FLG0200E | The short name specified for the object type is invalid. |
Explanation: The short name specified for the object type contains invalid characters. The rules for the short name are:
User Response: Enter a valid short name according to the syntax.
FLG0201E | The short name specified for the property, <short name>, is invalid. |
Explanation: The short name specified for the property contains invalid characters. The rules for property short names are:
User Response: Enter a valid short name according to the syntax.
FLG0202E | Cannot access icon file <icon file>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: An error occurred in accessing the icon file.
User Response: Look up the reason code in the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference to find out the cause of the problem.
FLG0203E | In order to specify invocation parameters, the program must be associated with an object type. |
Explanation: You specified invocation parameters, but did not associate an object type with the program.
User Response: Either associate an object type with the program, or do not specify invocation parameters.
FLG0205E | User <user ID> does not have administrator authorization. |
Explanation: The user specified in the Open Information catalog window is not authorized to log on as an administrator.
User Response: Log on without the administrator function (without the /ADMIN parameter).
FLG0206E | An administrator is already logged on. |
Explanation: At any given time, only one user can be logged in as an administrator.
User Response: Log on without the administrator function (without the /ADMIN parameter). Or wait until the current administrator has closed this information catalog, and then log on as an administrator.
FLG0207E | The Information Catalog Manager table in the database has been corrupted with multiple active administrator flags. |
Explanation: The database has been corrupted, and multiple active administrator flags were found in the Information Catalog Manager system table.
User Response: Run the CLEARKA utility (see the Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide).
FLG0212E | A property in the parameter list is not a property of the associated object type, or the parameter list does not follow the correct format. |
Explanation: You entered incorrect parameters, or your parameter list does not follow the correct format.
Only properties of the associated object type can be used as parameters.
The correct format for the parameter list is as follows:
User Response: Verify that all text surrounded by percent signs are short names of properties of the associated object type.
Modify the parameter list so that it follows the format.
FLG0213E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected database error and must close. Changes to the information catalog will not be made. |
Explanation: A commit or rollback operation could not be processed successfully because of a system error. The Information Catalog Manager is not permitted to issue additional SQL statements.
Administrator Response:
FLG0214E | Value for property <property number> must follow timestamp format: <timestamp format>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot create or update the object, because a property contains a timestamp that does not follow the proper format.
User Response: Enter the timestamp so that it follows the format, and then try the search again.
FLG0215E | The object type to be associated with the program does not exist. |
Explanation: Programs can only be associated with existing, non-Program category object types.
User Response: Associate the program with an existing object type.
FLG0216E | This object type cannot be associated with the program. |
Explanation: Programs can only be associated with existing, non-Program category object types.
User Response: Associate the program with a non-Program category object type.
FLG0217E | The combined length of all the non-LONG VARCHAR properties is too long. Shorten some properties and try again. |
Explanation: There is a limit on the combined length of all CHAR, VARCHAR, and TIMESTAMP properties for an object type. This limit varies, depending upon the environment.
User Response: Shorten some properties and then try again.
FLG0218E | The icon specified for the object type cannot be used because it exceeds the maximum size of <maximum size> bytes. |
Explanation: The icon you specified for the object type cannot be used because it exceeds the maximum size.
User Response: Specify a smaller icon to use for the object type.
FLG0219E | Blanks are not permitted in the short name. |
Explanation: The short name begins with a blank, or contains blanks between non-blank characters.
User Response: Remove the invalid blanks.
FLG0220E | The specified path or file name is invalid. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to access the path and file name that you specified.
User Response: Look up the reason code in the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference to find out the cause of the problem.
FLG0221E | The checkpoint for the import file was not found. |
Explanation: A checkpoint tag was not found in the import file.
User Response: Import the file from the beginning by clicking Start at beginning.
FLG0222W | The specified user ID already exists. |
Explanation: The specified user ID was added previously.
User Response: Verify the user ID you are attempting to add. If you misspelled the user ID, correct the spelling and try adding it again.
FLG0223W | The Export window is already open. Complete or cancel the export from this window before beginning another. |
Explanation: Only one Export window can be opened at a time.
FLG0224W | There is nothing in the tag language file to import. |
Explanation: The tag language file you asked to import has no valid tags.
FLG0225E | Object <object name> cannot be deleted, because it has contents. |
Explanation: An object can only be deleted if it does not contain other objects.
User Response: If you want to delete the object, you must first remove the objects it contains. Select Update Grouping from the object's pop-up menu.
FLG0226W | This property is currently a part of the UUI. If the property is removed, you might need to redefine the UUI before creating the object type. Remove anyway? |
Explanation: A property you requested to be removed is currently a part of the UUI.
User Response: If you want to remove the property , click Yes in the message window. You might need to reassign a property to the affected UUI part in the Define UUI window.
FLG0227E | At least one part must be filled in. |
Explanation: No UUI parts were specified in the Define UUI window.
User Response: Select a property for at least UUI Part 1.
FLG0228E | One or more required parts are missing. For a <number>-part UUI definition, parts 1 through <number> must be filled in. |
Explanation: When specifying UUI parts, you cannot skip a part. For example, in a 4-part UUI, none of the parts from 1 to 4 can be specified as <none>.
User Response: Fill in the part or parts that were incorrectly specified as <none>.
FLG0229E | The same property cannot be used for more than one part. |
Explanation: A property was used for more than one UUI part.
User Response: Change one of the duplicated parts.
FLG0230E | A short name specified for a property is invalid, because it is a word reserved for use by the database. |
Explanation: A short name you specified for a property is a word reserved for use by the database.
User Response: Refer to your database reference for information about reserved words.
FLG0231E | The object type must have a UUI definition before it can be created. |
Explanation: In order to create the object type, you must define the properties that will be used to generate unique universal identifiers (UUIs).
User Response: Click Define UUI to define the UUI.
FLG0232E | The UUI definition is no longer valid because a UUI property has been removed or modified. The UUI must be redefined before the object type can be created. |
Explanation: A property specified in the UUI definition has been removed or its data type changed. As a result, the UUI definition is now invalid.
User Response: In the Define UUI window, select a new property for the affected UUI part.
FLG0233E | The object type has <number> more properties than the allowed maximum. |
Explanation: The number of properties for the object type has exceeded the limit.
User Response: Remove the number of properties indicated in the message, and then try again.
FLG0234E | An object type cannot have more than <number> properties with a data type of LONG VARCHAR. Remove or change the data type of at least <number> LONG VARCHAR properties. |
Explanation: The number of properties with a data type of LONG VARCHAR has exceeded the limit.
User Response: Remove some LONG VARCHAR properties or change the data type, and then try again.
FLG0235E | The Information Catalog Manager failed. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: A failure has occurred in the Information Catalog Manager.
User Response: Look up the reason code and extended reason code in the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference to find out the cause of the problem.
FLG0236E | Cannot delete the <object type name> object type, because existing <object type name> objects contain objects of a different object type. |
Explanation: An object type can be deleted only if no objects of that type contain objects of another object type.
User Response:
FLG0237E | <object> cannot both contain and be contained in <grouping object>. Remove <object> from the Objects in grouping box and click Update again. |
Explanation: An object cannot contain and be contained in the same object.
User Response: If you were adding other objects to the grouping or removing objects from it, to complete updating the grouping:
If you want to add the indicated object to the grouping, you must first remove the grouping from the object. Click Update Grouping from the object's pop-up menu.
FLG0238E | The number of changes has exceeded the maximum of 600. All changes made before the maximum was reached will be made. |
Explanation: You have made more changes than can be made to the information catalog at one time. Only changes made before the maximum was reached will take effect.
User Response: After the changes are made to the information catalog, enter the unsaved changes again.
FLG0239E | The UUI for this object is the same as the UUI for another object. Change the value of at least one of the properties used in the UUI. |
Explanation: Multiple objects cannot have the same UUI.
User Response: Change the value of at least one of the properties used in the UUI.
FLG0240E | The short name specified for the object type is invalid because it is a word reserved for use by the database. |
Explanation: A short name specified for an object type is a word reserved for use by the database.
User Response: Refer to your database reference for information about reserved words.
FLG0241E | A property named <property name> already exists. |
Explanation: Names of properties must be unique within an object type.
User Response: Assign a different name to the duplicated property.
FLG0242E | A property with a short name of <short name> already exists. |
Explanation: Short names of properties must be unique within an object type.
User Response: Assign a different short name to the duplicated property.
FLG0243E | The size entered for this property is invalid. For the selected data type (<data type>), the size must be in the range of 1 to <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The size entered for the property is not in the valid range indicated in the message.
User Response: Enter a valid size for the property based on the range.
FLG0244W | This property is currently a part of the UUI. If the property is modified to be optional, it can no longer be used as a UUI part. Modify anyway? |
Explanation: The property that you want to specify as optional is currently a part of the UUI. If this property becomes optional, then it can no longer be a UUI part. This message is asking if you want to modify the property. If you do, you will need to select another property to replace this property in the UUI.
User Response: If you want to modify , click Yes in the message window. If not, click No.
FLG0245W | This property is currently a part of the UUI. If the data type is modified to LONG VARCHAR, it can no longer be used as a UUI part. Modify anyway? |
Explanation: The property that you are asking to change to a data type of LONG VARCHAR is currently a part of the UUI. If the data type of this property becomes LONG VARCHAR, then it can no longer be a UUI part. This message is asking if you want to modify the property. If you do, you will need to select another property to replace this property in the UUI.
User Response: If you want to modify, click Yes in the message window. If not, click No.
FLG0246E | An object type with a short name of <short name> already exists. |
Explanation: Short names of object types must be unique.
User Response: Assign a different short name to the object type.
FLG0247E | An object type named <object type name> already exists. |
Explanation: Within an information catalog, names of object types must be unique.
User Response: Assign a different name to the object type.
FLG0248W | A search cannot be defined because there are no objects categorized as Grouping or Elemental. |
Explanation: Only objects categorized at Elemental and Grouping can be added to a grouping. None currently exist in the information catalog.
FLG0249W | A search cannot be defined because there are no objects categorized as Contact. |
Explanation: Only objects categorized as Contact can be added to an object as a Contact. None currently exist in the information catalog.
FLG0250E | The Information Catalog Manager has run out of system identifiers. No more objects or object types can be created. |
Explanation: Whenever an object or object type is created, the Information Catalog Manager assigns a unique number as a system identifier. The Information Catalog Manager has reached the maximum number used for system identifiers.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide for more information.
FLG0252E | The command to invoke the program does not follow the correct format. |
Explanation: The property value specifying the command to invoke the program is invalid. The invocation command must be the last parameter and must be a full file name and extension.
User Response: Enter a valid property name using the correct format.
FLG0253W | The specified user ID is already registered. |
Explanation: The specified user ID was registered previously.
User Response: Verify the user ID you are attempting to register. If you misspelled the user ID, correct the spelling and try registering it again.
FLG0254E | The Information Catalog Manager cannot find icon file, <icon file>. |
Explanation: The path and file name might have been entered incorrectly, or the icon file might not exist.
User Response: Click Find and enter a valid path and file name.
FLG0255E | The disk drive specified for <field name> is either invalid or not available. |
Explanation: You specified a nonexistent drive, or a drive that is not ready.
User Response: Make the specified drive ready by inserting a diskette or CD-ROM, or specify a different drive.
FLG0256E | Unable to open file <file name>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: An error occurred while opening the file.
User Response: Look up the reason code in the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference to find out the cause of the problem.
FLG0257E | Unable to write to file <file name>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: An error occurred while writing to the file.
User Response: Look up the reason code in the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference to find out the cause of the problem.
FLG0258E | The Information Catalog Manager cannot start the import because the path and file name generated for the echo file is too long. Specify a shorter path for the log file, or rename the import tag file. |
Explanation: When importing, the Information Catalog Manager creates an echo file, which you can use for diagnosing import problems. The path of the echo file is always the same path as the log file. The file name of the echo file defaults to the same name as the import file, with an extension of .ech.
In this case, the length of the echo file's path and file name exceeds the maximum.
User Response: To continue this import, you need to either shorten the path of the log file or shorten the echo file name.
To change the path of the log file, modify the Log path and filename field in the Import window.
To rename the echo file, use the rename command from a command prompt.
FLG0259E | An error occurred while the database was being changed. The Information Catalog Manager must close. The database has been left in stable condition. SQL code is <SQL code>. |
Explanation: An error occurred within the API during a creation, update, or deletion of an object type. The error caused a rollback of the information catalog. The information catalog is in stable condition, but no changes were made.
User Response:
FLG0260E | An error occurred while the database was being changed. The Information Catalog Manager must close. The database might not be in stable condition. SQL code is <SQL code>. |
Explanation: An error occurred within the API during a creation, update, or deletion of an object type. The error caused a rollback of the information catalog, which failed. The information catalog is in stable condition, but no changes were made.
User Response:
FLG0261I | Delete history successfully transferred to a tag language file. |
FLG0262I | Logging of delete history disabled. |
FLG0263I | Logging of delete history enabled. |
FLG0264I | Delete history managed successfully. |
FLG0265I | Are you sure you want to delete from the information catalog the object type and all its underlying object instances? |
FLG0266W | The user ID <user ID> contains an invalid character. |
Explanation: The specified user ID contains an embedded blank or some other invalid character.
User Response:
FLG0267W | You cannot add more users without first clicking OK in the Manage Information Catalog Users window. |
Explanation: You cannot add more than 100 users at a time.
User Response:
FLG0269W | <number of objects not moved> objects cannot be moved. |
Explanation: Objects cannot be moved because you attempted to do one of the following:
FLG0270W | You are not authorized to update comments you did not create. |
Explanation: You do not have authority to update this comment because you did not create it, or you do not have authority to update the information catalog.
FLG0271W | Status field value for this comment is no longer a valid choice. Choose a different status value from the list. |
Explanation: You specified a comment status value that is no longer valid. Status values are defined by your information catalog administrator and appear in the Status list. Your information catalog administrator might have changed the valid status values since the last time you entered a value.
User Response: Select a new comment status value from the Status list.
FLG0272W | This property is currently a part of the UUI. If the size of the property is modified to be greater than 254 characters, it can no longer be used as a UUI part. Modify anyway? |
Explanation: You tried to modify the size of a property that is defined to be a UUI property. The maximum value of a UUI part is 254 characters, so if you modify the value it can no longer be used as a UUI part.
User Response: Click OK to modify the property.
FLG0273E | You must enter a search value for the selected search option. |
Explanation: You did not specify a value in the Enter value for selected property field. A value is required when you select the Matching exactly search option.
User Response: