Information Catalog Manager Programming Guide and Reference

Appendix D. Information Catalog Manager reason codes

Table 24 contains all the reason codes produced by the Information Catalog Manager. The reason codes are ordered by number, and include the mnemonic name, the extended code, and an explanation of what condition produces the reason code.

Certain reason codes produce extended codes, which provide more information about the error situation. If a reason code returns an extended code, the possible meanings of the extended code are listed.

Table 24. Information Catalog Manager reason codes
Number Reason code Extended codes Explanation
0 FLG_OK -- Completed successfully.
1 FLG_WRN -- Place holder; indicates the beginning of the numeric range for warnings.
201 FLG_WRN_DISCONNECTED -- The database has been disconnected.
202 FLG_WRN_DBM_ALREADY_STARTED -- The database manager was already started before the Information Catalog Manager initialization.
203 FLG_WRN_DB_RESTART -- The database manager needed to be restarted before the Information Catalog Manager initialization.
204 FLG_WRN_DB_ACTIVE -- The specified database manager was already active before the Information Catalog Manager initialization.
1001 FLG_WRN_INST_NOTFOUND -- Unable to find the object instance (also used by FLGListOrphans, FLGFoundIn, FLGListAssociates, and FLGExport).
1002 FLG_WRN_CONTAINER_NOTFOUND -- Unable to find a container for the specified object instance.
1003 FLG_WRN_CONTAINEE_NOTFOUND -- Unable to find any objects contained by the specified object instance.
1004 FLG_WRN_CONTACT_NOTFOUND -- Unable to find a contact for the specified object instance.
1005 FLG_WRN_PROGRAM_NOTFOUND -- Unable to find a program associated with this object type.
1006 FLG_WRN_ANCHOR_NOTFOUND -- Unable to find any anchors (subjects) defined in the Information Catalog Manager database.
1007 FLG_WRN_PROGRAM_CHANGED -- One or more associated program instances were changed when the object type was deleted.
1008 FLG_WRN_NO_INPARM_ICON_FILE -- FLGGetReg API call did not specify a pointer to receive the name of the retrieved icon file. The Information Catalog Manager did not return an icon.
1009 FLG_WRN_NO_ICON -- No icon associated with the object type.
1010 FLG_WRN_ID_LIMIT_REACHED -- Reached the maximum number of object types limit.
1012 FLG_WRN_EXCEED_MAX_ANCHORNUM Actual number of anchors Unable to return all anchors (subjects) defined in the Information Catalog Manager database.
1013 FLG_WRN_ICON_REPLACED -- An icon file already existed in the specified ICOPATH. The icon file was replaced.
1014 FLG_WRN_PROPDUP -- The property to be appended already exists.
1015 FLG_WRN_EXCEED_MAX_ORPHANNUM Actual number of orphans Exceeded the maximum number of orphans.
1016 FLG_WRN_DB_ICON_REPLACED -- The object type icon has been replaced in the catalog.
1017 FLG_WRN_LINKOBJ_NOTFOUND -- Unable to find a linked object for the specified object instance.
1018 FLG_WRN_ATTACHOBJ_NOTFOUND -- Unable to find attachment objects for the specified object instance.
1019 FLG_WRN_MISSING_PROPS_IN_IOSTRUCT -- The input structure contains less properties than that defined for the object type. All missing properties are optional. Object instance is created/updated.
2002 FLG_WRN_NO_DISKCNTL_TAG_PRESENTED -- DISKCNTL is not the first tag in the input tag language file on a removable device. Importing continues, but only the tag language file on the current diskette is processed.
2003 FLG_WRN_NEED_NEW_TAGFILE_DISKETTE -- Insert the next diskette to continue importing the tag language file.
2005 FLG_WRN_NOTHING_TO_IMPORT -- Unable to find any data to import in the tag language file or in the part of the tag language file after the last checkpoint. The file or part of the file may be empty or contain only COMMENT or DISKCNTL tags.
2006 FLG_WRN_ICONFILE_RETRIEVE_ERROR Reason code API FLGCreateReg or FLGUpdateReg encountered an error while retrieving (opening, reading, or closing) the icon file specified in parameter pszIconFileID. The reason code returned in the extended code indicates the error. FLGCreateReg and FLGUpdateReg have completed all other registration processing successfully.
2007 FLG_WRN_P_HANDLES_CLEARED -- FLGImport cleared the HANDLES property value for a program instance, because this value refers to an object type that does not exist in the target information catalog.
2501 FLG_WRN_CFLAG_IGNORED -- CONTAINEE-IND value for the exported object was ignored because the object does not belong to the Grouping category.
2502 FLG_WRN_TFLAG_IGNORED -- CONTACT-IND value for the exported object was ignored because the object does not belong to the Grouping or Elemental categories.
2503 FLG_WRN_NO_ICOPATH -- No icon path was specified; no icons were exported.
2504 FLG_WRN_GETREG_WARNING Reason code Export encountered a warning from FLGGetReg. The extended code contains the reason code returned by FLGGetReg.
2505 FLG_WRN_GETINST_WARNING Reason code Export encountered a warning from FLGGetInst. The extended code contains the reason code returned by FLGGetInst.
2506 FLG_WRN_LISTCONTACTS_WARNING Reason code Export encountered a warning from FLGListContacts. The extended code contains the reason code returned by FLGListContacts.
2507 FLG_WRN_NAVIGATE_WARNING Reason code Export encountered a warning from FLGNavigate. The extended code contains the reason code returned by FLGNavigate.
2508 FLG_WRN_AFLAG_IGNORED -- ATTACHMENT-IND value for the exported object was ignored because the object is in the Attachment category and cannot have associated attachment objects.
2509 FLG_WRN_LFLAG_IGNORED -- LINK-IND value for the exported object was ignored because the object does not belong to the Grouping or Elemental categories.
2601 FLG_WRN_NO_HISTORY -- There is no history entry in the history buffer.
2602 FLG_WRN_NO_TYPE_RELATE_TO_PROGRAM -- There is no object type related to the program instance.
7500 FLG_WRN_VIEW_NOT_SUPPORTED -- View "T" is specified in the Tool profile, but this function is not supported by the Information Catalog Manager.
7501 FLG_WRN_LEVEL_NOT_SUPPORTED -- Level "T" is specified in the Tool profile, but this function is not supported by the Information Catalog Manager.
7505 FLG_WRN_NO_BEGIN_DEFINITION_SECTION -- The BEGIN DEFINITION section is missing from the tag language file.
7510 FLG_WRN_VALUE_TRUNCATED -- A value is truncated because it exceeded the maximum allowable length.
7515 FLG_WRN_INV_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT -- A date or time value does not follow the correct format.

Format for date values: YYYY-MM-DD.

Format for time values: HH.MM.SS

Format for refresh date values: YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.

30000 FLG_ERR -- Place holder; indicates the beginning of the numeric range for errors.
30001 FLG_ERR_INVALID_NUM_STR -- The numeric string passed to the Information Catalog Manager as input is invalid.
30002 FLG_ERR_INVALID_NUMBER -- The integer value passed to the Information Catalog Manager as input is too large.
30003 FLG_ERR_BUFF_TOO_SMALL -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
30004 FLG_ERR_MSGFILE_NOTFOUND -- Unable to locate the Information Catalog Manager message file (DGxyMSG.MSG or DGxySTR.MSG, where x is the platform identifier and y is the national language version identifier).

This file must be in the Information Catalog Manager working directory.

30005 FLG_ERR_MSGID_NOTFOUND -- The message identifier could not be located in the message file.
30006 FLG_ERR_CANT_ACCESS_MSGFILE -- Unable to open the Information Catalog Manager message file.
30007 FLG_ERR_INVALID_MSGFILE_FORMAT -- The message file (DGxyMSG.MSG or DGxySTR.MSG, where x is the platform identifier and y is the national language version identifier) is corrupted or invalid.

Reinstall the affected file.

30008 FLG_ERR_MSGFILE_ERROR -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
30009 FLG_ERR_TRACE_FAIL -- An error occurred in the Information Catalog Manager trace function. The trace file may be corrupted or incomplete.
30010 FLG_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR Reason code The Information Catalog Manager encountered an internal error.

Check the reason code returned in the extended code and try to remedy the problem; if this is unsuccessful, call your IBM Service Representative.

30011 FLG_ERR_RESDLL_NOT_LOADED -- Language DLL file is not found.
30012 FLG_ERR_DGPATH_NOT_FOUND -- Environment path (DG2PATH) was not set in the CONFIG.SYS file.

Environment path (DGWPATH) was not set in either the system registry or the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

30013 FLG_ERR_CP_LOAD_FAILED -- The primary and secondary code pages specified in your CONFIG.SYS file are not supported by the Information Catalog Manager.
30014 FLG_ERR_DBSEM_ERROR -- Information Catalog Manager internal error (can't get database semaphore).
30016 FLG_ERR_MSG_TOO_LONG -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
30017 FLG_ERR_DG_DB_INUSE -- User tried to log on to the same Information Catalog Manager database twice.
30018 FLG_ERR_DGLANG_PATH_NOT_FOUND -- The Information Catalog Manager language dependent directory path cannot be found.
30019 FLG_ERR_INV_DG_CP -- The code pages specified on the workstation are not supported by the Information Catalog Manager.
30020 FLG_ERR_INV_DB_CP -- The code pages specified on the workstation are not supported by the database.
30021 FLG_ERR_VWSPATH_NOT_FOUND -- Environment path (VWSPATH) was not set in either the system registry or the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
31000 FLG_ERR_DBERROR Database SQLCODE An unexpected database error has occurred. See the database documentation for an explanation of the SQLCODE.
31001 FLG_ERR_DBDISC_FAIL -- Error occurred while disconnecting from the database.
31002 FLG_ERR_NODBACCESS -- You cannot access the specified Information Catalog Manager database.

Ask the administrator or database administrator for the database authorization you need.

31003 FLG_ERR_ID_LIMIT_EXCEEDED -- The system-generated ID (object type ID or instance ID) exceeds the maximum number of IDs allowed in the Information Catalog Manager database.

This limit is 99999999 for object instance IDs, and 999999 for object type IDs.

31004 FLG_ERR_PROP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED -- Exceeded the maximum number of properties (255) allowed for an object type.
31005 FLG_ERR_LONG_VARCHAR_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Sequence number of property Exceeded the maximum number of LONG VARCHAR properties (14) allowed for an object type.
31006 FLG_ERR_PTNAME_EXCEEDS_ENVSIZE -- The physical type name for the object type exceeds the maximum length allowed. This maximum length depends on the underlying database you are using.
31007 FLG_ERR_DBNAME_NOT_FOUND -- Unable to find the Information Catalog Manager database. If the database is local, the database name was not found. If the database is remote, the database name was not defined in the local database directory.
31008 FLG_ERR_SRH_CRITERIA_TOOLONG -- The total length of the search criteria is too long. The maximum length for the sum of the lengths for all specified search criteria is about 32700 bytes, depending on the number of properties in the search criteria.
31009 FLG_ERR_DB_TRANSLOG_FULL -- The database transaction log is full.

Issue FLGCommit or FLGRollback immediately. Increase the database log file size to increase the number of changes possible before you need to commit the changes.

31010 FLG_ERR_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION -- The database was cataloged with an incorrect authentication option.
31011 FLG_ERR_CHARCONV_WINTODBM -- An error occurred while converting a character from the Windows code page to the database code page.
31012 FLG_ERR_DB_TIMEOUT -- Database server is busy or deadlocked.
31013 FLG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_DB -- This function is not supported by the database server.
31014 FLG_ERR_DB_ICON_EXIST -- FLGManageIcons was called with the InOptions parameter set to FLG_ACTION_CREATE, but the icon specified in pszIconFileID already exists in the database.

Specify a different icon file, or use FLG_ACTION_UPDATE.

32000 FLG_ERR_REG_NOTEXIST -- No registration information exists for the specified object type.
32001 FLG_ERR_TYPEID_NOTEXIST -- No registration information exists for the specified object type.
32002 FLG_ERR_SRCTYPEID_NOTEXIST -- The specified source object type does not exist.
32003 FLG_ERR_TRGTYPEID_NOTEXIST -- The specified target object type does not exist.
32004 FLG_ERR_INSTID_NOTEXIST -- The specified object ID (FLGID) does not exist.
32005 FLG_ERR_SRCINSTID_NOTEXIST -- The specified source object ID (FLGID) does not exist.
32006 FLG_ERR_TRGINSTID_NOTEXIST -- The specified target object ID (FLGID) does not exist.
32007 FLG_ERR_PROP_NOTEXIST -- Unable to start the specified program. The property specified in the program object parameter list is not defined for the object instance.
32008 FLG_ERR_REL_NOTEXIST -- Unable to delete the relationship because it does not exist.
32009 FLG_ERR_TYPE_NOT_CREATED -- The specified object type has been registered but not created.
32010 FLG_ERR_SRCTYPE_NOT_CREATED -- The object type specified in the FLGID of the source object instance has been registered but not created.
32011 FLG_ERR_TRGTYPE_NOT_CREATED -- The object type specified in the FLGID of the target object instance has been registered but not created.
32012 FLG_ERR_INV_P_CATEGORY -- P (Program) is an invalid value for the category when creating or deleting object types. You cannot create or delete Program category object types.
32013 FLG_ERR_INV_P_HANDLE_CAT -- The HANDLES property value of the Program object instance is invalid.

The value must be the name of a non-PROGRAM object type.

32014 FLG_ERR_P_HANDLE_NOTEXIST -- The HANDLES property value of the Program object instance is invalid. The specified object type does not exist.
32015 FLG_ERR_P_HANDLE_NOT_CREATED -- The HANDLES property value of the Program object instance is invalid. The specified object type has been registered, but not created.
32016 FLG_ERR_INV_A_CATEGORY -- A (Attachment) is an invalid value for the category when creating, deleting, or appending to object types. You cannot create, delete, or append to Attachment category object types.
32300 FLG_ERR_REG_DUP -- Unable to register the object type. The specified object type has already been registered.
32301 FLG_ERR_TYPE_DUP -- Unable to create an object type with the specified name. The specified object type name already exists in the Information Catalog Manager database.
32302 FLG_ERR_INST_DUP -- Unable to create the specified object instance. The Information Catalog Manager database already contains an object instance with identical UUI property values.
32303 FLG_ERR_REL_DUP -- Unable to create the specified object relationship. The relationship already exists.
32304 FLG_ERR_REL_RECURSIVE -- Unable to create the specified relationship. The specified relationship would cause a Grouping object to contain itself.
32305 FLG_ERR_UUI_DUP Sequence number of property that duplicates the UUI sequence number The definition of this object type or object contains two or more properties with the same UUI sequence number.
32306 FLG_ERR_INVALID_LINK_RELATION -- The specified LINK relationship is invalid, because the linker and linkee are the same.
32307 FLG_ERR_INVALID_ATTACHMENT_RELATION -- The attachment relationship is rejected because the target object is already related to some non-attachment source object. Attachment category objects can be associated to only one non-attachment category source object.
32308 FLG_ERR_ICONFILE_RETRIEVE_ERROR Reason code API FLGManageIcons encountered an error while retrieving (opening, reading, or closing) the icon file specified in parameter pszIconFileID. This applies to input options FLG_ACTION_CREATE or FLG_ACTION_UPDATE only. The reason code returned in the extended code indicates the error. Processing is unsuccessful.
32400 FLG_ERR_CONTAINEE_EXIST -- Unable to delete this object instance because this Grouping object instance contains one or more object instances. You cannot delete this object instance until you delete either the relationships or the contained objects.
32401 FLG_ERR_INST_EXIST -- Unable to delete the specified object type because instances of the object type exist. You cannot delete this object type until you delete all its instances.
32402 FLG_ERR_TYPE_EXIST -- Unable to delete the object type registration because its object type exists. You cannot delete this object type registration until the object type is deleted.
32403 FLG_ERR_CONTAINEE_DIFFTYPE -- FLGDeleteTypeExt API stopped, because it found a containee belonging to a different object type.
32500 FLG_ERR_INVALID_SRCCAT -- Unable to create the specified relationship. The category for the source object type is invalid.
32501 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TRGCAT -- Unable to create the specified relationship. The category for the target object type is invalid.
32502 FLG_ERR_INVALID_CAT -- The category of the input object type is incorrect.

Refer to the specific documentation for the API you called for the required input object type.

32600 FLG_ERR_KAEXIST -- Unable to log on as an administrator. Another administrator is already logged on. The Information Catalog Manager allows only one administrator to log on at a time.
32601 FLG_ERR_NOTAUTH -- The current user ID is not authorized to use this Information Catalog Manager function.
32602 FLG_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED -- The Information Catalog Manager is not initialized.

FLGInit must be issued before the Information Catalog Manager can perform any other functions.

32603 FLG_ERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED -- The Information Catalog Manager has already been initialized. You cannot issue a second FLGInit call before issuing an FLGTerm call.
32604 FLG_ERR_NOT_CREATOR -- You do not have the authority to update Comments objects you did not create.
32700 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TYPEID -- The specified object type ID (OBJTYPID) is invalid.
32701 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TYPEID_LEN -- The specified object type ID (OBJTYPID) is invalid. This value must be 6 bytes long.
32702 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TYPEID_VAL -- The value of the specified object type ID (OBJTYPID) is invalid.
32703 FLG_ERR_INVALID_FLGID Number of exported objects or position of parameter The specified object ID (FLGID) is invalid.
32704 FLG_ERR_INVALID_FLGID_LEN -- The object ID (FLGID) is invalid. This value must be 16 bytes long.
32705 FLG_ERR_INVALID_FLGID_VAL -- The object ID (FLGID) contains invalid characters.
32706 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TYPNM -- The object type name is invalid.
32707 FLG_ERR_INVALID_INSTNM -- The object instance name is invalid.
32708 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TIMESTAMP Sequence number of property The input value is invalid. The input value must be a time stamp of the form YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.NNNNNN and 26 bytes long.
32709 FLG_ERR_INVALID_SRCID -- The source object ID (FLGID) is invalid.
32710 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TRGID -- The target object ID (FLGID) is invalid.
32711 FLG_ERR_INVALID_RELTYPE -- The specified relation type (RelType) is invalid. Valid values are C, T, A, or L.
32712 FLG_ERR_INVALID_RELOPT -- The specified relation option (RelOpt) is invalid. Valid values are C or D.
32713 FLG_ERR_INVALID_PGM_FLGID -- The specified object ID (FLGID) for the program object is invalid.
32714 FLG_ERR_INVALID_OBJ_FLGID -- The specified object ID (FLGID) for the object providing parameters for the FLGOpen call is invalid.
32718 FLG_ERR_INVALID_USERID -- The user ID value is invalid. The length must be 1-8 characters.

User ID/password is invalid (password is case sensitive on AIX(R)).

User is not logged on to the remote node (DB2 for OS/2 V2.1).

32719 FLG_ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD -- The specified password is invalid. The length must be 1-8 characters.
32720 FLG_ERR_INVALID_DBNAME -- The specified Information Catalog Manager database name is invalid. The length must be 1-8 characters.
32721 FLG_ERR_INVALID_ADMINOPT -- The specified user option (admin) is invalid. Valid values are Y and N.
32722 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TRACEOPT -- The trace option (TraceOpt) is invalid. Valid options are: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
32723 FLG_ERR_NULL_PARAMETER Position of parameter A parameter required as input to this API call is missing or null. The extended code indicates the position of the null parameter.
32724 FLG_ERR_NULL_EXTCODE -- The extended code pointer parameter (pExtCode) is null.
32725 FLG_ERR_INVALID_CONVERTOPT -- The specified input option (Options) was invalid. Valid values are D, or F.
32726 FLG_ERR_INVALID_ICONOPT -- The specified input options (Options) are not valid for FLGManageIcons.
32727 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TAGBUFOPT -- The InOptions specified for FLGManageTagBuf API is not valid. Use FLG_TAGBUF_QUERY or FLG_TAGBUF_RESET as defined in the DGxAPI.H file.
32728 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TAGFILEOPT -- The Options parameter specified for FLGXferTagBuf API is not valid. Use FLG_TAGOPT_NEW or FLG_TAGOPT_REPLACE as defined in the DGxAPI.H file.
32729 FLG_ERR_INV_DGFLAG_ACTION -- The Action parameter specified for FLGManageFlags is not valid. Use FLG_ACTION_GET or FLG_ACTION_UPDATE as defined in DGxAPI.H file.
32730 FLG_ERR_INV_DGFLAG_FLAGTYPE -- The FlagType parameter specified for the FLGManageFlags API is not valid. Use FLG_HISTORY_TYPE_DELETE as defined in the DGxAPI.H file.
32731 FLG_ERR_INV_DGFLAG_VALUE -- The chValue parameter specified for FLGManageFlags is not valid. Valid values are FLG_YES or FLG_NO.
32732 FLG_ERR_INV_STATUS_ACTION -- The Action parameter specified for the FLGManageCommentStatus API is not valid. Use FLG_ACTION_UPDATE or FLG_ACTION_GET as defined in the DGxAPI.H file.
32733 FLG_ERR_INV_STATUS_LEN Sequence number of property The input structure object area contains a status field that is longer than 80 characters.
32734 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TREEOPT -- The Options parameter specified for FLGDeleteTree API is not valid. Use FLG_DELTREE_REL or FLG_DELTREE_ALL as defined in the DGxAPI.H file.
32735 FLG_ERR_INVALID_ASSOCOPT -- The Options parameter specified for FLGListAssociates API is not valid. Use FLG_LIST_PROGRAM, FLG_LIST_ATTACHMENT, FLG_LIST_COMMENTS, FLG_LIST_CONTAIN, FLG_LIST_CONTACT or FLG_LIST_LINK as defined in the DGxAPI.H file.
32736 FLG_ERR_INVALID_ORPHANOPT -- The Options parameter specified for the FLGListOrphans API is not valid. Use FLG_LIST_PROGRAM, FLG_LIST_CONTACT, FLG_LIST_ATTACHMENT or FLG_LIST_COMMENTS as defined in the DGxAPI.H file.
32737 FLG_ERR_INVALID_FOUNDINOPT -- The Options parameter specified in the FLGFoundIn API is not valid. Use FLG_LIST_PROGRAM, FLG_LIST_CONTAIN, FLG_LIST_CONTACT or FLG_LIST_ATTACHMENT as defined in the DGxAPI.H file.
33000 FLG_ERR_ICON_NOTEXIST -- The specified icon file does not exist.
34000 FLG_ERR_INVALID_IOSTRUCT -- The input structure is invalid. Either the definition area length or object area length does not match the length of the area it describes.
34001 FLG_ERR_NO_DEFN_AREA -- The definition area is missing in the input structure.
34002 FLG_ERR_NO_OBJ_AREA -- The object area is missing in the input structure.
34003 FLG_ERR_INVALID_POSITION -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
34004 FLG_ERR_IOSTRUCT_CONVERSION -- An Information Catalog Manager internal error occurred while reading the input structure or writing the output structure.
34005 FLG_ERR_INVALID_IOSTRUCT_NULL Byte offset The input structure contains a null character.
34006 FLG_ERR_OBJLEN_OBJCNT_MISMATCH -- Either the object area entry count or the object area length is zero.

If one of the values is greater than zero, the other value cannot be zero.

34200 FLG_ERR_INV_HEADER_IDENT -- The identifier in the input structure header area is invalid.

The identifier must be FLG-HEAD.

34201 FLG_ERR_INV_HEADER_DEFLEN -- The definition length in the input structure header area is not valid.

The definition length must be greater than 0 and a multiple of 160. Some API calls require a fixed definition length; see the syntax for the API call for the required definition length.

34202 FLG_ERR_INV_HEADER_DEFCNT -- The number of definitions expected based on the definition length in the header area is invalid for FLGExport.

The number of definitions must be five for FLGExport; therefore, the definition length must be 800.

34203 FLG_ERR_INV_HEADER_OBJLEN -- The object length in the input structure header area is not valid.
34204 FLG_ERR_INV_HEADER_OBJCNT -- The object area entry count in the input structure header area is not valid.
34205 FLG_ERR_INV_HEADER_CATEGORY -- Invalid category specified in header area.

For FLGCreateReg, the category value must be one of the following: G, E, C, D, or S.

For FLGCreateType, FLGCreateInst, FLGUpdateReg, FLGAppendType, and FLGUpdateInst, the category value must match the value for the related object type registration.

34206 FLG_ERR_INV_HEADER_OBJTYPEID -- The value of the object type ID in the header area is invalid.

This value must be identical to the object type ID generated for the related object type registration.

34207 FLG_ERR_CONFLICTING_HEADER_FIELDS -- The number of properties derived from the definition length conflicts with the object area entry count in the header area.

The number of properties equals the definition area length divided by 160, and the object area entry count must be evenly divisible by the number of properties.

34208 FLG_ERR_CONFLICTING_OBJTYPID Sequence number of property The value specified for the object type identifier (OBJTYPID) in the object area does not match the object type ID in the header area.
34209 FLG_ERR_HEADER_DEFLEN_EXCEEDS_MAX -- The definition length in the header area exceeds the maximum number of properties.
34210 FLG_ERR_NONBLANK_HEADER_CATEGORY -- The category value in the header area is invalid.
34211 FLG_ERR_NONBLANK_HEADER_OBJTYPEID -- The object type ID value in the header area is invalid.
34222 FLG_ERR_NONBLANK_HEADER_RESERVED -- The reserved area of the input structure header area must always be blank.
34500 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_NAME Sequence number of property The specified property name is not one of the property names required with this API call.
34501 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_PPNAME Sequence number of property The property short name for a property in the definition area is invalid. The value may be missing, using DBCS characters, or not using the value required by the API call.
34502 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_DATATYPE Sequence number of property The data type for a property in the definition area is invalid.

Valid values are CHAR, TIMESTAMP, VARCHAR, or LONG VARCHAR, depending on the API call.

34503 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_V_FLAG Sequence number of property The value flag for the indicated property in the definition area is invalid.

Valid values are R, O, or S.

34504 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_SVALUE_V_FLAG Sequence number of property The value flag for the indicated property in the definition area is invalid. The specified value flag is S, but the Information Catalog Manager does not generate the property indicated by the property short name.
34505 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_CS_FLAG Sequence number of property The case-sensitivity flag value for the indicated property in the definition area is invalid.

Valid values are Y or N.

34506 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_FS_FLAG Sequence number of property The fuzzy search flag value for the indicated property in the definition area is invalid.

Valid values are Y or N.

34507 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_UUISEQ Sequence number of property The UUI Sequence for the indicated property in the definition area is invalid.

Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or blank.

34508 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_LEN_FOR_DTYPE Sequence number of property The length value is invalid for the indicated property in the definition area because of the defined data type.
34509 FLG_ERR_INV_PROP_LEN_FIELD Sequence number of property The length for the indicated property in the definition area is invalid.

Check the API call syntax for the required length.

34510 FLG_ERR_INV_PROP_VAL_LEN -- The length field for a VARCHAR or LONG VARCHAR property value in the object area is invalid; it must contain right-aligned numeric characters.
34511 FLG_ERR_INV_RQDPROP_SPEC Sequence number of property In a property definition in the definition area, one or more fields required to define a required property are invalid.

For a required property, the following fields must be specified as shown in the input structure diagrams for the API call:

  • Property name (bytes 0-79)
  • Data type (bytes 80-109)
  • Length (bytes 110-117)
  • Property short name (bytes 118-125)
  • Value flag (byte 126)
  • UUI sequence number (byte 127)
34512 FLG_ERR_DUP_PROPERTY_NAME Sequence number of property Another property in the input structure already has this property name. Each property name must be unique in the input structure.
34513 FLG_ERR_DUP_PROPERTY_PPNAME Sequence number of property The property short name for the indicated property is identical to the property short name of another property in this input structure. Each property short name must be unique in the input structure.
34514 FLG_ERR_INV_TOT_UUI_LEN -- Reserved
34515 FLG_ERR_INV_UUI_LENGTH UUI sequence number The indicated UUI property length value in the definition area exceeds the maximum length for a UUI property.
34516 FLG_ERR_MISSING_PROPERTY -- The definition area for the object instance does not contain all the properties defined for the object type.
34517 FLG_ERR_MISSING_PROPERTY_NAME Sequence number of property The property name is required but missing for the indicated property in the definition area.
34518 FLG_ERR_MISSING_PROPERTY_LENGTH Sequence number of property The length value is required but missing for the indicated property in the definition area.
34519 FLG_ERR_MISSING_PROPERTY_PPNAME Sequence number of property The property short name is required but missing for the indicated property in the definition area.
34520 FLG_ERR_MISSING_REG_DPNAME -- The DP NAME (DPNAME) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34521 FLG_ERR_MISSING_REG_PTNAME -- The PHYSICAL TYPE NAME (PTNAME) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34522 FLG_ERR_MISSING_REG_CREATOR -- The CREATOR property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34523 FLG_ERR_MISSING_REG_UPDATIME -- The LAST CHANGED DATE AND TIME (UPDATIME) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34524 FLG_ERR_MISSING_REG_UPDATEBY -- The LAST CHANGED BY (UPDATEBY) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34525 FLG_ERR_MISSING_REG_NAME -- The EXTERNAL NAME OF OBJ TYPE (NAME) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34526 FLG_ERR_MISSING_UUI_SEQUENCE -- The indicated UUI sequence number was specified in the definition area, although the preceding number was not.

UUI sequence numbers must not skip numbers in the sequence: 1, 2, and 3 is valid; 1, 3, and 5 is invalid.

34527 FLG_ERR_MISSING_RQD_INSTIDNT -- The Instance identifier (INSTIDNT) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34528 FLG_ERR_MISSING_RQD_NAME -- The Name (NAME) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34529 FLG_ERR_MISSING_RQD_OBJTYPID -- The Object type identifier (OBJTYPID) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34530 FLG_ERR_MISSING_RQD_UPDATEBY -- The Last Changed By (UPDATEBY) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34531 FLG_ERR_MISSING_RQD_UPDATIME -- The Last Changed Date and Time (UPDATIME) property is required but missing in the input structure definition area.
34532 FLG_ERR_NOMATCH_PROPERTY_NAME Sequence number of property The indicated input property in the definition area matches the property short name for an existing property, but the property names do not match.
34533 FLG_ERR_NOMATCH_PROPERTY_SPEC Sequence number of property The indicated property in the definition area matches the property name and property short name for an existing property; however, the data type, length, value flag, or UUI sequence values do not match.
34534 FLG_ERR_PROPERTY_NOTEXIST Sequence number of property The property specified as part of the selection criteria does not exist.
34536 FLG_ERR_UNMATCH_DEFINITION Sequence number of property One of the following occurred:
  • The indicated property specified in the definition area for the object instance does not match any property defined for the object type.
  • The object instance has more properties defined in the definition area than are defined for the object type.
34537 FLG_ERR_PROPDUP -- Duplicate property name or property short name specified in the definition area.
34538 FLG_ERR_REG_PROPS_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE -- The registration properties are not specified in the correct sequence.
34539 FLG_ERR_RQD_PROPS_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE -- The required properties are not specified in the correct sequence in the definition area.
34540 FLG_ERR_INV_V_FLAG_FOR_APPEND Sequence number of property The indicated appended property has a value flag of S or R.

An appended property must have a value flag of "O" (optional property).

34541 FLG_ERR_INV_UUI_FOR_APPEND Sequence number of property The indicated appended property is specified as a UUI property. Appended properties cannot be UUI properties.
34542 FLG_ERR_NONBLANK_PROPERTY_V_FLAG Sequence number of property The value flag for the indicated property is not blank. The value flag is not used by this API call and must be left blank.
34543 FLG_ERR_NONBLANK_PROPERTY_CS_FLAG Sequence number of property The case-sensitivity flag for the indicated property is not blank. The case-sensitivity flag is not used by this API call and must be left blank.
34544 FLG_ERR_NONBLANK_PROPERTY_FS_FLAG Sequence number of property The fuzzy search flag for the indicated property is not blank. The fuzzy search flag is not used by this API call and must be left blank.
34545 FLG_ERR_NONBLANK_PROPERTY_UUISEQ Sequence number of property The UUI sequence position for the indicated property is not blank.

The UUI sequence position is not used by this API and must be left blank.

The data type is LONG VARCHAR and the UUI sequence position is not blank. A UUI property can be CHAR, VARCHAR, TIMESTAMP, but not LONG VARCHAR.

34546 FLG_ERR_NONBLANK_PROPERTY_RESERVED Sequence number of property The reserved area of the input structure property specifications must always be blank.
34547 FLG_ERR_UUI_V_FLAG_MUST_BE_R Sequence number of property The value flag for the indicated property is not valid because all UUI properties must have value flags of R (required).
34548 FLG_ERR_AT_LEAST_ONE_UUI_PROP_RQD -- None of the properties specified in the definition area are defined as UUI properties.

Every Information Catalog Manager object type must be defined with at least one UUI property.

34550 FLG_ERR_DUP_REG_DPNAME -- The DP NAME (DPNAME) specified in the definition area duplicates the DP NAME value of an existing object type registration.

The DPNAME value must be unique across the Information Catalog Manager database.

34551 FLG_ERR_DUP_REG_PTNAME -- The PHYSICAL TYPE NAME (PTNAME) duplicates the name of an existing table in the database.

The PTNAME value must be unique across the Information Catalog Manager database.

34552 FLG_ERR_DUP_REG_NAME -- The specified EXTERNAL NAME OF OBJ TYPE (NAME) duplicates the NAME value of an existing object type registration.

The NAME must be unique across the Information Catalog Manager database.

34553 FLG_ERR_INV_DPNAME -- The syntax of the specified DPNAME value is invalid.
34554 FLG_ERR_INV_DB_PTNAME -- The specified PTNAME value is not valid according to database syntax rules.
34555 FLG_ERR_INV_DB_DPNAME -- Reserved
34556 FLG_ERR_INV_DB_PROPERTY_PPNAME -- The property short name is not valid according to database syntax rules.
34557 FLG_ERR_INV_TOT_PROPERTY_LEN -- The total length of CHAR, VARCHAR, and TIMESTAMP properties, plus overhead, is longer than the maximum allowed by a database for each row in the physical table in the database.
34558 FLG_ERR_INV_PTNAME -- The syntax of the specified PTNAME value is invalid.
34559 FLG_ERR_INV_PROPERTY_CS_FLAG_FOR_DB Sequence number of property The value for the case-sensitivity flag is not valid for the database.
34560 FLG_ERR_SRH_PROP_VAL_TOOLONG Sequence number of property The search criteria value is too long. The maximum length when using DB2 on OS/390 is 254 bytes.
34561 FLG_ERR_EXTRA_PROPS_IN_IOSTRUCT -- The input structure contains one or more properties that are not in the object type definition.
34562 FLG_ERR_MISSING_REQ_PROPERTY Sequence number of property A required property is missing from the input structure of an FLGCreateInst or FLGUpdateInst API. The extended code points to the position of the missing property using the object type's complete definition.
34800 FLG_ERR_PROP_VALUE_REQUIRED Sequence number of property No value was specified in the object area for the indicated property. The definition for the property specifies that a value is required.
34801 FLG_ERR_PROP_VALUE_EXCEEDED Sequence number of property The length of the value for the indicated property exceeds the maximum length defined in the definition area.
34802 FLG_ERR_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE Sequence number of property The property value is invalid for one of the following reasons:
  • The value uses DBCS characters, but must use SBCS characters.
  • With FLGUpdateInst, the INSTIDNT value in the object area is not valid.
34803 FLG_ERR_INV_SRH_VAL_FOR_LONGVARCHAR Sequence number of property The search value for the indicated property is longer than the maximum length allowed for search criteria with a LONG VARCHAR data type (3000).
34804 FLG_ERR_INV_OBJ_LENGTH -- The actual length of the object area does not match the object length specified in the header area.
34805 FLG_ERR_PARMLIST_REQUIRES_HANDLES Sequence number of property The HANDLES property is not specified in the definition area.
34806 FLG_ERR_REG_CONFLICT -- The DPNAME or the PTNAME values specified in the object area do not match the values for the registration information identified by the object type ID.
34807 FLG_ERR_ICON_EXCEEDS_LIMIT -- The icon size is greater than the maximum icon size (30000).
34808 FLG_ERR_INST_VALUE_EXCEEDED -- The total length of the instance value exceeds the database limit.
34810 FLG_ERR_INVALID_CREATOR -- APIs FLGCreateInst and FLGUpdateInst found an error in the input I/O structure. The CREATOR value is not the same as the logged-on user ID. This is a requirement if the calling user is not authorized to perform object management operations.
35000 FLG_ERR_PRG_NOT_STARTED -- The program could not be started due to an unexpected operating system error.
35001 FLG_ERR_PROG_PARM_TOOLONG -- The parameter specified for the Parameter list (PARMLIST) property of the program object is too long for the platform-specific program invocation.
35002 FLG_ERR_INV_PROG_PARM -- The parameter list in the program object contains an unmatched token specifier (%), or a property delimited by token specifiers is not a property of the object type identified by the HANDLES property.
35003 FLG_ERR_PROGRAM_NOTEXIST -- The program to be started does not exist or the path specification is incorrect.
35004 FLG_ERR_INV_SYNTAX_STARTCMD -- The value of the STARTCMD property of the Program object is invalid.
36001 FLG_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED -- Access is denied when opening or reading a file.
36002 FLG_ERR_BAD_INVOCATION -- An error occurred on the Information Catalog Manager command line invocation.
36003 FLG_ERR_BROKEN_PIPE -- Unable to open or read the specified file.
36004 FLG_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36005 FLG_ERR_CANNOT_MAKE -- Unable to create the specified file.
36006 FLG_ERR_CLOSE_ERROR -- Unable to close the file.
36007 FLG_ERR_COPY_ERROR -- Unable to copy a file.
36008 FLG_ERR_DELETE_ERROR -- Unable to delete the specified file.
36009 FLG_ERR_DEVICE_IN_USE -- Unable to access a file; the file is currently in use.
36010 FLG_ERR_DIRECT_ACCESS_HANDLE -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36011 FLG_ERR_DISK_FULL -- The disk is full and the file cannot be created.
36012 FLG_ERR_DRIVE_LOCKED -- Unable to access a drive; the drive is currently in use.
36013 FLG_ERR_DUPHNDL_ERROR -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36014 FLG_ERR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT -- The icon file has too many extended attributes.
36015 FLG_ERR_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENT -- Some of the extended attributes of the icon file are invalid.
36016 FLG_ERR_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED -- Unable to copy a file with extended attributes to a file system that does not support extended attributes.
36017 FLG_ERR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE -- The file name or path was invalid.
36018 FLG_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND -- The specified path and file name was not found.
36019 FLG_ERR_FINDFILE_ERROR -- Unable to find the specified file.
36020 FLG_ERR_FINDNEXT_ERROR -- Unable to find the next file.
36021 FLG_ERR_INVALID_ACCESS -- Unable to write to the file; the file is read-only.
36022 FLG_ERR_INVALID_DIRECTORY -- The specified directory is invalid.
36023 FLG_ERR_INVALID_DRIVE -- Unable to access the specified drive.
36024 FLG_ERR_INVALID_EA_NAME -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36025 FLG_ERR_INVALID_FILE_NAME -- The specified file name is invalid.
36026 FLG_ERR_INVALID_FUNCTION -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36027 FLG_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36028 FLG_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36029 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36030 FLG_ERR_LOCK_VIOLATION -- Unable to access a file; the file is locked by another application.
36031 FLG_ERR_META_EXPANSION_TOO_LONG -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36032 FLG_ERR_MORE_DATA -- Unable to open a file; the file is too large.
36033 FLG_ERR_NEED_EAS_FOUND -- Unable to move the file to a drive that does not support extended attributes. Extended attributes are required for this file.
36034 FLG_ERR_NEGATIVE_SEEK -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36035 FLG_ERR_NOT_DOS_DISK -- The specified disk is not a valid disk or does not exist.
36036 FLG_ERR_NO_MORE_FILES -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36037 FLG_ERR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLES -- This Information Catalog Manager session reached the maximum number of handles.

In your CONFIG.SYS file, increase the value for the FILES= option.

36038 FLG_ERR_OPEN_ERROR -- Unable to open the icon file, tag language file, echo file, or log file.
36039 FLG_ERR_OPEN_FAILED -- Unable to open the icon file, tag language file, echo file, or log file.
36040 FLG_ERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND -- The specified path was not found.
36041 FLG_ERR_PIPE_BUSY -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36042 FLG_ERR_READ_ERROR -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36043 FLG_ERR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36044 FLG_ERR_SETFILEPTR_ERROR -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36045 FLG_ERR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDED -- This file cannot be shared, because there is a buffer overflow.
36046 FLG_ERR_SHARING_VIOLATION -- Unable to access this file. Another process is using this file.
36047 FLG_ERR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES -- Unable to open any more files.

Under OS/2, increase the value of the FILES= option.

36048 FLG_ERR_WRITE_ERROR -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
36049 FLG_ERR_WRITE_FAULT -- Unable to write to the disk. The disk might be locked or unreadable.
36050 FLG_ERR_WRITE_PROTECT -- Unable to write to the file. The file is read-only.
36200 FLG_ERR_NO_MORE_THREADS -- No more system threads are available.

Close some existing programs to continue.

36201 FLG_ERR_QDISK_FAIL -- Unable to access information about the disk drive.
37001 FLG_ERR_INV_RESTART_OPT -- The specified restart option (RestartOpt) was invalid.

Valid values are B, C, b, or c.

37002 FLG_ERR_INV_OBJTYPE_OPT -- The option on the ACTION.OBJTYPE tag is invalid.


37003 FLG_ERR_INV_OBJINST_OPT -- The option on the ACTION.OBJINST tag is invalid.


37004 FLG_ERR_INV_RELATION_OPT -- The option on the ACTION.RELATION tag is invalid.

Valid options are ADD and DELETE.

37005 FLG_ERR_TAG_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE -- A tag is not in the correct sequence following an ACTION tag in the tag language file.
37006 FLG_ERR_KEYNAME_TOO_LONG -- A UUI property short name on the INSTANCE tag is longer than the maximum length (8).
37007 FLG_ERR_INV_ACTION_TYPE -- The keyword on the ACTION tag is invalid.

Valid keywords are OBJTYPE, OBJINST, or RELATION.

37008 FLG_ERR_KEYWORD_TOO_LONG -- A keyword on a tag is longer than the maximum allowed for the keyword.
37009 FLG_ERR_PROPNAME_TOO_LONG -- Property short name on the INSTANCE tag is longer than the maximum length (8).
37010 FLG_ERR_VALUE_TOO_LONG -- Value in the tag language file is longer than the maximum allowed by its keyword, property short name, or UUI property short name.
37011 FLG_ERR_OBJTAG_DUP_KEYWORD -- A keyword on the OBJECT tag is specified more than once.
37012 FLG_ERR_PROPTAG_DUP_KEYWORD -- A keyword on the PROPERTY tag is specified more than once.
37013 FLG_ERR_RELTAG_DUP_KEYWORD -- A keyword is specified more than once on the RELTYPE tag.
37014 FLG_ERR_INSTTAG_DUP_KEYNAME -- A UUI property short name is specified more than once on the INSTANCE tag.
37015 FLG_ERR_INSTTAG_DUP_PROPNAME -- A property short name is specified more than once on the INSTANCE tag.
37016 FLG_ERR_OBJTAG_INV_KEYWORD -- A keyword on the OBJECT tag is invalid.


37017 FLG_ERR_PROPTAG_INV_KEYWORD -- A keyword on the PROPERTY tag is invalid.

Valid keywords are EXTNAME, DT, DL, SHRTNAME, NULLS, and UUISEQ.

37018 FLG_ERR_RELTAG_INV_KEYWORD -- A keyword on the RELTYPE tag is invalid.

Valid keywords are TYPE, SOURCETYPE, and TARGETYPE.

37019 FLG_ERR_CMMTTAG_INV_KEYWORD -- A keyword on the COMMIT tag is invalid.

The valid keyword is CHKPID.

37020 FLG_ERR_INSTTAG_INV_KEYNAME -- A UUI property short name on the INSTANCE tag is invalid.
37021 FLG_ERR_INSTTAG_INV_PROPNAME -- A property short name on the INSTANCE tag is invalid.

The property short name must exist in the object type specified on the OBJECT tag.

37022 FLG_ERR_INSTTAG_MISSING_SKEY -- SOURCEKEY is not the first keyword on the INSTANCE tag.
37023 FLG_ERR_INSTTAG_MISSING_TKEY -- TARGETKEY is not the second keyword on the INSTANCE tag when creating or deleting a relationship.
37024 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_PREMATURE_EOF -- The Information Catalog Manager encountered the end of the tag language file unexpectedly when importing the tag language file.
37025 FLG_ERR_PROPTAG_INV_DT -- The DT value on the PROPERTY tag is invalid.

Valid values are C, V, L, and T.

37026 FLG_ERR_PROPTAG_RESERVED_SHRTNAME -- The short name of a reserved property was specified as the value for SHRTNAME on the PROPERTY tag.

The following short names are reserved and cannot be specified as the SHRTNAME: OBJTYPID, INSTIDNT, UPDATIME, and UPDATEBY.

37027 FLG_ERR_PROPTAG_INV_NULLS -- NULLS value on the PROPERTY tag is invalid.

Valid values are Y and N.

37028 FLG_ERR_PROPTAG_INV_UUISEQ -- UUISEQ value on the PROPERTY tag is invalid.

Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

37029 FLG_ERR_INSTTAG_RESERVED_PROPNAME -- The property short name of a reserved property was specified on the INSTANCE tag.

The following property short names are reserved and cannot be assigned values: OBJTYPID, INSTIDNT, UPDATIME, and UPDATEBY.

37030 FLG_ERR_OBJTAG_MISSING_REQD_KEYWORD -- A required keyword is missing on the OBJECT tag.
37031 FLG_ERR_OBJTAG_KEYWORD_NOT_ALLOWED -- A keyword specified on the OBJECT tag is not allowed with the current ACTION tag keyword and option.
37032 FLG_ERR_PROPTAG_MISSING_REQD_KEYWORD -- A required keyword is missing on the PROPERTY tag.

Required keywords are: EXTNAME, DT, DL, SHRTNAME, and NULLS.

When NAME is specified as the value of SHRTNAME, SHRTNAME is the only required keyword.

37033 FLG_ERR_RELTAG_MISSING_REQD_KEYWORD -- A required keyword is missing on the RELTYPE tag.

Required keywords are TYPE, SOURCETYPE, and TARGETYPE.

37034 FLG_ERR_INVALID_DISKCNTL_TAG -- The values and keywords on the DISKCNTL tag are invalid.
37035 FLG_ERR_NO_VALID_INPUT_TAG -- The tag language file contains no valid tags.
37037 FLG_ERR_OBJTAG_INV_CATEGORY -- The CATEGORY value on the OBJECT tag is invalid.


37038 FLG_ERR_RELTAG_INV_TYPE -- The TYPE value on the RELTYPE tag is invalid.


37039 FLG_ERR_MISSING_LPAREN -- A left parenthesis is missing following a keyword, UUI property short name, or property short name.
37040 FLG_ERR_INSTTAG_NO_PROPNAME -- No property short names were specified on the INSTANCE tag.
37041 FLG_ERR_NO_VALUE -- The value for the specified keyword is missing.
37042 FLG_ERR_NO_KEYWORD -- A tag does not include any keywords.

At least one keyword is required for all tags except COMMENT, NL, and TAB.

37043 FLG_ERR_TAG_FOLLOWED_BY_GARBAGE -- A valid tag is followed by extra characters.
37044 FLG_ERR_BAD_PAREN_WITHIN_VALUE -- A parenthesis specified within this value is invalid.

A parenthesis within values must be surrounded by single quotation marks.

37046 FLG_ERR_PROPTAG_KEYWORD_NOT_ALLOWED -- A specified keyword is not allowed on the PROPERTY tag when NAME is specified as the SHRTNAME value.

Valid keywords in this case are SHRTNAME and UUISEQ.

37047 FLG_ERR_UNEXPECTED_LPAREN -- A left parenthesis is specified before an expected keyword, UUI property short name, or property short name.
37048 FLG_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RPAREN -- A right parenthesis is specified before an expected left parenthesis, keyword, UUI property short name, or property short name.
37300 FLG_ERR_CHKPT_DUP -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
37301 FLG_ERR_CHKPT_NOTEXIST -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
37302 FLG_ERR_INV_SAVEAREA_LEN -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
37303 FLG_ERR_INV_CHKPT_TOT_LEN -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
37304 FLG_ERR_MISSING_CHKPT_VALUE -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
37305 FLG_ERR_NO_MATCH_ON_CHKPTID -- Unable to match the system-saved checkpoint ID with any COMMIT tag checkpoint ID in the specified tag language file.
37500 FLG_ERR_REQUEST_A_NEW_DISK_FAILED -- The user did not insert the next tag language file diskette in the sequence.
37501 FLG_ERR_VERIFY_DISKETTE_SEQUENCE_FAILED -- The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while trying to verify the diskette sequence.
37502 FLG_ERR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_REQUIRED_PROPERTY -- Unable to find a specified property short name in the target database.

This property short name was specified on the INSTANCE tag while updating or merging an object instance using ACTION.OBJINST(UPDATE) or ACTION.OBJINST(MERGE).

37503 FLG_ERR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_REQUIRED_OBJTYPE -- Unable to find the object type name, specified on the OBJECT tag, in the target database.
37504 FLG_ERR_NONUNIQUE_UUI_KEY -- The specified UUI values identify more than one instance.
37505 FLG_ERR_MISMATCH_UUI_IN_MERGE -- In an object type merge, the UUI property short names for the object type in the input tag language file do not match the UUI property short names for the same object type in the Information Catalog Manager database.
37506 FLG_ERR_DATA_LENGTH_CONVERSION_FAILED -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
37507 FLG_ERR_MISMATCH_DATA_LENGTH_IN_MERGE -- The value of DL (data length) on a PROPERTY tag following an ACTION.OBJTYPE(MERGE) tag in the input tag language file does not match the value for the same property in the target Information Catalog Manager database for the same object type.
37508 FLG_ERR_MISMATCH_DATA_TYPE_IN_MERGE -- The value of DT (data type) on a PROPERTY tag following an ACTION.OBJTYPE(MERGE) tag in the input tag language file does not match the value for the same property in the target Information Catalog Manager database for the same object type.
37509 FLG_ERR_MISMATCH_PROPERTY_NAME_IN_MERGE -- The value of SHRTNAME (property short name) on a PROPERTY tag that follows an ACTION.OBJTYPE(MERGE) tag in the input tag language filedoes not match any property in the Information Catalog Manager database for the same object type.
37510 FLG_ERR_MISMATCH_CATEGORY_IN_MERGE -- The value of CATEGORY on an OBJECT tag following an ACTION.OBJTYPE(MERGE) tag in the input tag language file does not match the value in the Information Catalog Manager database for the same object type.
Unable to merge an object instance using ACTION.OBJINST(MERGE) before its object type is merged using ACTION.OBJTYPE(MERGE).

The ACTION.OBJTYPE(MERGE) tag must be processed before an ACTION.OBJINST(MERGE) for the same object type.

37514 FLG_ERR_NO_TAGFILE_ON_DISKETTE -- Unable to find the input tag language file on the provided diskette.
37515 FLG_ERR_WRONG_DISK_SEQUENCE -- The diskettes containing the tag language file were inserted in the wrong order.
37516 FLG_ERR_REQ_INST_NOTFOUND -- Unable to find the instance to be updated.
37801 FLG_ERR_NO_UUI -- Export encountered an object with no UUI and cannot process.
37804 FLG_ERR_GETREG_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGGetReg, which returned an error.

See the log file for information about how this error affects the export.

37808 FLG_ERR_GETTYPE_FAILED -- Reserved
37822 FLG_ERR_GETINST_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGGetInst, which returned an error.

See the log file for information about how this error affects the export.

37825 FLG_ERR_SEARCH_FAILED -- Reserved
37826 FLG_ERR_RELATE_FAILED -- Reserved
37827 FLG_ERR_LISTCONTACTS_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGListContacts, which returned an error.

See the log file for information about how this error affects the export.

37828 FLG_ERR_NAVIGATE_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGNavigate, which returned an error.

See the log file for information about how this error affects the export.

37829 FLG_ERR_FREEMEM_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGFreeMem, which returned an error.

See the log file for information about how this error affects the export.

37831 FLG_ERR_LISTASSOC_FAILED Reason code This function calls FLGListAssociates which returned an error.
37901 FLG_ERR_NULL_LOGFILE -- The log file pointer parameter value is NULL.

A value is required for this parameter.

37902 FLG_ERR_LOGFILE_OPENERR Reason code Import or export encountered an error while opening the log file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the error.

37904 FLG_ERR_LOGFILE_WRITEERR Reason code Import or export encountered an error while writing to the log file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the error.

37906 FLG_ERR_LOGFILE_CLOSEERR Reason code Import or export encountered an error while closing the log file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the error.

37908 FLG_ERR_INV_TAGFILE_LEN -- One of the following has occurred:
  • The specified name of the tag language file is null.
  • The full name of the tag language file including the path information, is longer than the maximum length allowed (259).
  • The tag language file name and extension are longer than the maximum length allowed (240).
37909 FLG_ERR_INV_LOGFILE_LEN -- One of the following has occurred:
  • The specified name of the log file is null.
  • The entire name, including the path, is longer than the allowed maximum length (259).
37910 FLG_ERR_INV_TAGFILE -- The specified drive for the tag language file is invalid because the Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while trying to access it.

If the tag language file is in MDIS format, then the drive cannot be a removable drive.

37911 FLG_ERR_INV_LOGFILE -- The specified drive for the log file is invalid. The specified drive might be removable, or an error occurred when the Information Catalog Manager tried to access it.
37912 FLG_ERR_ECHOFILE_OPENERR Reason code Import encountered an error while opening the echo file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the error.

37913 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_READERR Reason code Import encountered an error while reading the tag language file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the error.

37914 FLG_ERR_ECHOFILE_WRITEERR Reason code Import encountered an error while writing to the echo file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the error.

37915 FLG_ERR_INV_ICOPATH_LEN -- The specified icon path is too long.

The maximum length for an icon path, including the drive and directories, is 246.

37919 FLG_ERR_ICOPATH_NONBLANK_EXT -- The specified icon path (pszIcoPath) includes an extension.

This value should include only the path.

37920 FLG_ERR_INV_ICOPATH -- The drive or extension specified in the icon path is invalid for one of the following reasons:
  • The drive was not specified, the drive is removable, or the Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while reading from it.
  • A file extension was specified in the icon path.
37921 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_OPENERR Reason code Import, export, or FLGXferTagBuf encountered an error while opening the tag language file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the open error.

37922 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_CLOSEERR Reason code Import, export, or FLGXferTagBuf encountered an error while closing the tag language file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the error.

37923 FLG_ERR_ECHOFILE_CLOSEERR Reason code Import encountered an error while closing the echo file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the error.

37924 FLG_ERR_INV_ECHOFILE_LEN -- The length of the log file path with the tag language file name and the ECH extension is longer than the maximum length allowed for the complete echo file path and name.

This maximum is 259 characters.

37925 FLG_ERR_MAX_OBJTYPE_EXCEEDED -- The tag language file contains more than the maximum number of discrete object types allowed (3500) when importing or exporting.
37926 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_WRITEERR Reason code Export or the FLGXferTagBuf API encountered an error while trying to write to the tag language file.

The extended code contains the reason code for the write error.

37928 FLG_ERR_INV_TAGFILE_EXT -- The filename specified for the tag language file has an extension of ECH. This extension is invalid.
37929 FLG_ERR_INV_LOGFILE_EXT -- The filename specified for the log file has an extension of ECH. This extension is invalid.
37930 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_LOGFILE_CONFLICT -- The specified log file is the same as the tag language file. The two files must be different.
38000 FLG_ERR_INVALID_EXPORT_IOSTRUCT Sequence number of object The input structure for FLGExport is invalid.
38001 FLG_ERR_INVALID_CFLAG Sequence number of object The containee flag value is invalid in the FLGExport input structure.

Valid values are Y or N.

38002 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TFLAG Sequence number of object The contact flag value is invalid in the FLGExport input structure.

Valid values are Y or N.

38003 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_EXIST -- The name specified for the export output tag language file (pszTagFileID) points to a file that already exists.

The name of the output tag language file must not already exist.

38004 FLG_ERR_GET_ICON_FAILED Reason code Unable to export the icon for the specified object type.
38005 FLG_ERR_INVALID_AFLAG Sequence number of object The attachment flag on the export input structure is not valid. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N'.
38006 FLG_ERR_INVALID_LFLAG Sequence number of object type. The link flag in the export input structure is not valid. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N'.
39000 FLG_ERR_UPM_FAIL -- The User Profile Management utility failed (logon failed or logon user ID is different than connected user ID).
39001 FLG_ERR_INV_INPUT_PARM -- The input parameter keywords for the command are invalid or missing.
39002 FLG_ERR_MISSING_PARM_VALUE -- The input parameter values for the command are invalid or missing.
39003 FLG_ERR_INIT_BIDI_ERROR -- The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while initializing for the bi-directional environment. This applies only when the Information Catalog Manager is running on an Arabic or Hebrew machine.
39201 FLG_ERR_INVALID_USERTYPE_FOR_UPDATE -- The user type specified to be updated is invalid. The valid types are either the primary or backup administrator.
39202 FLG_ERR_INVALID_USERTYPE_FOR_CRT_OR_DEL -- The user type specified to be created or deleted is invalid. Only users authorized to perform object management tasks can be created or deleted.
39203 FLG_ERR_INVALID_ID_BAD_CHAR -- The specified user ID contains an invalid character. Refer to your database documentation for valid characters.
39204 FLG_ERR_INVALID_ID_NUM_START -- The specified user ID begins with a numeric. This is not a valid starting character.
39205 FLG_ERR_INVALID_ID_IMB_BLANK -- The specified user ID contains an imbedded blank. This is not allowed.
39206 FLG_ERR_INVALID_MUU_OPT -- The option specified for the FLGManageUsers API is invalid. Valid actions are FLG_ACTION_CREATE, FLG_ACTION_UPDATE, FLG_ACTION_DELETE, or FLG_ACTION_LIST.
39209 FLG_ERR_INVALID_PADMIN_USERID -- The specified user ID for the primary administrator is invalid. Verify the user ID syntax in your database documentation.
39210 FLG_ERR_INVALID_BADMIN_USERID -- The specified user ID for the backup administrator is invalid. Verify the user ID syntax in your database documentation.
39211 FLG_ERR_INVALID_POWERUSER_USERID Contains the index to the user ID in the input structure that is invalid. The specified user ID is invalid. Verify the user ID syntax in your database documentation.
39502 FLG_ERR_CDF_ERROR -- Reserved
39702 FLG_ERR_TERM_FAIL_COMMIT -- Reserved
40001 FLG_ERR_INVALID_CONFIG_PROFILE -- The MDIS Configuration profile file does not contain a valid BEGIN CONFIGURATION section.
40002 FLG_ERR_CONFIGFILE_READERR Reason code MDIS import encountered an error while reading the Configuration profile file.
40003 FLG_ERR_CONFIGFILE_CLOSEERR Reason code MDIS import encountered an error while closing the Configuration profile file.
40006 FLG_ERR_CONFIGFILE_INV_BEGIN_STMT -- The MDIS Configuration profile file contains an invalid BEGIN statement. Valid statement is: BEGIN CONFIGURATION.
40007 FLG_ERR_CONFIGFILE_INV_END_STMT -- The MDIS Configuration profile file contains an invalid END statement. Valid statement is: END CONFIGURATION.
40010 FLG_ERR_CONFIGFILE_INV_KEYWORD -- The MDIS Configuration profile file contains an invalid keyword.
40011 FLG_ERR_CONFIGFILE_INV_TEXT -- The MDIS Configuration profile file contains invalid text.
40012 FLG_ERR_CONFIGFILE_INV_VALUE -- The MDIS Configuration profile file contains an invalid keyword value.
40013 FLG_ERR_CONFIGFILE_VALUE_TOO_LONG -- The MDIS Configuration profile file contains a keyword value that exceeds the maximum allowable length for that keyword.
40015 FLG_ERR_CONFIGFILE_PREMATURE_EOF -- MDIS import unexpectedly encountered the end of the Configuration profile file.
40021 FLG_ERR_INVALID_TOOL_PROFILE -- The MDIS Tool profile file does not contain a valid BEGIN TOOL section.
40022 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_READERR Reason code MDIS import encountered an error while reading the Tool profile file.
40023 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_CLOSEERR Reason code MDIS import encountered an error while closing the Tool profile file.
40026 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_INV_BEGIN_STMT -- The MDIS Tool profile file contains an invalid BEGIN statement. Valid statements are: BEGIN TOOL, BEGIN APPLICATIONDATA.
40027 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_INV_END_STMT -- The MDIS Tool profile file contains an invalid END statement. Valid statements are: END TOOL, END APPLICATIONDATA.
40030 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_INV_KEYWORD -- The MDIS Tool profile file contains an invalid keyword.
40031 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_INV_TEXT -- The MDIS Tool profile file contains invalid text.
40032 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_INV_VALUE -- The MDIS Tool profile file contains an invalid keyword value.
40033 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_VALUE_TOO_LONG -- The MDIS Tool profile file contains a keyword value that exceeds the maximum allowable length for that keyword.
40034 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_CONFLICTING_VALUES -- The MDIS Tool profile file contains conflicting RECORD, DIMENSION, or ELEMENT values.
40050 FLG_ERR_TOOLFILE_PREMATURE_EOF -- MDIS import unexpectedly encountered the end of the Tool profile file.
40100 FLG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_MDIS_FUNCTION -- The Configuration profile file specifies a function that is not supported by the Information Catalog Manager.
40101 FLG_ERR_MISSING_REQ_MDIS_KEYWORD -- A required MDIS keyword is not present in the tag language file.
40110 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_INV_KEYWORD -- The MDIS tag language file contains an invalid keyword.
40111 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_INV_TEXT -- The MDIS tag language file contains invalid text.
40112 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_INV_VALUE -- The MDIS tag language file contains an invalid keyword value.
40113 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_VALUE_TOO_LONG -- The MIDS tag language file contains a keyword value that exceeds the maximum allowable length for that keyword.
40115 FLG_ERR_MISSING_DQUOTE -- A double quotation mark is missing following a keyword.
40116 FLG_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DQUOTE -- A double quotation mark was found unexpectedly.
40117 FLG_ERR_SPECIFIED_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND -- Unable to find a specified property short name in the target database.
40118 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_INV_END_STMT -- The MDIS tag language file contains an invalid END statement.
40119 FLG_ERR_TAGFILE_INV_BEGIN_STMT -- The MDIS tag language file contains an invalid BEGIN statement.
40130 FLG_ERR_INV_RECORD_SECTION -- A BEGIN RECORD section is incorrectly nested in the MDIS tag language file.
40131 FLG_ERR_INV_DIMENSION_SECTION -- A BEGIN DIMENSION section is incorrectly nested in the MDIS tag language file.
40132 FLG_ERR_INV_SUBSCHEMA_SECTION -- A BEGIN SUBSCHEMA section is incorrectly nested in the MDIS tag language file.
40201 FLG_ERR_DUPLICATE_IDENTIFIER -- An identifier value is duplicated in the MDIS tag language file.
40202 FLG_ERR_INV_IDENTIFIER_REFERENCE -- Either a SourceObjectIdentifier or a TargetObjectIdentifier value does not refer to an identifier value previously defined in the tag language file.
40211 FLG_ERR_INV_PART1_VALUE -- The value for the first part of an MDIS object does not match the parent value.
40212 FLG_ERR_INV_PART2_VALUE -- The value for the second part of an MDIS object does not match the parent value.
40213 FLG_ERR_INV_PART3_VALUE -- The value for the third part of an MDIS object does not match the parent value.
40214 FLG_ERR_INV_PART4_VALUE -- The value for the fourth part of an MDIS object does not match the parent value.
40215 FLG_ERR_MDIS_WORK_BUFFER_OVERFLOW -- An MDIS file (Configuration profile file, Tool profile file, or tag language file) contains a value that is longer than the maximum allowable size of internal work buffers (32700 bytes).
40216 FLG_ERR_MDIS_APPL_DATA_TOO_LONG -- ApplicationData section of MDIS tag language file exceeds limits for Information Catalog Manager Application data object type. Information Catalog Manager Application data object type is limited to 10 properties of 32700 bytes each.
80000 FLG_SEVERR -- Place holder; indicates the beginning of the numeric range for severe errors.
80002 FLG_SEVERR_NO_MEMORY -- The Information Catalog Manager is unable to allocate more memory.
80003 FLG_SEVERR_MEM_ERROR -- One of the following occurred:
  • A hardware memory interrupt occurred.
  • Some corruption in the Information Catalog Manager heap prevents the Information Catalog Manager from allocating or deallocating memory.
80004 FLG_SEVERR_NO_CSA -- Information Catalog Manager internal error.
80005 FLG_SEVERR_APIDLL_FAILURE -- The API DLL is missing API calls, or the API DLL could not be loaded.
80006 FLG_SEVERR_VIOPOPUP_FAIL -- The Information Catalog Manager is unable to display OS/2 character-based error messages using video input/output (VIO).
80007 FLG_SEVERR_BIDIDLL_FAILURE -- The Information Catalog Manager encountered an error while loading the PMBIDI.DLL. This DLL is needed when the Information Catalog Manager runs on an Arabic or Hebrew machine.
80008 FLG_SEVERR_DG2IFORDLL_FAILURE -- A necessary DG2IFOR.DLL file was not found or is invalid. The Information Catalog Manager cannot continue.
81000 FLG_SEVERR_STARTDBM_FAIL -- Unable to start the local database management system. Refer to your database documentation for an explanation of the SQLCODE.
81002 FLG_SEVERR_DB_DISCONNECTED -- The database disconnected unexpectedly.
81003 FLG_SEVERR_DB_INCONSISTENT -- The Information Catalog Manager detected an inconsistency in the Information Catalog Manager database.
81004 FLG_SEVERR_COMMIT_FAIL -- The commit call to the Information Catalog Manager database failed.
81005 FLG_SEVERR_ROLLBACK_FAIL -- The rollback call to the Information Catalog Manager database failed.
81006 FLG_SEVERR_NO_DBSPACE -- The database server has run out of space or the file system is full.
81007 FLG_SEVERR_DB_AUTO_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE Database SQLCODE The Information Catalog Manager encountered a database error and rolled back any uncommitted changes to the database.

Check the extended code for the database SQLCODE that describes the error condition that caused the Information Catalog Manager to perform the rollback.

81008 FLG_SEVERR_DB_AUTO_ROLLBACK_FAIL Database SQLCODE The Information Catalog Manager encountered a database error and attempted to roll back any uncommitted changes to the database, but this roll back failed.

Check the extended code for the database SQLCODE that describes the error condition that caused the Information Catalog Manager to perform the rollback.

The database might be in an inconsistent state and need to be recovered.

82000 FLG_SEVERR_INIT_FAIL -- The Information Catalog Manager encountered an unexpected condition, probably an OS/2 internal memory error, that prevents the Information Catalog Manager from running normally.
82001 FLG_SEVERR_TERM_FAIL -- The Information Catalog Manager encountered an unexpected condition, probably an OS/2 internal memory error, that prevents the Information Catalog Managerfrom releasing its allocated resources. The resources will be freed when the calling application session ends.
82200 FLG_SEVERR_GETREG_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGGetReg, which returned a severe error.
82201 FLG_SEVERR_GETINST_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGGetInst, which returned a severe error.
82202 FLG_SEVERR_LISTCONTACTS_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGListContacts, which returned a severe error.
82203 FLG_SEVERR_NAVIGATE_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGNavigate, which returned a severe error.
82204 FLG_SEVERR_FREEMEM_FAILED Reason code Export calls FLGFreeMem, which returned a severe error.
82400 FLG_SEVERR_THREAD_FAILED -- A severe error occurred while creating the new thread and Information Catalog Manager cannot continue.
82500 FLG_SEVERR_PARMS_MISSING -- The Information Catalog Manager required system table is corrupted or missing.
82501 FLG_SEVERR_DGEMPTY -- The Information Catalog Manager database contains no registrations or object types. The Information Catalog Manager database is corrupted.

Recover the database using your backed-up database files.

82502 FLG_SEVERR_TYPE_WOUT_PROPERTY -- No properties exist for the specified object type, or the Information Catalog Manager is unable to retrieve any properties.
82503 FLG_SEVERR_MORE_THAN_ONE_KA -- A security violation occurred; more than one administrator is logged on at the same time.
83001 FLG_SEVERR_CDF_ERROR -- Reserved
84000 FLG_SEVERR_DEMO_EXPIRED -- The evaluation period for IBM Information Catalog Manager Administrator has ended. Please contact the local software reseller or your IBM representative to order the product.
84101 FLG_SEVERR_DB_CONNECT_FAILED -- Unable to connect to database. Refer to your database documentation for an explanation of the SQLCODE.
84102 FLG_SEVERR_DB_BIND -- Unable to bind the Information Catalog Manager to the information catalog. The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected database error or cannot find the bind file in the current directory or path.
84103 FLG_SEVERR_INSAUTH_BIND -- You must have SYSADM authority to bind the Information Catalog Manager to the information catalog.
84104 FLG_SEVERR_CREATETAB -- Unable to create the Information Catalog Manager system table.
84105 FLG_SEVERR_INSAUTH_GRANT -- You must have SYSADM authority to grant access to the information catalog.
84106 FLG_SEVERR_CREATECOLLECTION -- The Information Catalog Manager failed to create an AS/400(R) library collection.
84107 FLG_SEVERR_ICON_NOT_GENERATED -- The Information Catalog Manager has encountered a system error, or is unable to find the Information Catalog Manager icon files or the Information Catalog Manager executable file.

The Information Catalog Manager icons will not be generated.

84108 FLG_SEVERR_DGCOL_NOTEXIST -- You must create the AS/400 library collection, Information Catalog Manager, prior to invoking this utility.
84109 FLG_SEVERR_DB_NOTFOUND -- The Information Catalog Manager cannot find the specified database. Create the database if it does not exist. Then, register the remote database on your workstation.

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