FLG0001W | A selected wildcard, <wildcard>, is the same character used to indicate not-applicable values. This might affect the results of searches. Do you want to keep <wildcard> as a wildcard anyway? |
Explanation: A character that you selected as a wildcard is the same character used to indicate a value that is neither applicable nor present. This message is asking if you want to keep that character as a wildcard anyway. If you do, the character will be treated as the wildcard, and not as a not-applicable value. This might affect the results of searches.
User Response: If you want to keep the character as a wildcard, click Yes in the message window. If not, click No.
FLG0003E | The catalog name was entered incorrectly, or has not been registered yet. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager must be registered before you can use it. The information catalog might not have been registered correctly.
User Response: Use the Information Catalog Manager Register utility to register the information catalog. Ensure that the information catalog name is entered correctly.
FLG0004E | Your user profile, <profile name>, is corrupted. The Information Catalog Manager must close. |
Explanation: Your user registry became damaged either by an application, someone editing the registry, or by naming your information catalog FLGSETT.
User Response: If you are familiar with the REGEDIT tool, complete the Administrator Response; otherwise, contact your administrator for assistance.
Administrator Response:
This will eliminate the problem; however, if the user profile file deleted is FLGSETT.INI, you will lose settings information. All other user profiles deleted will result in lost collections and saved searches.
FLG0005W | The Information Catalog Manager cannot find the help file in the current directory or in the help path. Help will not be available, except for Product Information and Object Type Legend. |
Explanation: The help file might have been deleted, renamed, or moved into another directory. As a result, the following Help menu choices will not be available:
Help index
General help
Using help
Help will not be available when F1 is pressed.
You can continue running the Information Catalog Manager without these help features. If you cannot recover the help file, you can reinstall it.
FLG0006E | This window could not be opened. |
Explanation: Either too many windows are currently open, or there is an internal error.
User Response: Close some windows, and then open the desired window again. If this message appears again, administrator response is required.
Administrator Response: Contact IBM Software Support.
FLG0007E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected error and must close. Reason code is <reason code>. Presentation manager code is <PM reason code>. |
Explanation: A severe Windows error has occurred.
User Response:
Administrator Response: Make note of what other applications were running when the message appeared, and contact IBM Software Support.
FLG0008E | The <field name> field must be filled in. |
Explanation: A required field has been left empty.
User Response: Fill in the empty field and then try the action again.
FLG0009E | A collection with this name already exists. |
Explanation: The same name cannot be used for more than one collection.
User Response: Assign a different name to the collection.
FLG0010E | The database, <database name>, has run out of storage. The Information Catalog Manager must close. Administrator action is required. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The drive on which the information catalog resides is full.
Administrator Response: Delete some files on the drive, or move the information catalog to a different drive.
FLG0011E | A necessary Information Catalog Manager file was not found or is invalid. Administrator action is required. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The file might have been corrupted, deleted, renamed, or moved into another directory.
Administrator Response: Close the Information Catalog Manager, and then verify the following:
Open the Information Catalog Manager. If the message appears again, close the Information Catalog Manager and reinstall.
FLG0012E | The Information Catalog Manager trace facility has encountered an internal error and must stop. The trace file might not be complete. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to create the trace file, or system limits have been reached. The trace file might not be complete.
User Response:
Administrator Response: Make note of the data that was being worked with when the message appeared, and contact IBM Software Support.
FLG0013E | An object in this window was previously deleted. Only part of the window could be printed or saved. |
Explanation: After you opened this window, one or more objects were deleted by the administrator or a user with the authority to delete objects.
User Response:
FLG0014E | Too many actions were started or too many windows are open. When the Information Catalog Manager completes processing, you might need to close some windows. |
Explanation: One of the following has occurred:
User Response: As needed:
FLG0015E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected error and must close. Administrator action is required. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager is unable to free memory.
Administrator Response:
FLG0016W | The Information Catalog Manager cannot load icon file, <icon file name>. The default or previous icon file will be used. |
Explanation: The icon file is the wrong format for your system, or it is damaged.
FLG0017E | A value for a property is invalid because it does not follow the timestamp format: <timestamp format>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot run the search, because the property contains a timestamp that does not follow the proper format.
User Response: Enter the timestamp in the correct format, and then try the search again.
FLG0018E | This search is no longer valid because the information catalog has been updated. None of the object types included in the criteria still exist. |
Explanation: A search must specify at least one object type. All of the object types specified for this search no longer exist; therefore, the search is now invalid.
User Response: Delete the search or specify at least one existing object type.
FLG0019E | Cannot use the selected icon file, because it resides on removable disk, <disk>. |
Explanation: Icon files must reside on a non-removable disk.
User Response: Copy the icon file to a non-removable disk, and then click the Find push button to locate the icon file again.
FLG0020W | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected help error. Help will not be available, except for Product Information and Object Type Legend. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot access its help files. As a result, the following Help menu choices will not be available:
Help index
General help
Using help
Keys help
Help will not be available when you press F1. You can continue running the Information Catalog Manager without these help features.
User Response: You might be able to reaccess help by closing the Information Catalog Manager and reopening it. If you still cannot access these help features, you can reinstall all of the help files.
FLG0021E | This Information Catalog Manager session cannot use database <database name>, because it is already in use by another Information Catalog Manager session. |
Explanation: The same information catalog cannot be used by more than one Information Catalog Manager session.
User Response: Close this Information Catalog Manager session and use the other session that is already connected to the information catalog.
FLG0022E | Cannot search because the combined length of all the values is too long. Shorten some values and try again. |
Explanation: The length of all the values entered exceeds the maximum that the Information Catalog Manager can handle per search.
User Response: Shorten some values and try again.
FLG0023W | Tried to save a search for a newly created object type, <object type name>, but a search named <object type name> already exists. Save as <object type name> anyway? |
Explanation: A new object type has been created, and the Information Catalog Manager is trying to save a search for all objects of this type. The name that Information Catalog Manager would automatically give to this search conflicts with a name of an existing saved search in your information catalog. This message is asking if you want to save the new search with the name anyway. If you do, you will lose the existing search.
User Response: If you want to save the search anyway, click Yes in the message window. If not, click No.
FLG0024W | The information catalog has been updated. To get current information, close and reopen the window, and then try again. |
Explanation: Changes have been made to the information catalog. As a result, some information might not be current.
User Response: If, after closing and reopening the window, this message appears again, log off the Information Catalog Manager and then open the Information Catalog Manager again.
FLG0025E | The string file, fblnstr.str, was not found or is invalid. |
Explanation: The file might have been corrupted, deleted, renamed, or moved into another directory.
User Response: Reinstall the file.
FLG0026W | A search with this name already exists. Save as <search name> anyway? |
Explanation: The same name cannot be used for more than one search. This message is asking if you want to save the search with the name anyway. If you do, you will lose the other search.
User Response: If you want to save the search, click Yes in the message window. If not, click No.
FLG0027W | Object <object name> was not moved into the collection, <collection name>, because the collection already contains the object. |
Explanation: An object cannot appear more than once within a collection.
FLG0028E | The user ID or password is either not registered or not entered correctly |
Explanation: This message can appear for one of the following reasons:
User Response:
Administrator Response: Register the user ID and password.
FLG0029W | Search results might have changed because Ignore Case is not supported by the current information catalog. |
Explanation: Because Ignore Case is not available, the search will be case sensitive. Therefore, some objects that would normally appear in the search results might not appear.
FLG0031W | Object <object name> was not copied into the collection, <collection name>, because the collection already contains the object. |
Explanation: An object cannot appear more than once within a collection.
FLG0032E | This number is reserved for help for the message file error. |
Explanation: The message file might have been corrupted, deleted, renamed, or moved into another directory. Another possibility is that the message was not found in the message file.
User Response: Recover the message file, or install a new message file. If the message file cannot be recovered or reinstalled, administrator response is required.
Administrator Response: Contact IBM Software Support.
FLG0033E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected internal error and must close. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.
User Response:
Administrator Response: Make note of the data that was being worked with when the message appeared, and contact IBM Software Support.
FLG0034E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected database error and must close. Administrator action is required. SQL code is <SQL code>. |
Explanation: A database error has occurred.
Administrator Response: If you are using a DB2 for OS/2, DB2 UDB for AS/400, DB2 UDB for AIX, or DB2 UDB for Windows NT database, then look up the SQL code in the DB2 Universal Database Message Reference.
If you are using a DB2 for MVS/ESA database, then look up the SQL code in the DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 Messages and Codes book.
If the problem persists, or if you need additional assistance, recreate the problem with trace on, and then contact IBM Software Support.
FLG0035E | The Information Catalog Manager cannot access the database and must close. |
Explanation: The database connection has ended abnormally.
User Response: Depending on the type of connection, do one or more of the following, and then open the Information Catalog Manager:
If, after trying the previous actions, this message appears again, administrator response is required.
Administrator Response: Depending on the type of connection, verify one or more of the following, and then open the Information Catalog Manager:
FLG0036E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered unexpected database damage and must close. Administrator action is required. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: Information is missing from the information catalog, or there is an installation error.
Administrator Response: You will need to reinstall the Information Catalog Manager. If you have a recent backup of the information catalog, restore it. Otherwise, you might be able to import tag files of data to recreate the information catalog.
FLG0040E | No other collection has been created to move or copy objects into. Create another collection and then try again. |
Explanation: There is only one collection in your information catalog--the one from which you requested to copy or move objects. There are no other collections into which to copy or move these objects.
User Response: Create another collection by clicking Catalog --> Create collection from the menu bar in the Information Catalog Manager Catalog window, and then try again.
FLG0041E | Unable to close the file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot close the file.
User Response: Close the Information Catalog Manager. This might cause Windows to close the file.
FLG0042E | No collections have been created. Create a collection and then try again. |
Explanation: There are no collections in your information catalog into which to copy objects.
User Response: Create a collection by clicking Catalog --> Create collection from the menu bar in the Information Catalog Manager Catalog window, and then try again.
FLG0043E | Unable to save as a file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager might be unable to access the disk specified in the path of the file, or you might be attempting to write to an existing file that is write-protected.
User Response: Verify that you specified a valid disk drive. If you are attempting to write to an existing file, try writing to a new file instead.
FLG0044W | The Information Catalog Manager cannot find icon file, <icon file name>. The default icon will be used. |
Explanation: The icon file might have been deleted, renamed, or moved into another directory.
FLG0045E | Invocation syntax error: A value is required for <keyword>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The specified keyword requires a value.
User Response: Enter the command to open the Information Catalog Manager, using a valid value for the keyword. See the Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide for information on the correct syntax for invoking the Information Catalog Manager.
FLG0046E | Invocation syntax error: <value> is not a valid keyword. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The specified keyword is not valid.
User Response: Enter the command to open the Information Catalog Manager, using the correct keyword. See the Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide for information on the correct syntax for invoking the Information Catalog Manager.
FLG0047E | Invocation syntax error: A required keyword is missing. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: Some keywords must be followed by other keywords.
User Response: Enter the command to open the Information Catalog Manager, using the missing keyword. See the Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide for information on the correct syntax for invoking the Information Catalog Manager.
FLG0048E | The value entered for property <property name> is too long. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot run the search, because a property contains a value that exceeds the maximum length.
User Response: Shorten the value of the property, and then try the search again.
FLG0049W | The <field> is invalid. |
Explanation: An entry in one of the fields is invalid.
User Response: Correct the entry in the field and then try the action again.
FLG0050E | Unable to open the file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot open the file for writing.
User Response: Verify the following:
FLG0051E | The Information Catalog Manager must close because more memory is needed. You might need to close some other windows or applications. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager needs more memory for one of the following reasons:
User Response: After the Information Catalog Manager closes, close some other windows and applications and then open the Information Catalog Manager.
Administrator Response: Delete some objects or object types from the current Information Catalog Manager using the import function.
FLG0052E | The single character wildcard and multiple character wildcard must be different. |
Explanation: You selected the same character in both the Single character wildcard and Multiple character wildcard fields.
User Response: Select a different character in one of the fields and then click OK.
FLG0053E | The Information Catalog Manager cannot start the program, <program name>. Administrator action is required. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: There is an error in the program object, or your user environment does not include the program.
Administrator Response: Verify the following:
FLG0054E | You are not authorized to view this information. The Information Catalog Manager must close. Contact your administrator to gain proper authorization to the <database name> information catalog. |
Explanation: You have not been authorized to access this information catalog.
User Response: Contact your administrator to gain proper authorization to the information catalog.
FLG0055W | This <search or collection> has been deleted from this information catalog in another Information Catalog Manager session. This object will be removed from your work area. |
Explanation: The collection or search that you are trying to use has been deleted from another Information Catalog Manager session that uses the same information catalog and user ID as the current session.
When you delete a collection or search from one Information Catalog Manager session, that object is deleted for all sessions that use the same user ID and information catalog.
When you click OK, this object will be deleted from the current information catalog.
FLG0056W | Search results might have changed because Ignore Case is not supported by the current information catalog. Run the search anyway? |
Explanation: Because Ignore Case is not available, the search will be case sensitive when it is run. This message is asking if you want to run the search anyway. If you do, some objects that would normally appear in the search results might not appear.
User Response: If you want to run the search anyway, click Yes in the message window. If not, click No.
FLG0057E | Cannot find the program, <program name>. |
Explanation: The program object might not specify the correct path and file name, or might not specify the correct invocation parameters for the user's environment. The program might have been deleted, removed, or moved into another directory.
User Response: Verify that the path and file name specified in the program object are valid, that the program exists in your machine, and that the program runs outside of the Information Catalog Manager. If one of the above is not true, then administrator response is required.
Administrator Response: If the path and file name specified are invalid, then use the Update Program window to specify a valid path and file name for the program. If the program does not exist on the user's machine, then install the program.
FLG0058W | The Information Catalog Manager cannot find the help file in the current directory or in the help path. Help will not be available. |
Explanation: The help file might have been deleted, renamed, or moved into another directory. As a result, the following Help menu choices will not be available:
Help index
General help
Using help
Keys help
User Response: You can continue running the Information Catalog Manager without these help features. If you cannot recover the help file, you can reinstall it.
FLG0059W | The number of subjects exceeds the maximum. <maximum number> of <total number> subjects will be displayed. |
Explanation: The number of subjects in the information catalog exceeds the maximum number of subjects that can be displayed in the Subjects window.
FLG0060E | The Information Catalog Manager cannot start <program name>. Either the program does not run on Microsoft Windows or the program is not available on your system. |
Explanation: The program object might not specify the correct path and file name, or might not specify the correct invocation parameters for the user's environment. The program might have been deleted, removed, or moved into another directory.
User Response: Verify that the path and file name specified in the program object are valid, that the program exists in your machine, and that the program runs outside of the Information Catalog Manager. If one of the above is not true, then administrator response is required.
Administrator Response: If the path and file name specified are invalid, then use the Update Program window to specify a valid path and file name for the program. If the program does not exist in the user's machine, then install the program.
FLG0061E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected Windows error and must close. |
Explanation: A severe Windows error has occurred.
User Response: After the Information Catalog Manager closes, rename the trace file. (The trace file has the same name as the database you are using, with an extension of TRC; it is located in the directory specified in DGWPATH.)
Open the Information Catalog Manager. If the message appears again, then administrator response is required.
Administrator Response: Make note of what other applications were running when the message appeared, and contact IBM Software Support.
FLG0064E | The data you entered contains special characters that the Information Catalog Manager does not support. |
Explanation: The text you entered contains some special characters that the Information Catalog Manager does not support.
User Response: Enter the text without the characters and try the action again.
FLG0065E | <file name> is not an icon file. The Information Catalog Manager will use the default icon file. |
Explanation: The file name specified is not an icon file or is not in Windows icon format.
User Response: Enter another icon file name.
FLG0066W | The Information Catalog Manager cannot continue tracing because the disk specified in DGWPATH is full. The Information Catalog Manager trace has been turned off. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot write any more information in the trace file because the disk drive containing the trace file is full. The disk drive is specified in the DGWPATH statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
User Response: To start trace again, erase some files on the specified disk and restart the Information Catalog Manager.
FLG0067E | The number of objects you selected to copy or move to a collection exceeds the limit of 1600 objects. The <collection name> collection already contains <number> objects. The Information Catalog Manager did not copy or move any objects. |
Explanation: An information catalog collection can contain only 1600 objects. The collection you specified might already contain some objects. The Information Catalog Manager did not copy or move any of the objects that you selected to the collection.
User Response: Select fewer objects and try again.
FLG0068W | Print driver is invalid. Please select a different printer. |
Explanation: The print driver for the printer you selected is not a valid driver.
User Response: Select a different printer from the Printer list. You might need to re-install print drivers.
FLG0069I | The print job was created successfully and routed to the printer. |
FLG0070E | The printer is unavailable. Please select a different printer. |
Explanation: The printer is not available. The printer's power might be turned off, or, if the printer resides on a LAN, your workstation might not be connected to the network.
User Response: Do one of the following:
FLG0071E | An internal error occurred, and the Information Catalog Manager was unable to create the print job. |
Explanation: The system might have run out of memory or another problem might have occurred.
User Response: You must shut down and reboot your workstation.
FLG0072E | Invocation syntax error: A value is required or invalid for <keyword>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The specified keyword requires a value.
User Response: Enter the command to create an information catalog, entering a valid value for the keyword. See the Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide for more information.
FLG0073I | The print job was canceled. |
FLG0074W | The selected font is too large or unavailable. |
Explanation: The selected font is too large or unavailable.
User Response: Select a different font and try printing again.
FLG0075E | You did not create <name of comment>. You are not authorized to delete comments you did not create. |
Explanation: You cannot delete a comment that you did not create.
User Response: If you want to delete the comment, you must contact one of the following people who can delete the comment:
FLG0076E | The printer is unavailable or disconnected. |
FLG0077I | The system is unable to find an installed printer. |
FLG0078I | The printer is out of paper or disconnected. Refresh the printer's paper supply and check printer connection. |
FLG0079E | Your code page is not supported by the database. See your database documentation for a list of valid code pages. |
Explanation: The database does not support the code page defined in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
User Response:
You might need operating system diskettes to add the support for a new code page.
FLG0080E | Unable to complete action because the database was too busy. Try again later. |
Explanation: The action you requested did not complete because the database was processing too many other requests.
User Response:
FLG0081W | Object types have been updated. To get current information, click Catalog --> Refresh in the information catalog window, then try again. |
Explanation: Object types have changed in the information catalog. As a result, some information might not be current.
User Response:
All open windows except for the information catalog window and the Import window will close.
FLG0082E | A comment with the same name, creator, and creation date already exists. |
Explanation: The same combination of name, creator, and creation date cannot be used for more than one comment.
User Response:
FLG0083E | You do not have a valid license for the IBM Information Catalog Manager Initialization utility. Please contact your local software reseller or IBM marketing representative. |
Explanation: You are attempting to use the Information Catalog Manager Initialization utility without a valid license.
User Response: You must purchase the DB2 Warehouse Manager or the IBM DB2 OLAP Server and install the Information Catalog Manager component which includes Information Catalog Initialization utility.