IBM Books

DB2 Query Patroller User's Guide

Table of Contents

  • About This Book
  • Who Should Use This Book
  • Conventions
  • Related Documentation

  • QueryEnabler

  • Introduction to QueryEnabler
  • About QueryEnabler
  • Before You Get Started
  • Overview of the Schedule Query Window
  • The Schedule Query Window
  • Calendar Section
  • Time Section
  • Special Submission Options Section
  • Scheduling a Query
  • Immediate Execution
  • Deferred Execution
  • Scheduling a Recurring Query
  • Setting Query Options
  • Setting the Execution Date
  • Setting the Execution Time
  • Setting the Special Submission Options
  • Waiting for Query Results

  • Returning Query Results
  • Using the Result Set Window
  • Returning Query Results
  • Canceling an Individual Query
  • Query Operations
  • Dropping a Table
  • Canceling All Recurring Queries
  • Canceling All Queries and Dropping All Tables in a Schedule ID
  • Resubmitting a Query
  • Exiting the Window
  • Scheduling a Recurring Query
  • The Recurring Query Scheduler Window
  • Accessing the Recurring Query Scheduler Window
  • Opening an Existing Schedule for a Recurring Query
  • Setting a Date Range and Time
  • Using the Perpetual Calendar
  • Scrolling through the Calendar Months
  • Understanding the Symbols for a Calendar Cell
  • Scheduling a Query for a Specific Day in the Perpetual Calendar
  • Scheduling a Query to Recur Every Day in a Given Date Range
  • Scheduling a Query to Recur Weekly
  • Scheduling a Query to Recur Monthly
  • Scheduling a Query to Recur on the Last Day of the Month
  • Saving a Recurring Query Schedule
  • Sending a Recurring Schedule
  • Removing a Recurring Scheduled Query
  • Removing a Query for a Specific Day in the Perpetual Calendar
  • Removing a Recurring Query Scheduled to Run for All Days in a Date Range
  • Removing a Weekly Recurring Query
  • Removing a Recurring Monthly Query
  • Removing a Recurring Query Scheduled to Run on the Last Day of the Month
  • Viewing a Report of Scheduled Queries

  • QueryMonitor

  • Introduction to QueryMonitor
  • About QueryMonitor
  • Before You Get Started
  • Starting QueryMonitor
  • Stopping QueryMonitor
  • Using QueryMonitor
  • Default Columns in the QueryMonitor Main Window
  • Push Buttons on the QueryMonitor Main Window
  • Displaying a Job List
  • Specifying Which Jobs to Display
  • Choosing Columns
  • Reordering the Job List by Column
  • Resizing Columns
  • Refreshing the Job List
  • Displaying Detailed Job Information
  • Fields Above the Tab Section in the Detailed Information for Job Window
  • Displaying Result Information
  • Displaying Time Information
  • Displaying General Information
  • Refreshing the Detailed Information for Job Window
  • Closing the Detailed Information for Job Window
  • Submitting a New Job
  • Dropping a Result Set
  • Modifying Job Status
  • Resubmitting a Job

  • Appendixes

  • Appendix A. Notices
  • Trademarks
  • Trademarks of Other Companies
  • Appendix B. Contacting IBM

  • Index

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