Message Reference

SQL8100 - SQL8199

SQL8100NThe table is full.

Explanation: When creating a database the following parameters may be specified:

Each table part may now have multiple files within the database segments. The file can grow until it reaches its maximum size in a segment (maximum number of pages per segment) and then it moves to the next segment to add more data. This occurs until it has used the maximum number of pages per segment in all configured segments, and the table becomes full.

Therefore, the total amount of space per database part is the product of the maximum number of pages and the number of segments. The table will be full if any of the table parts use all of their configured space.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response:

Federated system users: isolate the problem to the data source failing the request (refer to the Troubleshooting Guide to determine which data source is failing to process the SQL statement) and:

SQL8101NA database segment may be incorrect.

Explanation: This error could occur in two ways:

  1. Every database segment has an identifier file. The file may be missing or the contents of the file may be incorrect.
  2. One, or more, previously allocated database segments are missing.

User Response:

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