Message Reference

SQL1100 - SQL1199

SQL1100WThe node name "<name>" specified in the Catalog Database command has not been cataloged in the Node Directory.

Explanation: The Catalog Database command specified node name "<name>" but that is not cataloged in the node directory. The node name must be cataloged before the remote database can be used.

The CATALOG DATABASE command completed successfully.

User Response: Issue a CATALOG NODE command.

SQL1101NRemote database "<name>" on node "<node-name>" could not be accessed with the specified authorization id and password.

Explanation: A connection to the remote database "<name>" on node "<node-name>" was requested, and the remote node does not accept the authorization ID and password combination specified for this node (either in the remote authorization tables or at runtime).

The request cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the request with a valid authorization ID and password combination for the remote system.

SQL1102NA database name was not specified.

Explanation: No database name was provided to proceed with migration.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Specify a database name for migration.

SQL1103WThe Migrate Database command processing was successful.

Explanation: The Migrate command completed successfully.

Note that this message will also be returned if the database was already at the current level and did not need to be migrated.

Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL1104NThe address of the program name parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program has used an address for the program name that is not valid.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Use a correct address in the application program.

SQL1105NThe SQL CONNECT RESET statement is not allowed in a Remote Application Interface Procedure.

Explanation: The remote application procedure contains an SQL CONNECT RESET statement.

The remote procedure is not allowed to continue.

User Response: Remove the SQL CONNECT RESET statement and retry the remote procedure.

sqlcode: -1105

sqlstate: 38003

SQL1106NThe specified DLL "<name>" module was loaded, but the function "<function>" could not be executed.

Explanation: The function within the DLL (dynamic link library) cannot be found.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the DLL module is built correctly. Reference the module in the definition file.

sqlcode: -1106

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1107NAn interrupt was received while loading the specified DLL "<name>".

Explanation: When loading the DLL (dynamic link library) module, the command was interrupted, perhaps by Ctrl+Break.

Processing is stopped.

User Response: Resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1107

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1108NAn unexpected I/O error or operating system error was received while loading the specified DLL "<name>".

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred when trying to load the DLL (dynamic link library) module specified in the program name field.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the current command. If the error continues, reinstall the database manager.

If reinstallation does not correct the error, record the message number (SQLCODE) and all information in the SQLCA if possible.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then contact your technical service representative.

sqlcode: -1108

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1109NThe specified DLL "<name>" could not be loaded.

Explanation: The DLL (dynamic link library) module specified could not be found.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the specified file is in a subdirectory identified in the system LIBPATH.

sqlcode: -1109

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1110NA supplied data area was invalid and could not be used.

Explanation: The data area is not initialized correctly.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the user-supplied input SQLDA or output SQLDA fields are initialized correctly.

SQL1111NThe program name "<name>" specified was not valid.

Explanation: The DLL (dynamic link library) module or program name syntax is not correct.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the DLL or program name is specified correctly.

sqlcode: -1111

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1112NThere are not enough system resources to load the specified DLL "<name>".

Explanation: There is not enough random access memory (RAM) to load the specified DLL (dynamic link library) module.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Stop the application. Possible solutions are:

sqlcode: -1112

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1113NThe data type for sqlvar "<n>" in the output SQLDA was changed from "<type 1>" to "<type 2>".

Explanation: The remote stored procedure changed the data type of the nth sqlvar in the output SQLDA; n is the sequence number of the first mismatched sqlvar.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

User Response: Correct the remote stored procedure so the data type information in the output SQLDA is not changed.

sqlcode: -1113

sqlstate: 39502

SQL1114NThe data length for the sqlvar "<n>" in the output SQLDA was changed from "<length 1>" to "<length 2>".

Explanation: The remote stored procedure changed the data length of the nth sqlvar in the output SQLDA; n is the sequence number of the first mismatched sqlvar.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

User Response: Correct the remote stored procedure so the data length information in the output SQLDA is not changed.

sqlcode: -1114

sqlstate: 39502

SQL1115NThe number of sqlvars in the output SQLDA was changed from "<count 1>" to "<count 2>".

Explanation: The remote procedure changed the sqld field in the output SQLDA; sqld is the number of used sqlvars in the SQLDA.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

User Response: Correct the remote stored procedure so the sqld field in the output SQLDA is not changed.

sqlcode: -1115

sqlstate: 39502

SQL1116NA connection to or activation for database "<name>" cannot be made because of BACKUP PENDING.

Explanation: The specified database requires a backup to be taken to provide a starting point for roll-forward recovery.

No connection was made.

User Response: Back up the database by calling the BACKUP routine or, if roll-recovery is not required, set the log retain and user exit database configuration parameters off.

sqlcode: -1116

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1117NA connection to or activation for database "<name>" cannot be made because of ROLL-FORWARD PENDING.

Explanation: The specified database is enabled for roll-forward recovery and it has been restored but not rolled forward.

No connection was made.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Roll forward the database or indicate that you do not wish to roll forward by using the ROLLFORWARD command. Note that if you do not roll forward the database, the records written since the last backup of the database will not be applied to the database.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request (see the Troubleshooting Guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source) and take recovery action appropriate to that data source to bring the data source to a point of consistency.

sqlcode: -1117

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1118NA connection to or activation of database "<name>" cannot be made because a previous backup is incomplete.

Explanation: The database is in an inconsistent state because a system error occurred during a backup function.

No connection was made.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Issue the BACKUP command and then try the command again.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request (see the Troubleshooting Guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source) and issue the BACKUP command against that data source prior to trying the command again.

sqlcode: -1118

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1119NA connection to or activation of database "<name>" cannot be made because a previous restore is incomplete.

Explanation: The database is in an inconsistent state because a system error occurred during a restore function.

No connection was made.

Federated system users: this situation can be detected by the data source.

User Response: Issue the RESTORE command and then try the command again.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request (see the Troubleshooting Guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source) and issue the RESTORE command against that data source prior to trying the command again.

sqlcode: -1119

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1120NA connection to or activation of database "<name>" cannot be made because a previous backup or restore is incomplete.

Explanation: The database is in an inconsistent state because a system error occurred during a backup or restore function. It cannot be determined if backup or restore was being processed.

No connection was made.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Issue the BACKUP or RESTORE command, and then try the command again.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request (see the Troubleshooting Guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source) and issue the BACKUP or RESTORE command against that data source prior to trying the command again.

sqlcode: -1120

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1121NThe address of the node structure parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application used an address for the node structure parameter that is not valid. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the buffer is not large enough to contain the required input.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the program allocates the required buffer area and resubmit the command.

SQL1122NThe address of the protocol structure parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application used an address for the protocol structure parameter that is not valid. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the address points to the incorrect protocol buffer.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the program allocates the required buffer area based on the protocol field in the node structure and resubmit the command.

SQL1123NThe protocol "<type>" is not valid.

Explanation: The protocol type specified in the node structure for the Catalog command does not represent a recognized value. The valid protocol types are defined in the sqlenv header files.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the protocol type in the node structure and resubmit the command.

SQL1124NThe remote workstation name "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The remote workstation name specified in the NETBIOS protocol structure for the Catalog command is not specified or contains characters that are not valid. The workstation name must be 1 to 8 characters. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic or a special character: #, @, or $. Lowercase characters are changed to uppercase by the system.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the characters specified in the remote workstation name. Resubmit the command with a valid workstation name.

SQL1125NThe adapter number "<number>" is not valid.

Explanation: The adapter number specified in the NETBIOS protocol structure for the Catalog command is not valid.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the adapter number is valid and resubmit the command.

SQL1126NThe network ID "<ID>" is not valid.

Explanation: The network ID specified in the APPN protocol structure for the Catalog command is not valid. The network ID identifies the SNA network where the remote logical unit (LU) resides. The network ID must be 1 to 8 characters. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic or a special character: #, @, or $. Lowercase characters are changed to uppercase by the system.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the characters specified in the network ID. Resubmit the command with a valid network ID.

SQL1127NThe remote LU name "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The remote logical unit (LU) name specified in the APPN protocol structure for the Catalog command is not valid. The remote LU name is the remote SNA logical unit name and must be 1 to 8 characters. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic or a special character: #, @, or $. Lowercase characters are changed to uppercase by the system.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the characters specified in the remote LU name. Resubmit the command with a remote LU name.

SQL1129NNew DARI (Stored Procedure) process could not be started because there are insufficient resources for a new process to be created.

Explanation: New DARI (Stored Procedure) process could not be started because there are insufficient resources for a new process to be created.

User Response: Do one of the following:

sqlcode: -1129

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1130NNew DARI (Stored Procedure) process could not be started because the maximum number of DARI processes allowed to be present at the server at the same time has been reached.

Explanation: New DARI (Stored Procedure) process could not be started because the maximum number of DARI processes allowed to be present at the server at the same time has been reached.

User Response: Increase the maximum number of DARI processes, maxdari, configuration parameter. See the database configuration parameter maxdari for more details.

sqlcode: -1130

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1131NDARI (Stored Procedure) process has been terminated abnormally.

Explanation: The cause of this error may be:

User Response: Reinitiate the DARI request after doing the following :

sqlcode: -1131

sqlstate: 38503

SQL1132NThe command is not allowed to execute within a DARI (Stored Procedure).

Explanation: An illegal command has been made within the scope of DARI (Stored Procedure).

The DARI procedure is not allowed to continue.

User Response: Remove the illegal command in the DARI procedure and retry.

sqlcode: -1132

sqlstate: 38003

SQL1133NA pointer address inside an sqlvar ( index = "<n>" ) of the output SQLDA was modified within the DARI (Stored Procedure) function.

Explanation: The "sqlind" or the "sqldata" pointer within the sqlvar of the output SQLDA has been altered within the user prepared DARI function.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

User Response: Correct the usage of the indicated sqlvar within the output SQLDA so that pointer addresses are not changed within the DARI (Stored Procedure) function routine.

sqlcode: -1133

sqlstate: 39502

SQL1134NFor database authentication type CLIENT, the command is not allowed within the scope of DARI (Stored Procedure).

Explanation: All SYSADM commands are not allowed to execute within DARI (Stored Procedure) when the database authentication type is CLIENT.

The stored procedure does not return any data.

The DARI procedure is not allowed to continue.

User Response: Remove the illegal command in the DARI procedure and retry.

sqlcode: -1134

sqlstate: 38003

SQL1135NAn invalid value was specified for the number of segments when creating a database.

Explanation: The value that was specified for the number of segments was out of range. The valid range is from 1 to 256.

User Response: Respecify the number of segments and try to create the database again.

SQL1136NAn invalid value was specified for the default table space extent size (dft_extentsize) when creating a database.

Explanation: The value that was specified for the default table space extent size (dft_extentsize) is out of range. The valid range is from 2 to 256.

User Response: Correct the table space extent size and try again.

SQL1137WThe database manager was unable to remove the database path or some of the containers when dropping database "<dbalias>". Cleanup is required.

Explanation: Either the list of containers could not be accessed or some failure occurred while attempting to remove them or the database directory.

User Response: System managed containers (directories) and database managed file containers may be manually removed using operating system commands. To release device containers, please call your IBM service representative for assistance.

If the log directory has been changed via the New Log Path configuration parameter, then manually unmount the log directory file system and remove the log and database directories.

SQL1138WThe unique index "<name>" was migrated to support deferred uniqueness checking. A new index was not created.

Explanation: A CREATE INDEX operation was attempted on an existing index. Since the index had not yet been migrated to support deferred uniqueness checking, this migration was performed.

The migrated format of the unique index will allow multiple row updates to check the uniqueness of the columns of the index at the end of the update statement instead of when each row is updated.

User Response: No action is required.

sqlcode: +1138

sqlstate: 01550

SQL1139NThe total size of the table space is too big.

Explanation: The size of the current table space is too big. The size of a REGULAR or USER TEMPORARY table space is limited to 0xFFFFFF (16777215) pages while the size of a SYSTEM TEMPORARY or LONG table space is limited to 2 tera bytes (2 TB).

User Response: Check the diagnostic log file db2diag.log for details. Reduce the size of the table space and correct the SQL statement.

sqlcode: -1139

sqlstate: 54047

SQL1140WEstimated processor cost of "<estimate-amount1>" processor seconds ("<estimate-amount2>" service units) in cost category "<cost-category>" exceeds a resource limit warning threshold of "<limit-amount>" service units.

Explanation: The prepare of a dynamic INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT SQL statement resulted in a cost estimate that exceeded the warning threshold value specified in the resource limit specification table (RLST).

This warning is also issued if DB2's cost category value was "B", and the default action specified in the RLF_CATEGORY_B column in the RLST is to issue a warning.

The cost estimate (in processor seconds) if the prepared INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or SELECT statement were to be executed.

The cost estimate (in service units) if the prepared INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or SELECT statement were to be executed.

DB2's cost-category for this SQL statement. The possible values are A or B.

The warning threshold (in service units) specified in the RLFASUWARN column of the RLST.

The prepare of the dynamic INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT statement was successful. An SQLCODE -905 might be issued if the execution of the prepared statement exceeds the ASUTIME value specified in the RLST.

User Response: Ensure that there is application logic to handle the warning to either allow the statement to execute or to stop the statement from being executed. If this SQLCODE was returned because the cost category value is "B", it might be that the statement is using parameter markers or that some statistics are not available for the referenced tables and columns. Make sure the administrator has run the utility RUNSTATS on the referenced tables. It might also be that UDFs will be invoked when the statement is executed, or for INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements that triggers are defined on the changed table. Check the DSN_STATEMNT_TABLE or the IFCID 22 record for this statement to find the reasons this SQL statement has been put in cost category "B".

If the warning is caused by an SQL statement that is consuming too much processor resource, attempt to rewrite the statement to perform more efficiently. Another option is to ask the administrator to increase the warning threshold value in the RLST.

sqlcode: +1140

sqlstate: 01616

SQL1145NPREPARE statement is not supported when using a gateway concentrator. Reason code: "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The statement failed for one of the following reasons, based on "<reason-code>".

When gateway concentrator feature is ON, dynamically prepared statements from embedded SQL are not supported. In this configuration, dynamically prepared statements are only supported if the client is a CLI application.

When the gateway concentrator feature is ON, dynamically prepared SET statements are not supported.

User Response: Based on the reason code, perform the following actions:

Change the application to use CLI for dynamic SQL statements, or change the application to use static SQL.

Use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE for SET statements.

sqlcode: -1145

sqlstate: 560AF

SQL1150NThe address of the user id parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for this parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1160NThe DOS "<network protocol>" TSR has not been loaded.

Explanation: The Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) network driver for the specified communications protocol has not been loaded. The TSR must be loaded before attempting to use network communications.

User Response: Ensure that the TSR for the specified communications protocol has been successfully loaded, then run your application again.

SQL1163NThe table cannot be enabled for data capture as the identifier name "<ident-name>" of type "<ident-type>" is too long.

Explanation: Data capture is not supported with certain identifier types exceeding specific lengths. In processing the attempted change, it was found that the identifier "<ident-name>" of type "<ident-type>" is too long. The identifier types and the maximum lengths allowed for data capture enablement are as follows:

  1. column. Column names cannot be longer than 18 bytes for data capture to be enabled.
  2. table. Table names cannot be longer than 18 bytes for data capture to be enabled.
  3. schema. Schema names cannot be longer than 18 bytes for data capture to be enabled.

User Response: If data capture is to be enabled for this table than ensure that the identifiers in question do not exceed the maximum sizes stated above. Otherwise disable data capture for the table in order to use longer indentifier names.

sqlcode: -1163

sqlstate: 42997

SQL1164NThe SQLDA or host variables, of type "<type>", used in the SQL statement are not valid. Reason code "<reason-code>", host variable/SQLVAR number "<var-number>".

Explanation: An error occurred while processing the SQLDA or host variable(s) in the SQL statement.

The call parameter list, which is created by the precompiler, may not be correct if the application programmer has modified the output of the precompiler, used a variable name beginning with SQL in the application program, or over-written the call parameter list in another way.

Also, if an SQLDA is passed directly by the application, it may not be initialized correctly.

Host variable/SQLDA types:

input host variable(s) or SQLDA

output host variable(s) or SQLDA

In SQL statements with host variables, use the host variable number to count in from the beginning of the statement (or substatement, in the case of compound SQL) to locate the invalid host variable. For statements using an SQLDA, the SQLVAR number is used to locate the invalid SQLVAR. For an input SQLDA, count only input host variables or SQLVARs; similarly for output. Note that this number is based at 1, and may not be applicable to all reason codes. Reason codes are interpreted as follows:


SQLVAR.SQLTYPE is invalid.

The length specified in SQLVAR.SQLLEN or SQLVAR2.SQLLONGLEN is incorrect for the SQL type given in SQLVAR.SQLTYPE.

A Large Object SQLVAR is present, but the SQLDOUBLED field of SQLDA.SQLDAID is not set to '2'.

An input varchar is supplied whose current length (from the length field of the varchar itself) is greater than the maximum length. The maximum length is determined by the declaration (in the case of a host variable) or by the setting of SQLVAR.SQLLEN (in the case of a user-defined SQLDA).

An input Large Object is passed in whose current length (either in the length field of the LOB itself, or as indicated by the SQLVAR2.SQLDATALEN pointer) is greater than the maximum length. The maximum length is determined by the declaration (in the case of a host variable) or by the setting of SQLVAR2.SQLLONGLEN (in the case of a user-defined SQLDA).

A double-byte character Large Object has an odd value indicated by the SQLVAR2.SQLDATALEN pointer, which is always in terms of bytes, even for DBCLOBs.

The SQLDATA pointer is invalid or points to insufficient storage.

The SQLIND pointer is invalid or points to insufficient storage.

The SQLDATALEN pointer is invalid or points to insufficient storage.

A specific number of input host variables/SQLVARS is expected for the current SQL statement.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Examine the application program for any errors noted. Note that the programmer should not attempt to modify the precompiler output.

sqlcode: -1164

sqlstate: 07002

SQL1165WA value cannot be assigned to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the host variable's data type.

Explanation: A FETCH, VALUES, or SELECT into a host variable list failed because the host variable was not large enough to hold the retrieved value.

The statement processing continued returning a null indicator of -2.

User Response: Verify that table definitions are current and that the host variable has the correct data type. For the ranges of SQL data types, refer to the SQL Reference.

sqlcode: +1165

sqlstate: 01515

SQL1166WDivision by zero was attempted.

Explanation: The processing of an arithmetic expression resulted in division by zero. This warning may be returned with a row other than the row which caused the warning. For example, this occurs with arithmetic expressions in predicates or when the query is processed using system temporary tables. The warning may be issued again since it is also returned whenever a null indicator variable is set to -2.

The statement processing continued, using null as the result of the division expression and possibly returning a null indicator of -2.

User Response: Examine the SQL statement to determine the cause of the problem. If the problem is data dependent, it is necessary to examine the data processed when the error occurred.

sqlcode: +1166

sqlstate: 01564

SQL1167WArithmetic overflow or other arithmetic exception occurred.

Explanation: The processing of an arithmetic expression has resulted in an arithmetic overflow, underflow or other arithmetic exception. This warning may be returned with a row other than the row which caused the warning. For example, this occurs with arithmetic expressions in predicates or when the query is processed using system temporary tables. The warning may be issued again since it is also returned whenever a null indicator variable is set to -2.

The statement processing continued, using null as the result of the arithmetic expression and possibly returning a null indicator of -2.

User Response: Examine the SQL statement to determine the cause of the problem. If the problem is data dependent, it is necessary to examine the data processed when the error occurred. Refer to the SQL Reference to see the valid ranges for the data types.

sqlcode: +1167

sqlstate: 01519

SQL1178NThe federated "<object-type>" called "<object-name>" does not reference a nickname or OLE DB table function.

Explanation: The object of type "<object-type>" identified by "<object-name>" is defined using the keyword FEDERATED but the fullselect in the statement does not reference a nickname or an OLE DB table function.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Remove the keyword FEDERATED from the statement.

sqlcode: -1178

sqlstate: 429BA

SQL1179WThe "<object-type>" called "<object-name>" may require the invoker to have necessary privileges on data source objects.

Explanation: The object identified by "<object-name>" references an OLE DB table function or a nickname where the actual data exists at a data source. When the data source data is accessed, the user mapping and authorization checking is based on the user that initiated the operation.

If the "<object-type>" is SUMMARY TABLE, then the operation is refreshing the data for the summary table. The user that invoked the REFRESH TABLE or SET INTEGRITY statement that causes the refresh may be required to have the necessary privileges to access the underlying data source object at the data source.

If the "<object-type>" is VIEW, then any user of the view may be required to have the necessary privileges to access the underlying data source object at the data source.

In either case, an authorization error may occur when the attempt is made to access the data source object.

User Response: Granting privileges to the view or summary table may not be sufficient to support operations that access the data from the data source. User access may need to be granted at the data source for the underlying data source objects of the view or summary table.

sqlcode: +1179

sqlstate: 01639

SQL1180NRoutine "<routine-name>" (specific name "<specific-name>") has caused an OLE error. HRESULT="<hresult>". Diagnostic text: "<message text>".

Explanation: DB2 received an OLE error code while trying to communicate with the OLE automation server of user defined function (UDF) or stored procedure "<routine-name>" (specific name "<specific-name>"). HRESULT "<hresult>" is the returned OLE error code, and "<message text>" is the retrieved error message.

The following shows a partial list of error messages, HRESULTS, and possible causes. The error message text may be changed by OLE, and new error codes may be added by OLE.

Unknown interface (0x80020001):
The specified OLE object does not support the IDispatch interface.

Type mismatch (0x80020005):
One or more of the SQL data types do not match the data types of the method arguments.

Unknown name (0x80020006):
The specified method name was not found for the specified OLE object.

Invalid number of parameters (0x8002000E):
The number of arguments passed to the method is different from the number of arguments accepted by the method.

Invalid class string (0x800401F3):
The specified ProgID or CLSID is invalid.

Class not registered (0x80040154):
CLSID is not properly registered.

Application not found (0x800401F5):
Local server EXE not found.

DLL for class not found (0x800401F8):
In-process DLL not found.

Server execution failed (0x80080005):
Creation of the OLE object failed.

User Response: Consult the OLE Programmer's Reference Guide for a complete documentation, including the meaning of the special terminology.

sqlcode: -1180

sqlstate: 42724

SQL1181NRoutine "<routine-name>" (specific name "<specific-name>") has raised an exception with description "<message text>".

Explanation: The user defined function (UDF) or stored procedure "<routine-name>" (specific name "<specific-name>") has raised an exception. The message text shows the textual description of the exception returned by the routine.

User Response: The user will need to understand the meaning of the exception. See the author of the routine.

sqlcode: -1181

sqlstate: 38501

SQL1182NUser defined function "<function-name>" could not initialize data source object of specified OLE DB provider. HRESULT="<hresult>". Diagnostic text: "<message-text>".

Explanation: The OLE DB data source object of the specified OLE DB provider could not be instantiated or initialized. "<hresult>" is the returned OLE DB error code, and "<message-text>" is the retrieved error message.

The following shows a partial list of HRESULTS and possible causes.

Class (OLE DB provider) not registered.

The initialization string specified does not conform to specificiation.

Unspecified error (during initialization).

User Response: Verify proper registration of the OLE DB provider and correct initialization of the parameters in the connection string. Consult Microsoft OLE DB Programmer's Reference and Data Access SDK for a complete documentation of HRESULT codes and Data Link API connection string syntax in OLE DB Core Components.

sqlcode: -1182

sqlstate: 38506

SQL1183NUser defined function "<function-name>" received an OLE DB error from specified OLE DB provider. HRESULT="<hresult>". Diagnostic text: "<message-text>".

Explanation: The specified OLE DB provider returned an OLE DB error code. "<hresult>" is the returned OLE DB error code, and "<message-text>" is the retrieved error message.

The following shows a partial list of HRESULTS and possible causes.

The command contained one or more errors, e.g. syntax error in pass-through command text.

Errors occurred, e.g. the supplied columnID was invalid (DB_INVALIDCOLUMN).

The specified table does not exist.

User Response: Consult Microsoft OLE DB Programmer's Reference and Data Access SDK for a complete documentation of HRESULT codes.

sqlcode: -1183

sqlstate: 38506

SQL1184NOne or more EXPLAIN tables were not created using the current version of DB2.

Explanation: EXPLAIN will not be able to insert into these tables until they are migrated using DB2EXMIG, or dropped and created with the EXPLAIN.DDL CLP script for the current version of DB2.

User Response: Either migrate the tables using DB2EXMIG, or drop and re-create them with the EXPLAIN.DDL CLP script for the current version of DB2. Re-issue the command.

sqlcode: -1184

sqlstate: 55002

SQL1185NFEDERATED "<value>" is incorrectly used in binding the package.

Explanation: If "<value>" is NO, then at least one static SQL statement in the package includes a reference to either a nickname or OLE DB table function or OLE DB procedure. In this case, you must specify FEDERATED YES to bind the package.

If "<value>" is YES, then no static SQL statement in the package includes a reference to either a nickname or OLE DB table function or OLE DB procedure. In this case, you must specify FEDERATED NO to bind the package.

The package is not created.

User Response: Specify the correct FEDERATED option.

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