FLG0301E | Null input parameter: <sequence number>. |
Explanation: One of the parameters required by the issued command or API call is null. The number specifies the position of the parameter that is null.
User Response: Specify a valid value for this parameter.
FLG0302E | Must have administrator authorization to run this function. |
Explanation: Only an administrator or authorized user can export the information catalog .
User Response:
FLG0303E | Information Catalog Manager API error while processing the input structure. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while processing the input structure for the FLGExport API call.
User Response: Check for the following input structure errors:
FLG0304E | Type ID does not exist. |
Explanation: The object type ID, specified in bytes 0-5 of the FLGID value in the FLGExport input structure, does not exist in the information catalog.
User Response: Make sure that the object type ID is specified correctly.
FLG0305E | Value for property <sequence number> is too large. |
Explanation: The size of the property value exceeds the data length specified in the property definition.
User Response: Define the property value with a length less than the defined data length.
FLG0306I | Export completed successfully. |
FLG0307I | Export completed with warnings. |
FLG0308I | Export terminated with errors. |
FLG0309I | Export terminated with severe errors. |
FLG0310W | Cannot export icons because no icon path was specified. |
Explanation: The target icon path for exported icon files was not specified. No icon files were exported.
User Response: If you want to export icon files, specify a target directory path.
FLG0311W | CONTAINEE-IND for object <object name> was ignored because the object is not of category Grouping. |
Explanation: The value for CONTAINEE-IND is set to Y in the input structure for an object that is not a Grouping object.
The export function ignores the CONTAINEE-IND value and continues.
FLG0312W | CONTACT-IND for object <FLGID> was ignored because the object is not of category Grouping or Elemental. |
Explanation: The CONTACT-IND value was ignored for an object because that object is not a Grouping or Elemental object.
The CONTACT-IND value specifies whether to export all the Contact objects of an object.
FLG0313E | Error in export input structure: Input must start with FLG-HEAD. |
Explanation: The data structure specified as input for the FLGExport API call did not start with FLG-HEAD.
User Response: Specify FLG-HEAD in bytes 0-7 of the input structure header area.
FLG0314E | Error in export input structure: Invalid definition length in header area. |
Explanation: The definition area length in the header area of the input structure for FLGExport is invalid.
The length of the definition area required as input by FLGExport is always 800.
User Response: Specify 800 for the definition area length in bytes 8-15 of the header area.
FLG0315E | Error in export input structure: Invalid object area length in header area. |
Explanation: The object area length in the header area of the input structure for FLGExport is invalid.
The total length of the three property values required for an object instance is 20. Therefore, the object area length must be a multiple of 20 (20 times the number of object instances).
User Response: Specify a value that is a multiple of 20 for the object length area in bytes 16-23 of the header area.
FLG0316E | Error in export input structure: Invalid object count in header area. |
Explanation: The object area count in the header area of the input structure for FLGExport is invalid.
Five properties are required for each object instance specified. Therefore, the object area count must be a multiple of 5 (five times the number of object instances).
User Response: Specify a value that is a multiple of 5 for the object area count in bytes 24-31 of the header area.
FLG0317E | Error in export input structure: Invalid property type specified for property <sequence number>. Only CHAR is a valid property type. |
Explanation: The property data type specified for the indicated property in the definition area is invalid.
In the input structure for FLGExport, the only valid property data type is CHAR. Any other property data type is invalid.
User Response: Specify CHAR as the property data type for the indicated property.
FLG0318E | Error in export input structure: case-sensitivity (cs) flag must be blank for property <sequence number>. |
Explanation: The case-sensitivity (cs) flag in the definition area of the input structure must be blank for the indicated property.
This flag is not valid when used with the FLGExport API call.
User Response: Set the value of byte 128 in the definition for the indicated property to a blank.
FLG0319E | Error in export input structure: UUI sequence (us) flag must be blank for property <sequence number>. |
Explanation: The universal unique identifier sequence (us) flag in the definition area of the input structure must be blank for the indicated property. The extended code contains the sequence number of the property with the non-blank us flag.
The UUI sequence (us) flag indicates the property's sequence in the UUI and is not valid when used with the FLGExport API call.
User Response: Set the value of byte 127 in the definition for the indicated property to a blank.
FLG0320E | Error in export input structure: Fuzzy search (fs) flag must be blank for property <sequence number>. |
Explanation: The fuzzy search (fs) flag in the definition area of the input structure must be blank for the indicated property.
The fs flag is not valid when used with the FLGExport API call.
User Response: Set the value of byte 129 in the definition for the indicated property to a blank.
FLG0321E | Error in export input structure: Value flag (vf) must be blank for property <sequence number>. |
Explanation: The value flag (vf) in the definition area of the input structure must be blank for the indicated property.
The value flag indicates whether a value is optional, required, or system-generated, and is not valid when used with the FLGExport API call.
User Response: Set the value of byte 126 in the definition for the indicated property to a blank.
FLG0322E | Error in opening tag language file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while opening the tag language file for the exported data.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0323E | Error in closing tag language file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while closing the tag language file that contains the exported data.
You might not be able to use the exported tag language file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0324E | Error in writing to tag language file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while writing to the tag language file for the exported data.
You might not be able to use the exported tag language file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0325E | Error in opening log file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while opening the export log file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0326E | Error in closing log file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while closing the export log file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0327E | Error in writing to log file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while writing to the export log file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0328W | Warning in retrieving information for object type <object type identifier>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a warning while retrieving registration information for the indicated object type.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
Check the exported tag language file to make sure that this warning does not affect its content.
FLG0329W | Warning in retrieving information about object <FLGID>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a warning while retrieving information for the indicated object.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
Check the exported tag language file to make sure that this warning does not affect its content.
FLG0330W | Warning in retrieving contacts for object <FLGID>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a warning while retrieving information for the indicated object.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
Check the exported tag language file to make sure that this warning does not affect its content.
FLG0331W | Warning in retrieving containees for object <FLGID>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a warning while retrieving objects contained by the indicated object.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
Check the exported tag language file to make sure that this warning does not affect its content.
FLG0332E | Unable to retrieve information for object type <object type identifier>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to retrieve information about the indicated object type.
You might not be able to use the exported tag language file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0333E | Unable to retrieve information about object. UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to retrieve information about the object identified by the UUI.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0334E | Unable to retrieve contacts for object <FLGID>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to retrieve Contact objects for the indicated object.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0335E | Unable to retrieve containees for object <FLGID>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to retrieve objects contained by the indicated object.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code and extended code.
FLG0336E | Tag language file name has invalid length. |
Explanation: The path and file name for the exported tag language file is either too long, or the length is 0.
User Response: Specify a drive, directory, and file name for the tag language file that is between 1 and 259 characters long.
FLG0337E | Log file name is too long. |
Explanation: The file name of the specified export log file is too long.
The drive, directories, and file name of the log file can be up to 259 characters long.
User Response: Specify a drive, directory, and file name that is between 1 and 259 characters long.
FLG0338E | Tag language file name is invalid. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The drive, directories, file name, or extension specified for the tag language file to receive exported data is not valid.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0339E | Log file name is invalid. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The drive, directories, file name, or extension specified for the export log file is not valid.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0340E | Severe error in getting object type information. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a severe error while retrieving information for an object type.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0341E | Severe error in retrieving information about objects. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a severe error while retrieving information about the objects.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0342E | Severe error in retrieving contacts for objects. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a severe error while retrieving Contact objects.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0343E | Severe error in retrieving containees for objects. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a severe error and was unable to retrieve objects contained by other objects.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0344E | Error in export input structure: CONTAINEE-IND must be Y or N for object <FLGID>. |
Explanation: The CONTAINEE-IND value in the object area of the input structure must be Y or N.
The CONTAINEE-IND value indicates whether the Information Catalog Manager exports all objects contained by the indicated Grouping object. For other object types, this value is required, but ignored.
User Response: Specify Y or N for the CONTAINEE-IND property of the indicated object instance.
FLG0345W | Icon was not exported; no icon is associated with object type <object type identifier>. |
Explanation: The indicated object type does not have an associated icon.
No icon files were exported with the indicated object type.
FLG0346E | Export input structure error: CONTACT-IND must be Y or N for object <FLGID>. |
Explanation: The CONTACT-IND value in the object area of the input structure must be Y or N for the indicated object.
The CONTACT-IND value indicates whether the Information Catalog Manager exports all Contact objects associated with the indicated Grouping or Elemental object. For other objects, the value is required, but ignored.
User Response: Specify Y or N for the CONTACT-IND property of the indicated object instance.
FLG0347E | Invalid icon path. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The icon path specified as containing the icon files to be exported is invalid.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0348E | Icon path is too long. |
Explanation: The specified icon path is too long.
User Response: Specify a path that is no longer than 246 characters.
FLG0349E | Export input structure error: Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: An error occurred while the Information Catalog Manager was reading the input structure for the FLGExport API.
User Response:
FLG0350E | Unable to free memory. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager is unable to free an area of memory used by the Information Catalog Manager when exporting information.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0352W | Object <FLGID> contains no objects to export. |
Explanation: The CONTAINEE-IND value for the indicated object is Y in the object area of the input structure for FLGExport; but the indicated Grouping object does not contain any objects.
No contained objects were exported.
FLG0353W | Object <FLGID> has no contacts to export. |
Explanation: The CONTACT-IND value for the indicated object is Y in the object area of the input structure for FLGExport; but the indicated object is not associated with any Contact objects
No Contact objects were exported.
FLG0354E | The object identifier (FLGID) value, <flgid>, is invalid. |
Explanation: The indicated object identifier (FLGID) is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid FLGID:
FLGID must be 16 bytes long.
FLGID must contain only numeric characters (0-9).
Bytes 0-5 must not contain all zeros.
Bytes 6-15 must not contain all zeros.
FLG0355I | Export started: tag language file -- <tag language file name> |
FLG0356I | Export ended: tag language file -- <tag language file name> |
FLG0357E | Error in export input structure: Category in header area must be blank. |
Explanation: The category byte position (32) in the header area of the input structure for FLGExport is not blank.
The category byte position of the header area in the FLGExport input structure must be blank.
User Response: Set the value of byte 32 in the header area to a blank.
FLG0358E | Error in export input structure: Object type ID in the header area must be blank. |
Explanation: The object type ID byte positions (33-38) of the header area in the FLGExport input structure are not blank.
These object type ID byte positions must be blank.
User Response: Set the value of bytes 33-38 in the header area to blanks.
FLG0359E | Error in export input structure: Reserved area in the header area must be blank. |
Explanation: The reserved area byte positions (39-159) of the header area in the input structure for FLGExport are not blank.
These reserved area byte positions must be blank.
User Response: Set the value of bytes 39-159 in the header area to blanks.
FLG0360E | Error in export input structure: Reserved area in the Definition area must be blank. |
Explanation: The reserved area byte positions (130-159) of the definition area in the input structure for FLGExport are not blank.
These reserved area byte positions must be blank.
User Response: Set the value of bytes 130-159 in the definition area to blanks.
FLG0361I | Completed export of object <object name>. |
FLG0362I | Generated checkpoint ID: <checkpoint ID>. |
FLG0363E | The information catalog has not been initialized. |
Explanation: You must initialize the information catalog before you can issue FLGExport.
User Response: Open your information catalog through the end-user interface or issue a call to the FLGInit API.
FLG0364I | Export completed for object <object name> and all its associated Contact objects. |
FLG0365I | Export completed for all objects contained by object <object name>. |
FLG0366E | A tag language file exists with the specified name. Specify the name of a file that does not already exist. |
Explanation: The specified file name and path for the exported tag language file identifies an existing file.
The output tag language file must not currently exist.
User Response: Specify a file name and path for a new file to contain the exported tag language.
FLG0367E | Unable to retrieve information for object <FLGID>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to retrieve information for the indicated object.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0368E | Unable to export icon for object type <object type identifier>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager could not export the icon for the indicated object type. An error occurred while exporting the icon.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
Ensure that an icon with the same name as the short name of the object type does not already exist in the specified icon path.
FLG0369W | An icon file for object type <object type name> already existed in the icon path. The icon file was replaced. |
Explanation: The icon path already contained an icon file for the exported object type. The Information Catalog Manager replaced the existing icon file.
FLG0370E | The Information Catalog Manager cannot process object <object name>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot process the data in your information catalog. It is possible the information catalog was accessed or updated by another method rather than by using the Information Catalog Manager.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0371W | Object <name of object> has no attachment or link objects to export. |
Explanation: The ATTACHMENT-IND or LINK-IND value for the indicated object is Y in the object area of the input structure for FLGExport; but the indicated object does not have Attachment or link objects associated with it.
FLG0372W | ATTACHMENT-IND for object <name of object> was ignored because the object is an Attachment object. |
Explanation: The ATTACHMENT-IND value was ignored for an object because that object is not an Attachment object. The ATTACHMENT-IND value specifies whether to export all the Comments objects attached to an object.
User Response: Specify N for ATTACHMENT-IND in the input structure to indicate that you are not exporting attachments.
FLG0373W | LINK-IND for object <object name> was ignored because the object is not of the Grouping or Elemental category. |
Explanation: The LINK-IND value was ignored for an object because that object cannot have link objects associated with it. Only objects of the Grouping or Elemental categories can have link objects associated with them.
User Response: Specify N for LINK-IND in the input structure to indicate that you are not exporting linked objects.
FLG0374E | Error in export input structure: LINK-IND must be Y or N for object <FLGID>. |
Explanation: The LINK-IND value in the object area of the input structure must be Y or N.
The LINK-IND value indicates whether to export all objects linked with the indicated Grouping or Elemental object; for other objects, this value should be N (a Y value is ignored).
User Response: Specify Y or N for the LINK-IND property of the indicated object instance.
FLG0375E | Error in export input structure: ATTACHMENT-IND must be Y or N for object <FLGID>. |
Explanation: The ATTACHMENT-IND value in the object area of the input structure must be Y or N.
The ATTACHMENT-IND value indicates whether to export all objects attached to the indicated object. For Attachment category objects, this value is required, but ignored.
User Response: Specify Y or N for the ATTACHMENT-IND property of the indicated object instance.
FLG0376I | Insert the next diskette, and then press Enter. |
FLG0401E | Commit failed. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. Database is in inconsistent state. Perform database recovery. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to commit the changes to the information catalog. The information catalog is in an inconsistent state.
User Response: Perform database recovery to return the information catalog to a consistent state.
FLG0402E | Rollback failed. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. Database is in inconsistent state. Perform database recovery. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager could not remove changes to the information catalog. The information catalog attempted to roll back the changes when it encountered an error while importing the tag language file.
The information catalog is in an inconsistent state.
User Response: Perform database recovery to return the information catalog to a consistent state.
FLG0403E | Unable to delete object instance and underlying tree. UUI: <Part 1>, <Part 2>, <Part 3>, <Part 4>, <Part 5>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to delete the indicated object and underlying relationships (tree structure). If you also chose to delete the underlying objects, the Information Catalog Manager was unable to delete them as well.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the database to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0404E | Information Catalog Manager API internal error. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred when you tried to import or export.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
Note the reason code and extended code and call IBM Software Support.
FLG0405E | Unexpected end of file reached in tag language file. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager reached the end of the tag language file, but could not complete the last requested action because the information for this action is incomplete.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, then stopped importing the file.
User Response:
FLG0406E | Syntax error -- ACTION tag. '<keyword>' is not a valid keyword. Specify either OBJTYPE, OBJINST, or RELATION. |
Explanation: The ACTION tag contains an invalid keyword. The following keywords are valid with the ACTION tag:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the database to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0407E | Syntax error -- Tag language file contains a tag that is out of sequence. |
Explanation: The tag language file contains a tag that does not follow the expected tag sequence. For example, an ACTION.OBJTYPE(ADD) tag might be followed by a PROPERTY tag, instead of by an OBJECT tag.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0408E | Syntax error -- ACTION tag. OBJINST option is invalid. Valid OBJINST options are: ADD, UPDATE, DELETE, DELETE_TREE_REL, DELETE_TREE_ALL, and MERGE. |
Explanation: The option for the OBJINST keyword is invalid for an ACTION tag. The following options are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0409E | Syntax error -- ACTION tag. RELATION option is invalid. Valid RELATION options are: ADD and DELETE. |
Explanation: The option for the RELATION keyword is invalid for an ACTION tag. The following options are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0410W | The Information Catalog Manager cleared the HANDLES property value for the program object (UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>), because object type (<short name>) does not exist in the target information catalog. Import continues. |
Explanation: The target information catalog does not contain the object type to be associated with the specified program. The import function replaced the HANDLES property value with blanks and continued importing the tag file.
User Response: Update the program object HANDLES property value with a valid object type name:
The Update Object window opens.
FLG0412E | Syntax error -- ACTION tag. OBJTYPE option is invalid. Valid OBJTYPE options are: MERGE, ADD, UPDATE, DELETE, DELETE_EXT, and APPEND. |
Explanation: An ACTION tag contains invalid, or missing, OPTION for the OBJTYPE keyword.
The import program rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, before stopping.
User Response:
FLG0413E | The Information Catalog Manager import function has encountered an unexpected internal error and must stop. The database will be rolled back. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an internal error while importing and must stop. The information catalog will be rolled back.
User Response: If you are performing a regular import (not MDIS import), set the restart option to C (checkpoint) to start from the last commit checkpoint and use the trace facility. If you are performing an MDIS import, import the tag language file again using the trace facility.
Note the reason code and extended code returned with this message and contact your IBM service representative.
FLG0414I | Created new object instance. Type: <object type name>. UUI: |
FLG0415I | Updated object instance. Type: <object type name>. UUI: |
FLG0416I | Deleted object instance. Type: <object type name>. UUI: |
FLG0417I | Import or export terminated at user's request. |
FLG0418I | Updated object type: <object type name>. |
FLG0419I | Deleted object type: <object type name>. |
FLG0420W | Object type <object type name> is missing associated icon information, because the Information Catalog Manager could not retrieve icon file <icon file name>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager created the indicated object type without icon information, because the Information Catalog Manager could not retrieve the specified icon file.
User Response:
FLG0421I | Created new object type: <object type name>. |
FLG0422I | Added new properties for object type: <short name>. |
FLG0423I | Created new relationship. UUIs: |
FLG0424I | Deleted relationship. UUIs: |
FLG0425E | Unable to complete action. Could not locate necessary information in the information catalog. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager could not locate the information required to perform the requested action.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0426E | Unable to complete action. Could not retrieve necessary information about object type <object type name>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to retrieve information about the indicated object type. Without this information, the Information Catalog Manager is unable to perform the requested import action.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0427E | Unable to complete action. Could not retrieve necessary information about object type. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to retrieve information about the object types in the information catalog. Without this information, the Information Catalog Manager is unable to perform the requested import.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0428E | Unable to update object instance. UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to update information for the indicated object.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0429E | Unable to create object type <object type name>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to create the indicated object type.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0430E | Unable to update object type <object type name>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to update the information for the indicated object type.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0431E | Unable to add properties to object type <object type name>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to add properties to the indicated object type.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0432E | Unable to create object instance. UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to create the indicated object.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the database to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0433E | Unable to completely delete information for object type <object type name>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to completely delete the definition for the indicated object type.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the database to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0434E | Unable to delete object type <object type name>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to delete the indicated object type.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the database to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0436E | Unable to delete object instance. UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to delete the indicated object.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the database to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0437E | Error in opening echo file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: Error in opening echo file. Reason code is <reason code>.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0438E | Error in reading tag language file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to read the input tag language file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0439E | Error in writing to echo file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while writing to the echo file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0440E | The UUI definition for object type <object type name> in the tag language file does not match the target information catalog. |
Explanation: The UUI definition for the indicated object type in the source tag language file is different than the UUI definition for the target information catalog.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0441E | Unable to complete action. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager is unable to complete the import action.
User Response:
FLG0442E | The data length defined for property <short name> in the tag language file does not match the target information catalog. |
Explanation: The indicated property has a different data length defined in the source tag language file than in the target information catalog.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0443E | The data type defined for property <short name> in the tag language file does not match the target information catalog. |
Explanation: The indicated property has a different data type defined in the input tag language file than in the target information catalog.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0444E | Property name (short_name) <short name> was not found in target information catalog. |
Explanation: The indicated input property short name (short_name) does not match any property short name in the target information catalog.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0445E | The category defined for object type <object type name> in the tag language file does not match the target information catalog. |
Explanation: The category defined for the indicated object type is different in the input tag language file than in the target information catalog.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response: Examine the log file and the echo file. One of the last two tags in the echo file (not including COMMENT tags) is the tag in error.
FLG0446E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. Property name (short_name) <short name> is invalid for the object type. |
Explanation: The indicated property short name (short_name) on the INSTANCE tag is invalid. Either the property name is too long, or it is invalid for the object type.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0447E | Syntax error -- OBJECT tag. <keyword> appears more than once within the tag. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is specified more than once on the same OBJECT tag.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0448E | Syntax error -- PROPERTY tag. <keyword> appears more than once within the tag. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is specified more than once on the same PROPERTY tag.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0449E | Syntax error -- RELTYPE tag. <keyword> appears more than once within the tag. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is specified more than once on the same RELTYPE tag.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0450E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. UUI property name (UUI_short_name) <short name> appears more than once within the tag. |
Explanation: The indicated UUI property name (UUI_short_name) is specified more than once for a SOURCEKEY or TARGETKEY on the same INSTANCE tag.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0451E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. Property name (short_name) <short name> appears more than once within the tag. |
Explanation: The indicated property short name (short_name) appears more than once on the same INSTANCE tag.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0452E | Syntax error -- OBJECT tag. <keyword> value exceeds maximum length of <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword value on the OBJECT tag is longer than the indicated maximum length permitted for that keyword value.
Keyword values on the OBJECT tag are enclosed between a left parenthesis and a right parenthesis. The Information Catalog Manager ignores leading blanks in keyword values, but includes any trailing blanks when determining the length of the value.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0453E | Syntax error -- PROPERTY tag. <keyword> value exceeds maximum length of <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword value on the PROPERTY tag is longer than the indicated maximum length permitted for that keyword.
Keyword values on the PROPERTY tag are enclosed between a left parenthesis and a right parenthesis. The Information Catalog Manager ignores leading blanks in keyword values, but includes any trailing blanks when determining the length of the value.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0454E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. Property '<short name>' value exceeds maximum length of <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The indicated property value on the INSTANCE tag is longer than the indicated maximum length permitted for that value.
Property and UUI property values on the INSTANCE tag are enclosed between a left parenthesis and a right parenthesis. The Information Catalog Manager ignores leading blanks in these values, but includes any trailing blanks when determining the length of the value.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0455E | Syntax error -- RELTYPE tag. <keyword> value exceeds maximum length of <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword value on the RELTYPE tag is longer than the indicated maximum length permitted for that keyword value.
Keyword values on the RELTYPE tag are enclosed between a left parenthesis and a right parenthesis. The Information Catalog Manager ignores leading blanks in keyword values, but includes any trailing blanks when determining the length of the value.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0456E | Syntax error -- COMMIT tag. CHKPID value exceeds maximum length of <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The CHKPID value on the COMMIT tag is longer than the indicated maximum length.
Keyword values on the COMMIT tag are enclosed between a left parenthesis and a right parenthesis. The Information Catalog Manager ignores leading blanks in keyword values, but includes any trailing blanks when determining the length of the value.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0457E | Syntax error -- OBJECT tag. <keyword> is not a valid keyword. Valid keywords are: TYPE, CATEGORY, EXTNAME, PHYNAME, ICOFILE, and ICWFILE. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is not valid on the OBJECT tag. The following keywords are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0458E | Syntax error -- PROPERTY tag. <keyword> is not a valid keyword. Valid keywords are: EXTNAME, DT, DL, SHRTNAME, NULLS, and UUISEQ. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is not valid on the PROPERTY tag. The following keywords are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0459E | Syntax error -- RELTYPE tag. <keyword> is not a valid keyword. Valid keywords are: TYPE, SOURCETYPE, and TARGETYPE. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is not valid on the RELTYPE tag. The following keywords are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0460E | Syntax error -- COMMIT tag. <keyword> is not a valid keyword. Valid keyword is CHKPID. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is not valid on the COMMIT tag. CHKPID is the only valid keyword on a COMMIT tag.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0461E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. <keyword> is not a valid keyword. Valid keywords: SOURCEKEY; TARGETKEY is valid for relationships only. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is not valid on the INSTANCE tag. The following keywords are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0462E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. UUI property name (UUI_short_name) <short name> is either invalid for the object type or not part of the UUI. |
Explanation: The indicated UUI property name (UUI_short_name) on the INSTANCE tag is one of the following:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0463E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. SOURCEKEY was not found where expected. |
Explanation: SOURCEKEY was not the first keyword on an INSTANCE tag. The SOURCEKEY keyword must be specified as the first keyword for an INSTANCE tag in the following cases:
The line break on the :RELTYPE tag example is insignificant, type the keywords all on one line.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0464E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. TARGETKEY was not found where expected. |
Explanation: TARGETKEY was not specified as the second keyword on the INSTANCE tag. When the INSTANCE tag follows the RELTYPE tag to add or delete a relationship, TARGETKEY must be the second keyword.
In this case, the tag sequence is as follows:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0465E | Syntax error -- OBJECT tag. <keyword> is missing. It is required with this particular ACTION tag option. |
Explanation: The indicated required keyword is missing from the OBJECT tag.
Certain OBJECT keywords are required, depending on the ACTION tag option.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0466E | Syntax error -- OBJECT tag. CATEGORY value is invalid. Valid CATEGORY values are: GROUPING, ELEMENTAL, CONTACT, DICTIONARY, and SUPPORT. |
Explanation: The value specified for the CATEGORY keyword on the OBJECT tag is invalid. The following values are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0467E | Syntax error -- PROPERTY tag. DT value is invalid. Valid DT values are: C, V, L, and T. |
Explanation: The value specified for the DT keyword on the PROPERTY tag is invalid. The following values are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0468E | Syntax error -- PROPERTY tag. NULLS value is invalid. Valid NULLS values are: Y and N. |
Explanation: The value specified for the NULLS keyword on the PROPERTY tag is invalid. The following values are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0469E | Syntax error -- PROPERTY tag. UUISEQ value is invalid. Valid UUISEQ values are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. |
Explanation: The value specified for the UUISEQ keyword on the PROPERTY tag is invalid. The following values are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0470E | Syntax error -- RELTYPE tag. TYPE value is invalid. Valid TYPE values are: CONTAIN, CONTACT, LINK, and ATTACHMENT. |
Explanation: The value specified for the TYPE keyword on the RELTYPE tag is invalid. The following values are valid:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0471E | Syntax error -- PROPERTY tag. <short name> is not a valid value for the SHRTNAME keyword because it is a reserved property short name. Reserved short name values are: OBJTYPID, INSTIDNT, UPDATIME, and UPDATEBY. |
Explanation: The indicated value for the SHRTNAME keyword on the PROPERTY tag is invalid because it is a reserved property short name.
The following values are reserved by the Information Catalog Manager and cannot be specified as a SHRTNAME (short_name) value for a new property:
To indicate that NAME is a UUI property for a new object type, specify NAME as the short name of a new property.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0472E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. <short name> is not a valid short_name value because it is reserved for use by Import. Reserved short_name values are: OBJTYPID, INSTIDNT, UPDATIME, and UPDATEBY. |
Explanation: The indicated property short name (short_name) on the INSTANCE tag is invalid because the Information Catalog Manager generates the value for this property. The user cannot reset this value.
The values for the following properties are generated by the Information Catalog Manager:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0473E | Syntax error -- RELTYPE tag. <keyword> is missing. Required keywords are: TYPE, SOURCETYPE, and TARGETYPE. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword for the RELTYPE tag is required but missing. The following keywords are required:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0474E | Syntax error -- PROPERTY tag. <keyword> is missing. Required keywords are: EXTNAME, DT, DL, SHRTNAME, and NULLS. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword for the PROPERTY tag is required but missing. The following keywords are required:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0475E | Syntax error -- OBJECT tag. <keyword> is not used with this particular ACTION tag option. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is not valid with this OBJECT tag. Certain OBJECT tag keywords are valid only with certain ACTION tag options. The following list describes the usage of the OBJECT tag keywords:
Optional when following :ACTION.OBJTYPE(UPDATE)
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0476E | Cannot restart import for tag language file <tag language file name> because checkpoint ID <checkpoint ID> was not found. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot import the indicated tag language file starting at the last commit checkpoint. The checkpoint ID saved by the system does not match a checkpoint ID on any COMMIT tag in the indicated tag language file.
User Response: Check the following possible causes:
FLG0477E | Syntax error -- DISKCNTL tag. |
Explanation: The DISKCNTL tag contains a syntax error. The syntax for this command is:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0478E | Unable to update object type <object type name>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager is unable to update the indicated object type because of an internal or database error.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code and extended code.
FLG0479E | Object type <object type name> was not found in target information catalog. |
Explanation: The indicated object type was not found in the target information catalog. The Information Catalog Manager was unable to match the specified object type name with an existing object type for one of the following ACTION tags:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0481E | OBJINST(MERGE) was found before an OBJTYPE(MERGE) was processed for object type <object type name>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing the tag language file because :ACTION.OBJINST(MERGE) occurs for an object instance before the :ACTION.OBJTYPE(MERGE) for its object type.
The Information Catalog Manager must first merge object types to ensure that the property definitions for the object type in the tag language file and the target catalog are compatible.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0482E | Unable to delete relationship. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to delete a relationship.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0483E | Unable to create relationship. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to create a relationship.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0484E | The tag language file, <tag language file name>, was not found on the diskette. Insert the correct diskette and then press Enter. |
Explanation: The indicated tag language file is not on the current diskette.
User Response: Insert the correct diskette and then press Enter.
FLG0485E | The diskette was inserted out of sequence. Insert diskette number <number>, and then press Enter. |
Explanation: The current diskette was inserted out of sequence.
The input tag language file is stored on multiple diskettes, so you must insert the diskettes in correct sequence.
User Response: Insert the correct diskette and then press Enter.
FLG0486I | Insert diskette number <number>, and then press Enter. |
FLG0487E | Syntax error -- INSTANCE tag. No property name (short_name) was found. At least one property name (short_name) is required. |
Explanation: No property short names (short_name) were specified for this INSTANCE tag. One or more property short names (short_name) and values must be specified for the INSTANCE tag in the following cases:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0488W | Icon information for object type <object type name> was not updated because the Information Catalog Manager could not retrieve icon file <icon file name>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager could not update the icon information for the indicated object type, because the specified icon file could not be retrieved.
User Response:
FLG0489E | Syntax error -- ACTION tag. <keyword> value exceeds maximum length of <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword value is longer than the indicated maximum length allowed for the keyword value.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0490I | Import started: tag language file -- <tag language file name> |
FLG0491I | Import ended: tag language file -- <tag language file name> |
FLG0492I | Commit successful for checkpoint <checkpoint ID>. |
FLG0493I | Import terminated with errors. The database has been rolled back to either the last commit point or the beginning of the tag language file. |
FLG0494I | Import completed successfully. |
FLG0496E | Syntax error -- <tag name> tag. Left parenthesis not found where expected. |
Explanation: The indicated tag contains a keyword that is not followed by a left parenthesis. A left parenthesis is required after any keyword.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0497E | Syntax error -- <tag name> tag. <keyword/short name> value contains a parenthesis that is not enclosed by single quotation marks. |
Explanation: The indicated value contains one or more parenthesis that are not enclosed in single quotation marks. Any parenthesis in a keyword value must be enclosed in single quotation marks, as shown (the line break in this example is not significant, type the tag coding all on one line):
:INSTANCE.REMARK(This is a '('great')' example)
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0498I | Object type to be deleted (<object type name>) was not found. Import continues. |
FLG0499I | Import completed with warnings. |
FLG0500E | Syntax error. A valid tag, <tag name>, is followed by extra characters. |
Explanation: Invalid characters were found after the indicated tag and before the beginning of the next tag.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0501E | Syntax error -- <tag name> tag. No keyword was specified for this tag. |
Explanation: One of the following tags was specified without any keywords:
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0502E | Syntax error -- <tag name> tag. Value for <keyword> is missing or all blanks. |
Explanation: The value for the indicated keyword is either missing or all blanks.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0504E | Object instance to be updated was not found. Object type: <object type name>. UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. |
Explanation: The indicated object instance to be updated was not found in the information catalog. The information catalog does not contain an object with the indicated UUI (universal unique identifier) property values.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0505E | Unable to create object type <object type name>. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to create the indicated object type upon import.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code and extended code.
FLG0506I | Object instance to be deleted was not found. Object type: <object type name>. UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. Import continues. |
FLG0507E | Error in closing echo file. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error when closing the echo file.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0508I | Duplicated relationship. UUIs: |
FLG0510I | Cannot delete relationship because it does not exist. UUIs: |
FLG0511E | Syntax error -- PROPERTY tag. <keyword> is not used with the PROPERTY tag when SHRTNAME(NAME) is specified. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is invalid with the PROPERTY tag when the SHRTNAME keyword has a value of NAME. Because NAME is a reserved property short name, the PROPERTY tag can have only the following syntax in this case:
No other PROPERTY keywords are valid.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0512E | No valid tags were found in the tag language file. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager cannot recognize the contents of the tag language file because the file does not start with a valid tag.
User Response:
FLG0513E | Tag language file exceeds the maximum number of discrete object types allowed when importing or exporting. |
Explanation: During import, this message means that the tag language file contains more than 3500 discrete object types.
During export, this message means that the Information Catalog Manager has already exported 3500 discrete object types.
User Response: If importing, divide the tag language file into smaller files to reduce the number of discrete object types that you are importing for each use of the import function.
If exporting, export fewer discrete object types during each run of the export function.
FLG0514E | Syntax error -- < tag name> tag. Right parenthesis was found where not expected. One of the following is missing: left parenthesis, keyword, short_name, or UUI_short_name. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a right parenthesis that is out of sequence. One of the following elements is missing from a tag:
Left parenthesis: In the following example, NAME and VALUE should be separated by a left parenthesis:
Keyword: In the following example, you need to specify the TYPE keyword between the OBJECT tag and the value ABC:
short_name: In the following example, you need to specify a property short name and value before the next right parenthesis (or remove the right parenthesis):
UUI_short_name: In the following example, the UUI_short_name (8-character name for a UUI property) and a value need to be specified within the parentheses for SOURCEKEY
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0515E | Syntax error -- <tag name> tag. Left parenthesis was found where not expected. One of the following is missing: keyword, short_name, or UUI_short_name. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a left parenthesis that is out of sequence. One of the following elements is missing from a tag:
Keyword: In the following example, a keyword is required between :ACTION. and the option (ADD):
short_name: In the following example, you need to specify a property short name before the value of the property (Using the Information Catalog Manager):
UUI_short_name: In the following example, the UUI_short_name needs to be specified before the value (J. Smith):
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the database to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0516W | Unable to delete the relationship. Could not find source UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager could not delete a relationship because it could not find the specified source object instance in the target information catalog. The UUI values for the SOURCEKEY keyword did not match any object instance in the information catalog.
FLG0517E | Unable to create the relationship. Could not find source UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager could not add the relationship because it could not locate the source object instance (SOURCEKEY) in the target information catalog.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0518W | Unable to delete the relationship. Could not find target UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager could not delete the relationship because it could not find the specified target object instance in the information catalog. The values specified for UUI properties for the TARGETKEY keyword did not match any instance in the information catalog.
FLG0519E | Unable to create relationship. Could not find target UUI: <part 1>, <part 2>, <part 3>, <part 4>, <part 5>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager could not add the relationship because it could not locate the target object instance in the target information catalog. The values for UUI properties for the TARGETKEY keyword did not match any object instance in the target information catalog.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0520E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected problem and must close. Administrator action is required. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager is unable to free memory.
User Response:
FLG0521E | The Information Catalog Manager must close because more memory is needed. You might need to close some other windows or applications. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager needs more memory to continue for one of the following reasons:
User Response: After the Information Catalog Manager closes, close some other windows and applications and then reopen the Information Catalog Manager.
Administrator Response: Delete some objects or object types from the current information catalog using the import function.
FLG0522I | Deleted object type <object type name> and all its underlying object instances. |
FLG0523E | Unable to delete object type <object type name> and its underlying objects. Reason code is <reason code>. Extended code is <extended code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to delete the indicated object type and any objects of that type.
The Information Catalog Manager rolled back the information catalog to the last commit checkpoint, and stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0524I | Deleted object instance and underlying tree structure. Object type: <object type name>. UUI: |
FLG0525I | Deleted tree structure for object instance including all underlying objects. Object type: <object type name>. UUI: |
FLG0600I | The information catalog was registered successfully. The Information Catalog Manager icons have been generated. |
FLG0601I | The information catalog was created successfully. The Information Catalog Manager icons have been generated. |
FLG0602E | An information catalog with this name already exists. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. |
FLG0603I | An information catalog with this alias already exists. The Information Catalog Manager icons have been generated. |
FLG0604E | Unable to load the code page. Refer to the Information Catalog Manager installation documentation for code page settings. |
FLG0606E | The Information Catalog Manager encountered a problem allocating memory and must close. |
FLG0607E | Unable to open the command file. |
FLG0608E | Unable to close the command file. |
FLG0609E | Unable to read the command file. |
FLG0610E | Information catalog name contains invalid characters. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. |
FLG0611P | Registration is in progress. Please wait. |
FLG0612E | You selected an invalid drive ID, or a drive ID to which you do not have read/write access. |
FLG0613E | Information catalog creation failed; SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. |
FLG0614E | Unable to create the information catalog system table: <system table name>. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. |
FLG0617E | Unable to create the information catalog because of insufficient system resources. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. |
FLG0618P | Upgrade is in progress. Please wait. |
FLG0619E | You must have SYSADM authority to bind the Information Catalog Manager to the information catalog. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. |
FLG0620E | Unable to start the local database management system. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. Refer to your database documentation. |
FLG0621E | You must have SYSADM authority to create the information catalog. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. |
FLG0622E | You must have SYSADM authority to grant access to the information catalog. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. |
FLG0623E | Unable to connect to the database. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. Refer to your database documentation. |
FLG0624P | Creation is in progress. Please wait. |
FLG0625E | Unable to close the Information Catalog Manager. SQLCODE=< SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. Refer to your database documentation. |
FLG0626E | The Information Catalog Manager encountered unexpected database damage and must close. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. Refer to your database documentation. |
FLG0627E | Unable to find the command files. |
FLG0628I | Command file started processing. |
FLG0629E | You cannot use <reserved word> as a name or alias, because it is a reserved word. Choose a different name or alias. |
FLG0631E | The Information Catalog Manager encountered an unexpected database error and must close. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. Refer to your database documentation. |
FLG0632E | A system error occurred. The selected command file cannot be processed. |
FLG0633E | The file is not executable. Modify it or select another command file and try again. |
FLG0634W | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected help error. Help will not be available. |
FLG0636E | Registration of server node cannot continue, because there are no command files in the <directory name> directory. |
FLG0638E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected internal error and must close. |
FLG0640W | The selected command file is larger than <field name> field. You will not see the entire command file. |
FLG0641E | There is no registered node ID. The Information Catalog Manager cannot continue. |
FLG0642E | The Information Catalog Manager failed to create an AS/400 library collection: <collection name>, SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. Contact your AS/400 administrator for assistance. |
FLG0643E | You must create the AS/400 library collection: "DATAGUID", prior to invoking this utility. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>. SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. |
FLG0644E | You must enter a value for <field name>. |
FLG0646E | Your system does not have a valid Information Catalog Manager code page. Refer to the Information Catalog Manager installation documentation for the supported code pages. |
FLG0647E | The code page you selected is not supported by the database. Refer to your database documentation for valid code pages. |
FLG0648E | Information catalog creation failed. The DB2 for OS/2 create database API rc=<rc>. |
FLG0649E | This upgrade is not valid because there are no database IDs in the system database directory. |
FLG0651E | The Information Catalog Manager cannot place sample icon files into the information catalog. SQLCODE=<SQLCODE>, SQLSTATE=<SQLSTATE>. Refer to your database documentation. |
FLG0652I | The information catalog was upgraded successfully. The Information Catalog Manager icons have been generated. |
FLG0653E | The required bind package is not defined in the database, or a timestamp conflict occurred. Make sure there is only one <bind file name> file in your path. |
FLG0655E | Error in writing to file <file name>. |
FLG0656E | The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected Windows error. |
FLG0658I | You have registered a database that is not an information catalog. Ask your administrator to create the information catalog. |
FLG0659I | You have registered a down-level information catalog. Ask your administrator to upgrade the information catalog. |
FLG0661E | A required object type does not exist in the information catalog. Ask your administrator to import the predefined object types. |
FLG0701E | Unable to open output tag language file <tag language file name>. |
Explanation: DGETI_SM cannot open the DG_ETI.TAG for writing.
User Response: Verify that the file is not open or in use by another program.
FLG0702E | Unable to read input file; the file is not in the correct format. |
Explanation: The DGETI_SM command expects the file to be in a certain format, but the input file you specified does not follow the expected format; it might have been corrupted.
User Response: Contact your ETI administrator to generate a new file.
FLG0703E | Error in writing to tag language file. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while writing to DG_ETI.TAG. You might not be able to use the tag language file.
User Response: Verify that the file is not open or in use by another program.
FLG0750I | MDIS conversion started: input tag language file -- <tag language file name>; output tag language file -- <tag language file name>. |
FLG0751I | MDIS conversion completed successfully. |
FLG0752I | MDIS conversion terminated with errors. |
FLG0753I | MDIS import might have encountered errors. See the log file (<file name>) for messages. |
FLG0754I | MDIS export completed successfully. See the log file (<file name>) for details. |
FLG0755I | MDIS import completed successfully. See the log file (<file name>) for details. |
FLG0756I | MDIS export might have encountered errors. See the log file (<file name>) for messages. |
FLG0757W | Unable to export the specified object; it does not match any object in the information catalog. |
Explanation: The information catalog does not contain an object that matches the values specified for /OBJTYPE and /OBJECTS on the /MDIS_EXPORT command.
User Response: Make sure that the MDIS object type and object name are specified correctly.
FLG0758I | MDIS export completed for <object type> object, <MDIS object name>. |
FLG0759E | Invocation syntax error: The value specified for the /OBJECTS keyword is invalid. |
Explanation: The value specified for the /OBJECTS keyword does not follow the correct format.
User Response: Enter the command to start the Information Catalog Manager for MDIS export, using a valid value for the keyword. Enter the command to open the Information Catalog Manager, using the missing keyword. See Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide for information on the correct syntax for invoking the Information Catalog Manager.
FLG0760E | Invocation syntax error: The value specified for the /OBJTYPE keyword is invalid. |
Explanation: The value specified for the /OBJTYPE keyword does not follow the correct format.
User Response: Enter the command to start the Information Catalog Manager for MDIS export, using a valid value for the keyword. Enter the command to open the Information Catalog Manager, using the missing keyword. See Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide for information on the correct syntax for invoking the Information Catalog Manager.
FLG0761E | MDIS syntax error -- BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. The <keyword> keyword is invalid for this section. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword is not valid for the indicated section.
Each section has certain keywords that are valid.
Section | Valid keywords |
CharacterSet ExportingTool ToolVersion ServerName ServerType ToolInstanceID MDISVersion Date Time MaxRecLength |
Identifier DateUpdated TimeUpdated DateCreated TimeCreated ServerName DatabaseName OwnerName DatabaseLongName BriefDescription LongDescription DatabaseType ServerType DatabaseStatus ContactName |
Identifier DateUpdated TimeUpdated DateCreated TimeCreated ServerName DatabaseName OwnerName RecordLongName BriefDescription LongDescription RecordName RecordType RecordLastRefreshDate RecordUpdateFrequency ContactName |
Identifier DateUpdated TimeUpdated DateCreated TimeCreated ServerName DatabaseName OwnerName RecordName DimensionName ElementName ElementLongName BriefDescription LongDescription ElementDataType ElementLength ElementNulls ElementKeyPosition ElementPosition ElementPrecsision ElementOrdinality ElementLastRefreshDate ContactName |
Identifier DateUpdated TimeUpdated DateCreated TimeCreated ServerName DatabaseName OwnerName DimensionName DimensionLongName BriefDescription LongDescription DimensionType DimensionCount DimensionLevelCount ContactName |
Identifier DateUpdated TimeUpdated DateCreated TimeCreated ServerName DatabaseName OwnerName SubschemaName SubschemaLongName BriefDescription LongDescription ContactName |
Identifier SourceObjectIdentifier TargetObjectIdentifier DateUpdated TimeUpdated DateCreated TimeCreated ServerName OwnerName RelationshipLongName BriefDescription LongDescription RelationshipName RelationshipType RelationshipExpresion SourceSequenceOrder RelationshipOrdinality RelationshipBidirectional ContactName |
ToolName ToolData |
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0762E | MDIS syntax error -- unexpected keywords. <invalid MDIS keyword> should be <MDIS keyword>. |
Explanation: The indicated keywords are not valid. The keywords might not be valid MDIS keywords, for example START instead of BEGIN, or they might not be valid because BEGIN and END statements must appear in pairs, for example:
Keywords cannot be out of sequence either, for example, BEGIN RECORD cannot appear within a BEGIN ELEMENT section.
If the keywords found are more than 50 characters, only the first 47 are shown in the message text, followed by an ellipsis (...).
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0763E | MDIS syntax error -- <identifier> value <value> does not match a previously identified object. |
Explanation: The indicated SourceObjectIdentifier or TargetObjectIdentifier value does not match any object identified in the tag language file prior to the current BEGIN RELATIONSHIP section.
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0764E | MDIS syntax error -- BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. The <keyword> keyword is missing. |
Explanation: The indicated required keyword is missing from the indicated section.
Certain keywords are required, depending on the section.
Section | Required keywords |
CharacterSet ExportingTool ToolVersion ToolInstanceID MDISVersion Date Time |
Identifier ServerName DatabaseName OwnerName DatabaseType ServerType1 |
Identifier RecordName RecordType |
Identifier ElementName ElementDataType ElementPrecision2 |
Identifier DimensionName DimensionType |
Identifier SubschemaName |
Identifier SourceObjectIdentifier TargetObjectIdentifier ServerName OwnerName RelationshipType RelationshipExpression3 RelationshipOrdinality RelationshipBidirectional |
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0765I | Current updates committed successfully. |
FLG0766E | MDIS syntax error -- BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. <keyword> keyword value is missing, or is all blanks. |
Explanation: Within the indicated section, the indicated required keyword value is missing or blank.
Certain keyword values are required, depending on the section.
Section | Keywords requiring values |
Identifier DatabaseType |
Identifier RecordType |
Identifier ElementDataType ElementPrecision |
Identifier |
Identifier |
Identifier SourceObjectIdentifier TargetObjectIdentifier RelationshipType RelationshipOrdinality RelationshipBidirectional |
ToolName |
Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0767W | The BEGIN DEFINITION section is missing. MDIS import continues. |
Explanation: The current tag language file does not have a BEGIN DEFINITION section following the BEGIN HEADER section, as expected. The Information Catalog Manager continues MDIS import.
User Response:
FLG0768W | BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. <keyword> keyword value has invalid date/time format. MDIS import continues. |
Explanation: Within the indicated section, the indicated keyword value has an invalid
date/time format. Valid formats for each keyword are:
Keyword | Format |
DateCreated | YYYY-MM-DD |
DateUpdated | YYYY-MM-DD |
TimeCreated | HH.MM.SS |
TimeUpdated | HH.MM.SS |
RecordLastRefreshDate | YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS |
ElementLastRefreshDate | YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS |
User Response:
FLG0769E | Error in reading MDIS profile file <file name>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to read the indicated MDIS profile file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0770E | Error in closing MDIS profile file <file name>. Reason code is <reason code>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager was unable to close the indicated MDIS profile file.
User Response: See the Information Catalog Manager Reason Codes section of the Message Reference for an explanation of the reason code.
FLG0771I | Metadata from <name> was published successfully. |
FLG0772I | The Information Catalog Manager might have encountered errors while publishing metadata from <name>. |
FLG0773E | MDIS syntax error -- BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. <keyword> keyword value is invalid. |
Explanation: Within the indicated section, the indicated required keyword value is invalid.
Certain keyword values are valid, depending on the section and other
keyword values.
Section | Keywords | Valid values or formats |
BEGIN HEADER | CharacterSet |
MDISVersion |
1.0 1.1 | |
Date |
Time |
HH.MM.SS | |
MaxRecLength |
integer 1-99999999 | |
BEGIN DATABASE | DatabaseType |
DatabaseStatus |
BEGIN RECORD | RecordType if DatabaseType is RELATIONAL |
RecordType if DatabaseType is NETWORK |
RecordType if DatabaseType is OBJECT |
RecordType if DatabaseType is FILE |
RecordType if DatabaseType is HIERARCHICAL |
BEGIN ELEMENT | ElementDataType |
ElementLength |
integer | |
ElementNulls |
T F | |
ElementKeyPosition |
integer | |
ElementPosition |
integer | |
ElementPrecision |
integer | |
ElementOrdinality |
N integer | |
BEGIN DIMENSION | DimensionCount |
N integer |
DimensionLevelCount |
integer | |
BEGIN RELATIONSHIP | RelationshipType |
SourceSequenceOrder |
integer:integer | |
RelationshipOrdinality |
1:1 1:N N:N 1:integer | |
RelationshipBidirectional |
T F |
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0774E | Unexpected end of file reached in MDIS profile file <file name>. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager prematurely reached the end of the indicated MDIS profile file.
User Response:
FLG0775E | MDIS syntax error -- BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. The IDENTIFIER keyword value <value> is not unique. |
Explanation: The indicated value of the IDENTIFIER keyword is not unique. Values for the IDENTIFIER keyword must be unique.
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0776I | Publication of metadata completed. See the trace file (<file name>) for details. |
FLG0777E | MDIS syntax error -- MDIS profile file <file name>. <keyword> keyword value is invalid. |
Explanation: Within the indicated profile file, the indicated keyword value is
Profile file | Keywords | Valid values |
Configuration | AllowOverride |
T F |
Tool | Database |
T |
Subschema |
T F | |
Dimension |
T F | |
Record |
T F | |
Element |
T F | |
Relationship |
T F | |
Level |
T F | |
View |
T F |
Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0778E | MDIS profile file <file name> requested a function that is not supported by the current version of the Information Catalog Manager. |
Explanation: The indicated profile file has requested a function currently unsupported by
the Information Catalog Manager. For example, in the Configuration
profile file, the following values are the only ones supported for these
Keyword | Supported value |
Objects | * |
AllowOverride | T |
User Response:
FLG0779E | MDIS syntax error -- MDIS profile file <file name>. <invalid keywords> should be <valid keywords>. |
Explanation: The indicated keywords are not valid. The keywords might not be valid because they are misspelled or abbreviated.
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0780E | MDIS profile file <file name> contains conflicting values. |
Explanation: The indicated tool profile file contains keyword values that are not compatible. For example, the ELEMENT keyword with the value T is not compatible if you specify the DIMENSION keyword with the value F or the RECORD keyword with the value F.
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0781E | MDIS profile file <file name> is invalid. |
Explanation: The indicated profile file does not contain the required keywords and values for the Information Catalog Manager to import the tag language file.
The configuration profile file must contain a BEGIN CONFIGURATION/END
CONFIGURATION pair containing the following keywords and values:
Keywords | Values |
TargetToolName | Information Catalog Manager |
TargetToolVersion | 3.1 |
TargetToolInstance | Null, or must match the information catalog name |
SourceToolName | Must match ExportingTool value in BEGIN HEADER section of tag language file being imported. |
SourceToolVersion | Must match ToolVersion value in BEGIN HEADER section of tag language file being imported. |
SourceToolInstance | Null, or must match ToolInstanceID value in BEGIN HEADER section of tag language file being imported |
MDISVersion | Must match MDISVersion value in BEGIN HEADER section of tag language file being imported. |
The tool profile file must contain a BEGIN TOOL/END TOOL pair containing
the following keywords and values:
Keywords | Values |
ToolName | Information Catalog Manager |
ToolVersion | 3.1 |
MDISVersion | Must match MDISVersion value in BEGIN HEADER section of tag language file being imported. |
Information Catalog Manager cannot import the tag language file.
User Response:
FLG0782E | MDIS syntax error -- MDIS profile file <file name>. The <keyword> keyword is invalid for this profile file. |
Explanation: The indicated keywords are not valid for the indicated profile file.
Valid keywords for each profile file are:
Profile file | Valid keywords |
Configuration profile | TargetToolName |
TargetToolVersion | |
TargetToolInstance | |
SourceToolName | |
SourceToolVersion | |
SourceToolInstance | |
MDISVersion | |
Objects | |
AllowOverride | |
Tool profile | ToolName |
ToolVersion | |
MDISVersion | |
Database | |
Subschema | |
Dimension | |
Record | |
Element | |
Relationship | |
Level | |
View | |
InvokeImport | |
InvokeExport | |
Begin ApplicationData | |
End ApplicationData |
Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0783E | MDIS syntax error -- MDIS profile file <file name>. <keyword> value exceeds maximum length of <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword value in the indicated MDIS profile file is longer than the indicated maximum length permitted for that keyword value. The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing the tag language file.
User Response:
FLG0784W | BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. <keyword or property short name> value was truncated because it exceeded maximum length of <maximum length>. MDIS import continues. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword or property short name value in the indicated MDIS section is longer than the indicated maximum length permitted for that keyword value. The keyword value was truncated and the Information Catalog Manager continued importing the tag language file.
User Response:
FLG0785E | MDIS syntax error -- BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. <keyword or property short name> value exceeds maximum length of <maximum length>. |
Explanation: The indicated keyword or property short name value in the indicated MDIS section is longer than the indicated maximum length permitted for that keyword value.
User Response:
FLG0786E | MDIS syntax error -- BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. <MDIS keyword> keyword value <value> does not match parent value. |
Explanation: Within the indicated MDIS section, the indicated keyword value is explicitly specified in the tag language file. As specified, the value conflicts with the value specified for the corresponding keyword in the other section or sections within which it is nested.
For example, if you are importing columns within a relational table, you import nested objects as follows:
If you explicitly specify values for each of the above objects, the values
must match as follows:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
ServerName | DatabaseName |
ServerName | DatabaseName | OwnerName | RecordName |
ServerName | DatabaseName | OwnerName | RecordName |
User Response:
FLG0787W | MDIS profile file <file name>. <function name> function is not supported by the current version of the Information Catalog Manager. MDIS import continues. |
Explanation: The indicated tool profile file has requested a function not currently
supported by the Information Catalog Manager. In the tool profile file,
the following values are the only ones supported for these keywords:
Keyword | Supported value |
VIEW | F |
User Response: After the Information Catalog Manager finishes importing the tag language file, examine the log file to determine whether any problems occurred because of the unsupported value.
FLG0788E | MDIS syntax error -- BEGIN <MDIS section name> section is not valid in its current position. |
Explanation: The indicated MDIS section is invalid where it is currently placed in the tag
language file. You can nest MDIS sections according to certain
Section | Is valid within BEGIN DATABASE if: |
BEGIN RECORD | DatabaseType is not Multidimensional; it can be the first section |
It follows another valid BEGIN RECORD section | |
It follows a BEGIN SUBSCHEMA section if DatabaseType is not Hierarchical | |
Does not follow a BEGIN DIMENSION section | |
BEGIN DIMENSION | DatabaseType is Multidimensional |
Does not follow an initial BEGIN RECORD section | |
Does not follow an initial BEGIN SUBSCHEMA section | |
BEGIN SUBSCHEMA | It is the first section |
It follows other valid BEGIN SUBSCHEMA sections | |
It follows an initial BEGIN RECORD section if the DatabaseType is not hierarchical | |
Does not follow BEGIN DIMENSION section
User Response:
FLG0789E | MDIS syntax error -- BEGIN <MDIS section name> section. Property short name <short name> for object type <object type name> was not found in the target information catalog. |
Explanation: The indicated property short name within the indicated section does not match any property short name for the indicated object type in the target information catalog. Either the object type does not conform to MDIS, or the object type definition in the information catalog ApplicationData section contains an invalid property short name.
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0790E | MDIS syntax error -- information catalog ApplicationData section. Left parenthesis was found where not expected. A property_short_name is missing. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager encountered a left parenthesis that is out of sequence. For MDIS Version 1.1, the ApplicationData section must follow this format:
BEGIN ApplicationData ToolName "toolname" ToolData "tooldata" ToolName "Information Catalog Manager" ToolData "property_short_name(property_value) property_short_name(property_value) ... END ApplicationData
This message indicates that a left parenthesis was found unexpectedly, for example:
ToolData "(property_value)"
indicating that a property short name is missing.
User Response:
FLG0791E | MDIS syntax error -- information catalog ApplicationData section. Left parenthesis not found where expected. |
Explanation: The Information Catalog Manager did not find an expected left parenthesis. For MDIS Version 1.1, the ApplicationData section must follow this format:
BEGIN ApplicationData ToolName "toolname" ToolData "tooldata" ToolName "Information Catalog Manager" ToolData "property_short_name(property_value) property_short_name(property_value) ... END ApplicationData
This message indicates that a left parenthesis was not found, for example:
ToolData "property_short_name property_value)"
User Response:
FLG0792E | MDIS syntax error -- MDIS file <file name>. Double quotation mark was found where not expected. A keyword is missing. |
Explanation: Within the indicated file, the Information Catalog Manager encountered a double quotation mark (") that is out of sequence. Double quotation marks are expected following keywords, but in this case, no keyword was found.
User Response:
FLG0793E | MDIS syntax error -- MDIS file <file name>. Double quotation mark not found where expected. |
Explanation: Within the indicated file, Information Catalog Manager did not find an expected double quotation mark ("). Double quotation marks are expected following keywords, but in this case, a keyword was found without a subsequent double quotation mark.
User Response:
FLG0794E | MDIS syntax error -- MDIS file <file name>. A keyword value is longer than the allowed maximum of 32,700 bytes. |
Explanation: The indicated file contains a value that is too long for the Information Catalog Manager to import. The maximum length for a value is 32,700 bytes.
User Response:
FLG0795I | Duplicated existing container/containee relationship between MDIS identifier <identifier> and MDIS identifier <identifier>. |
FLG0796I | Created new container/containee relationship between MDIS identifier <identifier> and MDIS identifier <identifier>. |
FLG0797I | Updated object instance. MDIS identifier: <identifier>. The information catalog type: <object type name>. UUI: |
FLG0798I | Created new object instance. MDIS identifier: <identifier>. The information catalog type: <object type name>. UUI: |
FLG0799E | MDIS syntax error -- information catalog ApplicationData section. A value contains a parenthesis that is not enclosed by single quotation marks. |
Explanation: Within the information catalog ApplicationData section of the tag language file, a value contains one or more parentheses that are not enclosed in single quotation marks. Any parenthesis in a keyword value must be enclosed in single quotation, for example (the line break in this example is not significant, you can type the following example all on one line):
ToolData "property_short_name(xxx '('123')' yyy zzz)"
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response:
FLG0800E | MDIS syntax error -- ApplicationData exceeds the information catalog limits. |
Explanation: The ApplicationData section of the tag language file is too large for the Information Catalog Manager to import into the information catalog ApplicationData object type. The ApplicationData object type contains 10 properties; the value of each property cannot exceed 32700 bytes.
The Information Catalog Manager stopped importing.
User Response: