Call Level Interface Guide and Reference

DB2 CLI Function Summary

Depr in the ODBC column indicates that the function has been deprecated in ODBC. See DB2 CLI Functions Deprecated for Version 5 for more information.

The SQL/CLI column can have the following values:

Table 12. DB2 CLI Function List by Category

Function Name

First Version

Connecting to a Data Source
SQLAllocEnv Depr 95 V 1.1 Obtains an environment handle. One environment handle is used for one or more connections.
SQLAllocConnect Depr 95 V 1.1 Obtains a connection handle.
SQLAllocHandle() Core 95 V 5 Obtains a handle.
SQLBrowseConnect() Level 1 95 V 5 Get required attributes to connect to a data source.
SQLConnect() Core 95 V 1.1 Connects to specific driver by data source name, user Id, and password.
SQLDriverConnect() Core SQL3 V 2.1 a Connects to a specific driver by connection string or optionally requests that the Driver Manager and driver display connection dialogs for the user.
Note:This function is also affected by the additional IBM keywords supported in the ODBC.INI file.
SQLDrivers() Core No NONE DB2 CLI does not support this function as it is implemented by a Driver Manager.
SQLSetConnectAttr() Core 95 V 5 Set connection attributes.
SQLSetConnectOption() Depr 95 V 2.1 Set connection attributes.
SQLSetConnection() No SQL3 V 2.1 Sets the current active connection. This function only needs to be used when using embedded SQL within a DB2 CLI application with multiple concurrent connections.
DataLink Functions
SQLBuildDataLink() No Yes V 5.2 Build DATALINK Value
SQLGetDataLinkAttr() No Yes V 5.2 Get DataLink attribute value
Obtaining Information about a Driver and Data Source
SQLDataSources Lvl 2 95 V 1.1 Returns the list of available data sources.
SQLGetInfo() Core 95 V 1.1 Returns information about a specific driver and data source.
SQLGetFunctions() Core 95 V 1.1 Returns supported driver functions.
SQLGetTypeInfo() Core 95 V 1.1 Returns information about supported data types.
Setting and Retrieving Driver Options
SQLSetEnvAttr() Core 95 V 2.1 Sets an environment option.
SQLGetEnvAttr() Core 95 V 2.1 Returns the value of an environment option.
SQLSetConnectOption() Lvl 1 Yes V 2.1 a Sets a connection option.
SQLGetConnectAttr() Lvl 1 95 V 5 Returns the value of a connection option.
SQLGetConnectOption() Depr 95 V 2.1 a Returns the value of a connection option.
SQLSetStmtAttr() Core 95 V 5 Sets a statement attribute.
SQLSetStmtOption() Depr 95 V 2.1 a Sets a statement option.
SQLGetStmtAttr() Core 95 V 5 Returns the value of a statement attribute.
SQLGetStmtOption() Depr 95 V 2.1 a Returns the value of a statement option.
Preparing SQL Requests
SQLAllocStmt() Depr 95 V 1.1 Allocates a statement handle.
SQLPrepare() Core 95 V 1.1 Prepares an SQL statement for later execution.
SQLExtendedPrepare() No No V 6 Prepares an array of statement attributes for an SQL statement for later execution.
SQLExtendedBind() No No V 6 Bind an array of columns instead of using repeated calls to SQLBindCol() and SQLBindParameter()
SQLBindParameter() Lvl 1 95 b V 2.1 Assigns storage for a parameter in an SQL statement (ODBC 2.0)
SQLSetParam() Depr No V 1.1 Assigns storage for a parameter in an SQL statement (ODBC 1.0).
Note:In ODBC 2.0 this function has been replaced by SQLBindParameter().
SQLParamOptions() Depr No V 2.1 Specifies the use of multiple values for parameters.
SQLGetCursorName() Core 95 V 1.1 Returns the cursor name associated with a statement handle.
SQLSetCursorName() Core 95 V 1.1 Specifies a cursor name.
Submitting Requests
SQLDescribeParam() Level 2 SQL3 V 5 Returns description of a parameter marker.
SQLExecute() Core 95 V 1.1 Executes a prepared statement.
SQLExecDirect() Core 95 V 1.1 Executes a statement.
SQLNativeSql() Lvl 2 95 V 2.1 a Returns the text of an SQL statement as translated by the driver.
SQLNumParams() Lvl 2 95 V 2.1 a Returns the number of parameters in a statement.
SQLParamData() Lvl 1 95 V 2.1 a Used in conjunction with SQLPutData() to supply parameter data at execution time. (Useful for long data values.)
SQLPutData() Core 95 V 2.1 a Send part or all of a data value for a parameter. (Useful for long data values.)
Retrieving Results and Information about Results
SQLRowCount() Core 95 V 1.1 Returns the number of rows affected by an insert, update, or delete request.
SQLNumResultCols() Core 95 V 1.1 Returns the number of columns in the result set.
SQLDescribeCol() Core 95 V 1.1 Describes a column in the result set.
SQLColAttribute() Core Yes V 5 Describes attributes of a column in the result set.
SQLColAttributes() Depr Yes V 1.1 Describes attributes of a column in the result set.
SQLColumnPrivileges() Level 2 95 V 2.1 Get privileges associated with the columns of a table.
SQLSetColAttributes() No No V 2.1 Sets attributes of a column in the result set.
SQLBindCol() Core 95 V 1.1 Assigns storage for a result column and specifies the data type.
SQLFetch() Core 95 V 1.1 Returns a result row.
SQLFetchScroll() Core 95 V 5 Returns a rowset from a result row.
SQLExtendedFetch() Depr 95 V 2.1 Returns multiple result rows.
SQLGetData() Core 95 V 1.1 Returns part or all of one column of one row of a result set. (Useful for long data values.)
SQLMoreResults() Lvl 1 SQL3 V 2.1 a Determines whether there are more result sets available and, if so, initializes processing for the next result set.
SQLError() Depr 95 V 1.1 Returns additional error or status information.
SQLGetDiagField() Core 95 V 5 Get a field of diagnostic data.
SQLGetDiagRec() Core 95 V 5 Get multiple fields of diagnostic data.
SQLSetPos() Level 1 SQL3 V 5 Set the cursor position in a rowset.
SQLGetSQLCA() No No V 2.1 Returns the SQLCA associated with a statement handle.
SQLBulkOperations() Level 1 No V 6 Perform bulk insertions, updates, deletions, and fetches by bookmark.
SQLCopyDesc() Core 95 V 5 Copy descriptor information between handles.
SQLGetDescField() Core 95 V 5 Get single field settings of a descriptor record.
SQLGetDescRec() Core 95 V 5 Get multiple field settings of a descriptor record.
SQLSetDescField() Core 95 V 5 Set a single field of a descriptor record.
SQLSetDescRec() Core 95 V 5 Set multiple field settings of a descriptor record.
Large Object Support
SQLBindFileToCol() No No V 2.1 Associates LOB file reference with a LOB column.
SQLBindFileToParam() No No V 2.1 Associates LOB file reference with a parameter marker.
SQLGetLength() No SQL3 V 2.1 Gets length of a string referenced by a LOB locator.
SQLGetPosition() No SQL3 V 2.1 Gets the position of a string within a source string referenced by a LOB locator.
SQLGetSubString() No SQL3 V 2.1 Creates a new LOB locator that references a substring within a source string (the source string is also represented by a LOB locator).
Obtaining information about the data source's system tables (catalog functions)
SQLColumns() Lvl 1 SQL3 V 2.1 a Returns the list of column names in specified tables.
SQLForeignKeys() Lvl 2 SQL3 V 2.1 Returns a list of column names that comprise foreign keys, if they exist for a specified table.
SQLPrimaryKeys() Lvl 1 SQL3 V 2.1 Returns the list of column name(s) that comprise the primary key for a table.
SQLProcedureColumns() Lvl 2 No V 2.1 Returns the list of input and output parameters for the specified procedures.
SQLProcedures() Lvl 2 No V 2.1 Returns the list of procedure names stored in a specific data source.
SQLSpecialColumns() Core SQL3 V 2.1 a Returns information about the optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row in a specified table.
SQLStatistics() Core SQL3 V 2.1 a Returns statistics about a single table and the list of indexes associated with the table.
SQLTablePrivileges() Lvl 2 SQL3 V 2.1 Returns a list of tables and the privileges associated with each table.
SQLTables() Core SQL3 V 2.1 a Returns the list of table names stored in a specific data source.
Terminating a Statement
SQLFreeHandle() Core 95 V 1.1 Free Handle Resources.
SQLFreeStmt() Core 95 V 1.1 End statement processing and closes the associated cursor, discards pending results, and, optionally, frees all resources associated with the statement handle.
SQLCancel() Core 95 V 1.1 Cancels an SQL statement.
SQLTransact() Depr No V 1.1 Commits or rolls back a transaction.
SQLCloseCursor() Core 95 V 5 Commits or rolls back a transaction.
Terminating a Connection
SQLDisconnect() Core 95 V 1.1 Closes the connection.
SQLEndTran() Core 95 V 5 Ends transaction of a connection.
SQLFreeConnect() Depr 95 V 1.1 Releases the connection handle.
SQLFreeEnv() Depr 95 V 1.1 Releases the environment handle.

Runtime support for this function was also available in the DB2 Client Application Enabler for DOS Version 1.2 product.

SQLBindParam() has been replaced by SQLBindParameter().

The ODBC function(s):

  • SQLSetScrollOptions is supported for runtime only, because it has been superceded by the SQL_CURSOR_TYPE, SQL_CONCURRENCY, SQL_KEYSET_SIZE, and SQL_ROWSET_SIZE statement options.
  • SQLDrivers() is implemented by the ODBC driver manager.

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