Specification: | DB2 CLI 5.0 | ODBC 1 |
SQLBrowseConnect() supports an iterative method of discovering and enumerating the attributes and attribute values required to connect to a data source. Each call to SQLBrowseConnect() returns successive levels of attributes and attribute values. When all levels have been enumerated, a connection to the data source is completed and a complete connection string is returned by SQLBrowseConnect(). A return code of SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates that all connection information has been specified and the application is now connected to the data source.
SQLRETURN SQLBrowseConnect (SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, SQLCHAR *InConnectionString, SQLSMALLINT StringLength1, SQLCHAR *OutConnectionString, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength, SQLSMALLINT *StringLength2Ptr);
Function Arguments
Table 23. SQLBrowseConnect Arguments
Data Type | Argument | Use | Description |
SQLHDBC | ConnectionHandle | input | Connection handle. |
SQLCHAR | *szConnStrIn | input | Browse request connection string (see InConnectionString Argument). |
SQLSMALLINT | cbConnStrIn | input | Length of *InConnectionString. |
SQLCHAR | *OutConnectionString | output | Pointer to a buffer in which to return the browse result connection string (see OutConnectionString Argument). |
SQLINTEGER | BufferLength | input | Length of the *OutConnectionString buffer. |
SQLSMALLINT | *StringLength2Ptr | output | The total number of bytes (excluding the null termination byte) available to return in *OutConnectionString. If the number of bytes available to return is greater than or equal to BufferLength, the connection string in *OutConnectionString is truncated to BufferLength minus the length of a null termination character. |
A browse request connection string has the following syntax:
connection-string ::= attribute[;] | attribute; connection-string
attribute ::= attribute-keyword=attribute-value | DRIVER=[{]attribute-value[}]
attribute-keyword ::= DSN | UID | PWD | NEWPWD
| driver-defined-attribute-keyword
attribute-value ::= character-string
driver-defined-attribute-keyword ::= identifier
Because of connection string and initialization file grammar, keywords and attribute values that contain the characters []{}(),;?*=!@ should be avoided. Because of the grammar in the system information, keywords and data source names cannot contain the backslash (\) character. For DB2 CLI Version 2, braces are required around the DRIVER keyword.
If any keywords are repeated in the browse request connection string, DB2 CLI uses the value associated with the first occurrence of the keyword. If the DSN and DRIVER keywords are included in the same browse request connection string, DB2 CLI uses which ever keyword appears first.
The browse result connection string is a list of connection
attributes. A connection attribute consists of an attribute keyword and
a corresponding attribute value. The browse result connection string
has the following syntax:
connection-string ::= attribute[;] | attribute; connection-string
attribute ::= [*]attribute-keyword=attribute-value
attribute-keyword ::= ODBC-attribute-keyword
| driver-defined-attribute-keyword
ODBC-attribute-keyword = {UID | PWD}[:localized-identifier]
driver-defined-attribute-keyword ::= identifer[:localized-identifier]
attribute-value ::= {attribute-value-list} | ?
(The braces are literal; they are returned by DB2 CLI.)
attribute-value-list ::= character-string [:localized-character
string] | character-string [:localized-character string], attribute-value-list
Because of connection string and initialization file grammar, keywords, localized identifiers, and attribute values that contain the characters []{}(),;?*=!@ should be avoided. Because of the grammar in the system information, keywords and data source names cannot contain the backslash (\) character.
The browse result connection string syntax is used according to the following semantic rules:
Using SQLBrowseConnect
SQLBrowseConnect() requires an allocated connection. If SQLBrowseConnect() returns SQL_ERROR, outstanding connections are terminated and the connection is returned to an unconnected state.
When SQLBrowseConnect() is called for the first time on a connection, the browse request connection string must contain the DSN keyword.
On each call to SQLBrowseConnect(), the application specifies the connection attribute values in the browse request connection string. DB2 CLI returns successive levels of attributes and attribute values in the browse result connection string; it returns SQL_NEED_DATA as long as there are connection attributes that have not yet been enumerated in the browse request connection string. The application uses the contents of the browse result connection string to build the browse request connection string for the next call to SQLBrowseConnect(). All mandatory attributes (those not preceded by an asterisk in the OutConnectionString argument) must be included in the next call to SQLBrowseConnect(). Note that the application cannot use the contents of previous browse result connection strings when building the current browse request connection string; that is, it cannot specify different values for attributes set in previous levels.
When all levels of connection and their associated attributes have been enumerated, DB2 CLI returns SQL_SUCCESS, the connection to the data source is complete, and a complete connection string is returned to the application. The connection string is suitable to use in conjunction with SQLDriverConnect() with the SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT option to establish another connection. The complete connection string cannot be used in another call to SQLBrowseConnect(), however; if SQLBrowseConnect() were called again, the entire sequence of calls would have to be repeated.
SQLBrowseConnect() also returns SQL_NEED_DATA if there are recoverable, nonfatal errors during the browse process, for example, an invalid password supplied by the application or an invalid attribute keyword supplied by the application. When SQL_NEED_DATA is returned and the browse result connection string is unchanged, an error has occurred and the application can call SQLGetDiagRec() to return the SQLSTATE for browse-time errors. This permits the application to correct the attribute and continue the browse.
An application may terminate the browse process at any time by calling SQLDisconnect(). DB2 CLI will terminate any outstanding connections and return the connection to an unconnected state.
Return Codes
Table 24. SQLBrowseConnect SQLSTATEs
SQLSTATE | Description | Explanation |
01000 | Warning. | Informational message. (Function returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.) |
01004 | Data truncated. | The buffer *OutConnectionString was not large enough to return entire browse result connection string, so the string was truncated. The buffer *StringLength2Ptr contains the length of the untruncated browse result connection string. (Function returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.) |
01S00 | Invalid connection string attribute. | An invalid attribute keyword was specified in the browse request
connection string (InConnectionString). (Function returns
An attribute keyword was specified in the browse request connection string (InConnectionString) that does not apply to the current connection level. (Function returns SQL_NEED_DATA.) |
01S02 | Option value changed. | DB2 CLI did not support the specified value of the ValuePtr argument in SQLSetConnectAttr() and substituted a similar value. (Function returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.) |
08001 | Unable to connect to data source. | DB2 CLI was unable to establish a connection with the data source. |
08002 | Connection in use. | The specified connection had already been used to establish a connection with a data source and the connection was open. |
08004 | The application server rejected establishment of the connection. | The data source rejected the establishment of the connection for implementation defined reasons. |
08S01 | Communication link failure. | The communication link between DB2 CLI and the data source to which it was trying trying to connect failed before the function completed processing. |
28000 | Invalid authorization specification. | Either the user identifier or the authorization string or both as specified in the browse request connection string (InConnectionString) violated restrictions defined by the data source. |
HY000 | General error. | An error occurred for which there was no specific SQLSTATE. The error message returned by SQLGetDiagRec() in the *MessageText buffer describes the error and its cause. |
HY001 | Memory allocation failure. | DB2 CLI was unable to allocate memory required to support execution or completion of the function. |
HY013 | Unexpected memory handling error. | DB2 CLI was unable to access memory required to support execution or completion of the function. |
HY090 | Invalid string or buffer length. | The value specified for argument StringLength1 was less than 0
and was not equal to SQL_NTS.
The value specified for argument BufferLength was less than 0. |
See the README file in the sqllib\samples\cli (or sqllib/samples/cli) subdirectory for a list of appropriate samples.