Application Development Guide

Programming in C and C++

  • Programming Considerations for C and C++
  • Language Restrictions for C and C++
  • Trigraph Sequences for C and C++
  • C++ Type Decoration Consideration
  • Input and Output Files for C and C++
  • Include Files for C and C++
  • Including Files in C and C++
  • Embedding SQL Statements in C and C++
  • Host Variables in C and C++
  • Naming Host Variables in C and C++
  • Declaring Host Variables in C and C++
  • Indicator Variables in C and C++
  • Graphic Host Variable Declarations in C or C++
  • LOB Data Declarations in C or C++
  • LOB Locator Declarations in C or C++
  • File Reference Declarations in C or C++
  • Initializing Host Variables in C and C++
  • C Macro Expansion
  • Host Structure Support in C and C++
  • Indicator Tables in C and C++
  • Null-terminated Strings in C and C++
  • Pointer Data Types in C and C++
  • Using Class Data Members as Host Variables in C and C++
  • Using Qualification and Member Operators in C and C++
  • Handling Graphic Host Variables in C and C++
  • Multi-byte Character Encoding in C and C++
  • Selecting the wchar_t or sqldbchar Data Type in C and C++
  • The WCHARTYPE Precompiler Option in C and C++
  • Japanese or Traditional Chinese EUC, and UCS-2 Considerations in C and C++
  • Supported SQL Data Types in C and C++
  • FOR BIT DATA in C and C++
  • SQLSTATE and SQLCODE Variables in C and C++

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