Message Reference

SQL1200 - SQL1299

SQL1200NThe object parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The value specified for the object parameter in the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call is not valid. Valid values are:

Status is to be collected for a single database.

Status is to be collected for all LOCAL databases on a single path.

Status is to be collected for all LOCAL databases.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the object parameter and resubmit the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call.

SQL1201NThe status parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The value specified for the status parameter in the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call is not valid. Valid values are:

System status is to be collected.

System status and database status is to be collected.

System status, database status and user status is to be collected.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the status parameter and resubmit the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call.

SQL1202NStatus has not been collected.

Explanation: The value specified for the handle parameter in the GET NEXT DATABASE STATUS BLOCK or the FREE DATABASE STATUS RESOURCES function calls is not valid. The handle must be the one returned as the positive function value from the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call.

This is the second COLLECT DATABASE STATUS call made from the process. The first COLLECT DATABASE STATUS call terminates and its handle can no longer be used.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the handle parameter and resubmit the COLLECT DATABASE STATUS function call.

SQL1203NThe database has no users connected.

Explanation: A request was made for user status on a database, but the database has no users connected.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the database name and the connection status. Resubmit the command with a database currently being used.

SQL1204NThe code page "<code page>" and/or country code "<country code>" is not supported by the installed version of the database manager.

Explanation: This version of the database manager does not support the active code page or country code or both.

The command cannot be processed.

Choose an active code page and country code supported by this version of the database manager.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request (see the Troubleshooting Guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source) and choose an active code page and country code supported by both the federated server and the data source.

User Response: Exit the current program and return to the operating system.

sqlcode: -1204

sqlstate: 22522

SQL1205NThe code page "<code page>" and/or country code "<country>" that has been specified is not valid.

Explanation: This version of DB2 does not support the active code page or country code or both, as specified by the Create Database command.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Refer to the Create Database command in the Command Reference for details of valid code page and country code pairs supported by DB2/2.

SQL1206NPRUNE LOGFILE is not supported in this database configuration.

Explanation: The PRUNE LOGFILE request is not supported if:

  1. both LOGRETAIN and USEREXIT are set to NO, or
  2. the active logfile path is set to a raw device.

User Response: Do not issue the PRUNE LOGFILE command for this database.

SQL1207NCommunication Manager configuration file "<name>" cannot be found.

Explanation: The Communication Manager configuration file name specified on the CATALOG NODE command was not found either in the path specified or in the CMLIB directory on the default drive.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct configuration file name and path.

SQL1209WThe partner_lu name "<name>" specified in the CATALOG NODE function does not exist. One was created.

Explanation: The logical partner unit name specified in the CATALOG NODE function does not exist in the Communications Manager configuration file located in the CMLIB directory on the default drive.

A logical unit profile of the specified name was created.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL1210WDefault values were returned for one or more DOS Requester/WINDOWS Requester configuration file parameters.

Explanation: One or more of the DOS Requester/WINDOWS Requester configuration values returned was defaulted. The parameter may not be defined in the DOS Requester/WINDOWS Requester configuration file or the configuration file could not be opened or an error occurred reading the file.

User Response: Ensure that the DOS Requester/WINDOWS Requester configuration file exists in the appropriate path and that the parameters are explicitly defined.

SQL1211NThe computer name "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The computer name specified in the NPIPE protocol structure for the Catalog command is not valid. The size of the computer name must be 15 characters or less.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the computer name is valid and resubmit the command.

SQL1212NThe instance name "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The instance name specified for the Catalog command is not valid. The size of the instance name must be 8 characters or less.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the instance name is valid and resubmit the command.

SQL1213NThe change password LU name "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The change password logical unit (LU) name specified in the APPN protocol structure for the CATALOG command is not valid.

The change password LU name is the remote SNA LU name and must be 1 to 8 characters. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic or a special character: #, @, or $. Lowercase characters are changed to uppercase by the system.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the characters specified in the change password LU name.

Resubmit the command with a valid change password LU name.

SQL1214NThe transaction program name "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The transaction program (TP) name specified in the APPN protocol structure for the CATALOG command is not valid.

The TP name is the remote SNA Application TP name and must be 1 to 64 characters. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic or a special character: #, @, or $.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the characters specified in the TP name.

Resubmit the command with a TP name.

SQL1215NThe LAN adapter address "<address>" is not valid.

Explanation: The LAN adapter address specified in the APPN protocol structure for the CATALOG command is not valid.

The LAN adapter address is the remote SNA LAN adapter address and must be a 12-hexadecimal number.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the LAN adapter address.

Resubmit the command with a valid LAN adapter address.

SQL1216NGraphic data and graphic functions are not supported for this database.

Explanation: The code page of the database does not support graphic data. The data types GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, and LONG VARGRAPHIC are not valid for this database. The GRAPHIC literal and the VARGRAPHIC scalar functions are not valid for this database.

The statement cannot be processed.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Resubmit the command with valid data types.

sqlcode: -1216

sqlstate: 56031

SQL1217NThe REAL data type is not supported by the target database.

Explanation: An SQL operation is using a data type of REAL (single-precision floating point number) as an input or output variable. The REAL data type is not supported on the target database for this request.

The statement is not processed.

User Response: Replace the declaration of any host variable that corresponds to the SQL data type of REAL with a declaration that corresponds to an SQL data type of DOUBLE in your application.

sqlcode: -1217

sqlstate: 56099

SQL1218NThere are no pages currently available in bufferpool "<buffpool-num>".

Explanation: All of the pages in the bufferpool are currently being used. A request to use another page failed.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: The bufferpool is not large enough to provide pages to all database processes or threads at this time. The bufferpool is too small or there are too many active processes or threads.

The statement may be successful if executed again. If this error occurs frequently, some or all of the following actions may prevent further failures:

  1. increase the bufferpool size
  2. decrease the maximum number of database agents and/or connections
  3. decrease the maximum degree of parallelism
  4. decrease the prefetch size for table spaces that are in this bufferpool
  5. move some table spaces into other bufferpools.

sqlcode: -1218

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1219NThe request failed because private virtual memory could not be allocated.

Explanation: The instance was unable to allocate enough private virtual memory to process the request. This may be a result of shared memory allocations made in other (unrelated) processes.

User Response: The problem may be corrected by:

sqlcode: -1219

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1220NThe database manager shared memory set cannot be allocated.

Explanation: The database manager could not allocate its shared memory set. The cause of this error may be insufficient memory resources either for the database manager or the environment in which its operation is being attempted. Memory resources that can cause this error include:

User Response: One or more of the following:

SQL1221NThe Application Support Layer heap cannot be allocated.

Explanation: The Application Support Layer heap could not be allocated. The cause of this error may be insufficient memory resources either for the database manager or the environment in which its operations are being attempted. Memory resources that can cause this error include:

User Response: One or more of the following:

sqlcode: -1221

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1222NNot enough storage is available in the Application Support Layer heap to process the request.

Explanation: All available memory in the Application Support Layer heap has been used.

User Response: Increase the aslheapsz configuration parameter.

sqlcode: -1222

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1223NAn agent could not be started to service this request.

Explanation: The request failed because the maxagents configuration parameter limit would be exceeded.

User Response: Increase the maxagents configuration parameter, and/or reduce the number of users using the database.

sqlcode: -1223

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1224NA database agent could not be started to service a request, or was terminated as a result of a database system shutdown or a force command.

Explanation: The message may be attributed to any of the following cases.

Additional federated server cases are:

This situation can be detected by federated server or by the data source.

User Response: Reissue the database request. If a connection cannot be established, then ensure that the database manager has been started successfully. Additionally, ensure that the maxagents database manager configuration parameter is appropriately configured.

Federated system users, should also:

If the application is using multiple contexts with local protocol, then either reduce the number of connections in the application, or switch to another protocol (for example, TCP/IP). For users on AIX version 4.2.1 or newer, the environment variable EXTSHM can be set to ON to increase the number of shared memory segments to which a single process can be attached.

sqlcode: -1224

sqlstate: 55032

SQL1225NThe request failed because an operating system process, thread, or swap space limit was reached.

Explanation: An operating system process, thread, or swap space limit was reached. On UNIX-based systems, this may mean that the maxuproc value is too low. On OS/2-based systems, this may mean that the THREADS CONFIG.SYS value is too low.

User Response: Increase the limit which was reached (or have your system administrator increase it). On UNIX-based systems, the maxuproc limit can be changed with the chdev command.

sqlcode: -1225

sqlstate: 57049

SQL1226NThe maximum number of coordinating agents are already started.

Explanation: The number of coordinating agents started is already equal to the maximum value defined in the system configuration file.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Wait for other applications to disconnect from the database. If one or more applications are required to run concurrently, increase the value for max_coordagents. The new value takes effect after the next successful database manager start.

sqlcode: -1226

sqlstate: 57030

SQL1227NThe catalog statistic "<value>" for column "<column>" is out of range for its target column, has an invalid format, or is inconsistent in relation to some other statistic. Reason Code = "<code>"

Explanation: The value or format of a statistic provided for an updateable catalog is either invalid, out of range, or inconsistent. The most common checks for value, range and format are (corresponding to "<code>"):

Numeric statistics must be -1 or >= 0.

Numeric statistics representing percentages (eg. CLUSTERRATIO) must be between 0 and 100.

HIGH2KEY, LOW2KEY related rules :

PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS related rules :


The cardinality of a column (COLCARD statistic in SYSCOLUMNS) cannot be greater than the cardinality of its corresponding table (CARD statistic in SYSTABLES).

No statistics are supported for columns with the following data types: LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, or user-defined structured types.

A statistic is inconsistent with other related statistics for this entity or is invalid in this context.

User Response: Make sure the new catalog statistic satisfies the above range/length/format checks.

Make sure that any updates to statistics are consistent in their inter-relationships (eg. cardinality).

sqlcode: -1227

sqlstate: 23521

SQL1228WDROP DATABASE has completed but the database alias name or database name "<name>" could not be found on "<num>" nodes.

Explanation: The drop database command has completed successfully, however, there are some nodes where the database alias or database name was not found. It is possible that DROP DATABASE AT NODE was already performed on these nodes.

User Response: This is a warning message only. No response is necessary.

SQL1229NThe current transaction has been rolled back because of a system error.

Explanation: One of the following has occurred:

  1. A system error, such as node failure or connection failure, has occurred. The application is rolled back to the previous COMMIT.

    Note that in the case of DB2 utility functions, the behavior is described below:

    The application is rolled back. If the COMMITCOUNT parameter was used, the operation is rolled back to a previous committed point.

    The operation is aborted and must be resubmitted.

    The operation is aborted, however, some of the operation may have been successful. Issuing the request again with the "continue" option will restart the operation from the point of failure.

    The operation is aborted and the database is still in rollforward pending state. The command must be resubmitted.

    The operation is aborted and must be resubmitted.
  2. The service port numbers assigned for FCM (Fast Communication Manager) communications are not the same on all nodes in the DB2 instance. Check the services file being used on all nodes to ensure that the ports are the same. The ports are defined using the format:
       DB2_<instance>       xxxx/tcp
       DB2_<instance>_END   xxxx/tcp

    where <instance> is the DB2 instance name and xxxx is the port number Ensure that these port numbers are not being used for DB2 remote client support.

User Response:

  1. Try the request again. If the error persists, you can find more information about the problem in the db2diag.log file. It may be necessary to contact the system administrator for assistance since the most common reason for this error is that a node has failed.

    Note that in an SP environment where the high speed switch is used, this error can be a symptom of a failure in the high speed switch.

  2. Update the service ports to be the same on all nodes and try the request again.

The sixth sqlerrd field of the SQLCA will indicate the node number that detected the node failure. On the node that detected the failure a message will be placed in the db2diag.log that identifies the failed node.

sqlcode: -1229

sqlstate: 40504

SQL1230WAt least one agent id specified could not be forced.

Explanation: At least one agent id specified on the Force command could not be forced. Causes of this warning may be:

User Response: If a nonexistent or invalid agent id was specified, retry the command using the valid agent id.

SQL1231NInvalid Force count specified.

Explanation: The value specified for the count parameter of the Force command is not valid. The value specified must either be a positive integer or SQL_ALL_USERS. A value of 0 will result in an error.

User Response: Correct the value of count and resubmit the command.

SQL1232NInvalid Force mode specified.

Explanation: The value specified for the mode parameter of the Force command is not valid. Only asynchronous mode is supported for the Force command. The parameter must be set to the value SQL_ASYNCH.

User Response: Set the mode to SQL_ASYNCH and resubmit the command.

SQL1233NThe use of this clause or scalar function is supported only for graphic data that is UCS-2.

Explanation: UCS-2 is not supported for this database. The support of UCS-2 is required for the following:

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with valid data types.

sqlcode: -1233

sqlstate: 560AA

SQL1240NThe maximum number of quiescers has been reached.

Explanation: An attempt was made to acquire a quiesce state on a table space which has already been quiesced by 5 processes.

User Response: Wait for one of the processes to release its quiesce state and try again.

SQL1241NAn invalid value was specified for the "<tbs-name>" table space definition when creating a database. Attribute is "<string>".

Explanation: The value for a table space attribute was out of range. See the Data Structures section of Application Development Guide for the format of the sqletsdesc structure used for the create database api. The identified attribute is the field name of this structure.

User Response: Correct the create database request.

SQL1244WDisconnect for transaction manager database "<database-name>" will occur at next COMMIT.

Explanation: A disconnect has been issued against a database which is acting as the TM database. The disconnect cannot be completed until the next COMMIT is processed.

User Response: If it is necessary that the database which is acting as the TM database be disconnected immediately, issue a COMMIT statement before execution continues.

sqlcode: +1244

sqlstate: 01002

SQL1245NConnection limit has been reached. No more connections are allowed from this client.

Explanation: The maximum number of concurrent database connections has been reached for an environment where the number of connections is restricted or must be predefined. The primary example of where this would occur is when the NETBIOS protocol is being used.

User Response: Possible actions:

sqlcode: -1245

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1246NConnection settings cannot be changed while connections exist.

Explanation: One of the following occurred:

User Response: Possible actions:

SQL1247NApplications running in an XA transaction processing environment must use the SYNCPOINT TWOPHASE connection setting.

Explanation: The application was precompiled with the option SYNCPOINT ONEPHASE or SYNCPOINT NONE, or the SYNCPOINT connection setting was changed to one of these values using the SET CLIENT API. These settings are invalid for applications which cause transaction processing syncpoint commands (for example CICS SYNCPOINT) to be executed. Note that SYNCPOINT ONEPHASE is the default precompiler option.

User Response: Possible actions:

sqlcode: -1247

sqlstate: 51025

SQL1248NDatabase "<database alias>" not defined with the transaction manager.

Explanation: You attempted to access a database that had not been opened by the transaction manager. A database must be defined to the transaction manager in order to participate in the two-phase commit process.

User Response: Define the database as a resource manager to the transaction manager of your Distributed Transaction Processing environment. For example, in a CICS environment this requires adding the database to the XAD file and provides the database alias name in the XAOpen string of the XAD entry.

sqlcode: -1248

sqlstate: 42705

SQL1251WNo data returned for heuristic query.

Explanation: There are no in-doubt transactions in the database, nor any transactions that have ended and are waiting to enter the syncpoint process.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL1260NDatabase "<name>" is not configured for roll-forward recovery on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: The specified database is not configured for roll-forward recovery on the specified node(s). If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

The database is not rolled forward on the specified node(s).

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: Ensure that recovery is required on the specified node(s), then restore the most recent backup version of the database on these nodes.

SQL1261NDatabase "<name>" is not in rollforward pending state on node(s) "<node-list>", so it does not need to be rolled forward on these nodes.

Explanation: The specified database is not in roll-forward pending state on the specified node(s). This may be because the database has not been restored, or was restored with the WITHOUT ROLLING FORWARD option, or roll-forward recovery is complete on these nodes.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

The database is not rolled forward.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: Do the following:

  1. Ensure that recovery is required on the specified node(s).
  2. Restore a backup version of the database on these nodes.
  3. Issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command.

SQL1262NThe point-in-time specified for rolling forward database "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The timestamp parameter specified for the point-in-time stopping value is not valid. The timestamp must be entered in ISO format (<ssssss> where YYYY represents year, MM represents month, DD represents day, hh represents hours, mm represents minutes, ss represents seconds, and ssssss represents optional microseconds).

The database is not rolled forward.

User Response: Ensure that the timestamp is entered in the correct format.

When you issue a ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command, ensure that you are not specifying a year greater than 2105.

SQL1263NThe archive file "<name>" is not a valid log file for database "<name>" on node "<node-number>".

Explanation: The specified archive log file exists in the database log directory or the overflow log directory on the specified node, but the file is not valid.

Roll-forward recovery processing stops.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: To determine the correct archive log file, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option. Move the correct archive log file into the database log directory or, if the database is in a consistent state, change the log path to point to the correct archive file, and issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again. Alternatively, resubmit the command with the overflow log path pointing to the correct archive file.

SQL1264NThe archive file "<name>" does not belong to database "<database-name>" on node "<node-number>".

Explanation: The archive log file specified was found in the log directory or the overflow log directory but does not belong to the specified database.

Roll-forward recovery processing stops.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: To determine the correct archive log file, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option. Move the correct archive log file into the database log directory or, if the database is in a consistent state, change the log path to point to the correct archive file and issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again. Alternatively, resubmit the command with the overflow log path pointing to the correct archive file.

SQL1265NThe archive log file "<name>" is not associated with the current log sequence for database "<name>" on node "<node-number>".

Explanation: For roll-forward recovery, the log files need to be processed in correct sequence. The log file sequence is determined by the database that has been restored or the log files that have been processed. In addition to this, for table space level roll-forward recovery, the log files must be processed in the sequence through which the current state of the database has been reached. The specified archive log file was found in the log directory or the overflow log path for the database on the specified node but the log file is not in the correct log sequence.

Roll-forward recovery processing stops.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: To determine the correct archive log file, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option. Move the correct archive log file into the database log directory or, if the database is in a consistent state, change the log path to point to the correct archive file and issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again. Alternatively, resubmit the command with the overflow log path pointing to the correct archive file.

SQL1266NDatabase "<name>" has been rolled forward to "<timestamp>", which is past the specified point-in-time.

Explanation: Roll-forward is requested to stop at a timestamp that is before the current point in time in the specified database log file. This can happen when rolling forward either the database or a subset of table spaces to a point in time.

Database roll-forward processing stops.

User Response: Specify the correct point in time or restore the database or table space subset from a backup version and resubmit the ROLLFORWARD command.

SQL1267NThe system could not find db2uexit in the current PATH environment variable.

Explanation: The user-supplied file db2uexit cannot be found, either because it is not in the current PATH environment variable or it does not exist.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Update the current PATH environment variable to include the path to db2uexit or create a db2uexit file and update the current PATH environment variable if necessary.

SQL1268NRoll-forward recovery stopped due to error "<error>" while retrieving log file "<logfile>" for database "<name>" on node "<node-number>".

Explanation: Roll-forward processing invokes db2uext2 to retrieve the log file. The error may have occurred in db2uext2.

Roll-forward processing stopped. The database is still in a roll forward pending state on the specified node.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: See the user exit documentation in the Administration Guide for a description of the error and resume or terminate roll-forward recovery.

SQL1269NTable space level roll-forward recovery is already running.

Explanation: An attempt has been made to use table space level roll-forward recovery but it is already running. Only one agent can be executing roll-forward recovery at any given time.

User Response: Wait until table space level roll-forward recovery is complete. If more table spaces need recovery, initiate table space level roll-forward recovery again.

SQL1270CThe LANG environmental variable is set to "<string>". This language is not supported.

Explanation: The LANG environmental variable is set to a language that is not supported by the database manager. Processing cannot continue.

User Response: Set the LANG environmental variable to a language that is supported. For more information please refer to "National Language Support" appendix in the Administration Guide.

Federated system users: see the Installation and Configuration Supplement for NLS information.

SQL1271WDatabase "<name>" is recovered but one or more table spaces are off-line on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: This message can occur after crash recovery, database level roll-forward recovery, or table space level roll-forward recovery. For database level roll-forward recovery, the database is available for use if the STOP option was specified. One or more table spaces on the specified node(s) are not available. This could happen if:

The table spaces that are off-line can be identified on the specified node(s) by the LIST TABLESPACES command or the db2dart utility. The diagnostic log will provide more information on specific table spaces.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: Repair or restore the table spaces if necessary and run roll-forward recovery. If the same error occurs, try running table space level roll-forward recovery offline.

SQL1272NTable space level roll-forward recovery for database "<name>" has stopped before completion on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: Table space level roll-forward recovery has stopped on the specified node(s) before all qualifying table spaces could be rolled forward. This can be cause by one of the following:

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: Check the diagnostic log for the cause. Do one of the following depending on the cause:

Run table space level roll-forward recovery again.

SQL1273NRoll-forward recovery on database "<name>" cannot reach the specified stop point (end-of-log or point-in-time) because of missing log file "<name>" on node "<node-number>".

Explanation: The Rollforward Database utility cannot find the specified archive log file in the database log directory or the overflow log directory on the specified node.

Roll-forward recovery has stopped.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: Do one of the following:

SQL1274NThe database "<name>" requires roll-forward recovery and the point-in-time must be to the end of logs.

Explanation: The database needs to be rolled forward. For database level roll-forward recovery, the point-in-time must be to the end of logs because a database level roll-forward to end of logs is already in progess. To continue the roll forward, the same stoptime must be specified.

For table space level roll-forward recovery, the point-in-time must be to the end of logs for one of the following reasons:

The database is not rolled forward.

User Response: Resubmit the ROLLFORWARD command specifying ROLLFORWARD TO END OF LOGS.

SQL1275NThe stoptime passed to roll-forward must be greater than or equal to "<timestamp>", because database "<name>" on node(s) "<node-list>" contains information later than the specified time.

Explanation: The database or at least one of the table spaces to be rolled forward were backed up online. An advanced virtual timestamp is in the database or table space backup. The stoptime passed to roll-forward must be greater than or equal to the time the online backup ended on the specified node.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: Do one of the following:

SQL1276NDatabase "<name>" cannot be brought out of rollforward pending state until roll-forward has passed a point in time greater than or equal to "<timestamp>", because node "<node-number>" contains information later than the specified time.

Explanation: A request was made to bring the database or subset of table spaces out of rollforward pending state by specifying caller action SQLUM_ROLLFWD_STOP, SQLUM_STOP, SQLUM_ROLLFWD_COMPLETE, or SQLUM_COMPLETE. However, the database or at least one of the table spaces to be rolled forward was backed up online. The request cannot be granted until the database or all table spaces have been rolled forward to the end of the online backup timestamp on the specified node.

This error can also occur if not all the log files are provided to perform the requested recovery.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: If the stoptime specified on the ROLLFORWARD command is smaller then "<timestamp>", resubmit the command with a stoptime greater than or equal to "<timestamp>".

Verify that all the log files were provided. the ROLLFORWARD QUERY STATUS command shows which log file is to be processed next. Some of the reasons for missing log files include:

If the missing log file is found, copy it to the log path and resubmit the command.

SQL1277NRestore has detected that one or more table space containers are inaccessible, or has set their state to "storage must be defined".

Explanation: Restore validates that the containers needed by each table space being restored are currently accessible on the system. Where possible, restore will create the containers if they do not exist. If they cannot be created, or are currently in use by another table space, or are inaccessible for any other reason, then the list of containers needed must be corrected before the restore can continue.

If this is a redirected restore, the state of each container of the table spaces being restored is set to "storage must be defined". This makes it possible to use the SET TABLESPACE CONTAINERS api or command against the containers to redefine their storage.

User Response: To determine the list of containers for each table space being restored, use the TABLESPACE CONTAINER QUERY api or the LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS command. To specify an updated list for each table space, use the SET TABLESPACE CONTAINERS api or command. This api or command lets you specify whether this should be the initial list of containers (i.e. a subsequent rollforward will redo any "add container" operations described in the database log) or the final list (rollforward will not redo "add container" operations).

It is also possible that the container(s) are read-only, in which case the only action required before continuing with the restore is to give read/write access to the container.

SQL1278WRoll-forward operation has completed successfully. Active or indoubt transactions required rollback on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: The roll-forward of a table space subset to a point in time was completed successfully, however one or both of the following situations occurred:

  1. There was one or more active transactions at the point in time specified. Each transaction was rolled back from the table spaces in the table space subset.
  2. There was one or more indoubt transactions at the point in time specified. Each indoubt transaction was rolled back from the table spaces in the table space subset.

Transactions that were rolled back from the table spaces in the table space subset may still be committed in other table spaces not involved in the roll-forward.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: The diagnostic log will contain details on the transactions that were rolled back by roll-forward recovery.

SQL1279WSome indexes may not have been recreated.

Explanation: An error occurred during index recreation while performing a database restart or following a table reorganization which prevented some of the indexes from being recreated successfully. Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.

Database restart or Reorg table was successful.

User Response: Examine the error log(s) to determine why the index(es) could not be recreated and correct the problem. The invalid indexes for a table will be recreated when the table is first accessed.

SQL1280NThe stoptime passed to roll-forward must be less than or equal to "<timestamp>" for database "<name>" because at least one of the table spaces was already rolled forward to this point in time.

Explanation: At least one of the table spaces specified by the roll-forward to point in time has already been rolled forward to an earlier point in time. It cannot be rolled forward any further.

User Response: Do one of the following:

Time must be specified in CUT (Coordinated Universal Time).

SQL1281NThe connection to database "<database-alias>" has been severed because the pipe "<pipe-name>" has been broken.

Explanation: The connection was lost because the DB2 server broke the pipe. The current transaction has been rolled back.

User Response: Resubmit the current command. If the error continues, contact your technical service representative.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Contact your technical service representative with the following information:

Required information:

sqlcode: -1281

sqlstate: 40504

SQL1282NThe attempt to connect to database "<database-alias>" failed because all the pipe instances on "<pipe-name>" are busy.

Explanation: Attempts to connect to the named pipe failed because the connection was refused by DB2. There is a limit to the number of connections that are allowed on the named pipe.

User Response: Increase the connection limit on the DB2 server, or terminate some of the applications using named pipe to free up connection resources.

sqlcode: -1282

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1283NThe attempt to connect to database "<database-alias>" failed because the pipe "<pipe-name>" is in use by another process.

Explanation: The name of the named pipe is already in used by another process. Named pipe support did not start.

User Response: Choose a different name by setting the environment variable DB2PIPENAME, or have the other programs which use named pipe use a different pipe name.

SQL1284NThe attempt to connect to database "<database-alias>" failed because the pipe "<pipe-name>" cannot be found.

Explanation: The server has not started its named pipe support, or the server is using a different name for the named pipe.

User Response: Start the database manager and ensure the named pipe support starts. If the named pipe support has been started, then ensure the name of the named pipe is the same between the client and server by setting the environment variable DB2PIPENAME to the same value.

sqlcode: -1284

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1285NThe attempt to connect to database "<database-alias>" failed because the pipe "<pipe-name>" is invalid.

Explanation: The alternate pipe name set by the environment variable DB2PIPENAME is invalid.

User Response: The value of the environment variable DB2PIPENAME must be a valid pipe name. The pipe name must be no longer than eight characters, and has the same syntactical restrictions as a normal file name.

sqlcode: -1285

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1286NThe connection to database "<database-alias>" has been severed because the operating system ran out of resources for pipe "<pipe-name>".

Explanation: Named pipe failed because the operating system ran out of resources (swapping space, disk space, file handles). The current transaction has been rolled back.

User Response: Free up the system resources and try again.

sqlcode: -1286

sqlstate: 40504

SQL1287NATTACH to instance "<instance>" failed because the named pipe "<pipe>" cannot be found.

Explanation: The server has not started its named pipe support, or the instance name is incorrect.

User Response: Ensure that the database manager is started at the server and that the named pipe support is started. Ensure that the instance name is correct.

SQL1290NThe value of either the DFT_CLIENT_COMM database manager configuration parameter or the DB2CLIENTCOMM environment variable is not valid.

Explanation: Either an incorrect value was specified or the protocol(s) specified are not supported by the target database. The acceptable values are:

If more than one value is specified, then they must be delimited by a comma.

Note that this message may be returned from an intermediate node involved in your connection. For example, if you are trying to connect to a DRDA server via a DB2 Connect gateway and your client workstation does not use global directory services, this message may be returned from the DB2 Connect gateway.

User Response: Correct the value and try again.

sqlcode: -1290

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1291NA directory services error has been detected. Service: "<directory-services-type>", API: "<API>", function: "<function>", error code: "<rc>".

Explanation: An error has been detected by the directory services subsystem. Refer to the token values for details. The following is the explanation of the token values:

The type of the directory services being used. Valid tokens include:

The application programming interface used to access the above directory services. Valid tokens include:

The name of the directory services subsystem function that returned the error code.

The error code returned from the above function. The meaning of the value is specific to the API being used.

For XDS functions such as ds_read, the return code values can be found in the DCE include file xds.h.

For XOM functions such as om_get, the return code values can be found in the DCE include file xom.h.

Note that this message may be returned from an intermediate node involved in your connection. For example, if you are trying to connect to a DRDA server via a DB2 Connect gateway and your client workstation does not use global directory services, this message may be returned from the DB2 Connect gateway.

User Response: Ensure that:

If the problem persists, consult with your system administrator and/or database administrator to determine the cause of the problem using the set of tokens provided.

sqlcode: -1291

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1292NThe global name of the database or database manager instance is invalid.

Explanation: The global name of the database or database manager instance cannot be NULL and cannot be longer than 255 characters. It must start with either "/.../" or "/.:/".

Note that this message may be returned from an intermediate node involved in your connection. For example, if you are trying to connect to a DRDA server via a DB2 Connect gateway and your client workstation does not use global directory services, this message may be returned from the DB2 Connect gateway.

User Response: Correct the global name and try again.

SQL1293NAn error was found in a global directory entry. Error code: "<error-code>".

Explanation: An error has been detected in one of the global database directory entries used. Refer to the following error codes for details:

The database object does not contain authentication information

Both the database object and the database locator object do not contain communication protocol information

Entry not a database object

Native database name in the database object is either not found or too long

Database protocol in the database object is either not found or too long

Invalid authentication value found in the database object

Insufficient or invalid communication protocol information in the database object

Database locator object name not found in the database object

Database locator object name in the database object invalid

Entry not a database locator object

Insufficient or invalid communication protocol information in the database locator object

Entry not a routing information object

Target database information not found in the routing information object

Insufficient information for the target database in the routing information object

No appropriate gateway found in the routing information object

Invalid flag for authentication at gateway

Database locator object name for the gateway invalid

Database name in the target database information attribute of the routing information object is either not found or too long

Database protocol in the target database information attribute of the routing information object is either not found or too long

Note that you may also see this message if the DCE subsystem is not operational, or if you do not have sufficient privilege to read the DCE directory entry.

Note that this message may be returned from an intermediate node involved in your connection. For example, if you are trying to connect to a DRDA server via a DB2 Connect gateway and your client workstation does not use global directory services, this message may be returned from the DB2 Connect gateway.

User Response: Make sure the DCE subsystem is operational and that you have the appropriate privilege to read the directory entry. If the problem persists, inform the database administrator to correct the error in the directory entry. Refer to the Administration Guide for the format of these directory objects.

sqlcode: -1293

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1294NThe directory path name being used for global directory access is not specified or not valid.

Explanation: In order to use global directory services, a directory path name must be specified either in the dir_path_name database manager configuration parameter, or in the DB2DIRPATHNAME environment variable. You either did not specify it, or the name you specified is not valid.

Note that this message may be returned from an intermediate node involved in your connection. For example, if you are trying to connect to a DRDA server via a DB2 Connect gateway and your client workstation does not use global directory services, this message may be returned from the DB2 Connect gateway.

User Response: Consult your database administrator for the correct name to use, specify it, and try again.

sqlcode: -1294

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1295NThe routing information object name being used for global directory access is not specified or not valid.

Explanation: In order to use global directory services to access a remote database with a database protocol that is not native to this client, the name of a routing information object must be specified either in the route_obj_name database manager configuration parameter, or in the DB2ROUTE environment variable. You either did not specify it, or the name you specified is not valid.

Note that this message may be returned from an intermediate node involved in your connection. For example, if you are trying to connect to a DRDA server via a DB2 Connect gateway and your client workstation does not use global directory services, this message may be returned from the DB2 Connect gateway.

User Response: Consult with your database administrator for the correct object name to use, specify it and try again.

sqlcode: -1295

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1296NValid values must be specified for the DIR_PATH_NAME and DIR_OBJ_NAME database manager configuration parameters if the DIR_TYPE parameter has a value other than NONE.

Explanation: These three parameters are interrelated. If the DIR_TYPE value is NONE, then the other two are ignored. If the DIR_TYPE value is not NONE, then the other two must both contain valid values. The following rules apply when the DIR_TYPE value is not NONE:

  1. The DIR_PATH_NAME and DIR_OBJ_NAME values cannot be NULL (or blanks).
  2. If the DIR_TYPE value is DCE, then the DIR_PATH_NAME value must start with either of the special DCE strings enclosed in the following quotes: "/.../" or "/.:/".

User Response: If you want to change the DIR_TYPE value, make sure the DIR_PATH_NAME and DIR_OBJ_NAME parameters have been specified with the valid values first. If you want to blank out either the DIR_PATH_NAME or the DIR_OBJ_NAME parameter, make sure you set DIR_TYPE to NONE first.

SQL1297NThis command is currently not supported on this platform.

Explanation: The function requested using this command is not supported on this platform.

User Response: Do not use this command.

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