIME DISABLING DEVICE.
User Response: Check the db2diag.log for more information indicating which database partitions are encountering the license problem. If you have purchased a fully entitled version of this product, please install your license key as described in the product installation documentation. If you have already installed the license key, please verify your license file for accuracy.
If you do not accept the terms, you are not authorized to use the product and you must de-install it. You can obtain a license key for the fully authorized program with the product by contacting your IBM representative or authorized dealer.
SQL8012W | The number of concurrent users of the DB2 Enterprise product has exceeded the defined entitlement of "<number>". Concurrent user count is "<number>". |
Explanation: The number of concurrent users has exceeded the number of defined DB2 concurrent user entitlements.
User Response: Contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer to obtain additional DB2 user entitlements and update the DB2 license information in the License Center.
sqlcode: +8012
sqlstate: 01632
SQL8013W | The number of concurrent database connections to the DB2 Connect product has exceeded the defined entitlement of "<number>". Database connection count is "<number>". |
Explanation: The license for the DB2 Connect product you are using supports a limited number of concurrent database connections. You have requested a number of connections that exceeds this limit.
User Response: Upgrade to a version of the DB2 Connect product with a higher limit of concurrent database connections.
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition users: obtain licenses for additional users by purchasing Additional User Packs.
sqlcode: +8013
sqlstate: 01632
SQL8014N | The version of the DB2 Connect product you are using is not licensed for use with TCP/IP protocol. Upgrade to a full function DB2 Connect product to use TCP/IP. |
Explanation: This version of DB2 Connect is limited to SNA connectivity. TCP/IP connections are not supported.
User Response: Upgrade to a full function DB2 Connect product such as DB2 Connect Personal Edition or DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition to use TCP/IP.
sqlcode: -8014
sqlstate: 42968
SQL8015N | The version of the DB2 Connect product you are using is not licensed for updating multiple databases in the same transaction. |
Explanation: This version of DB2 Connect is limited to working with a single database in a transaction. It does not support 2-phase commit protocol.
User Response: Upgrade to a full function DB2 Connect product such as DB2 Connect Personal Edition or DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition to be able to update multiple databases in a single transaction.
sqlcode: -8015
sqlstate: 42968
SQL8016N | The user "<user-name>" is not defined as a registered user for the product "<product-name>". |
Explanation: The user has not been registered to use this product.
User Response: Contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer to obtain additional DB2 registered user entitlements and update the registered user list for this product in the License Center.
SQL8017W | The number of processors on this machine exceeds the defined entitlement of "<licensed-quantity>" for the product "<product-name>". The number of processors on this machine is "<processor-quanity>". |
Explanation: The number of online processors exceeds the number of processors specified in your license configuration.
User Response: Purchase additional processor entitlements from your IBM representative or authorized dealer and update your license by using the License Center or the db2licm command line utility.
sqlcode: +8017
SQL8018W | The number of concurrent users of this product has exceeded the defined entitlement of "<number>". Concurrent user count is "<number>". |
Explanation: The number of concurrent users has exceeded the number of defined concurrent user entitlements.
User Response: Contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer to obtain additional user entitlements and update the DB2 license information in the License Center.
sqlcode: +8018
sqlstate: 01632
SQL8019N | There was an error updating the license for the OLAP Starter Kit. RC = "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: The license utility could not update the OLAP Starter Kit license because of an unknown error.
User Response: Try the command again. If the problem persists, please contact an IBM service representative.
sqlcode: -8019
SQL8020W | The number of concurrent non-DB2 data sources for one server has exceeded the defined entitlement of "<number-sources>". Current number of non-DB2 data sources is "<number-entitled>". |
Explanation: The number of concurrent non-DB2 data sources has exceeded the number of defined entitlements.
User Response: Contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer to obtain additional entitlements and then update the DB2 license information in the License Center.
sqlcode: +8020
SQL8021W | The data source "<source-name>" is not defined as a registered data source for "<product-name>". |
Explanation: The data source has not been configured as a registered data source. You must purchase entitlements for all non-DB2 data sources.
User Response: Contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer to obtain additional data source entitlements and update the registered data source list for this product in the License Center.
sqlcode: +8021