OLAP Setup and User's Guide

Multi-Threaded Environments for AIX, Solaris Operating Environment, and HP-UX

DB2 OLAP Server provides a multi-threaded architecture to ensure high performance in a client/server environment, using the following thread software on the AIX, Solaris Operating Environment, and HP-UX operating systems:

Kernel threads with pthread API. The thread software is part of AIX; you do not have to purchase it separately.

Solaris Operating Environment
Solaris Operating Environment threads. The thread software is part of Solaris Operating Environment; you do not have to purchase it separately.

DCE thread library, Version 1.4 or later. You have to purchase DCE separately; it is not part of the HP-UX operating system.

On all operating systems, make sure the correct thread software is properly installed before using DB2 OLAP Server. See your operating system documentation for more information.

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