Specification: | DB2 CLI 2.1 | ODBC 1.0 |
SQLProcedureColumns() returns a list of input and output parameters associated with a procedure. The information is returned in an SQL result set, which can be retrieved using the same functions that are used to process a result set generated by a query.
SQLRETURN SQLProcedureColumns( SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, /* hstmt */ SQLCHAR FAR *CatalogName, /* szProcCatalog */ SQLSMALLINT NameLength1, /* cbProcCatalog */ SQLCHAR FAR *SchemaName, /* szProcSchema */ SQLSMALLINT NameLength2, /* cbProcSchema */ SQLCHAR FAR *ProcName, /* szProcName */ SQLSMALLINT NameLength3, /* cbProcName */ SQLCHAR FAR *ColumnName, /* szColumnName */ SQLSMALLINT NameLength4); /* cbColumnName */
Function Arguments
Table 140. SQLProcedureColumns Arguments
Data Type | Argument | Use | Description |
SQLHSTMT | StatementHandle | input | Statement handle. |
SQLCHAR * | CatalogName | input | Catalog qualifier of a 3 part procedure name.
This must be a NULL pointer or a zero length string. |
SQLSMALLINT | NameLength1 | input | Length of CatalogName. This must be set to 0. |
SQLCHAR * | SchemaName | input | Buffer that may contain a pattern-value to qualify the result
set by schema name.
For DB2 for MVS/ESA V 4.1, all the stored procedures are in one schema; the only acceptable value for the SchemaName argument is a null pointer. For DB2 Universal Database, SchemaName can contain a valid pattern value. For more information about valid search patterns, refer to Querying System Catalog Information. |
SQLSMALLINT | NameLength2 | input | Length of SchemaName |
SQLCHAR * | ProcName | input | Buffer that may contain a pattern-value to qualify the result set by procedure name. |
SQLSMALLINT | NameLength3 | input | Length of ProcName |
SQLCHAR * | ColumnName | input | Buffer that may contain a pattern-value to qualify the result set by parameter name. This argument is to be used to further qualify the result set already restricted by specifying a non-empty value for ProcName and/or SchemaName. |
SQLSMALLINT | NameLength4 | input | Length of ColumnName |
DB2 Universal Database version 5 introduced two system catalog views used to store information about all stored procedures on the server (SYSCAT.PROCEDURES and SYSCAT.PROCPARMS). See Appendix G, Catalog Views for Stored Procedures for information on these views.
Before version 5, DB2 CLI used the pseudo catalog table for stored procedure registration. By default, DB2 CLI will use the new system catalog views. If the application expects to use the pseudo catalog table then the CLI/ODBC configuration keyword PATCH1 should be set to 262144. See Replacement of the Pseudo Catalog Table for Stored Procedures for more information.
If the stored procedure is at a DB2 for MVS/ESA V 4.1 server or later, the name of the stored procedures must be registered in the server's SYSIBM.SYSPROCEDURES catalog table.
For versions of other DB2 servers that do not provide facilities for a stored procedure catalog, an empty result set will be returned.
DB2 CLI will return information on the input, input/output, and output parameters associated with the stored procedure, but cannot return information on the descriptor information for any result sets returned.
SQLProcedureColumns() returns the information in a result set, ordered by PROCEDURE_CAT, PROCEDURE_SCHEM, PROCEDURE_NAME, and COLUMN_TYPE. Columns Returned By SQLProcedureColumns lists the columns in the result set. Applications should be aware that columns beyond the last column may be defined in future releases.
Since calls to SQLProcedureColumns() in many cases map to a complex and thus expensive query against the system catalog, they should be used sparingly, and the results saved rather than repeating calls.
The VARCHAR columns of the catalog functions result set have been declared with a maximum length attribute of 128 to be consistent with SQL92 limits. Since DB2 names are less than 128, the application can choose to always set aside 128 characters (plus the null-terminator) for the output buffer, or alternatively, call SQLGetInfo() with the SQL_MAX_CATALOG_NAME_LEN, SQL_MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN, SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN, and SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN to determine respectively the actual lengths of the TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, and COLUMN_NAME columns supported by the connected DBMS.
If the SQL_ATTR_LONGDATA_COMPAT connection attribute is set, LOB column types will be reported as LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARBINARY or LONG VARGRAPHIC types.
Although new columns may be added and the names of the existing columns changed in future releases, the position of the current columns will not change. There were changes to these columns between version 2 and version 5. See Changes to SQLProcedureColumns() Return Values for more information if you are running a version 2 DB2 CLI application that uses SQLProcedureColumns(), against a version 5 or later server.
Columns Returned By SQLProcedureColumns
Note: | This is not returned. |
Note: | This is not returned. |
Note: | This is not returned. |
For date, time, timestamp data types, this is the total number of bytes required to display the value when converted to character.
For numeric data types, this is either the total number of digits, or the total number of bits allowed in the column, depending on the value in the NUM_PREC_RADIX column in the result set.
See also Table 194.
See Table 196.
See Table 195.
If DATA_TYPE is an exact numeric data type, this column contains the value 10 and the COLUMN_SIZE and DECIMAL_DIGITS columns contain the number of decimal digits allowed for the parameter.
For numeric data types, the DBMS can return a NUM_PREC_RADIX of either 10 or 2.
NULL is returned for data types where radix is not applicable.
SQL_NULLABLE if the parameter accepts NULL values.
If NULL was specified as the default value, then this column is the word NULL, not enclosed in quotation marks. If the default value cannot be represented without truncation, then this column contains TRUNCATED, with no enclosing single quotation marks. If no default value was specified, then this column is NULL.
The value of COLUMN_DEF can be used in generating a new column definition, except when it contains the value TRUNCATED.
For datetime data types, the SQL_DATA_TYPE field in the result set will be SQL_DATETIME, and the SQL_DATETIME_SUB field will return the subcode for the specific datetime data type (SQL_CODE_DATE, SQL_CODE_TIME or SQL_CODE_TIMESTAMP).
ISO rules are followed to determine nullability.
An ISO SQL-compliant DBMS cannot return an empty string.
The value returned for this column is different than the value returned for the NULLABLE column. (See the description of the NULLABLE column.)
Note: | The column names used by DB2 CLI follow the X/Open CLI CAE specification style. The column types, contents and order are identical to those defined for the SQLProcedureColumns() result set in ODBC. |
Return Codes
Table 141. SQLProcedureColumns SQLSTATEs
SQLSTATE | Description | Explanation |
24000 | Invalid cursor state. | A cursor was already opened on the statement handle. |
40003 08S01 | Communication link failure. | The communication link between the application and data source failed before the function completed. |
42601 | PARMLIST syntax error. | The PARMLIST value in the stored procedures catalog table contains a syntax error. |
HY001 | Memory allocation failure. | DB2 CLI is unable to allocate memory required to support execution or completion of the function. |
HY008 | Operation canceled |
Asynchronous processing was enabled for the StatementHandle. The function was called and before it completed execution, SQLCancel() was called on the StatementHandle. Then the function was called again on the StatementHandle. The function was called and, before it completed execution,
SQLCancel() was called on the StatementHandle from a
different thread in a multithread application.
HY010 | Function sequence error. |
The function was called while in a data-at-execute (SQLParamData(), SQLPutData()) operation. The function was called while within a BEGIN COMPOUND and END COMPOUND SQL operation. An asynchronously executing function (not this one) was called for the
StatementHandle and was still executing when this function was
HY014 | No more handles. | DB2 CLI was unable to allocate a handle due to internal resources. |
HY090 | Invalid String or Buffer Length | The value of one of the name length arguments was less than 0, but not equal SQL_NTS. |
HYC00 | Driver not capable. | DB2 CLI does not support catalog as a qualifier for procedure
The connected server does not support schema as a qualifier for procedure name. |
HYT00 | Timeout expired. | The timeout period expired before the data source returned the result set. Timeouts are only supported on non-multitasking systems such as Windows 3.1 and Macintosh System 7. The timeout period can be set using the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT attribute for SQLSetConnectAttr(). |
SQLProcedureColumns() does not return information about the attributes of result sets that may be returned from stored procedures.
If an application is connected to a DB2 server that does not provide support for a stored procedure catalog, or does not provide support for stored procedures, SQLProcedureColumns() will return an empty result set.
(The complete sample stpcli.c is also available here .)
/* From the CLI sample STPCLI.C */ /* ... */ rc = SQLProcedureColumns(hstmt, NULL, 0, stpSchemaPattern, SQL_NTS, stpNamePattern, SQL_NTS, colNamePattern, SQL_NTS);