Message Reference

SQL7000 - SQL7099

SQL7001NUnknown command "<command>" was requested.

Explanation: The command submitted to REXX could not be recognized.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the command is a valid SQL statement and rerun the procedure. Note that all commands must be in uppercase.

SQL7002NThe cursor name is invalid.

Explanation: The user specified an incorrect cursor name.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the cursor name is one of the form "c1" through "c100".

SQL7003NThe statement name is invalid.

Explanation: The user has specified an incorrect statement name.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the statement name is of the form "s1" through "s100".

SQL7004NThe syntax of the request is invalid.

Explanation: REXX was unable to parse the command string submitted.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Use proper command syntax.

SQL7005WThe cursor used by this OPEN statement has not been declared.

Explanation: An OPEN statement was attempted without a declaring a cursor.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Insert a DECLARE statement before the OPEN statement and rerun the procedure.

SQL7006NInvalid keyword "<keyword>" given on "<request>".

Explanation: The statement contains a not valid keyword "<keyword>".

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Specify the correct keyword format.

SQL7007NREXX variable "<variable>" does not exist.

Explanation: A REXX variable that did not exist in the REXX variable pool was passed.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that all variable names in the host-variable list are assigned before the command that failed. Then run the procedure again.

SQL7008NREXX variable "<variable>" contains inconsistent data.

Explanation: A variable that contained inconsistent data was passed to REXX.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: If the variable is an SQLDA, verify that the data and length fields have been assigned correctly. If it is a REXX variable, verify that the type of data is appropriate to the command where it is being used.

SQL7009NTruncated REXX variable "<variable>".

Explanation: The variable "<variable>" passed to REXX contained inconsistent data. The data string from "<variable>" was truncated.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the data length is consistent with the length given in the input SQLDA, and run the procedure again.

SQL7010NInvalid scan ID "<ID>".

Explanation: The scan ID "<variable>" passed to REXX did not exist or contained inconsistent or missing data.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the data contained in the scan ID has been assigned correctly, and run the procedure again.

SQL7011NRequired parameter "<parameter>" not given.

Explanation: The parameter "<parameter>" is required by REXX command syntax but was not specified.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Specify the required parameter value, and run the procedure again.

SQL7012NAttempted ISL change while connected to a database.

Explanation: Isolation level (ISL) may not be changed while connected to a database.

The command is ignored.

User Response: If a change in isolation level is necessary, disconnect from the current database, then set the isolation level and connect to the database.

SQL7013NMismatched cursor and statement name or hold attribute.

Explanation: In REXX, the cursor and statement name form must be 'cnn' and 'snn,' where 'nn' is a number from 1 to 100. The numbers must be the same for a cursor and statement pair. Also, c1 through c50 are declared without hold and c51 through c100 with hold.

The command is ignored.

User Response: Verify that the cursor and statement numbers match and rerun the procedure.

SQL7014NIncorrect number of host variable components.

Explanation: In REXX, the first component of a compound host variable lists a number which is not equal to the actual number of components defined.

The command is ignored.

User Response: Verify that the number in the first component matches the number of components actually defined and rerun the procedure.

SQL7015NThe variable name "<variable>" is not valid in REXX.

Explanation: The variable name specified is not valid in REXX. The name must conform to the language requirements.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Change the name to one that conforms to the REXX requirements and resubmit the command.

SQL7016NInvalid syntax provided to the SQLDB2 interface. Related Error: "<db2_error>". The command cannot be processed.

Explanation: Invalid syntax was provided to the SQLDB2 interface, e.g. both an input file and a command were specified.

User Response: Look up the related error code for more information.

SQL7032NSQL procedure "<procedure-name>" not created. Diagnostic file is "<file-name>".

Explanation: SQL Procedure "<procedure-name>" was not created. One of the following has occurred:

For UNIX platforms, the full path of the file that contains diagnostic information is:
$DB2PATH/function/routine/sqlproc/ \

where $DATABASE represents the name of the database, and $SCHEMA represents the schema name of the SQL procedure.

For OS/2 and Windows 32-bit operating systems, the full path of the file that contains diagnostic information is:
%DB2PATH%\function\routine\sqlproc\ \

where %DATABASE% represents the name of the database, and %SCHEMA% represents the schema name of the SQL procedure.

User Response: Ensure that both a compatible C compiler and a DB2 Application Development Client are installed on the server. If a precompile or compile error occurred, refer to the messages from the precompiler or compiler in the diagnostic file "<file-name>".

Ensure that the DB2 registry variable DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILER_PATH is set to point to a script or batch file that sets up the C compiler environment. On a UNIX operating system, for example, you may create a script called "sr_cpath" in the /home/DB2INSTANCE/sqllib/function/routine directory. To set the DB2 registry variable DB2_SQL_ROUTINE_COMPILER_PATH accordingly, issue the following command:

      "/home/DB2INSTANCE/sqllib/function/ \

sqlcode: -7032

sqlstate: 42904

SQL7035WThe executable of the SQL procedure "<procedure-name>" is not saved in the database catalog.

Explanation: The executable of the SQL procedure exceeds the limit of 2 megabytes and therefore cannot be stored in the database catalog. It will not be recovered automatically at database restore time or on ROLLBACK of a DROP PROCEDURE statement.

User Response: If the warning resulted from a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, ensure that you keep a backup of the executable associated with SQL procedure "<procedure-name>". If the warning was issued during a restore operation or a ROLLBACK of a DROP PROCEDURE statement, then the executable associated with "<procedure-name>" must be manually synchronized with the SQL procedure that is defined in the catalog.

sqlcode: +7035

sqlstate: 01645

SQL7099NInvalid error "<error>" has occurred.

Explanation: A REXX internal error has occurred.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that REXX is installed properly and rerun the procedure. If the error continues, note the error number and call the dealer.

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