Message Reference

SQL1000 - SQL1099

SQL1000N"<alias>" is not a valid database alias name.

Explanation: The alias specified in the command or api is not valid. The alias must contain 1 to 8 characters (bytes in MBCS countries) and all the characters must be from the database manager base character set.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct alias.

SQL1001N"<name>" is not a valid database name.

Explanation: The syntax of the database name specified in the command is not valid. The database name must contain 1 to 8 characters and all the characters must be from the database manager base character set.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct database name.

sqlcode: -1001

sqlstate: 2E000

SQL1002N"<drive>" is not a valid drive.

Explanation: The drive specified in the command is not valid. The drive is a single character (A to Z) indicating the diskette drive or fixed-disk partition where the database or database directory is located.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct drive.

SQL1003NThe password is not valid because the syntax is not correct or the password does not match the password of the specified database.

Explanation: The length of the password is expected to be 18 characters or less. However, if the password is to be verified for an APPC conversation, it must be 8 characters or less.

User Response: Ensure that the password is not longer than the limit allowed.

sqlcode: -1003

sqlstate: 28000

SQL1004CThere is not enough storage on the file system to process the command.

Explanation: There is not enough storage on the specified file system to process the command.

In a partitioned database environment on OS/2 and Windows environments, each node in the partitioned database group must have the exact same physical hard drive specification (letter) available and useable (must contain useable space) for the CREATE DATABASE command to succeed. The physical hard drive letter is specifed in the database manager configuration. If this field is left blank the default will be the hard drive where DB2 is installed on the instance owning machine (sqllib path).

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Choose a different file system or erase some non-database files from the specified file system to make space for the database manager functions.

In a partitioned database environment on OS/2 and Windows environments, follow the following steps:

SQL1005NThe database alias "<name>" already exists in either the local database directory or the system database directory.

Explanation: The alias name specified has already been used. If no alias is specified in the catalog database command, the database name is used as the alias. When a database is created, the alias name is the same as the database name.

This error may occur on the catalog database command when the alias already exists in the system database directory.

On the create database command this error may occur in one of the following situations:

User Response: For the catalog database command, uncatalog the alias from the system database directory and resubmit your original command or catalog the database with a different alias name.

For the create database command, do the following operations with respect to the above 3 situations:

SQL1006NThe code page "<code page>" of the application does not match the code page "<code page>" of the database.

Explanation: The application could not connect to the database because the active codepage is different from the one that was active when the database was created.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Exit the current application program and return to the operating system. Change the code page for the process and restart the application program.

SQL1007NError in finding pages for an object in a table space.

Explanation: There are corrupted internal database pages or internal logic error for a table space. Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.

User Response: Discontinue use of the object or table space. Contact IBM service to inspect the object and the table space.

sqlcode: -1007

sqlstate: 58034

SQL1008NInvalid table space ID.

Explanation: The table space ID specified does not exist. It is either larger than the current maximum table space ID, or the table space has been dropped.

User Response: Discontinue use of the database. Save the diagnostic information in the error log and contact IBM service.

sqlcode: -1008

sqlstate: 58036

SQL1009NThe command is not valid.

Explanation: The command is not supported when issued on a client-only workstation or against remote databases. An example of such a command is cataloging a local database.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Possible solutions include:

SQL1010N"<type>" is not a valid type parameter.

Explanation: The type specified in the Database Environment command is not valid. It must be '0' for an indirect database or '1' for a remote database.

In addition, on the Unix, OS/2, Windows NT, and Windows 95 platforms, the type can be '3' for a database that has a DCE global name.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid type.

SQL1011NNo path was specified in the CATALOG DATABASE command for an indirect entry.

Explanation: A CATALOG DATABASE command was issued for an indirect entry but no path was specified. Indirect entries must specify the path where the database resides.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the required path or change the type.

SQL1012NNo node name was specified in the CATALOG DATABASE command for a remote entry.

Explanation: There was no nodename parameter specified in the CATALOG DATABASE command for a remote entry. Remote entries must specify the node name of the database.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the nodename parameter or a different type.

SQL1013NThe database alias name or database name "<name>" could not be found.

Explanation: The database name or alias specified in the command is not an existing database or the database could not be found in the (client or server) database directories.

User Response: Ensure that the specified database name exists in the system database directory. If the database name does not exist in the system database directory, then the database either does not exist or the database name has not been cataloged.

If the database name appears in the system database directory and the entry type is INDIRECT, ensure that the database exists in the specified local database directory. If the entry type is REMOTE, then ensure that the database exists and is cataloged on the database directories of the server node.

For CREATE DATABASE with the AT NODE clause, ensure that the database name is in the system database directory with an entry type of INDIRECT and with a catalog node number that does not equal -1.

Federated system users: in addition to the above, verify that the database names specified in SYSCAT.SERVERS are all valid. Correct any SYSCAT.SERVERS entry for which the database specified in that entry does not exist.

sqlcode: -1013

sqlstate: 42705

SQL1014WThere are no more entries in the directory, file, or list being scanned.

Explanation: The scan of the directory, file, or list is finished.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL1015NThe database must be restarted because the previous session did not conclude normally.

Explanation: The database must be restarted because of an abnormal termination of the previous session (for example, a power failure).

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: On receipt of this message (SQLCODE), an application can post a message warning the user that it takes time to recover the database. To restart the database, issue the RESTART DATABASE command. In a partitioned database server environment, the command must be issued on all nodes.

sqlcode: -1015

sqlstate: 55025

SQL1016NThe local_lu alias "<name>" specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not valid.

Explanation: The local logical unit (local_lu) alias specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not permitted. The local logical unit alias is the local SNA logical unit alias and must be 1 to 8 characters and cannot contain blank characters.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the alias is a permitted logical unit name. Verify the characters used in the name. Resubmit the command with a valid logical unit name.

SQL1017NThe mode parameter "<mode>" specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not valid.

Explanation: The mode specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not permitted.

The mode parameter identifies the communications profile the Communications Manager uses to set up a session. The mode must be 1 to 8 characters. Valid characters are uppercase or lowercase A through Z, 0 through 9, #, @, and $. The first character must be alphabetic. The system changes lowercase characters to uppercase.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the name is a permitted mode name. Verify the characters used in the name. Resubmit the command with a correct mode.

SQL1018NThe node name "<name>" specified in the CATALOG NODE command already exists.

Explanation: The node name specified in the nodename parameter of the CATALOG NODE command is already cataloged in the node directory on this file system.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: If the nodename parameter is typed correctly, continue processing.

Uncatalog the cataloged node in the node directory if the node cataloged information is no longer valid and resubmit the command. If the node cataloged information is valid, define a new node name and resubmit the command using the new node name.

SQL1019NThe node name "<name>" specified in the command is not valid.

Explanation: The node name specified in the command is not valid. The node name may be 1 to 8 characters and all of the characters must be from the database manager base character set.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct node name.

SQL1020CThe node directory is full.

Explanation: The node directory cannot hold any more entries.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Uncatalog any unnecessary entries in the node directory.

SQL1021NThe node name "<name>" specified in the UNCATALOG NODE command was not found.

Explanation: The nodename specified in the command could not be found in the node directory.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: If the nodename parameter is correct, the node may already have been uncataloged, and processing can continue. Otherwise, resubmit the command with the correct node name.

SQL1022CThere is not enough memory available to process the command.

Explanation: Not enough random access memory (RAM) is available to process the command.

If a remote procedure was invoked, the remote procedure may use a local variable space that is larger than the allowable maximum (4K).

If the statement involves a user-defined function (UDF), the memory set controlled by the udf_mem_sz database manager configuration parameter may be larger than the memory available.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Stop the application. Possible solutions include:

sqlcode: -1022

sqlstate: 57011

SQL1023CThe communications conversation failed.

Explanation: An error occurred in the communications conversation.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Retry the original command. If the error persists, contact your communications administrator.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

sqlcode: -1023

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1024NA database connection does not exist.

Explanation: There is no connection to a database. Other SQL statements cannot be processed unless an SQL CONNECT was previously executed.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: If the error occurred when disconnecting from the database, continue processing. If the error occurred on another SQL statement, issue an SQL CONNECT statement and resubmit the command or statement.

sqlcode: -1024

sqlstate: 08003

SQL1025NThe database manager was not stopped because databases are still active.

Explanation: The stop database manager command cannot be processed if there are any applications connected to databases under control of the database manager, or if any databases have been activated.

No action is taken.

User Response: Usually no action is required. To stop the database manager, all active applications must disconnect from all the databases they are using. Alternatively, the user can use the FORCE command to force applications to disconnect, and the DEACTIVATE command to deactivate the database.

SQL1026NThe database manager is already active.

Explanation: A start database manager command is already processed.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Because the command is already processed, the application may continue processing.

SQL1027NThe node directory cannot be found.

Explanation: The list node directory command cannot be processed because the node directory could not be found.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Issue a CATALOG NODE command with the appropriate parameters and resubmit the current command.

SQL1029NThe partner_lu alias "<name>" specified in the CATALOG NODE command is not valid.

Explanation: The partner_lu alias specified in the CATALOG NODE command was not specified or contains characters that are not valid. The partner_lu alias is the partner SNA logical unit alias and must be 1 to 8 characters and must not contain blank characters.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Examine the partner_lu for a typing error. Verify that the alias is a permitted logical unit name. Verify the characters used in the alias. Resubmit the command with a correct partner_lu.

SQL1030CThe database directory is full.

Explanation: Either the system database directory or the local database directory cannot hold any more entries.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Uncatalog any unnecessary entries in the directory. Create new databases on another file system if the local database directory is full.

SQL1031NThe database directory cannot be found on the indicated file system.

Explanation: The system database directory or local database directory could not be found. A database has not been created or it was not cataloged correctly.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the database is created with the correct path specification. The Catalog Database command has a path parameter which specifies the directory where the database resides.

sqlcode: -1031

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1032NNo start database manager command was issued.

Explanation: The start database manager command has not been processed. It must be processed before a stop database manager, any SQL statement, or utility can be issued.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Issue a start database manager command and resubmit the current command.

If using multiple logical nodes, ensure the DB2NODE environment variable is set correctly. The DB2NODE environment variable indicates the node the application will attempt to connect to. DB2NODE must be set to the node number of one of the nodes defined on the same host as the application.

sqlcode: -1032

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1033NThe database directory cannot be accessed because it is being used.

Explanation: The database directory cannot be accessed if it is currently being updated. Also, the directory cannot be accessed for update if it is already being accessed for any reason. This situation could exist with either the system database directory or the local database directory.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Wait until the access has completed, then resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1033

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1034CThe database is damaged. The application has been disconnected from the database. All applications processing the database have been stopped.

Explanation: Damage has occurred to the database. It cannot be used until it is recovered. All applications connected to the database have been disconnected and all processes running applications on the database have been stopped.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Issue a RESTART DATABASE command to recover the database. If the RESTART command consistently fails, you may want to restore the database from a backup. In a partitioned database server environment, check the syslog to find out if the RESTART command fails because of node or communication failures before restoring the database from a backup. If so, ensure the database manager is up and running and communication is available among all the nodes, then resubmit the restart command.

If you encountered this error during roll-forward processing, you must restore the database from a backup and perform roll-forward again.

Note that in a partitioned database environment, the RESTART database command is run on a per-node basis. To ensure that the database is restarted on all nodes, use the command:

db2_all db2 restart database <database_name>

This command may have to be run several times to ensure that all in-doubt transactions have been resolved.

If you are installing the sample database, drop it and install the sample database again.

sqlcode: -1034

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1035NThe database is currently in use.

Explanation: One of the following conditions exists:

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Possible solutions include:

sqlcode: -1035

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1036CAn I/O error occurred while accessing the database.

Explanation: At least one database file has an I/O error:

The database cannot be used.

User Response: If the error occurred during the processing of a database, resubmit the command. If the error continues, restore the database from a backup version.

If the error occurred during CREATE DATABASE or DROP DATABASE, a subsequent CREATE DATABASE or DROP DATABASE command attempts to erase files and directories left from the unsuccessful CREATE DATABASE or DROP DATABASE command.

If installing the sample database, drop it and install the sample database again.

If the error occurred while trying to connect to a database, get a trace and call IBM support for the possibility of recovering the database.

sqlcode: -1036

sqlstate: 58030

SQL1037WThe Node directory is empty.

Explanation: An attempt was made to read the contents of the node directory, but no entries existed.

User Response: No action is required.

sqlcode: +1037

sqlstate: 01606

SQL1038CAn I/O error occurred while accessing the node directory.

Explanation: The node directory could not be accessed because of an I/O error.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command. If the error continues, remove the node directory (sqlnodir under the sqllib directory) and recatalog the node names on the network.

sqlcode: -1038

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1039CAn I/O error occurred while accessing the database directory.

Explanation: Either the system database directory or the local database directory cannot be accessed. This error may occur not only when the system is cataloging or uncataloging a database but also when the system is accessing a database that is cataloged in the directory.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Possible solutions include:

If installing the sample database, drop it and install the sample database again.

sqlcode: -1039

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1040NThe maximum number of applications is already connected to the database.

Explanation: The number of applications connected to the database is equal to the maximum value defined in the configuration file for the database.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Wait for other applications to disconnect from the database. If more applications are required to run concurrently, increase the value for maxappls. After all applications disconnect from the database and the database is restarted, the new value takes effect.

sqlcode: -1040

sqlstate: 57030

SQL1041NThe maximum number of concurrent databases have already been started.

Explanation: The application attempted to start an inactive database but the number of active databases already equals the maximum value defined in the system configuration file.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Wait for one of the databases to become inactive. If more databases are required to be active at the same time, increase the value for numdb. The new value takes effect after the next successful database manager start.

sqlcode: -1041

sqlstate: 57032

SQL1042CAn unexpected system error occurred.

Explanation: A system error occurred. One possible reason for this error is that the database manager is not installed correctly or the environment is not set up correctly.

On OS/2, while trying to start the database manager, a very common reason for this error is a corrupted NET.ACC file.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: If the error occurred on OS/2 while trying to start the database manager, and the NET.ACC file is suspected, replace the NET.ACC files on the system with those on diskette 1 of the DB2 for OS/2 installation diskettes.

If the error occurred while trying to connect to a database, get a trace (instructions below) and call IBM support.

If the problem falls outside of the above suggestions, ensure that the system time and date is correctly set, and make sure your system has enough memory and swapping/paging space available.

Resubmit the current command.

If the error continues, stop the database manager and restart it.

If the error still continues, reinstall the database manager.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Contact your technical service representative with the following information:

Required information:

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request (see the problem determination guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source). If the problem is with a data source follow the problem determination procedures for that data source.

sqlcode: -1042

sqlstate: 58004

SQL1043CThe database manager could not initialize the system catalogs. Error "<error>" was returned.

Explanation: The CREATE DATABASE command failed while initializing the system catalogs.

User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE) and error in this message.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then contact your technical service representative with the following information:

SQL1044NProcessing was cancelled due to an interrupt.

Explanation: The user may have pressed the interrupt key sequence.

Processing is stopped.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Continue processing to handle the interrupt.

If installing the sample database, drop it and install the sample database again.

If starting the database manager, issue a db2stop before issuing any db2 commands.

sqlcode: -1044

sqlstate: 57014

SQL1045NThe database was not found because it was not cataloged correctly.

Explanation: An indirect entry in the database directory points to another non-HOME entry.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the entries in all the associated database directories with the directory scan commands.

sqlcode: -1045

sqlstate: 58031

SQL1046NThe authorization ID is not valid.

Explanation: The authorization specified at logon is not valid for either the data source or the database manager. One of the following occurred:

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Log on with a valid authorization ID.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request (see the Troubleshooting Guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source) and use an authorization ID valid for that data source.

sqlcode: -1046

sqlstate: 28000

SQL1047NThe application is already connected to another database.

Explanation: An application cannot create a database while connected to another database.

Binding a bind file to one database while already connected to another database is not permitted.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Disconnect from the active database and resubmit the command.

SQL1048NThe use parameter "<parameter>" in the START USING DATABASE or CONNECT TO command is not valid. it must be an S for shared access, an X for exclusive use or an N for exclusive use at single node. For DB2 Connect connections, only S is supported. N is only supported in MPP configuration.

Explanation: The use parameter in the START USING DATABASE or CONNECT TO command must be either an S for shared or an X for exclusive use. If connecting to a database using DB2 Connect, only shared access is allowed. Mnemonic equates for these values are provided in the SQLENV.H file.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid use parameter (preferably from the mnemonic equates).

SQL1049CThe application state is in error. The database connection has been lost.

Explanation: The connection to the database has been lost.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Issue a CONNECT RESET statement.

SQL1050NThe database cannot be uncataloged because it is a home database.

Explanation: The database specified in the UNCATALOG DATABASE command is a home database. Home databases cannot be uncataloged because their directory entries are deleted when the database is dropped.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Continue processing if the database name was specified correctly.

SQL1051NThe path "<path>" for the database directory does not exist.

Explanation: The path specified in the database directory parameter of the command or in the database directory entry is not valid. There is no file system with that name.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct path for the database directory.

sqlcode: -1051

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1052NThe database path "<path>" does not exist.

Explanation: The path specified in the path parameter of the command is not valid. There is no path with that name.

In a partitioned database environment on OS/2 and Windows environments, each node in the partitioned database group must have the exact same physical hard drive specification (letter) available and useable (must contain useable space) for the CREATE DATABASE command to succeed. The physical hard drive letter is specifed in the database manager configuration. If this field is left blank the default will be the hard drive where DB2 is installed on the instance owning machine (sqllib path).

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct database path.

In a partitioned database environment on OS/2 and Windows environments, follow the following steps:

SQL1053NAn interrupt is already being processed.

Explanation: The system is currently processing an interrupt so another interrupt is not honored.

The interrupt request is ignored.

User Response: Wait until the current interrupt processing finishes and resubmit the command.

SQL1054NA COMMIT is in progress and cannot be interrupted.

Explanation: The system is currently processing a COMMIT. The user entered an interrupt key sequence.

The interrupt request is ignored.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Wait until COMMIT is finished and resubmit the request.

SQL1055NA ROLLBACK is in progress and cannot be interrupted.

Explanation: The system is currently processing a ROLLBACK. The user entered an interrupt key sequence.

The interrupt request is ignored.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Wait until ROLLBACK is finished and resubmit the request.

SQL1056NThere are already eight database directory scans open.

Explanation: Eight database directory scans in this process are already open. No more than eight open scans are allowed.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Issue one or more CLOSE DIRECTORY SCAN commands and resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1056

sqlstate: 54029

SQL1057WThe system database directory is empty.

Explanation: An attempt was made to read the contents of the system database directory, but no entries existed.

User Response: No action is required.

sqlcode: +1057

sqlstate: 01606

SQL1058NThe handle parameter in the Directory Scan command is not valid.

Explanation: The handle parameter specified in the Directory Scan command is not valid. The handle must be the one returned from the OPEN DIRECTORY SCAN or the OPEN NODE DIRECTORY SCAN command.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid handle parameter.

SQL1059NA Get Next command cannot be processed because no Open Scan command was issued.

Explanation: A directory scan command was issued before the scan was opened.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Issue an OPEN DIRECTORY SCAN or OPEN NODE DIRECTORY SCAN command and resubmit the current command.

SQL1060NUser "<authorization-ID>" does not have the CONNECT privilege.

Explanation: The specified authorization does not have the CONNECT privilege to access the database. The CONNECT privilege must be granted before the user can connect to a database.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Contact the system administrator or database administrator for the database and request a GRANT CONNECT for the authorization ID. Resubmit the command.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request (see the Troubleshooting Guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source) and ensure that correct priveleges have been granted for that data source.

sqlcode: -1060

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1061WRESTART completed successfully, but indoubt transactions exist against the database.

Explanation: A RESTART was successfully completed, except indoubt transactions were discovered. The database is usable, but if the indoubt transactions are not resolved before the last connection to the database is dropped, then the database will again require a RESTART before it can be used.

User Response: Either resolve the indoubt transactions, or be prepared to RESTART the database whenever you wish to use it. If the transaction manager (TM) that was using the database (in an XA/DTP environment) is available, then the administrator should instruct the TM to resolve the indoubt transactions. Alternatively, with great caution, the administrator can use the CLP to heuristically complete the transactions.

Note that in a partitioned database server environment, the RESTART database command is run on a per-node basis. In order to ensure that the database is restarted on all nodes, use the following command:

db2_all db2 restart database <database_name>

Issuing the above command will resolve any in-doubt transactions if all nodes are operational.

This command may have to be run several times to ensure that all in-doubt transactions have been resolved.

SQL1062NThe database path "<path>" was not found.

Explanation: The database path parameter specified in the command does not exist. If the path is not specified, the default path defined in the system configuration file is used, and it does not exist.

In a partitioned database environment on OS/2 and Windows environments, each node in the partitioned database group must have the exact same physical hard drive specification (letter) available and useable (must contain useable space) for the CREATE DATABASE command to succeed. The physical hard drive letter is specifed in the database manager configuration. If this field is left blank the default will be the hard drive where DB2 is installed on the instance owning machine (sqllib path).

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify the path or the default path and make sure they exist in the system. Resubmit the command.

In a partitioned database environment on OS/2 and Windows environments, follow the following steps:

SQL1063NThe start database manager processing was successful.

Explanation: The command to start the database manager completed successfully.

SQL1064NThe stop database manager processing was successful.

Explanation: The command to stop the database manager completed successfully.

SQL1065WThe database was created, but an error occurred on one or more bind files in list "<list-name>". The following files were not bound: "<list>".

Explanation: One or more utilities were not bound to the database. The list file "<list-name>" contains a list of the bind files. The numbers in "<list>" indicate the relative positions of the unbound files in the list file.

The listed utility bind files are not bound to the newly created database.

User Response: The user may bind the indicated utilities to the database. The format option must not be used on the binder call.

SQL1066NDB2START processing was successful. IPX/SPX protocol support was not successfully started.

Explanation: The IPX/SPX protocol support was not successfully started. Remote clients cannot use IPX/SPX to connect to the server. Possible causes are:

User Response: Ensure that the workstation is logged in to the NetWare file server, and has sufficient authority to create an object in the bindery at the file server. The user must be logged in as SUPERVISOR or equivalent. Also ensure that the object name specified in the database manager configuration file is unique for all database managers in the network. Make any corrections, run DB2STOP, and then run DB2START again.

If the problem continues, at the operating system command prompt type DB2TRC ON -L 0X100000. Run DB2START again, then at the command prompt, type DB2TRC DUMP filename to save the trace information. To turn trace off, type DB2TRC OFF. Contact your service coordinator with the trace information.

SQL1067NDB2STOP processing was not successful. IPX/SPX protocol support was not successfully stopped.

Explanation: The IPX/SPX protocol support was not successfully stopped. Possible causes are:

User Response: Ensure that the workstation is logged in to the NetWare file server, and has sufficient authority to delete an object in the bindery at the file server. The user must be logged in as SUPERVISOR or equivalent. Make any corrections, and run DB2STOP again.

If the problem continues, at the operating system command prompt type DB2TRC ON -L 0X100000. Run DB2STOP again, then at the command prompt, type DB2TRC DUMP filename to save the trace information. To turn trace off, type DB2TRC OFF. Contact your service coordinator with the trace information.

SQL1068NThe domain that owns the user ID "<user-ID>" for the CONNECT or ATTACH statement is not defined in the DB2DOMAINLIST environment variable.

Explanation: A user ID in a CONNECT TO or ATTACH TO statement does not belong to a domain defined in the DB2DOMAINLIST environment variable.

User Response: Specify the name of the domain which owns the user ID in the DB2DOMAINLIST environment variable by using the DB2SET command.

sqlcode: -1068

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1069NThe database "<name>" is not a home database.

Explanation: The database is not a local database. A local database is cataloged as indirect in the system database directory and this entry references a home entry in the local database directory on the same node. Remote databases cannot be dropped.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: If the specified database name was incorrect, resubmit the command with the correct database name. If the specified database name was correct and the intent is to remove the database name from the database directory, use the UNCATALOG DATABASE command.

SQL1070NThe address of the database name parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for the database name parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the application program so a correct address is used and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1071NThe address of the database alias name parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for this parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1072CThe database manager resources are in an inconsistent state. the database manager may have been incorrectly terminated, or another application may be using system resources in a way which conflicts with the way the database manager uses system resources. System resource cleanup may be required.

Explanation: The request failed because the database manager resources are in an inconsistent state. This can occur if:

User Response: Resource cleanup may be required:

SQL1073NThe node directory release number is not correct.

Explanation: The node directory release number does not match the product expected release number. The node directory could be from a previous release.

User Response: Re-catalog all the node entries and try the command again.

SQL1074NThe address of the password parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for this parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1075NThe address of the database comment parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for this parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1076NThe address of the count parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for the count parameter.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program.

SQL1077NThe address of the handle parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for the handle parameter.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program.

SQL1078NThe address of the buffer parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for the buffer parameter.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program.

SQL1079NThe address of the nodename parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used a nname parameter address that is invalid. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1080NThe address of the local_lu name parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for the local_lu name parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1081NThe address of the partner_lu parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program has used an address that is not valid for the partner_lu parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1082NThe address of the mode parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The application program has used an address that is not valid for the mode parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.

SQL1083NThe database description block cannot be processed, reason code="<reason-code>".

Explanation: The application issued a CREATE DATABASE command, but the database descriptor block (DBDB) could not be processed for one of the following reason codes:

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the command.

SQL1084CShared memory segments cannot be allocated.

Explanation: The database manager could not allocate segments while processing a Database Environment command or an SQL CONNECT statement.

The dbheap parameter may be too small.

User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE). The cause of this error may be insufficient memory resources either for the database manager or the environment where operation of the database manager is being attempted. Validate that sufficient memory resources are available to satisfy the database manager requirements. You may also close any background processes that do not need to be active.

If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Contact your technical service representative with the following information:

Required information:

sqlcode: -1084

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1085NThe application heap cannot be allocated.

Explanation: The application could not connect to the database because the database manager could not allocate the number of application heap 4K pages specified in the database configuration file. The system is out of 4K pages. The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Possible solutions are:

sqlcode: -1085

sqlstate: 57019

SQL1086CAn operating system error "<error>" occurred.

Explanation: The command received an error from the operating system that prevents further processing.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Refer to the operating system user publications to determine the nature of the error.

SQL1087WThe database was created, but an error occurred while opening the list file "<name>". The utilities are not bound to the database.

Explanation: CREATE DATABASE could not open the list file containing the list of utility bind files. The list file should be located in the bnd subdirectory of the sqllib subdirectory.

The utility bind files are not bound to the newly created database.

User Response: Bind the utilities to the database. Do not use the format option on the binder call.

SQL1088WThe database was created, but an error occurred while binding the utilities. The utilities are not bound to the database.

Explanation: CREATE DATABASE or MIGRATE DATABASE could not bind the utility bind files to the database.

The utility bind files are not bound to the newly created or migrated database.

User Response: Bind the utilities to the database. Do not use the format option on the binder call.

SQL1089WThe database was created, but the binding of the utilities was interrupted. The utilities are not bound to the database.

Explanation: CREATE DATABASE was interrupted while binding the utilities to the database. The interrupt key sequence may have been pressed.

The utility bind files are not bound to the newly created database.

User Response: Bind the utilities to the database. Do not use the format option on the binder call.

SQL1090CThe release number of the precompiled application program or utility is not valid.

Explanation: The release number of the precompiled application program or utility is not compatible with the release number of the installed version of the database manager.

The error will also occur if the application program is using down-level database manager libraries or DLLs while accessing the installed version of the database manager configuration file.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that there is no older version of the database manager libraries or DLLs that will be picked up for your application processing.

If the problem persists, repeat the precompile process with the current database manager. Use only application programs precompiled with a compatible release level of the database manager.

SQL1091CThe release number of the database is not valid.

Explanation: The release number of the database is not compatible with the release number of the installed version of the database manager. This can be the release number when the database was created, the release number when the database was last migrated, or the highest version, release, modification, and fixpak level defined in the catalog.

The command cannot be processed. If the error occurred during a Migrate or Restore, you are attempting to migrate or restore an incompatible release of database. If the error occurred on the first connection after removing a fixpak, you are attempting to connect to a database that is defined to use a higher level of database manager code.

User Response: Use only databases created with a compatible release of database manager. If the error occurred during a Migrate or Restore, you must first migrate the database to a release which can be migrated by the current release of the database manager. If the error occurred on the first connection after removing a fixpak, the database should be restored from a backup prior to using the utility to update the database to the fixpak level.

sqlcode: -1091

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1092N"<authorization-ID>" does not have the authority to perform the requested command.

Explanation: The user attempted to execute a command or operation without having the proper authority for that command or operation.

The command cannot be processed.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Log on as a user with the correct authority and retry the failed command or operation. Correct authorities may include SYSADM, SYSCTRL, SYSMAINT, and DBADM. DBADM is granted on databases and all other authorities are determined by membership in the groups defined in the database manager configuration (eg. if sysctrl_group in the database manager configuration file is defined as 'beatles', then you must belong to the group 'beatles' to have SYSCTRL authority). Refer to the Command Reference or the SQL Reference for the listing of required authorities for the attempted command or operation.

If you are using Kerberos authentication in a Windows 2000 environment, ensure that you log on to the machine using a domain account. Only domain users can use Kerberos authentication in a Windows 2000 environment.

If you are using LDAP support, ensure that you or the DB2 Connect gateway has the authority to perform the CATALOG DATABASE, NODE and DCS DATABASE commands. Invoke the command "UPDATE DBM CFG USING CATALOG_NOAUTH YES" at the client or the gateway to correct the problem.

Federated system users: if necessary isolate the problem to the data source rejecting the request (see the Troubleshooting Guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source) and ensure that the authorization id specified has the proper authority on that data source.

Contact the System Administrator for authority request assistance. Do not attempt to execute the command without appropriate authorization.

SQL1093NThe user is not logged on.

Explanation: A user must be logged on before any command requiring authorization can be processed. Possible causes for this error include:

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Log on with a valid user ID and resubmit the command. If several concurrent processes are attempting to log on, wait a few seconds and retry the logon procedure.

sqlcode: -1093

sqlstate: 51017

SQL1094NThe node directory cannot be accessed because it is being updated.

Explanation: The node directory cannot be scanned or used while it is being updated. Also, the directory cannot be accessed for update if it is already being accessed for any reason.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the command after the update is finished.

sqlcode: -1094

sqlstate: 57009

SQL1095NThere are already eight node directory scans open.

Explanation: Eight node directory scans are already open in this process and no more than eight are allowed.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Issue one or more CLOSE NODE DIRECTORY SCAN commands. Resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -1095

sqlstate: 54029

SQL1096NThe command is not valid for this node type.

Explanation: A command was issued on a node that does not support the command, or the system environment was found to be set up incorrectly for this node type. For example, a database was cataloged as LOCAL on a client node.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the command and parameters are correct for the node type. Also verify that the environment where the command is to be processed is correct. Resubmit the command.

SQL1097NThe node name was not found in the node directory.

Explanation: Either the node name listed in the database directory for a remote database or the node name specified on an attach command was not cataloged in the node directory.

The command cannot be processed.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Verify that the node name listed in the database directory or as the object of the attach command is cataloged in the node directory. If the node is not listed in the node directory, submit a CATALOG NODE command.

Federated system users: in addition to the actions listed above, also verify that the node names listed in all the SYSCAT.SERVERS entries are correct. If the node is not listed in the node directory and the server is a member of the DB2 family, issue a CATALOG NODE command for that node.

sqlcode: -1097

sqlstate: 42720

SQL1098NThe application is already connected to this database.

Explanation: A connection to a database was requested but the application is already connected to the specified database.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: No action is necessary.

sqlcode: -1098

sqlstate: 53056

SQL1099NThe diskette is write-protected.

Explanation: A write operation was attempted to a database residing on a write-protected diskette.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify you are using the correct diskette. Remove protection from the diskette, if necessary.

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