** Source File Name = ebcdicdb.c
** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999, 2000
** All Rights Reserved.
** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
**    PURPOSE :
**       This program is an example of how APIs are implemented in order to
**       CREATE a DATABASE with the EBCDIC 037 standard collating sequence,
**       then DROP the DATABASE.
**       A user-defined collating sequence allows the user to specify the
**       collating behavieour of the database. This can be used by
**       applications that require compatibility to the collating
**       behaviour of host database products. For example, simulating
**       the collating behaviour of DB2/MVS CCSID 500 (EBCDIC International)
**       can be achived by specifying a colating sequence that maps
**       codepage 819 characters to CCSID 500 characters when the
**       database is created.
**    APIs USED :
**       INSTANCE ATTACH                  sqleatin()
**       CREATE DATABASE                  sqlecrea()
**       DROP DATABASE                    sqledrpd()
**       sqlca
**       sqledbdesc
**       sqledbcountryinfo
**          stdio.h  -  printf
**       external :
**          check_error :     Checks for SQLCODE error, and prints out any
**          [in UTIL.C]          related information available.
**                               This procedure is located in the UTIL.C file.
**       - Compiling and linking with the IBM Cset++ compiler (AIX and OS/2)
**         or the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (Windows) 
**         or the compiler supported on your platform.
**       - a database by the name of "DBUDCS" does not exist.
** For more information about these samples see the README file.
** For more information on programming in C, see the:
**   -  "Programming in C and C++" section of the Application Development Guide
** For more information on Building C Applications, see the:
**   -  "Building C Applications" section of the Application Building Guide.
** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sqle850b.h>  /* Definition of the collating sequence */
#include <sqlutil.h>
#include <sqlenv.h>
#include "utilapi.h"

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
   struct sqlca sqlca;
   struct sqledbdesc db_desc;
   struct sqledbcountryinfo dbCountryInfo;

   char userid[9];
   char passwd[19];
   char nodename[9];

   strcpy(db_desc.sqldbdid, SQLE_DBDESC_2);
   db_desc.sqldbccp = 0;
   db_desc.sqldbcss = SQL_CS_USER;
   memcpy(db_desc.sqldbudc, sqle_850_037, SQL_CS_SZ);
   strcpy(db_desc.sqldbcmt, "EBCDIC");
   db_desc.sqldbsgp = 0;
   db_desc.sqldbnsg = 10;
   db_desc.sqltsext = -1;
   db_desc.sqlcatts = NULL;
   db_desc.sqlusrts = NULL;
   db_desc.sqltmpts = NULL;

   if (argc == 4) {
       strcpy (userid, argv[1]);
       strcpy (passwd, argv[2]);
       strcpy (nodename, argv[3]);

      /* ATTACH API called     */
      sqleatin (nodename, userid, passwd, &sqlca);
   else if (argc != 1) {
       printf("USAGE: ebcdicdb [userid password remote_nodename]\n");
       return 1;

   strcpy(dbCountryInfo.sqldbcodeset, "IBM-850");
   strcpy(dbCountryInfo.sqldblocale, "C");

   printf ("CREATing the temporary database DBEBCDIC...\n");
   printf ("please wait... this will take a while...\n");
   sqlecrea( "DBEBCDIC",
           ) ;
   API_SQL_CHECK("creating the database");
   printf ("database DBEBCDIC with the EBCDIC 037 standard\n");
   printf ("collating sequence created successfully.\n");

   printf ("DROPping the database DBEBCDIC\n");
   * DROP DATABASE API called *
   sqledrpd ("DBEBCDIC", &sqlca);
   API_SQL_CHECK("dropping the database");

   return 0;