SQL6500W | RESTARTCOUNT in the load command may cause some problems. |
Explanation: Since multiple loading processes for the same table are completely independent, it is almost impossible to have an identical restartcount for those multiple loading processes.
User Response: Please make sure you have the correct load command in the configuration file.
SQL6501N | Database name was not given in the configuration file. |
Explanation: Database name has to be specified in the configuration file.
User Response: Please specify the database name and rerun the command.
SQL6502N | The path name (parameter: data_path) for data file was not specified. |
Explanation: If the input data file is remote, the file will be transferred locally. The path to the file on the remote machine must be supplied.
User Response: Please specify the path name to the remote data file and rerun the command.
SQL6504N | There are errors in the output node list specification (parameter: outputnodes) in the configuration file. |
Explanation: The output node list specification is not valid.
User Response: Check the sample configuration file, correct your output node list specification, and rerun the command.
SQL6505N | There are errors in the split node list specification (parameter: splitnodes) in the configuration file. |
Explanation: The split node list specification is not valid.
User Response: Check the sample configuration file, correct your split node list specification, and rerun the command.
SQL6506N | The program failed to extract partitioning key information for table "<table-name>" from the system catalog table. |
Explanation: Either the table is not defined, or it is not defined in an MPP environment.
User Response: Make sure you have the table properly defined.
SQL6507N | Checking level (parameter: check_level) in the configuration file is not valid. |
Explanation: Checking level (parameter: check_level) can be either CHECK or NOCHECK. The default is CHECK.
User Response: Correct the parameter in the configuration file, and rerun the command.
SQL6508N | The program failed to create the output pipe for the ftp process. |
Explanation: If input data files are remote, they will be transferred to a local pipe. If this local pipe already exists, the process will fail.
User Response: Please ensure your working space is clean.
SQL6509N | The program failed to create input pipes for the splitter processes. |
Explanation: The program can not create temporary input pipes for the splitter processes.
User Response: Please ensure your working space is clean.
SQL6510N | The program failed to create the temporary directory at local non-NFS space of node "<node-num>". |
Explanation: The program needs a temporary working directory at local non-NFS space of all splitting and output nodes.
User Response: Please ensure your working space is clean.
SQL6511N | The program failed to create output for the splitter process at node "<node-num>". |
Explanation: The program can not create temporary output pipes for the splitter at node "<node-num>".
User Response: Please ensure your working space is clean.
SQL6512N | The program failed to create input pipes for the merging process at node "<node-num>". |
Explanation: The program can not create temporary input pipes for the merging process at node "<node-num>".
User Response: Please ensure your working space is clean.
SQL6513N | The program failed to create the input pipe for the loading process at node "<node-num>". |
Explanation: The program can not create temporary input pipe for the loading process at node "<node-num>".
User Response: Please ensure your working space is clean.
SQL6514N | The program can not read the node configuration file: "<node-cfg-file>". |
Explanation: Either the file does not exist, or it is not readable.
User Response: Please check the existence and permissions of the node configuration file.
SQL6515N | The program failed to find a load command in the configuration file. |
Explanation: A CLP load command must be supplied in the configuration file.
User Response: Please specify a CLP load command in the configuration file.
SQL6516N | The program failed to connect to database "<db-name>". |
Explanation: Either the database manager has not been started yet, or it encountered problems.
User Response: Check your database manager status.
SQL6517N | The program failed to extract the node list, where the table "<tbl-name>" is defined, from the system catalog table. |
Explanation: Either the table is not defined, or it is not defined in an MPP environment.
User Response: Check how the table was defined in the database.
SQL6518N | The record length (reclen in the load command) is not valid. |
Explanation: Valid record is between 1 to 32768.
User Response: Please correct the record length, and rerun the command.
SQL6519N | The mode (parameter: mode) "<mode>" in the configuration file is not valid. |
Explanation: The running mode of this program can be: SPLIT_ONLY, LOAD_ONLY, SPLIT_AND_LOAD (default), or ANALYZE.
User Response: Please correct the mode in the configuration file.
SQL6520N | The program failed to create output pipes for the process, which generates the header information for split file. |
Explanation: The program can not create output pipes for the process, which generates the header information for split file.
User Response: Please ensure your working space is clean.
SQL6521N | The configuration file "<cfg-file>" for this program doesn't exist. |
Explanation: The program needs a configuration file.
User Response: Please create a configuration file.
SQL6522N | The program found a path name for the input data files in the load command. |
Explanation: Path name for input data files in the load command is not allowed. There is a separate parameter (data_path) for this purpose.
User Response: Please correct the configuration file.
SQL6523N | The element "<node-num>" in the split node list (parameter: SplitNodes) is not defined in the node configuration (db2nodes.cfg) file. |
Explanation: All nodes in the split node list must have an entry in the node configuration file.
User Response: Please correct your split node list.
SQL6524N | The element "<node-num>" in the output node list (parameter: Outputnodes) is not a member of the node list where the table is defined. |
Explanation: All nodes in the output node list must be members of the node list where the table is defined.
User Response: Please correct your output node list.
SQL6525N | The program can not read the input data file "<file-name>". |
Explanation: Either the input data file was not found, or it is not readable.
User Response: Please check the existence and permissions of the input data file.
SQL6526N | The program can not write in current working directory "<cwd>". |
Explanation: The current working directory is not writable.
User Response: Please check the permission of current working directory.
SQL6527N | The node where statistic data will be collected, (parameter: run_stat_node), is not a member of the output node list. |
Explanation: The node where statistic data will be collected must be a member of the output node list.
User Response: Please correct the run_stat_node parameter.
SQL6528N | Record length was not specified in the load command. |
Explanation: If the BINARYNUMERICS or PACKEDDECIMAL modifier is specified in the load command, record length (reclen) must be specified in the load command as well.
User Response: Please correct the load command.
SQL6529N | The No Header option (NOHEADER) was not specified in the load command. |
Explanation: If a table is defined in a single node nodegroup, the NOHEADER modifier must be specified in the load command.
User Response: Please correct the load command.
SQL6530N | The data type of one partitioning key is float or double. |
Explanation: If the input file is a non-binary data file, float or double columns can not be defined as partitioning key.
User Response: Supply a binary data file, or change the definition of your table.
SQL6531N | The program failed to reset tablespace quiesce. |
Explanation: There are probably on-going loading processes. Make sure all previous loading processes are completed before another AutoLoader session can be started.
User Response: Check the processes status on your machine.
SQL6532N | A savecount in the load command can not be set to non-zero. |
Explanation: The savecount in the load command can not be set to non-zero if there are multiple splitting nodes, the mode is SPLIT_AND_LOAD, and the command is either a REPLACE INTO or INSERT INTO load command.
User Response: Please correct the load command.
SQL6533N | A restartcount in the load command can not be set to non-zero. |
Explanation: Because multiple splitting nodes produce random order of records for loading process(es), using RESTART INTO with a restartcount can not guarantee a successful recovery.
User Response: Please correct the load command.
SQL6534N | There is an error in the .netrc file "<netrc-file>". |
Explanation: Either the .netrc file could not be found, or there is no entry for remote host "<machine>", or the permissions of the file are not correct.
User Response: Please check the existence and permission of the .netrc file.
SQL6535N | The mode SPLIT_ONLY or ANALYZE is not valid. |
Explanation: If a table is defined in a single node nodegroup, either splitting or analyzing is not necessary.
User Response: Please change the mode to LOAD_ONLY or SPLIT_AND_LOAD.
SQL6536N | The program "<progname>" failed to open file "<filename>" for reading. |
Explanation: An AutoLoader process can not successfully open a file or pipe for reading.
User Response: Please ensure everything is correct in the configuration file.
SQL6537N | The program "<progname>" failed to open file "<filename>" for writing. |
Explanation: An AutoLoader process can not successfully open a file or pipe for writing.
User Response: Please ensure everything is correct in the configuration file.
SQL6538N | The program failed to read the split file "<split-file>". |
Explanation: When the program is invoked in LOAD_ONLY mode, the input data file must have already been split, and all split files must be readable by the program.
User Response: Check whether or not the input data file has been split, and the access permissions of the resulting split files.
SQL6539N | There is at least one command in "<cmd-list>" not found in the working environment. |
Explanation: The execution of this program depends on a number of common Unix commands. The process fails if any one of them is not available in the working environment.
User Response: Make sure you have all necessary commands properly installed on your system.
SQL6540N | File type "<file-type>" specified in the load command is not valid. |
Explanation: Valid file types are ASC (positional ASCII) or DEL (delimited ASCII).
User Response: Correct the load command in the configuration file.
SQL6550N | The partitioning map file "<map-file-name>" could not be opened for writing. |
Explanation: The file name and path for the partitioning map could not be opened. An error occurred.
User Response: Confirm that the partitioning map file name and file path were specified correctly and that the file can be openned for writing.
SQL6551N | An error occurred while attempting to write to the partition map file. |
Explanation: A filesystem error occurred when writing to the partitioning map file.
User Response: Check that the file path is correct, and that the target device has sufficient space to hold the partitioning map output.
SQL6552N | An error occurred while attempting to open a temporary configuration file "<filename>" for writing. |
Explanation: The file name and path for a temporary file could not be opened. An error occurred.
User Response: Confirm that the utility temporary file storage path was specified correctly and that the path allows for files to be openned for writing.
SQL6553N | An error occurred while attempting to write to a temporary configuration file "<filename>". |
Explanation: A filesystem error occurred when writing to a temporary file.
User Response: Check that the file path is correct, and that the target device has sufficient space for the file data.
SQL6554N | An error occurred when attempting to remotely execute a process. |
Explanation: The utility attempted to start a child process on a different database partition, but an error occurred.
User Response:
SQL6555N | The AutoLoader utility encountered an unexpected communications error. |
Explanation: The utility encountered an error attempting one of the following operations:
User Response:
SQL6556W | An incomplete record was detected at the end of file "<filename>". |
Explanation: An incomplete data record was found at the end of a data file provided to the utility by the user.
User Response: Examine the source data for syntactical correctness.
SQL6557N | Failed to retrieve the default node number. |
Explanation: The utility attempted to determine a default node number, but was unable to.
User Response: State source and target node numbers explicitly in the utility configuration file, or contact DB2 Service for assistance.
SQL6558N | The utility failed to determine the current working directory and/or drive. |
Explanation: The utility attempted to determine the current working directory and/or drive but encountered an error.
User Response: Contact DB2 Service for assistance.
SQL6559N | An invalid command line option was provided to the AutoLoader utility. |
Explanation: The user specified a command line option for the AutoLoader utility which is either not supported, or obsolete.
User Response: Refer to the AutoLoader documentation, or online help, for the supported options and features.
SQL6560N | Node "<node-number>" which is an execution node for splitting does not appear in the db2nodes.cfg file. |
Explanation: A node specified as an execution node for splitting does not appear to be a member in the db2nodes.cfg file. The work inteded to complete on this node can not be started.
User Response: Add the node to the node list definition in the db2nodes.cfg file, or specify an alternate node for the split operation which is a member of the node configuration.
SQL6561N | Target node "<node-number>" for load does not appear in the nodegroup. |
Explanation: A node was specified as a target node for loading, but this node is apparently not a member of the node group being loaded.
User Response: Check the nodegroup definition and confirm that the target node specified for loading is part of this nodegroup. If the node is not part of the nodegroup correct the utility target node specification to include the correct list of nodes. If the node is part of the nodegroup, please contact DB2 Service for assistance.
SQL6562N | The utility is unable to retrieve the instance name. |
Explanation: The utility attempted to retrieve the instance name but encountered an error.
User Response: Confirm that the utility is running on a node with DB2 installed, and a valid instance is running. For additional help, please contact DB2 Service.
SQL6563N | Failed to retrieve the current user ID. |
Explanation: The utility attempted to retrieve the current user ID for the ID, but an error was encountered.
User Response: Contact DB2 Service.
SQL6564N | The password supplied is not valid. |
Explanation: The user supplied an explicit password to the utility, but the password is not valid.
User Response: Supply a valid password.
SQL6565I | Usage: db2atld [-config config-file] [-restart] [-terminate] [-help] |
The AutoLoader configuration file is a user supplied file which contains the LOAD command to be executed, the target database, and several optional parameters that the user may specify. The sample configuration file, 'AutoLoader.cfg', supplied in the samples directory contains inline comments which describe the available options and their defaults. When running this program with '-restart' and '-terminate' option, user should not modify the configuration file from their last incomplete job.
User Response: Refer to the DB2 documentation for further details about the AutoLoader utility.
SQL6566N | The LOAD command is missing from the AutoLoader configuration file. |
Explanation: The LOAD command is missing from the AutoLoader configuration file. The parameter must be specified.
User Response: Ensure that you have specified the correct configuration file for the AutoLoader, and that the LOAD command is specified inside.
SQL6567N | The "<option-name>" option appears multiple times in the AutoLoader configuration file. |
Explanation: An option parameter was specified multiple times inside the AutoLoader configuration file.
User Response: Correct the configuration file so that each option appears at most only once.
SQL6568I | The AutoLoader is now issuing all LOAD requests. |
Explanation: The AutoLoader is starting the LOAD operation on each of the target LOAD partitions.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6569I | The AutoLoader is now issuing all split requests. |
Explanation: The AutoLoader is now issuing the split operation on each of the target split partitions.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6570I | The AutoLoader is waiting for all splitters to complete. |
Explanation: The AutoLoader is waiting for all splitters to complete.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6571I | The AutoLoader is waiting for all LOAD operations to complete. |
Explanation: The AutoLoader is waiting for LOAD operations to complete.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6572I | The LOAD operation has begun on partition "<node-number>". |
Explanation: The LOAD operation has begun on the specified partition.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6573I | The remote execution of the splitter utility on partition "<node-number>" finished with remote execution code "<code>". |
Explanation: The remote execution of the splitter utility on the specified partition has completed.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6574I | The utility has read "<MB-count>" megabytes from the source data. |
Explanation: This information is generated periodically to provide status to the user on the progress of large AutoLoader jobs.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6575I | The utility has completed reading "<MB-count>" megabytes from the user data. |
Explanation: This message is written at the completion of the AutoLoader run to indicate the total volume of user data that has been processed.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6576N | The AutoLoader utility encountered a threading error. Reason code "<reason-code>", return code "<ret-code>". |
Explanation: The following is an explanation of the reason code "<reason-code>":
User Response: Ensure that you are running on an operating system which supports threaded applications, and that your thread limit per process is sufficient. The thread requirements are as follows:
SQL6577N | The AutoLoader utility does not support the ROWCOUNT option in the load command. |
Explanation: The ROWCOUNT option in the load command is not supported in the AutoLoader utility.
User Response: Correct your load command in the AutoLoader configuration file, and resubmit your command.
SQL6578N | Invalid AutoLoader option. RESTART/TERMINATE option can only be specified with SPLIT_AND_LOAD or LOAD_ONLY mode. |
Explanation: RESTART/TERMINATE option in AutoLoader can only work with SPLIT_AND_LOAD or LOAD_ONLY mode.
User Response: Please check the AutoLoader configuration file or the autloader option flags.
SQL6579N | Invalid LOAD command in the AutoLoader configuration file. RESTART and TERMINATE options of the AutoLoader are used to perform LOAD RESTART and LOAD TERMINATE operation respectively. |
Explanation: Users should not specify RESTART nor TERMINATE in the LOAD command. Instead, the RESTART and TERMINATE options of the AutoLoader should be used.
User Response: Without modifing the AutoLoader configuration file, users should launch db2atld with option RESTART or TERMINATE.
SQL6580I | LOAD is restarting on node "<node-num>" in phase "<restarting-phase>". |
Explanation: AutoLoader has acknowledged that LOAD is restarting in either LOAD/BUILD/DELETE phase.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6581I | Load cannot restart on node "<node-num>". |
Explanation: AutoLoader has acknowledged that LOAD cannot be restarted on a given node.
User Response: This is an informational message.
SQL6582I | Restarting LOAD on node "<node-num>" is not required. |
Explanation: AutoLoader has acknowledged that LOAD does not need to be restarted on a given node.
User Response: This is an informational message.